HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-11-03, Page 11101,-XXVUUI No i7 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 19270 Cheater ] Snaith, tiAbialsototk111,25 Year 10 AET*0104,' *1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 /KAY BE p$$, 1 Make your Fall purchases in Zurich. Read the Ads. then Aet! Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT ROOM I,. for October Ir. pr.-Wilferd Sn ith' 167, Dor- urthy Voisin 159,;A1nceda Deieh- t 157; 'Wellaax Snaith 139, Calvin Chiel 129, Laird . Thiel Sr. Pr. -Archie MacKinnon 181, Voris Quigg 175e, Allen Gascho 168 ea oresi Mittleha tz.163, Doris Mey- ers 156; Mildred Haberer 154, Dor- .een O'Dwyer 127, Alphonsus Gren- ler 85. , Jr. `Snider Alice Beaver 240, Anthony Voisin 223, Marie -Bedard 191, Lewis Thiel 171, Mary "Merrier 149 absent. Sr. I-Maet, Smith. 2.90, Laura Dei. - chert 290, Veo1a4Klopp 276, Pat- ricia •Ducharmie 260, Karl Stein- bach 235, Lawrence Voisin ' 22,7 Lawrence Bedard 172, • Eileen Bea- ver 157. Jr. Il -Margaret Schwalm 382, Grace Meyers 351, Theresa Zettel, 300, Hubert Smith 252, Peter Voisizj. 227, Albert c1ausins 187, Edn..a Ko - I -Vera Decher 308, 'Elgin ehenvs,165- 276, .Mar. ,orae Galiman 2.49, t Mrs. G, .Koehler,, Teacher. ▪ HY4+++444-6 ++++++444.44+++.4+ 4+++++++++++4.++4.+•++++++ The DUPLEX - INTER HANGEABLE PRIVILEGE ÷ ORDINARY \LIFE WITH PREMIUM% REDUCED - The premium, rates are greatly reduced. For instance, the Duplex Life rate for $2,500 life insurance at age 30, is $45.00 compared to the usual Or- dinary Life Farticipatingrate of $60.63, -the difference re- presenting a gcaranteed dividend /of $15.63 each year. RETURNS FAVOR INSU KED -Under• the Duplex the bene- fits are exceedingly high for ,the premiums paid. For ex- .,• ample, a young man at age 30 wound in 30 years deposit ,g, $1,350 (less 15 years dividends) for $2,500 of life insurance. i At that time he. would have $1,120 cash to his credit. Thus the cost of $2,500 life insurance amjounte to only $7.67 a" year 03.07 a 'thoulsand); subject to. reduction by the div- ,; idends after the 15th year, LONDON LTPE INSURANiCE COMPANY, of London, Can. ,lg •1• 44.144444. ++,04.+++ +*4^.'++41+++4+*++4+4444•+r'a+4.+44+++++ 4. 4. o,. E. OESCH -- Zurich. ••••••••• 'S ecies oGe0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. • NEWEST • • i dj ion F Thou.. Li Fall Footwear i Brown's Boot Shop Windows • `� FORBTSL& A.N. INTERESTING STORY OF NEW FALL • FOOTWEAR EASWONS. THEY ARE AUTHORATIVE AS THE 1 LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. Room, II Sr. Hi -Alice Decker 503; Beat rice Gescho 500; Margaret Haber.- er. 492: Quiimbe Hess 484, Ruth Ch- urch 470, Alwyn Stenbus 402, Ha-. zel Uttley 397, Dorothy Stel374;. *Rosa Zettel 365, Harry Foster. Jr. II! -Charles Thiel 380, *Len- ora Haberer 359, Paul Hess 329, Shirley Koehler t3022, *Louse Will- ert 2 °6, (Rocs JohnsLon 256, ,'Vera Deichort 237, *Albert Lebold 203, *Stewart Thiel 157, *Armand Gren- ler 94, Ralph Uttley absent. Sr. II --Fie l Brown 547, Edith De:chert`'' 1;7, Lee:and, Schwalm 471 Beatrice Thiel 4.47, Reta li'leisch auiar 423, Willie Brawn 411, *Blanche Greiner 404, *Morley Salni:on 372, Beatrice (Meiding'er 357, *Homer' Salmon 350, Ruth Foster • 336, Jack Merrier 309, Karl Rembe 289 *Bertrand Deichert 239. *Those narked missed one or rrLore .exams. 