HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-10-27, Page 2Have
It is it a class by itself. Ask for it.
CHAPTER X.—(Cont'd.)
t0 ILEA & • UM ► IML 402.9
opened, it was not Mr. Parker who
When, presently, the cobbler emerge crossed the book -lined study within
eel from the elevator, below, he paused; and walked through the the private
before leaving the hotel to prop his office where Innes was seated writing:
perspiring brow with a large, soiled' It was Mr, Paul Harley,
handkerchief. The perfume of hya-
cinths teemed to have pursued him,
bringing with it a memory of the
handsome effeminate ivcry face of the For more than an Inger Harley sal
loan abode. He was recalled to his alone, smoking, neglectful of the rou
senses by the voice of the impudent tine duties which should have claimed
page.' his attention. His face was set and
"1).:x kicked out, gov'nox?" the grim, and his expression one of total
youth inquired. "You're the third abstraction. In spirit he stood again
this morning."
"Is that so?" answered Parker.
"Who were the other two, lad?"
"The girl wot comes to do his nails. with the outer office. Innes came in.
A stunniu' bird, too. She came down "Innes," he said, rapidly, "is there
cryin' a few minutes ago. Then— anything of really first-rate hnport-
"Shut up, Chiversscried the hall ance with which I should deal person -
poster. "You're asking for the sack, all ?"
and I'm the man to get it for you. I "Veil " replied the secretary,
Chivers did not appear to be vastly glancing at some papers which he car -
perturbed by this prospect, anti he ried, "there is nothing that could not
grinned agreeably at Parker made his wait until to -marrow at a pinch."
way out into the courtyard. I "The pinch has come," said Harley.
Any ane sufficiently interested to! "I am going to interview the two most
! have done so might have found mat -important witnesses in the Abingdon
ter for surprise had he followed that
caneeientio us boatmalcer as he left the ease."The speaker's face grew grimly
hotel. He dict not proceed to the shop serious. "Innes if I am right, I shall
of Mr. Jarvis, but, crossing the probably proceed to one of two laces:
Strand, mounted a city -bound motor theapartments of OrmuzKhan or
bus and proceeded eastward upon it
as fur as the Law Courts,- Here he
.dismounted and plunged into that -- -', t'
maze cf tortuous lines which dissects
the triangle formed by Chancery Lane
a:xd Holborn
a buneh of keys from his`pecket, an. ,
crossing the office, locked the (Ivor.
He the retired to his private apart-
ments and also locked the coamuni-
eating door. A. few moments later he
came out of "The Chaneei'yAgency"
and proceeded in the .diree'tlon of the
As he alighted from a .cab before
the house of the late Ste Charles,
Benson opened the door. "We have
just finished, sir," he seid, as Harley.
ran up the steps. "But Mrs. Howett'.
would like to see you, sir."
"Very good, Benson," replied Har-
ley, handing his hat and cane to the
butler. '"I will see her in , the dining
roan'', please."
Bentson throwing open the door,
Paul Harley walked into the • room
which so often figured in lus vain
Brows contracted, Haley" stood'
just inside the room., looking slowly
about him And, as he stood so, 'an
interrogatory cough drew his gaze to
the doorway. He turned sharply, and
there was Mrs. Hewett, a pathetic lit-
tle figure in black.
"Ah, Mrs. Hos `ett," said Harley.,
kindly, "please try to forgive' me for
this unpleasant farce withits painful
memories. But I have a good reason.
I think you know this. Now, as I
am naturally anxious to have every-
thing clear before Miss Abingdon re-
turns, will you be good enou'g'h to tell
me if the table is at present set exact-
ly as on the night that Sir Charles
and I carne in to dinner?" '
"No, Mr. Harley," was the answer,
"that was what 1 was anxious to
explain. . The table is now laid as
Benson left it on that dreadful night,"
"Ah, I'see. Then you, personally,
made some mro4$eatlons?".
"I rearranged the flowers and mov-
ed the centre vase—so." The method-
ical old lady illustrated her words.
"I also had the dessert spoons chang-
ed. You remember, .Benson?"
Benson inclined his head. From a
sideboard he took out two silver
spoons which he substituted for those.
already set upon the table.
"Anything else, Mr. Hewett?"
"The table is no was I left it, sir,
a few minutes before your arrival.
Just after your arrival I found -Jones,
the parlorinaid--a most incompetent,
impudent girl—altering . the position
of the serviettes. At lea't, such was
my impression."
"Of the serviettes?" murmured
"She denied it," continued the
housekeeper, speaking with great ani-
mation; "but she could give no ex-
planation. It was the last straw.
She took too many liberties alto-
gether." -
As Harley remained silent, the old
lady ran on animatedly, but H.
was iio longer listening..,
"This is not the samefablelinen.
he asked, suddenly.
