Zurich Herald, 1927-10-27, Page 5h•tixt:sril:'a'r •r)ietobe• 2'T, ]tJ2Z 1311 n anitleD ; �.. Fates ind 1195101103 CANA DulAx3rE.HOL ES 'IllieRRISTEld, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, BTC, Wile*, Hamilton GC/DEMOB, Ont t off. Vie t $quare, !Special eittentiem to Oceansel wind Court Work, Solnsete may be euelanito+2 at, Meelltaich by phone 'and phone chervil reversed. Dr. W II. C O W E N 141. Do, EN ®.ILS. DENTAL SURGEON 'St DEITZ BLOCK, ` ZURICH ev- , :ars T1ureday, friday and i9atsar- Sive Maln Mies 111111STLEIWS BLOCK, DASHWO011 Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk leayear of marriage licenser. Notary Scabllc, Commieie'►'o', Tete and Aut- ;pmobile Insueranee Representing Myron & Erie Mortgage Coepor- The CanadaTrust Co. — ONTARIO ZURICH tl - psalm`XLOZ!, orattuate Carey M. Jones Nat IOW School of Auctionee+rinRgtoc• ' for Registered Live keeFri k SIB Breeds). Terme in ,Choine g WM prevailing prices. Una for Bale. Will Bell anything allgewberse11-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer SOB HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TOard N - `B act any auction sale, 1 eta to adze or articles to sell. dlleit your business, and if not atlsiied will make no charges for, '.- I3aeh zaood. ;�w x giber, Zurich Meet • o MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Sausages, etc +ria -Bo logna Highest Cash vAOAST(, , FOR SKINS & H1DES ' iCun,gloiut &< Deichext•,�tr�MMl�N�f�fiO�m�IM�O ZURICH LIVERY ►m in a piolaitrion to aceomo- arite all req rementa in the Livery Flnetea, have Auto for hire. Any daring done in the t'eamilag line. ,GEORGE J. THIEL PUT YOVB Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COL VMN STRAYED Unto ;nay premiaes, Babylone Linc', Hay Tp., a (Spring . calf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Simon Greb, Zurich, NOTE Earn $25 weekly up ,at homie ad- dressing envelopes. No canvass- ing, Everything furnished. Spare or foul time. Particulars for ta-up. Mai 11 Service, Box 9, 'Sydney, .Nova Scotia. CARD OF THANKS Mr. David Plante, of St. Joseph wishes through this medium to extend his most 'sincere thanks for the liberal contributions and sup- port they many peoople of the com- munity have so generously given daring his recent misfortune by the loss of his horror with fire. WANTED Wet aret in the market for Dutch sett onions of good quality. High est market prices paid, T. L. Wurniy, Zurich. . HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable dwelling pro- perty in Zurich, with three lots o;. good land, good fran.ie house, good (harci water well, fruit trees fine location. Apply to Andrew Price, Zurich. FOUND In Gaseha s Store a purse with a quantity of money in it. Ownr can have same by proving prop- erty and paying this adv. NOTICE TO FARMERS—After Novem- ber 1st chopping and rolling will be done at our mill ,on Tuesdays Thursday and Saturday of each ;week, during the whole day. Williamis Bros., Zurich. FOR SALE A good cook stove, burns wood or coal, in good .condition, apply to Louis Prang, Zurich. STRAYED From, my farm. Lot 14, con. 5,. a red yearling heifer with horns. Finder will be liberally rewarded by notifying Donald Burn's, Hen Sall, Ont. • FOR SALE A first class good used ,piano, a real bargain at $150.00. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE OR RENT—I am offering the Zurich Skating Rink for Sale or to Rent. Good reason's for do- ing so. Otherwise it will be cl- osed this winter. Apply to Lee O'Brein, Prop., Zurich. iyll+klome bee Zmtich,Ont. FOR SALE A number .of fine white Leg- horn Cockerels for sale, apply to Frank Kochems, Zurich. R,. LIVI3 POU LT R'Y WANTED lirilkea every day till $ O'clock,p.mq. sot feed cowl name morning Ifeliken br1iught in: hest Cash - Prices „clan FOR. -- Cream and Eggs 1' 4 W. Q' meal 5 o Zvriit h NOTICE. We carry a complete line of Poultry 'supplies,' Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Phone 47 J, Exeter, Ont.. FOR SALE A good 'aecondhand Rubber Tire buggy for Sale F,yice is right. George Heas, Zurich., , 1 S ICOAL 1927 le dquarters WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOE THE FOR Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY, TIRES TUBESA, , Coke Pocahantas } BEd Solt Coal AND .4 ek GOOD SUPPLY ON BAND Storage Batteries- TELEPHONE TO TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS Case & Son H. S. ' 'EIS - Prop. "OW T1OTM ST1i6 ' T x:: , tie N SF,', RENS a; le -3 LOCAi. NEWS Mar. and M>,°s, Louis A, Prang virs-' ited inkAubui,•ai en Sunday. • Mr. Ri3.. Howald has returned• to Slabiown for the winter. ' Mr. and IY,irs W •K1oPp and falx.,- ily of Stratford, visited' with rel atives .here. Mr. ,and Mrs, Jas, Ti'evet'biek of Brin's'.ey, spent Sunday at thehorte of Mr.; and Mrs, W. 1G,, Head, Mrs. Lydia Wile* spent ,a, tew daysthis ,week, with Mr, W. If, Pfile. Mrs. D. Witmer and daughter of Exeter, were recent visitors' with relatives) here, . Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith and little Mae 0•nd Mr. Dan. Sr,ith,were Nveak-end visitors with relatives at New Hauuhurg. Mr. F. TIegs, the Treasurer of Zurich Agr,cultural Society has be- en authorizedt oo' pay out prize nLoney for 1927 Fair, "Mr. and Mrs. Dan. ,Oswald, Mr. and 'Mrs, Martin Wurm, spent Sun- day at the honit> of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Levy of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, George ,Zimmer ir.an and daughters, Haley and. Edna, .were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. G. Hess and Miss Anna. , Mr. and Mrs. M, Tun and ,sons Leonard and George, of London spent Sunday at the hoMe hof Mr. and Mr's. Chas. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dumart',and Mr. and Mrs. Ratz of Waterloo; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Ely. Yungblut. Miss R. Ratz, N., whd has been visiting here the past week, re` -turned with then:. Mr. Leonard Klopp and faiuily of Waterloo Dr H .F' Kropp and family of • 'k'elland and Mrs.. J. Wagner' of Shakespeare were vis- iting their mother, M.S. Wm. K1opp over Sunday.• The r°.;;;uiar monthly meeting of the Council of Hay Township Will ha held next Monday afternoon, October 1131, ion account of the first Monday. in Nooven.bar being Thanksgiving Day. • The Department Income T:3.x Revenue, London i;rarieh, 'wish to advise the publiet hat that the 31, of October next is the last day for the paynr..mt of the 4th • in- •stalment due in respect to 1326 Dominic) .nIncoree Tax Ass:'ssntents. All cheques are to be made pay- able to the Receiver General, of Canada. The apple clop this ,year in this section is at failure and oniy laa few orchards in the coninina,iaaty Brave is mop, only thus 'tvho :pray and !give their orchards good at- tention, are reapie g the reward of their labours, ast he fruit is sell- ing from $4.50 ;o $3.00 for P,U;iil clean hand. picked frust. :incl they ind a ready dery rad for gheir ,;nods att his price. The fall wheat throughout this section as ,well as in practically all parts of :Western Ontario, is in the very , best of condition. and ha sso far had enough growth that it should withstand the elements that the winter ,seasonb rings a- long. The weather however has been very dry the past few we- eks, and farni.rs on heavy soil find it alaie_ t impossible to , do their fall plowing. Persons who hold Victory Bonds falling due on Noor'. 1st or Dec. 1st, can ewchanget he bonds for Huron & Erie Debentures. Bring your boonds to me and I will arrange it so that your interest will go on from Nov. 1st or Dec. 1st. • The Huron a: Erie pays 3'i, twice a tdear. The Huron & Erie aad Canada Trust have ,over sixty million dollars assets.