HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-10-27, Page 7DEBILITY DUE TO INDIGESTION Perfect; Digestion Comes Through Rich, Red Blood, Thera can be no perfect digestion" unless you^have rich, red blood. This le scientifically true, It is also true. that there is no tonic for the stomach that is not a tonic for every other part of the body. The way, then, to tone up the stomach is to tone up the blood. The many so-called stomach reme- dies merely try to digest your food for you, How much better it is to tone up' the stomach so that it will do its own work as nature intended. There is no pleasure in eating pre- digested food. Tone up your stomach and your appetite and digestion will soon be normal. If your digestion, is weak and your blood thin you need the help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to enrich the blood and restore strength. In addi- tion use caro in the selection of your food and your stomach trouble will soon pass away. Mr. Gordon Dun(las, robber, a blackleg and •a lot of other j A �F rovince"'Wide Campaign ign I things?„ "We did," said the editor, To Prevent Motor Accidents "Well, sir, I'm here to tell you my nniddle initial is T. and not H. If you can't spell my name correctly, have Highway Safety Committee Takes Spectacular Steps to the gOOdnees to leave 3t alone.' Make for Greater "Traffic Consciousness" —,- Laws and --� Regulations to be Rigidly Enforced while 65 per aunt of the divorces Aninteresting campaign, hasare 00 peed cebynt the wives, they also coin- cases it Was found that most :acaidentsv get 100 per cent, of the alimony. menced in Ontario with, the idea of lessening. appreciably the number of motor car accidents. While a ton- centrated effort. in accident preven- tion began on October 7 to last for a couple of weeks,, the plan is to con- tinge the work permanently in the hope that Ontario's streets and high- ways will be more safe for both motorists and pedestrians. A serious problem has arisen in On- tario because of the sudden increase in the number of motor vehicles. At present nearly 400,000 cars are own- ed in the province. Even with this number the question of accident pre- vention would be of considerable pro- portions, but at certain times the num- ber of visiting motor cars equals the number owned. Several counts last summer established this' fact so that Ontario has to deal with nearly 800,000 individual motor drivers. The Peterboro, Ont., tells as follows what l chances are that this number will be this medicine did for. him. . He says: exceeded during the touring season of 1928. Form Special Committee To the end that accidents may be greatly lessened, a Highway Safety Committee has been formed. The executive of this committee has as its chairman the Ontario Minister of Highways, Hon. George S. Henry and the other members are W. G. Robert- son, Secretary of the Ontario Motor "Something over a year ago I was a gasoline salesman when I was taken sick. I felt miserable and lost twelve pounds in weight. I did not sleep well and could not eat as I could scarcely retain anything in my stom- ach. I went to a local doctor who told ene the fumes of the gas had got into my system. He gave me some medi- cine and told me I had better go to the country for a change of air. I did ! League; S. F. He Wyse, Secretary of so, but I still felt listless and groggy, and had no ambition. . On the advice of a friend I decided to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I had not been tak- ing aking the pills long before I was begin- ning to rest better, and to eat fairly well. I kept on taking the pills until at the end of the seventh box I knew I did not need any more, as I had gained the weight I had lost, slept well and could eat anything. I have since had splendid health and cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- and finally boiled down to the con- cino Co., Brockville, Ont. elusion that motor car accidents can be prevented by the exercise of com- mon sense and courtesy. It was felt that the province had sufficient laws and regulations affecting motors. The next step was to impress the individual driver with a sene of his or her re- sponsibility. It was ascertained that many drivers with years of experi- ence xpertence had failed to realize the great increase in traffic, while the motor car had 'become so common that new drivers had not appreciated its dan- gers. In -other words an effort had ee be made to get the public "traffic conscious." Coming to concrete the Ontario 1Safety League; • S. J. Dickson, Chief of Police, Toronto; T. Marshall, Secretary of the Ontario Board of Trade; J. P. Bickel], Regis- trar of Motor Vehicles; and R. M. Smith, Acting Deputy Minister of Highways, Co-operating is an advis- ory committee