Zurich Herald, 1927-10-20, Page 7'See," said the temperance lecturer
as he exhibited a glass of water and a
glass of whiskey in front of them.
"There is life in the one, there is
death in the other. These worms—
see? I Immerse them in the water
and they writhe happily. I immerse
them in the liquor, and they sink to
the bottom, stone dead. Life for the
worms in one, death for them in the
A man arose from the' hall and
"' •asked, in a brogue:
"Mister wudyez mind tellin' me
where yez got that licker"
"Why do you want to know?" asked
rtho lecturer..
"Well, I've been bothered wid thim
'things meself a good dale."
I am amused
That forty
Beneath the
I am far too old for them to kid.
Horse Reflects.
to hear them say
or fifty of me are hid
hood of that benzine
Mary—"What's the matter with
Betty—"Eye strain. He fell in love
with a chorus girl and couldn't afford
'anything better than a gallery seat."
oA careful girl is 13'etty Nye,
She never stands against the sky.
A man, being congratulated upon
!the economy practiced by his wife,
'replied: "She certainly is a wonder.
She sold 60 cents worth of beans out
of the garden yesterday, took $1.25
worth of milk bottles to the grocery,
stopped in at a furniture store and
bought a walnut bedroom suite • for
A woman likes almost as well to be
asked how old she is as a man does
to be asked how much salary he gets.
The sage who said a man's best
friend was the person who told him
his faults must have been thinking of
the wives. •
A Welland Lady Tells 'of the
ins' Pink
Value of Dr. �J'Jillia
Pills in Her Houle.
"1 have many reasons for praising
Di'. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs. t
George L. Swick, ii.R, No: 2, Welland,
Ont. "My first experience with this r•
medicine was in my girlhood, when, ;
following an 'attack of scarlet fever,
I was left in a badly run clown condi-
tion, and the pills restored oneto good
health. Later in my married life I
had,, a severe attack of rheumatism;
The' pain in my right arm and should-
er was so bad that I could not dress
myself without help. Again I resort-
ed to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,' and
again they proved a blessing to me,
as soon the rheumatic pains and stiff-
ness disappeared and there has been
no return of the 'trouble. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have also been of
great benefit to- my children. One of
my boys was threatened with St.
Vitus dance: His limbs and face
would twitch and Jerk. I gave him
the pills, and again they did not fail,
as under the treatment the trouble
ceased. 'I have also given the pills
to my little girl, who was anaemic,
and in this case also with the great-
est benefit. Naturally when I hear
anyone complaining of not feeling
well I recommend Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills as I know of no other medicine
to equal them in building up the blood
and restoring health."
Take Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills for
anaemia; rheumatism, indigestion,
neuralgia and other nervous troubles.
Take them as a tonic if you are not in
the best physical condition, and cul-
tivate a resistance that will keep you
well and -strong. You can get these
pills from any dealer in medicine, or
by mail at 50 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont
Bruce Says Foreign Migration
Not Affecting Racial
Sydney, Australia. — The Prime
Minister of Australia, Right Hon.
Stanley Bruce, replying to Labor de-
mands that immigration from South-
ern Europe be restricted, contends
that Australia ' already has sufficient
restrictions on immigrant's.
The Government would not intro-
duce a quota system, Mr. Bruce de-
clared. . The rate of foreign migra-
tion was not affecting racial purity.
The British proportion of the popula-
tion was 98.5 per cent.
"We cannot accept the principle,"
said - the Prune Minister, "that no
more immigrants should be landed in
•Australia until employment was found
Waiter (after a long delany, comes' for all the people here already. The
back and asks) : "How did you. order only satisfactory means of settling
your steak, please?" - the country is by co-ordinating the
"Impatient Diner—"Just asked for work of development of our re -
it, I'm sorry to say. I see now that I sources
Australians seem to have arro-
shouid have ordered by mail two
weeks in advance." gated to themselves the view that they
are white people and that aliens are
Sometimes it is hard to follow in- not," continued Mr. Bruce. "Aus-
structions. For instance, there was tralians should regard Europeans as
the old clarity wild" was told by his being as white as themselves. It will
doctor to eat plenty of chicken and only end in disaster if Australians
was also wail'hed to not go out nights. take up the attitude that they are
• better than other nations."
