HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-03, Page 5' a November 3rd, 192x• L DUSINESS CARDS LEY E. HOLMES leABIU$TER, SOLICITOR, NOT ART PUBLIC, RTC, /Aimee% Hamilton Street, Jr>virt oil On square, GODERIOIH, Ont 'Assad attention to Ceurit,ela and Court Work, EIrs Holmes may he conealtei at tglissEureich by gelnreversed. phone rha Dr. 8-. IL COVEN o, al, D. Di B. ENTAL SURGEON 31BITZ' BLOCK, ZURICH ev- .. , Thursday, Friday and Satyr - APS Main Ottiee .- see a TLi®IB'S BLOCK, BASSWOOD Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk heittier of Marriage licensees. Notary Mu'bllc, IConxmeetioner, 2'iae and Aut- Colaile Inenerenee Representing tons & Erie Mortgage Corps's'' igkien, The Canada Tritst Co. ONTARIO ZURICIIL — imo°&" py0� dors., istiattete Carey M. Jon's Nat • ipa1 School of Anetionees'1nr ry ma tor Begietered Live }reed;. Stock UR Breeds). Terms in Choice • prevailing prices. IRMA for sale. Will sell anything 5J ) 8 18 a 1Zurich. 18-93 or -rite, licensed Auctioneer 'FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - Gnat .any auction stile, regardless Eat to else or articles to sell. 1 &1le1t your business, and it not 'Panelled will make no charges tor, fir„ ►crew. . F iD,aelswood, ileacisse T./Arthur 7 giber, N041•••N tNN'N: lunch Ned S • • Fresh and Salt, Meats 1 Bologna Sausages, etc • Sighed Cash Price far Wool CASH FOB SHINS ac HIDE'S : MARKET oigb11t &` 1 Reichert moi ZURICH LIVERY' 'Y yam in a a position to aceomo- ilSilite all requirements in the Livery litisiness, have Auto for hire. Any ming done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL "Sone ag Zurieb,Ont.' LIVE POU LT RY WANTED Nikon every day till 5 O'eleek,g.m. ,ills mot teed fowl Isms morning• . kooght int 41lii:... hest _ Cash Prices POS--• Cream and Eggs W. O'Bjr en 1 'Amon 04 Zurich He adquaTrters TIRESTUBES leer ANI Storage Batteries IL S. WEIN, Pr©p;. abatwoot two* silt it t, FORS 1 well fenced land in a high;state of Years :,r t,ti?s and proaperity, we cultivation. For full particulars : apply en the premises. Geo. E. Johnson, Varna, P.O. P L OUR Wants, For SaIe,,Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN AUCTION SALE ,Of , CHOICE DURHAM GRADE 1 CATTLE At WAXERS BARN, BRUCEFIELD On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, At 2 o'clock, Consisting of — 1 4 -yr. old cow, due in Nov; : 3 .a -yr. old cows, due in Jan; 2 7 -yr, old cows due in March milk ng" now; 1. 5;yr. old cow duein March, milking now; 1 Holstein cow, -milking now; 8 2 -yr. ,. old steers; 10 2 -yr. old 'heifers isalf fat 10 yearling isteers and heifers. 10 Shoats aveaging 80 -lbs. TERMS -6 months credit on ap- proved joint. notes, or 4 per cent tstraight off for cash, k Holland .& Turner, Proprietors. Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in fnath e- all shooting is strietlyfor- bidcden on Lot 28, cee. 11; Lot 28 corn 12; N., pt, Lot 27) con. 12, Hay Township. . By Order.. , David. Schwartzentruber. • FARM FOR SALE A :very desirable farms consita- ing of 12S acres of c•hoiee clay loam being Lot 21, Concession 10, Stan- ley township. There its on ;the property a good brick houise,with Y`F Mr. and Mra,. L, Goodbread of Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of Mr.. and lxi,s.Ed. Axt: Rev. R. M. Geiger of Cliesle3'l, called on his parents here on Tu- esday evening, while on his way to Hamilton. Mr, J': W. Ilorner advises us that they are still pi,ehleg , .'ipe raspberries from, their 'statics in tails' garden. Mr. and Mrs. Goo, W. Holman of G•oclerich, " were guests 'this week of Mr. and Mrs. E, F, Klopp. *Mr. and Mrs. Wrie, "Hydein of Listowell were Sunday visitors at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line. Mrs. J. 0, Schaff„ Miss Rush and Louise_Schaff, Mrs. Avery, I%irs. tz Bell ,and Mr. 