"Why, no, sir," replied Benso'.
"Last week's linen will be at :the
"It has not gone yet," interrupted
Mrs. Howett. "I was making up the,
list when you brought me Mr. Isar
ley's message."
Paul Harley turned to her. •
"May I ask you to bring the actual
Iinen used at table on that occasion,
Mrs. Hewett?" he said. "My request
,oust appear sanguluar, I ]know, but I
assure you it is no idle one."
Benson looked positively stuipid,
Mrs. Hewett, who had conceived a
sort of reverence for Paul Harley,
hurried away excitedly.
(To be continued.)
in that—superheated room at the
He rang the bell communicating
His step was .leisurely, and onclifille
stopped to light his pipe, peering•with
interest into the shop wndow of a law f
statomer. Finally he came to another
little shop which had once formed 1
Fart of a private house. It was of
the Lock-up variety, and upon the f
gauzerblind which concealed the inter-
ior appeared the words: "The Chan-
cery Agency."
Whether the Chancery Agency was
a press agency, a literary or a dra-
matic agency, was not specified, but
Mr. Parker was evidently well ac-
quainted with the establishment, for
he unlocked the cloor with a key which
-"he carried and, entering a tiny shop,
closed and locked the door behind him
The place vias not more than ten He turned sharply and there was
yards square and the ceiling was i4Irs. Hewett,
verylow. It was barely furnished as _
an office, but. evidently Mr. Parker's' the chambers of Nicol Brunn. Listen.
business was not of a nature to detain, Remain here until I phone—whatever
hint here. There was a second door the hour."
to be unlocked; and beyond it appear- (
"Shall I advise Wessex to stand
cd a flight of narrow stairs—at some 7„
time the servant's stair of the par- U Harley nodded. "Yes—do so. You
tially demolished house which had oc-! understand, Innes, I am engaged and
cupied that site in former days. Re -i' not to be disturbed on any account?"
locking this door in turn, Mr. Parker i "I understand. You are going out
mounted the stair and presently ,i by the private exit?"
found himself. in the spacious and "Exactly."
well -furnished bedroom. As Innes retired, quietly closing the
This bedroom contained an extra -
Harley took up the telephone
ordinary number of wardrobes, and a and called Sir Charles Abingdon's
big dressing table with wing mirrors number. He was ansyered by a voice
lent a theatrical touch to the apart- which he recognized.
ment. This was still further enhanced w"This is Paul Harley speaking," he
by the presence of all stats of wigs; solar. "Thi?
that Benson?"
boxes of false hair, and other items "Yes, sir," answered the butler.
A h table MI Parker
of makeup. At the a e . r. ar er
seated himself, and when, half an „Good morning, sir."
hour later, the bedroom door was' "Good morning, Benson. I have
is a profitable companion,
It removes the odors of
dining or smoking from the
breath, soothes the mouth
and. tongue, allays thirst
and aids appetite and.
itfieSE No. 43—'27' -
one or two questions to ask you, and
there is something I want you to do
for me. Mise Abingdon is out, I pre- Ocean were revealed here recently by
sume?" George M. Williamson, one of the
"Yes, sir," replied Benson sadly. Williamson brotherswho filmed Jules
"At the funeral, sir." Verne's ''Twenty Thousand League
"Is Mrs. Howett in?" Under the Sea" thirteen yeare ago.
"She is, sir," In the project announced by 'Mr,
"I shall be around hi about a quar- Williamson, three men will be low -
ter of an hour, Benson. In the mean- erect to a depth of 500 feet betow the
time, will you ba good enough to lay stu-face of the ocean In a steel ball -
the dining tare exactly as it was laid shaped chamber, and from heavy glass
on the night of Sir Charles' death?"
Benson could be heard nervously
clearing his . throat, then : - "Perhaps,.
alai," he said, diffidently, "I didn't
quite understand you. Lay the table,
sir, for dinner?"
"For dinner ---exactly. I want
everything to be there that was pres-
ent on the night of the _tragedy;
everything. Naturally you yvill have
to place different flowers in the vases,
but I wantto sere the same vases. s
Quick, safe, sure reiief from
painful callouses on the feet.
At all drag and shoo stores
r Solt In.
Zineads —painn is goon
,�', r+ is song
Wilson Publishing Company
Girl Midshipman
'Tells Adventures
Served for More Than a Year
on Small Trading Ships
in the South Seas
Cannibal Sought her Hand
Says She Refused Chief, But
That He Gave Her a Coral
Island in the Fijis
Afteir an adventurous .trip of more
than a year in the South Seas, spent
mostly on small trading steamships
as a midshipman, Miss Viola Irene
. Cooper has just returned to New
York. Last week at her home, 05
l West Sixtyeighth Street, Miss Cooper,
who is still in the twenties, told of
her adventures in far corners of true
earth and the rough-and-tumble life
at sea as a "middy," the only woman
in 'the crew.