0. ,0''Brein, Teacher., Room, ILL , . The following results -Were bas- ed on exam,inatioons in Artithmetc Geography, History, Grammar and 'he,d dyeing the month of September and October. Sr. IV -Violet Schwalm 79% Hugh MacKinnon 77, Harold Stade 76, Richard Bedard 74; Nelda Schwalm 73, Ivan Willert• 70, Ad eline Sleischauer 69.5; 'Baby eh Church 69, Laurette Farwell 63, Earl Yungb,ut- 62, Pearl Strain's 61 Helen Thiel 55, Mary Kochen7us 54.5, ''George Ducharna,e 15, Byron Du charrue 43, Francis Kipper and Cecil Uttley, absent. Jr IV -Earl Flaxboard 79, 'Heel vey Clausius 73, Albert Heidein-in 69, •Gordon Howald 68, Margery Gascha 66; Milverna Geiger 64, 6, *Clifford Salmon 61, ' Flossie Stead: 60, Leonard Smith 59, *Alberet De- ichert 59, Olin Foster 57, *Antion- • • eta? Grei'e , 56, Po -and Grenierancl e .Clarence ,Smith, absent. Mrs. Ed. Apt is 'spending a few weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 5. Gottschalk of Seaforth visited with friends here a: few •days last week: Mr. and M 's, T, L. WI iirlrj5 lye,* 'Si=)day visitors with relatives in St Marys. Rev, and Mrs, W. Y. Dreier are attending the hig Missionary Con- vention at Listowel] this week. Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Faust and family of Detroit, visited v;th the former's aunt, Miss Lydia Faust on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Make Horner an 1 family and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger motored to C'hesley on 'Monday. Mr. Alfred Melick and daughter MI's. Geiger, of Elkton, Mich., vis- ited with friends here, at Crediton and Kitchener, for a few days: this week. Mr. Land Mrs. Adana: Sippel \1 and 'so11, ilfred of Milverton, were week -end vis:tors with relatives in this community. 'Mr. and Mrs. S, !Brand, Ma. and Mrs. J. (Hoffm•an and daughter Lillian all of London, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mrs. G. llIess aneMiss AnO_ The annual Ixsreting of. the Zara th ,Jubilee Band will be .held in the Band Hall, on Thursday even- ing, November .3rd. Judge Lewis of Goderich was in the village on 'Thursday and presided over the Court of 'Rev ision of the Voter's List and the Those marked * missed one or''selection of jurors, more exams. Miss Elda Ca'lfas, who was at F. M. Kalbfleisch, Teacher, ; London Hospital, where she un - 'dement an operation for appen- dicitis, return::d to her home last week, much improee1 in health. • • • • • • • r 411 - THEY WILL .I]4IPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW a • • • STANDARD OE VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICES` 0 • AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION' • • HERE GOOD SHOES COST LES • WHERE 0 SEF! OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Brown's Boot Shop REPAIEINREPAIRING• NEATLY DONE 41 '.` wee• . •+s • •••••••••••ile •e;•••••eees•e•• 4,4.9i•dM+�e�� 39 �FraR"�Fy"dt0,44 4.446•.•9 4,0.00. H -40 ^rt) •d•q+6s®r166�♦b♦•• 0 ERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Prices $8. to $35r ry 3 This is the largest and best as.t o *�► Coats ever shown in Zurich • Va► Stanfield's and Pen aa •µa .;w Cone in and see for yourself -�1► - GASt1E0' 11" iL,r' 'NASD Underwear 1=10.FP an's Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. • Mr. `and Mrs. T. L. Williams at- tended the funeral of the late Rev. Dr. Colin Fletcher, at IIensel' to Thames Road tchurch, last Tuesday Jr League, Tuesday eve. 7.00. afternoon. The del+arted being an Our airnl s to- instruct, build and uncle to Mrs. Williams, and the enrich the lfe and oiiaracter of funeral was one of the largest ev- the Juniors. ' er experienced in that church.• Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise Friday 7130 pim.--Sr. ELCE Our program is fascnating inspir- ing and educgtnve. If you come once you will - come always. Friday 8.30 p.m. -Choir Practice Hank, where on -earth were you, last Sunday? 