comprising all editors, heads of municipal governments, police chiefs, presidents of boards of trade, automobile clubs and service clubs. The executive have held a number of meetings during which every phase of the situation was discussed. The views of all experts were canvassed Napoleon's Elba Villa Falling into Ruin The villa built by Napoleon, on the Island of Elba, in which he. had prob- bably intended to spend his declining years, is falling into decay. It was at ane time the property of Anatole 7iemidoff, a Russian Prince, who pur- i chased it from the Bonaparte family. Near by, the Prince built a museum in which costly paintings and sculp- tures were- interspersed among many relics. of- the- "Little Corporal.” A eollection of Sevres porcelain in the museum was Bald to be the finest in the world.' -. In 1872 Anatole Demidoff cried and Lis nephew, Prince Paul, sold the con- tents of the museum at auction, includ- ing a tooth of the' Empertir's, e:ttract- ed when be'was a child, and a lock of his hair taken from his head after his death at St. Helena. Signor Gray, a Fascist member of the Jtalian Parliament, recently paid a visit to Elba. He viewed the condi- tion of the historic villa with surprise, and has decided, it is said, to bring the matter before Mussolini. II Duce at one time referred to Elba as "ferrugi- nous and Napoleonic." It is no longer the former, because all of the iron mines have been exhausted. And only prompt aid, it is reported, can prevent the latter attribute's becoming like- wise inapplicable. Fast -Easy -Cutting the human element being excluded, arose from defective brakes, defective steering gear and glaring headlights. Of these, -defective brakes provided by far the most common source of acci- dents. Traffio Consciousness" It was determined first to arouse. this traffic consciousness in the pub- lic by a publicity campaign And this campaign was to be backed up by a rigid enforcement of laws and regula- tions. Co-operation was readily secur- ed throughout the province, on the part of the police, heads, of municipal gov- ernments, and the traffic patrol of= Deers. Striking advertisements calling at- tention to the need of more care in accident prevention are appearing • in most papers throughout Ontario. Posters are hung in every garage and filling station and stickers with the words "I'm for Care and Courtesy, Are YOU?" have been sent to every filling station and garage to be pasted in the lower right hand corner of windshields. Half a million of these stickers bave already been sent out. Information was supplied to practical- ly every newspaper so that the editors might call attention to what was be- ing atempted. This information was used in many ways in the newspapers. The radio stations and motion picture houses also co-operated. Prominent men vnd experts on safety gave talks over the radio, the first one being given by Hon. Mr. Henry. Billboards are also used, so that nothing has been overlooked to arouse what officials call "traffic consciousness." In the meantime officials of the On- tario Department of Highways are do- ing all in their power to suppress. reckless driving„and those drivers who cut into traffic. It is planned to weed out such drivers by cancelling their licenses. Of course no mercy is being shown those who- attempt to drive while under the influence of liquor. Drivers who suffer from any physical or mental infirmity that makes them a menace on the highway will also be refused licenses. During September 54 convictions were registered for intoxication when in charge of motor cars. The penal- ties imposed varied • from seven to. thirty days, while every driver so con- victed had his license to operate and his motor vehicle permit suspended. They could not drive and their cars were tied up. During the same month 68 motor vehicle permits were sir. pended for reckless driving and these drivers were prohibited from driving any car for periods ranging from three days to two years. The Skirtiet. When- the grass with dew is wet; Little ,skirt, you need not fret; Vp above it you're so high That yoir can't help keeping dry. How many of us feel like arbitrat- ing when we feel sure we eau lick the other fellow] It's getting so the magazine ads are prettier than the covers. It seems themore money a man has the more reluctant he is about going to jail. ;+_-- - When your•tea doesn't taste, right the chances are that it is put up in an inferior package. To be sure of get- ting tea of unvarying good quality, see that the package is rust, dust and damp-proof. In other words, make sure it is Red Rose Tea in the bright, clean, sanitary aluminum package—the finest container ever used for tea. 7T British Pedestrian Carries Motor Horn London.