/ One of her most thrilling experi-
ences, she said, was a proposal of
marriage from a former cannibal
chief. This happened at the island
of Malekulo during a two menths'
cruising trip among the islands of the
New Hebrides. The chief she des-
cribed as about 45 and very good-
"He proposed to me," said Miss
Cooper, "just like an American would
buy a good piece of roast beef. But
I smilingly refused his offer. aixcl he
seemed very much surprised and dis-
appointed, To show me how much
he admired me, I guess, the chief pre-
sented an island in the Fijis, five
miles square, having coral and cocoa-
nut palms to me. When I asked him
what I should send him in return,
when I got back home, he asked for
a Prince Albert coat, a silk hat and a
pair of yellow spats. I suppose he
had seen a photograph of one of the
European monarchs."
This is the type of sports frock
every one is wearing abroad, subtle
in its simplicity, and utilizing stripes
both vertically . and horizontally to
achieve effectiveness. The blouse opens
at the neck, revealing a little tab col-
lar that can be smartly fastened
about the threat. Gathers over the
Tired of Routine Here.
Miss Cooper explained she had
made the trip purely in the spirit of
adventure after becoming tired out
with the routine in New York of type-
writing and stenography and other
secretarial work, anti being of a liter-
ary turn of mind, she was putting her
bust lend easy fulness, and two plain experiences in manuscript form, and
trimming bands run upward from the was hoping some day to have them
lower edge, and are the starting point published under the title of "Wind -
for the narrow belt which ties in loops pamming in Fiji:'
at the centre back. Fulness in skirts She sailed from Vancouver in 1920
is a necessity these days, and here we with a fellow -voyager, Miss Jean
see it expressed by invrted plaits in Schoen on the French bark Bougain-
the front. The skirt is oined to a
camisole top. No. 1243 is _for misses
and small women, and is in sizes 16,
18 and 20 years (or 34, 36 and 38
inches bust only). Size 18 years (36
bust) requires 4 yards 36-xi3ri h strip-
ed, and % yard plain material; cami-
sole top' requires 1r/a yards 36 -inch
lining. Price 20 cents.
Always Familiar.
"Is she familiar with professional
"Always, my clear."
Minard's Liniment for Toothache.
Party to Go Down 500 Feet
For Study of the Pacific
Denver, Cal,—Plans for an expedi-
tion that has as its destination 500
feet below the surface of the Pacific
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in
stam]xs or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co„ 73 West Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail.
Four Different Pitchers Won
For Yanks, Setting Series
The quartet of Yankee hurlers who
beat the Pirates four games in a row
set a series mark. Though three
other series also saw four pitchers
work, in no case did each of the four
win a game on consecutive days. In
1007 Chicago tied Detroit in the first,
using Overall and Reulbach. Pfeis-
ter won the second, Reulbach the
third, Overall the fourth and Brown
the fifth. In 1914 the Braves beat the
Athletics four straight. Rudolph pitch-
ing the first and fourth, James the sec-
ond and Tyler and James the third. in
1922 the Giants beat the Yanks four
games to none, but the second was a
tie. Nehf pitched the first, Barnes
the tie, Scott the third game, Mc-
Quillan the fourth and Nehf the fifth.
Hoyt, Pipgras, Pennock and Moore
hurled victories in order. The only
one appearing twice was Moore, who
relieved Hoyt in the eighth inning,
Cariboo Road Toll .is To Be
Victoria, B.C.—Abolition of tolls on
the Cariboo Road, the only toll road
fn British Columbia, was forecast at
the public works department here. It
is' expected the Legislature at its next
session will arrange for the elimina-
tion of the present charges in the.
spring. This will affect thousands of
American as well as Canadian motor-
ists who are planning to cover the
portholes they will study deep-sea life, new route along the Fraser river can
A specially built schooner parrying yon;in 1928.
the party of scientists who will per- Some 7000 ears traveled the road
form. the researches will sail from during the present year, a total up to
San Francisco within sixty days for the expectations of the Government,
the west coast of Mexico, where the but considerably below the estimates
first experiment is to be made, he of automobile and tourist organiza-
seed. :done.' Tolls will ,,,be lifted from the
.— --- road on Nov. 1 for the winter, but no
With the return to the city of the attempt will be made to keep the road
summer vacationists, farm relief now open during the entire winter season,
when gravel slides are sure to block
it in places. In the spring the high-
way will be made ready for use well
the dinner table as I remember it,- in advance of the tourist season,
paying particular attention to theaEAR
exact position of eaoh article. re. The Pulman Company Is going to
Hewett will doubtless be able to assist g and beaucity waving, tpeC aa8js meet - rams
Lindbergh, observation
seerns allafter
right as
you in this," thorough school. wo get you learned,
"Very good, sir," said Benson—but P1entY of mode1a and 00 waste of t17Yle. long as it isn't -a sleeper,
] ositiotol gueranteed, Big demand, for
his voice betokened bewilderment. "I on; graduates bee,Lus° they aro well. You can't hide it, all isn't leather
will see Mrs. Howett at on+ie,..sir." 'rained, Free T3ooklet
7Guoiilo rfSohoia Aettirity cttrtwce SCI"1 that looks like leather and squeaks,
Iteplacx ~the receivers Harley took 144 'Moor street Wept, 'oireato
our faces. Once the French traders
in the port sought refuge on our ship.