'Jack Avery all- of London, spent tSuuday at ..the Williams home.. Mr. and Mrs, Gerhardt of De- troit, and Mx., and Moe Brandon of Pelgrave, were recent visitors at the home of Mr and 1'rrs, J. .W Tigrnesa Y Mr. and Mrs. Gerdon Witnt,erand Mr, and • •Mrs, Roy Perkins of Deleoait, were week -.end v:si:o.s at the house of the formers_ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer .of the Goshen Line, south. Thanksgiving Day will be sob - served on . Monday as a national furnace in, and running water at holiday, (and' all places of basin - Toth house and barn. Large ess will be 'closed ;on Zurich, as well bank barn with straw shed, and Ws in •other towns. When we a- s good outbuildings. iFarnu is gain loon. back.o ; er the past, NOTE Earn $25 weekly up at home ad- ~luring 'the past year. dressing envel.opey. No canvass- iing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulynrs for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney,.,Nova Scotia. • FOR SALE fes1 that the most of es'have Many things to thank Providenc1e for. So let us all -join hearts and aapprec- late otr national, material as well as ' piritu,al blessings we received 1, 5-h. p. Lister Engine. 1, 5 -ton weigh scale, apply to S. E. Mernee, Bayfield. STRAYED.. Unto my premises,Goshen Line south, Hay, about Oct. 6th, .ayear- ling heifer. Owner can have sante by proving property and nettling all accounts. Louis Wurr.. WANTED We argil in the market for Dutch sett onions of good quality. High est market Prices paid. T. L. Warm, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable dwelling pro- perty in Zurich, with three lots of good land, good frame house, good (hard water well, fruit trees 'esattered th ouglo it the I`otn'nion Tine location. Apply to and Newfoundland, Ind its own Andrew Price, Zurich.: rlfices in the fin'tneial centres of Great Britain, Frame, the United States end *foxier}, while ; its paid -gip capital. 'amounts to $29,916, 700, with fa reserve account of a like amount.' Persons who hold Victory Bonds falling due on Noov. 1st or Dec. lst, can ezchanget he bonds for Huron & Erie Debentures. Bring your boonds to me and I will arrange it se that your interest will go on from Nov. lst 'or Dec. Ist.A The Huron & Erie pays 4'% twice a tyear. The Huron &. Erie and Canada' Trust have ;over sixty million dollars assets. —A. 'F. Hess, ' Zurich. , In this weeks., publication we are inserting an a.dvertisenment an- nouncing the 110th anniversary of the foundation of.•.1he Bank of , Montreal, of which there is a b branch in Zuric:a, same taking p:aec on November 3rd. This birthday birthday coincides with the+ est- ablishment by the Bank of a new record, its total assets at the end of September being in excess of $8]9,000,000, which las not only !she highest figures in the annals of theBank,' bat � establishes a total never be'are attained by any i ani. in" the history" of this tot ntry:Th^ Rank started with one small of- fice in rented p:en;:ises in ivlo:,t:real+ with ea paid-up capital of $350,000 Today it has over 600 ,\branches FOUND In Gascho's Store a pur,'se with a quantity of mloney, in it. Owner can .have same by proving prop- erty and paying this adv. NOTICE TO FARMERS—After Novem- ber 1st chopping and rolling will be done'at true mall ,on Tuesdays Thursday and Saturday of each week, during the whole day. Williams Bros., Zurich.- NOTICE. urich. NOTICE We carry a ,complete line of Poultry supplies, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. II•ogarth BabyChick Hatchery, Phone 47 J, Exeter, Ont. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Soranton ALSO CARR* nta Coke I'ocaha s and Soft Coal ROOD SUPPLY ON HND YOUR R O RDERS EARLY TO Case & Son P'!IR' o 3Ca" FOWL SUPPER The Fowl Supper on the Evan- t'eiteal church property last Wed- n,eday e\-en:ng, ioache l the c`ini ax. for attendance on an ocea'sion of its kind, ll.n future we would ad- vise the .tuanagen:.ent of this event to advertise that only a limited number of people can be <tecouto- dated. instead of "Everybody Come'. Immediately rafter six o'- clock people etartod to crowd in and the ,longor it 1:4yent the great- er the jar . was experienced, at times there 'were aroi.,na four hun B'r'ed people Waiting for adi. cion and many seeing there was no pose sibility of ,gutting an, they left foto a''1ies lion :s o: refreihn4'nt , tone going to Brinley where also a fowl supper was given. The pro- ceeds of course, were mach larger than at any, other