—The Japanese police in- junction to motorists to "tootle with vigor" in warning of their approach now has been emulated by a pedes- trian in Southampton. A citizen who dislikes what Lord Dewar called "sur- viving by leaps and bounds" has fast- ened a small but strident motor horn to his walking stick and sounds it when about to cross a street. The •- disconcerted motorists—hear- ing the warning but not seeing a mo- tor—invariably pull up while the pe- destrian calmly crosses the road. ' A Now York minister asserts that stopping crime is the work of the church. Judging by results, they must. have been waiting to find out which church. ECTACLES ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Non - Breakable Clear Vision Will give you a younger and yet more distinguished appearance. Built kr 5trcn.th, Comfort and Beauty. Light as a feather with smooth Rand -polished nose bridge and gratefully curved temple bows that cannot cut the most tender nose or ears. A work of beauty and a delight for the wearer. Se d No Moneys" --Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed Let me send you on 30 Days' Trial my imnaus"Crown" Spectacle9, Will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest need le, See far or near, 11 yeti are not amazed and delighted ,i1 you do not think tnyspectacles at onlyy $3.98 equal to those sold elsewhere at $r5,o0, send theta back. You won't lose a cent. You are to be the sole'udge. Hundreds of thousands nowinuse every Where. Beautiful case included FAO:. lust send your name, address and age on the coupon below. twill alto tell you how to get n pair faryouraeIf wirlinut cost. AND NAM CC+LFIP6 CroWn Spectacle Coo Mit. 1g 0 Fro t Street W., Taranto, Cot. Coo I wa::t to try your spectacles for 30 days, This places me under no obligation. Also please tea T :Am.,/ to got a pair for myself FREE, SUMIandNo_�--- .Aw .W-- --" Theo, r. rY IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a baby or young children in your home? if there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Baby's Own. Tablets are the ideal home remedy. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers—in fact they relieve all the minor ills of little onee. Concerning them Mrs. Morse Cabotte, Makamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. My baby suffered terribly from indi- gestion and vomiting, but the Tab- lets soon set her right and now she is in perfect health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "A girl may express her individual- ity but pa usually pays the freight." • Minard's Linimentfor Lumbago. "He could not resist her lustrous orbs," says a serial. The eyes have it. If Mr. Coolidge doesn't choose to run he better not try to cross any of our down -town streets. All the happy married women seem to be a little overweight. The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft squelched by the neighbors. Flirtation is attention without in- tention. Freedom from debt is one kind of freedom some folks never know. If you cannot boost or cannot help in any other way, keep still and don't knock and you will be doing some- thing, Stealing a kiss is really only pet- ting larceny. Theatrical folks as a class," says a writer; "do not take enough daily exercise." Yet how they enjoy a long run. A play two thousand years old was acted the other day; but it is not true drat a number of revue -writers went .with the idea of picking up new gags. Old Lady (stopping "double—deck" bus irr the pouring rain—"Airy sitting room?" Cheerful Coliductor—"No, ma'am; but there's a bath upstairs." There carne 0 premirtory knock et the door, and into the editor's private f.ancturn walked a very angry man. "You are the editor?" he,Snapped.. "My name is tlorgtn T. David. Yes- terday your paper printed an article about me. you called ane a thief, a eats stacker Saves Fuel Comes to the boil far quicker than other wares. Gets the work done faster -thus sav- ing fuel. The kettle sings sooner when it is SMP Enameled Ware. The , vegetables are done on time. You waste no time and you use less fuel. Ask your local hardware mer- chant for that econo- mical, fuel -saving p� F c Olse'rtvtSneti METAL r-i;oouc 8 . Co?utlntu MONTREAL ibnoNr0 'WINNIPEG '4 , [ntIcno •,r VANO0 ,rf CAlkARv '16, orte RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is tic "best tea you can buy"—picked when only; th ee, days old—juicy, flavor -filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminum. Hospital Contributions. • "That motorist is always contribut- ing to the hospitals." "I thought he was pretty close with his money?" "Yes; but more liberal with the people he hits and sends in." For all pains—Minard's l-iniment. Broken Shackles. "My dear," said the old man ten- derly, enderly, "to -day is our diamond wed- ding, and I have a little surprise for you." "Yes?" asked his silver -haired wife. He took her hand in his. "You see this engagement ring I gave you seventy-six years ago?" • "Yes?" said the expectant old lady. "Well, I paid the final instalment on It to -day, and I am proud to an- nounce that it is now altogether yours." ISSUE No'. 