"I have eaten most everything in a
crew's diet, I ate shark's fins, snails,
sea snakes, flying fox, Morse of bat,,
which is delicious, aid in the Fijis I
enjoyed the wonderful fruits. There!
we had mangoes, pawpaws, yams and
Miss Cooper said that Miss' Schoen
left -her in the New Hebrides for a
trip to New ealand: and was returning
to Now York by way of Europe. On
the island of Malekulo, she said, she
visited a Mrs. Boyd, a Presbyterian
missionary, who had been there. twen-
ty-six years, and her husband, who
had been there thirty-two years.. Mrs.
Boyd said she'lxad not seen •a white
woman, before the arrival of herself
and Miss Schoen, for a year.
Not Always Farted
"A fool and his money are soon,
united—to some gold
Minard's Liniment nor Asthma.
Knew His Nightingale.
One time on the Texas frontier a
man came into a camp riding an old
"How much for the mule?" asked a
"Jist a hundred dollars," answered
the rider.
"I'11 give you Sive dollars," said the
The rider stripped short, firs if in
vine, first christened Himalaya, later amazement, and then slowly die -
known as the Star of Peru, a three- mounted.
masted vessel that has been sailing "Stranger," said he, "I ain't a -gain'
the high seas for sixty-three years, to let a little matter of ninety-five dol -
and known as a "jinxless ship." lars stand between me and a mule
The two girls were signed as mid -trade. The mule's
shipmen, studying %S: i�tion, and the
rest of the crew was made of French-
men and South Sea' Islanders.. Cap-
tain Lem Chateauvieu was in ..eom-
mand of the bark, which was on her
last voyage to a port in New Cale-
donia, there to rust away her bast
days as a warehouse barge.
Crews Always Courteous.
"Miss Schoen and I spent sixty
clays on the windjammer, and when
she was turned into a warehouse in
the New Hebrides that did not end
our careers as seamen. My succeed-
ing months of service were on a small
trading steamer in the New Hebrides,
the St. Michel, then on the St. Andre,
another small French steamer, on a
trip to Australia, when I was the only Have stockings in the very newest
woman on board with a crew of fifty shades; your old or faded stockings
persons of many nationalities, and, given any tint in the rainbow in five
lastly, . on the Commandant Destre- minutes; with fifteen cents', worth of
meau, that brought me to San Fran- Diamond Dyes! but use dyes, not
synthetic tints. And bo sure they're
true dyes.
Try a pair to -night! Use Diamond
Dyes, and no ono will dream they
were tinted at home. And you can
and when I arrived in New Hebrides do real dyeing with just as perfect
I cast my dresses aside, bought goods
from the traders and macre my own.
I also carried a typewriter and a re-
While we were anchored in the St.
From the soup tureen to the serviette
seems an assured : fact in many rural
rings, Benson, I wish you to duplicate communities.
"I was never troubled while at sea
by any of the crew. . They were al-
ways • most courteous to me. I' car-
ried just one small trunkful of clothes
resnits, if you will just use the true
Diamond Dyes.
FREE: Why not tisk your druggist
for the very useful Diamond Dye
Oyclbpedia? Valuable suggestions,
Michel in the South Sea Islands, dur- easy directions, and piece -goods sem•
ung our two months' stay there, Miss pre colors. Or write for free Copy of
Schoen slept on a mattress on the Color Craft, a big illustrated book
dining table, on account of the rats sent postpaid — address DIAMOND
in the cabin. "While in the New He-
brides we had about fifteen earth-
quakes a day, and we could feel the
ship shaking and the ashes from 'the
two active volcanos on the islands in
DYES, Dept. N13, Windsor, Ontario.
Diamond Dyes
Just Dip to TINT, or Boil to DYE
Made only from hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is
rich in gluten — the energy giving and body building Flour is
r ren in calces pies, will supply extra
nourishment to bestthchid 11 , our bakingied buns and bread.,
Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book, 258
W.stcrn Cancra Flour Mills Co, Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John
outwear two
ordinary pair
EVEfrYW H E 11 i=