at this Place and anointed to 'approximately $900.00, While the management of this un- dertaking is ,pleased with the fine proa;eeds, yet they regret very lnuth that many people••could not receive better acro , iuodat7 on but this was ,unavoidable on their part. In short, it was "a good thing over done; as ;around 1200 people gath- ered curing the evening. After, what was tEEiought an abundance or fowl, had a:1 been conlaumed ,neatly all the supplie;s in the local but-` cher shops were also exhausted to fend the'lhmngry multitudes of peoples+ , It will godown in' history as stn event 'probably t n- eecelied in the entire duration of the congregation, Vriend iswere present from, London, ]Sarnia, St- ratford, Kitchener ,land many other painiu, ;nater the supper a Very appropriate .i,rogras , was • render ,,.;1 in which 1V Ir. Melvin 73,own of t��n�y1 c�y! �+i1} Yy� Xitobencn', wh�o....is• aq radio ;singer, iif NS &Li 17 ::.fid vi ell ;Ir 1' v ' v THE CONTROL OF WEEO ti Measures and Methods for Get- ting Rid of Them. Education Must Accompany Legis- nation+— Farmers , ,L' il[e to i3e shown — Results of Experiments on Over Seventy, Farms, '(Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) N Ontario two methods have been tried for the control of noxious weeds, namely legislation and education. Under legislation there is "The Act to prevent the spread of Noxious Weeds," The main clauses of this act are as follows: 'livery occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner, shall oitt down or destroy all Canada Thistle, Ox -eye Daisy, Wild Oats, Ragweed, and Burdock growing thereon and all other noxious weeds growing thereon to which this act may : be extended by bylaw as hereinafter provided, so often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the -,ripening of;their- seed, if such cutting or destruction does not in- volve the destruction' of growing grain, "The council of any local munici- pality raay, unici-pality_m,ay, and upon a petition of fifty or more ratepayers shall, appoint at least one inspector to enforce the 'provisions of this act in the munici- pality, and fix the amount of remun- eration, fees, or charges he is to receive for the performance of his duties; and if a vacancy occurs in the office the council shall fill the sante forthwith. "Any person who ,knowingly sells or `offers to sell any grass, clover or other' seed, or any seed grain among which there is the seed of Canada Thistles, Ox -Eye Daisy, Wild Oats, Ragweed, Burdock, or .Wild Mustard shall for every such offence incur a penalty of not less than $5 and not more than $20. "Any person who sows any wheat or other grain knowing it to be in- fested by the disease known as suint without first using some proper and available remedy to destroy the germs of such disease, shall incur a penalty of not less than $5 and not more than $20." -A few years ago an investigation was made into the effectiveness of this act and it was found that out of the , six hundred townships of On- tario, only ninety-two were making any effort to enforce it. In forty- nine only had inspectors been ap- pointed. In regard to the work of inspectors, seventeen townships re- ported the work of the inspectors as satisfactory; fourteen reported that the 'work was 'partially satisfactory. Out of the six hundred townships of the province, fifteen only reported that this act was successfully en- forced; seventy-two that it was par- tially enforced; and the remainder re- ported that it was practically a demi letter. It would seem from this in- vestigation that legislation is having but little effect in the control of weeds in Ontario. Legislation without education is, in the opinion of the writer, useless. It is only when the sentiment of those concerned is behind an act that is can be successfully enforced and such sentiment can be created only by proper education. In regard to education, consider- able has been done by the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union. This organization 'in co-oper- ation with the •Department of Botany at the Ontario Agricultural College has carried on, during the past eight