43—'27 Because a girl ref used to marry him a man in Essex has stayed at home for fifty years; but we've known a man to do that just because the girl did marry him. We shall simply have to build more and bigger stadiums, that's all. It looks like they are being born even faster than one a minute. In the search for success, vision and foresight are both essential. m. Will there be snow in England? In Scotland the ponds freeze and they go skating at Christmas; but England often sees a green December. It would be a won- derful change for you to go home; and the comfortable crossing is alone a good holiday. Are you going ? The Anchor -Donaldson Steamer E: Letitia" leaves Montreal for Scotland on November 26th. The Cunarder ``Ausonia" leaves Montreal for the Channel Ports on November 25th. Special Christmas sailings from Halifax for the second week in December will enable you to " arrive in plenty of time for plum puddings and haggis, bagpipes and pantomimes. Round trip from $155.00 up; everything included. Children half fare. Your Steamship Agent will make all arrangements. cCANADIANd SEIWICE' �ll�,�Oifrldsan „I h LINES 83 THE ROBERT REFORD Co-, LIMITED Cor, Bay 8s Wellington Streets. TORONTO Classified Advertisements stLTSICAL INSTRT7l'1LB t g. LTLTRAPHONIC GRAMOPHONE, 38 selections $105.00 fur $55.00. Guar. arrteed. Poisson, 340 Mount -Royal Eattt. Montreal BUSINESS OIOANCES elAN START YOU IN PROFITABLE! L/ business making unbreakable ,glass substitute on wire bate for porches. greenhouses, henhouses Sample, infor- mation sent. 13ox 26 Exeter, Ont. FA~thin FOR SAl• 1 M.' NY BAR- GAINS. Write for f1+,•: fist farms, Mr. Douglas, I•Ierkimer, N.X. MARRY — RI:;LIABI I:' MATRIMON- IAL IAL paper mailed free; many Can- adian people listed. Acidness Friendship Magazine, Medina, N.Y. BOYS 'a)� q•�� "W0RZ GIRLS v Pmso® Given r',iuST VEIN Simply sell 50 Sets of Our Famous Christmas Seals for 30c a set. When sold send ns 50.00 and 1 •" e2.t0. We trust you till Xrnaa. Sr.. NP7imlas Seal Co., Dept. C0,1 WL, iirooklyn. N Y., U.S.A. Commander Savage, of the Ameri- can Legion, said in Parte: "It is a splendid sight to see Eur o.T. at peace." It isn't, but it world be. A generation axo t'.'.:r3 were a thousand men to every opportunity, while to -day there aro a thousand op- portunities to every man.—Henry Ford. - S:ire Tiff, at Spread on brown paper and apply on outside. Reduces swell- ing and eases pain. , av �Y�¢4�k �•y� ll_-�'1 � l L� i' F PAM ltv 1 ]r ,gip �. � gp �. � . ._ .����. ��-:• -moi-.,- R1JN-ON AETER' BIRTH OF BABY, Ottawa Woman Made Strong by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ottawa, Ontario. —"I was terribly run-down after the birth of my third baby. I had awful bearing-downpains and was afraid I had serious trouble. I was' -tired all the time and had no appetite. My sistor-in-lawis taking. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and cannot praise it too highly' and asked me to try it. I have had. splendid results and feel fine all the time now. Any one who needs a thorough pick-me-up soon learns from me what to take."—Mrs.RENE'; PAQUIN, 312 Cumberland Street, Ot- tawa, Ontario. Terrible Backache Hamilton, Ont. "After my baby was born I had terrible backache and headaches. I could not do mywork and felt tired from the first minute I got up. But worst of all were the pains in my sides when I moved about. 1 had to sit or lie down for a while of--" terwards. I could keep my house in, order, but many things had to go un- done at the time, because of my ail- ments. I was told by a neighbor to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as she said it would build me up. I was relieved before I had taken the first we bought and have not had any trouble like it since."—'.1 Mrs. T. MAnKLS, 60 Burton Street,l Hamilton, Ontario. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Toothache l haral1i tism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept Oill'y "Bayer" p tckagd which contains proven f 1, ectirats. FIandy "Mayer" boxes of 12 tablets Alas betties of 24 ancl• 100--i)ruggisto. Aspirin ie the trade Mark (regiatered hi Canada) et Bayer Ntattntaetere '01 :tfonoacetle- aetdegter of $alloylieacid (ACet$1 Siallcytic Aeld, "A, 5. A."). `While 11 is well known that Aapirht mote Bayer maaufaeture, to assist the pnblle against imitatleua, cite fiablete et Bayer Company Will be stamped midi their general trade multi tlri, '' 1a; er l7rtiCibl'ti