—A.R. Henry, Zurich, Just before going to [press we hacve been advised of another ,ery interesting horsew deal that was put through last week when Mr. J. Decher, Jr., our noted ,Standard bred horseman sold to Messrs. Fraser and IShepperd -of Porest, 3 Spring colts tfor the handsome sunt of $1,000. This makes is total s$ale of $2,00Q ,within a very short time, and Mr., Decker claims . it costs no more ti) raise the best than inferior stock. TEACHERS CONVENTION The West Hra•on Teachers meet in Exeter on Oct. 13 and 14th, on Thcrsday evening thet eachers en- joyed a bangret in Main St,base- nett,t lies oaterers being the School and Hogue Club, 150 teach- ers and ext -teachers sat down to Irvcheon. Friday thet eachera motored to London, where they were entertained by the teachers ofthat city, inspectors and Sc- hool Board. The flection of offic- ers res- 1ted as follows—President, Miss Isabel Sharman; Vice-presi - dent, Denean McRae; Sony , Treas- G. S. Howard; coranc1 o•mia, Miss A Cowan, Bloss E. Campbell, A. Brint•- nell; ra ee:ery, G' M:nnaen, F. Ross, resolution coatvmittce, .tiVnt. Mc- Kay. 1'. B, Mo'f rtt, R. Stonehouse Miss M. Bailie, 'Mhas B. Grahain,3iiss L. 'Robinson; delegates to 0. E A. rc S. Howard anal Mast 1.. iso Cl FARM WATER SUPPLY Practdral Pointers About install. lug Suitable Equipment. l,'ttttlatta' Running Wtstor ,fn the Jiome mad the than ---.'low to Develop the, Natural Water Supply-- , $0yernl Systems Suggested. (0ont'ributed by Ontarlo Department of A.grleyii;tire, Toronto.) N penning this short article the write' desires to stress two main points In regard to this subject, first, the need and importance of Securing an adequate and permanent supply, and, second, the installation of sortable equipment for getting the water "on tap" in house and stables and about the lawns and gardens, Ixzregard to the supply of drinking or hard water, it may be said that of late many of the old shallow wells of the Province have been failing ser- iously, thus indicating that the water- table is not as high as it used to be. It is to be hoped that this is only a temporary condition and that many of these wells will soon become ser- viceable again. However, the shallow well -can seldom be relied upon abso- lutely, and so as a rule it is wise to 'sink such wells deeper. This usually means drilling, Sometimes there is good reason for abandoning the old well altogether and choosing a new site. A careful survey of the existing wells of the district in respect to depth, supply and character of the water will usually prove useful in re- gard to the advisability of drilling, also a knowledge of the nature, depth and dip of the underlying strata or rock formation may help too. Instru- ments for locating underground) water, so far as our experience got -s, have not been a success in this Pro- vince, although much is claimed for them in some other countries differ- ing widely from Ontario in geological formation. Some individuals claim that they can locate underground water by means of a forked twig'fron such trees as cherry, plum, and hazel, and because we have known good wells to be found in this way, and because prominent scientists have given the matter considerable atten- tion in recent years, we are not in- clinedto .pooh-pooh the idea. 1'.1 some cases old wells go dry becaur- the water veins feeding the well hati • become clogged. If so, a charge dynamite in the bottom will effect remedy. Sometimes an old dug w•-;' will supply plenty of water for -.. tine if it is dug a few feet deep : or if•the formation is sandy or gr: elly (fine) for some depth below d. bottom a special filter may be Si' :': into a water -bearing layer of sand gravel with good results. It is w-* to emphasize the value of a gool. spring. If one exists reasonably (los to the buildings it may be made supply thein with water if certate one ition obtain. In every farm home rte .o should oe a large cistern eiti,:': 1 1110 csll•ir or just outside the c U all and beluv• the ground for stor- cf rain water. This water can V Crav,,.ahing purposes, batlriies flushing thi closet. A large ci-- :•rn at the :)arn and connected with e ;.ve-troughing thereon, will sulp- :, a large portion of the drinking; ate: for the stock in the rainy per - ")ds. It is very essential that the ;apply be ample and never failing. nd when this is assured steps ma,y 'ouftdentlally .taken to install water systems in order to have the water '.onvenient about the home. The second point, namely, the dis- i.ribution of the water supply, is a very big one, and one about which a ;ood deal might be written. -Space