01i its just a c4'se of Sunday its Listen Hank. Your bad example ia contas,iouus and hai.'nn,'ul. I ll now only one Wiele t is pleased with it and he wears • horns and 'h000fs. Oh Shank you • .make me feel creepy and it tse- 4$.enr I • rn"1 b-, ins o e Y0.10'0h-• to, for missing worship 25 times since May. and nu warning you that you must swerve into• is better way •ar your won't need bothering to take an overcoat a- long to where you, go when you die-. Whew! Shank; you're bor- ing a hole right through into ir.y conscience about this chi reh go - n•;' bt,'siness. Well then there's a !spark jot hope left :for you. Well 'I know it Shank. I've lorir.rd the gadding habit. I'm 'sorry too, .for its erowing 000 me, as a rolling ,snowball' grows on a warm! \'inter day. This is what I'll do+. break this habit before it i reaks tee, '1'll go, with you. to • church. froin 6 4. 4 O 4 4 F -4 4 4 4. 4 41, 4 • 4I 8 4. r� l 011+ 4 dt 40,50!O,641.'4, *A . i' .0 %1.'p' calR 'tle�4.' '. 440.4,04,4,04,4.4; i1. Stinday 1.0,00 alai Worship Subject -What Shall I . sender un- to the Lord. 11 ,a.ni 33ible School, X. Gascho, Superintendent. 7.30 p.rn.-Worship Subi+eet-Hin!ship with God anis!. A very inteeesting social took place in the town hail, Zurich, on and Mrs. E. F. Kiopp entertained the. members of Huron County Co - evening. A full report of which will appear in our next iasue. Sorry to report that Mrs. Sol. Bochler of the Bronson Line, was on Sunday sWcken with an at- tack of „ippendicitis and was immediately rus'aed to London Hos- pital, where she was at. once oper- ' ated on, and of. lat3st reports we are glad ,ta learn, is improaing as wellies can be expected, The, exceptionally fine and warn.. weather continues to stay with Us regardiese of the weeks and months alipping by% Here We !are now in Novi.m,er with weather just like tthe beginning, of Sept- ber, people Isitting but on the ✓ emaridah far the aLernoon, every- thing with exception of the trees lool;ing ,so nice and green, as we have had praaieally froost to !do any damage. .A nice showep o n Tuesday moiling was mech. ap- prccietld, as farmers find it al - heavy ;soil. Mr, and Mrs. C. Fritz and eon Ward motored to St. Jacobs on Sunday, Mr_ Frit:0 remaining at obs. and a former priacipal. of Z. P. School, will jurney on by motor ro) to the Parry Sound' District> Whera they intend to spend a week or so on the deer hunt. We hope they will be .successful in landing <leer family, 4:5' li‘rit's many Zurich friends aro longing for Rev, W. Y. Dreier, Pastor M IC. rVartittally send ov,er to the ' • Ladies' iirrist Watches HERE IS A REAL OPPORTUNITY To. wear a Wrist Watch Fancy -Green or white casesj, 15 Jewel Movenaents ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED See them, in our Window. Hess, The Jeweller Buy the COA COKE SOFT COAL MILLER'S CREEK Arriving Soon A CAR OF PRINCE EDWARD Mar LAND GRADE A, WHITS POT -- Phones -Office lOw. Hones 3.00 • • • a LEATHER GOODS, ETC, 2 4 Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHEWGOODS, HARNESSI ta. OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BRAG% lirt COIN AND OTHER PURSES A PINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE Ma ANKETS, ETC, ON HAND SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and ?see ieur fine display of Uaefull Goad% HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR sErmasi,. School Footwe NOW is the time to secure Schoo Footwear for Style and Service while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LI NES TO SHOW YOU IN MEN4 + • WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEA.R. + A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKBOOTS. • Where Quality, Style and Prices Can t We Win! SHOE MERCHANTS 3132AIRING 2:110E210 DUB Fall and ,Winter GOODS Wz, can supply your wants at the right pric IN THE LINE OF GOOD WARM UNDERWEAR, MACTUNAW SHIRTS FOR MEN AND BOYS WIND BREAKERS, MU:P- ERS, LINED SMOCKS, ETC ALSO FLANNEL AND PLA.NN-ELETTES AND DRESS 00130.t=7„ WOOL AND ;FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, STOCKINGS AND) SOCKS, MITTS, AND GLOVES, HALTERS AND HARNESS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R1 N. DOUGLAS PHOAIE 11 97," SLAK