years, co-operative experiments in weed eradication. Over seventy farmers have conducted successful experiments. The • weeds experi- mented with were — Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Gross, Bladder Cam- pion or Cow Bell, Wild Mustard, Ox - Eye Daisy Field Bindweed, Wild Oats and Chess. The objects of these experiments is to get data from which definite statements may b* made regarding the best methods of controlling the various bad weeds. It is hoped to include more weeds each year until exact information has been obtained concerning the eradiation of most of the bad weeds in the province. The results of this work are pre- sented each year at the annual meet- ing of the Experimental Union at Guelph and the more important re- sults are published in the annual report. Six of these experiments have new • been carried on for' eight successive years, and some very valuable infor- mation obtained regarding the con- trol of such weeds as Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Cam- pion, and Wild Mustard. This infor- mation inay be briefly summarized as follows: 1. That good cultivation followed by rape sown 'iu drills provides a means of eradicating both Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. 2. That rape is a more satisfactory crop to use in the destreetiou of Twitch- Grass than buckwheat. 8. That rape gives much better results in the eradication of Twitch Grass and Perennial Sow Thistle when sown in drill's` and cultivated' than it does when sown broadcast. 4. That thorough deep cultivation in fall and spring followed by a well cared for hoed crop will destroy Bladder Campion. 5. That mustard tnay be prevented front seeding in oats, wheat or barley by spraying with a twenty per Cent, solution of iron sulphate Without any Serious inure tp the etending crop or to fresh seeaings of clover. In addition to thi8 experimental and educational work of the Agricul- tural Experimental rural an 7cpe al Ultioil, the Department of Botany has carried on various e7tperititcn' in 1h:.i+..- i.i.t of t in: tr.t3 +, t)i•' the provinee.-eyeot. J t1, liowltt, 0, A, Colleges Crueliphk" ,. sae urich WWWWWWW rug •Store s• F s r, w Ipn! pier orry eaa PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dr, A, J, MaoKinncn Zurich AilvwFmFmN MW RPM MW,r PIM MR +++++++++++++++++++++++++• ,-.a.{..1.,i.,F•••••••�F•�€»F�F•P�+0 ARE Y - OOFI�� r? .17 4 4 4 4 4 + + + + i 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITS ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 TEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND ITFI E,BEST. We stili have a large quantity of Gyproc on hand. The Fireproof Wallboard,. Use it. for walls and ceilings to repair the old plaster before you spring decorate,. C. K(:LBFLEISC PHONE 69 � a ZURICI-I 1"++i+++++++#-E+d+i+++++++++++++÷÷4.14++++++++44+++•+++++40 Get your Buggy Light Now! You must have them Electric Lamps $1O. Oil Lamps $2.75 Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZURIOR ssn»�;�n�ss nr- -'-" • •+44'•,,••••••••••••••••4• ♦.t•eo••s••+►•••••••4*••a••eII • Auto-- and Auto Supplies • tt WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, e AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE • VARIOUS LINES • CORD TIRES 30x334 AT ONLY ,,. ,,, $8,50 • TUBES 34.3j4 AT ONLY........ ......... ......... ... .........$115:040e GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERTES AT 1 SECOND HAND 13¢ H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. p 2 FORD TOURING CARS ate, • •i 1 FORD ROADSTER :GAIL. e 1 GOOD TRAILER. ,:.,..,es -••;y. • ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. • WE DO EXPERT BATTED''! WORK ON REPAIRING • • RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND •• CARRY JUST 'PHE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE • YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICt+I FOR YOURIO.NEY: !FARM IMPLEMENTS AND It PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL; OUT . PUMPS, Greases Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and G# e pp 4s • L. A. Prang :rich 1444444044444.44+1444rc;,4044444448-04.44,-,14,' *4'eS •