will permit only the very briefest treatment, but if more details. are re- quired write the Department of Agri- culture, Toronto, Ontario, for Bul- l:tin No. 267. entitled "The Farm Vater Supply and Sewage Disposal," )r the Department of Physics, 0, A, College,..aGuelph, will gladly advise egarding any problems received by letter. • (1) If the well be shallow, that is the level of the water is never more .han 25 feet below the surface, or say lie level of the pump cylinder, the nuup • may be located inside the )uildings instead of -directly over the .cell. Greater convenience would be he result of • such a change. (2) A small water tank in the at - 10 of the house Will make it possible o install plumbing fixtures, as'sinks, mth and closet in the hone. (3) Better than the attic tank s, s - em is the compression system. A strong steel cylindrical tank is leo t• ul In the 'cellar or some frost -pro:,. ,)lace, water Is pumpad into it fl en', well or cisterr against air pressure chich forces the 'Water to all poi t: where it is required.. The pump a: - be operated by ]land or better by !lt$01lile engine, windmill, or eleciaa motor.Z:1-.aa,.Z,ea- i . :"f... _. (4) if electricity be available the ,:ompression system can be operaied Automatically and the storage tank made so small that the water 1;: drawn fresh from the well instead of from a large storage tank, (5) If a good spring exists cit ground level with top of house or higher, a pipe under the frost -line be- tween sprints and house is practically all you need in order to have the spriwater• on . (6)ng If not higtaph � sough for a grav- ity system the spring may possibly be advantageously located for installing a hydraulic ram which will pump the water to a tank in house or stable or trough in yard, It is worth while having pore rind cool spring' water always on tap about the buildings. The fall Would be a good -tithe to put in a system so that you will nor be obliged to carry water anon) 1• winter. First be sure that yotti Sup- ply is ample for ail, requirements, and then en .tlree,cl 'vvitl' the in, tel:-. 1 . .• .,(I . 1 i e ., \ . to help you.—R. R. G:aharu, 0. a. college, Guelphs rmiwwwiliwimiww.wwwwwwwwwwmmort., Zurioh Drug Store. if PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich ) 1, 4. z 0 41 F. C. KAT PHONE 69 ++ r+++fee+f+f++++ t•++ ; k e-e++++44f+f+le+++ e+ -i- e ARE YOU R04FING? THINK 01° KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLE • , : ; r.N PROPERLY LAID WITEI ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL ,..,. , t 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCY'•fN.e. NO SNOW WILL BLO',i. UP AND NO RAIN WILL t 0 THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND Til :.1:F.ST. We still have a large quantity of Gyproc or, hand. The Fireproof Wallboard, Use ie for walls and ceilings to repair the old plaster before you apring decorate,. BPLEISCR o ZURICH hie 44+++++++44.++++++++4.44 ,-...a, ao + H'++++ : +++++++++++4'1ifp 3r 1 a1 Get your Buggy Light Now! You must have them Electric Lamps $10. Oil Lapps $2.75 Auto Tops, igou. Repairing, Pais 1.g, Etc. HESS ZTJRIOH ,�.sosfff♦fffffffffff+ef Autos and Ammer alaaa T90♦.••4+Of4,0•••••••••O•1104 Alt 0 Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CALI SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE • VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x33 AT ON. ,Y ..,...... ... ... $8,50 TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY ....... .....:... ... $1.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $1:5,00 1 SECOND HAND 11 H. P. GAS ENGINB VERY CHEAP. 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. ;ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN' GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. • WARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVIYi YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE' FOR YOUR MONEY. PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Cas, Gus and Creases L. A. P ra.n ;, Zurich R..4-4-41, ••4 st.tal,o+'t•'4 "tl.'q'. ed b •i .r v w ,. •w e v e e ., . r .-.r•.v i ;“44,1i,