"Are you the man that pulled my
husband out of the lake after he'd Collegiate Abstainers Attract
gone down?" inquired a portly red- Youth
faced woman of the man pointed out
as the rescue •,.
"Yes, madam," answered the res-
cuer, expecting a demonstration of
gratitude, "but I only did my duty as
anyone else would have, and deserve
no special—" .
"Weil, where's his necktie?"
Only one modern girl in 20 knows
how to sew properly, declares an ex-
pert. But then what's the use of
knowing how to sew now. There
'doesn't seem to be much need of it.
Teacher—"Joseph, what are you
going to give your little sister for a
birthday present?"
Jeseph—"I dunno; last year I gave
her the chickenpox."
Be honest- Did yen. ever success-
fully get away with anything? Why
not quit trying?
lust as duelling was stopped by pub-
lic opinion, so, when we are really
resolved to'stop war, wars will cease.
—Lord Cecil.this purpose a three years course in
chemistry, social economics and other
The brisk, pungent taste of ' subjjects is provided, and certificates
'lt:ed, Rose Tea is kept at its gr'a'nted to those successful in the
fosse n' the bright, sanitary searching examinations held in con-
nectiou therewith.
aluminum package. You will ,----
rnever find now the flat, stale Many who have never been up in an
taste which is so often' corn- airp ane
London.—That Colonel Lindbergh
and William T. Tilden 2d are both
total abstainers is -brought to the at-
tention of the readers of the Young
/bstainer, the monthly publication of
the Young . Abstainers' Union sec-
tion of the Temperance Collegiate As-
sociation of London. Among other
Well-known sportsmen who have
made their mark in the, athletic world
and,, who are abstainers, are D. H.
Temme, who swam the Channel this
summer; Joe Wright„the noted Cana-
dian sculler, and Dr. C. H. Vernon,
who won the King's prize for shoot-
ing at Bisley;,
The Temperance Collegiate A,sso-
ication has just jublished its annual
report and general prospectus for
1926.27. Throughout its campaign in
the cause of temperance the associa-
tion is fully alive to the•pecessity of r
proving its case as to the falseness aspect of social and child welfare
of the claims of alcohol. It conducts problems, and should be of consider-.
a well organized system of education consider-
able assistance to clients confronted
in all matters relating to the temper -
andtroubles arising from the home
and family relationship. He will also
once question,, training students to have the advantage of experienced
speak and write on the subject. For counsel.
Another prominent Englishman has
gone home to England bearing the
highest title of one of the picturesque
tribes of Indians that dwell on the
plains of Western Canada. The title
of Chief Bear 'lead was conferred on
Dr. Edward Brown, of the Poultry
World, London, England, recently,
during to visit of the World's Poul-
try Delegates.
The ceremony took place on : the
Burns Ranch, near Calgary, shortly
after, the delegates arrived. A num-
ber of Sarcee Indian Chiefs, gay in
their traditional buckskin garb with
beautiful eagle -feathered headpieces,
gathered to do honor to the second.
prominent Englishman within the
past few weeks, the other being Pre-
mier Baldwin of Great Britain.
Chief Running Antelope, a vener-
able old-timer of the tribe, placed
the feathered headpiece on Dr, Brown
and welcomed the paleface as a mem-
ber of the tribe. The photograph
above was taken immediately after
the ceremony and shows the new
Chief.•al3aro Head and Chief Running
Antelope shaking hands.
Bananas Travel
in Great Style
Only after it reaches the push -cart
or horse-drawn cart at a shop-worn
price does the banana become de-
mocratic. As a traveler, it is: a fruit
of privilege. Banana ports receive the
fruit at wharves especially designed
for the purpose. Private cars are set child—one that the mother can feel
apart for their transport. At some assured' is absolutely safe as well as
destinations warehouses 'exclusively
for bananas await them, swept and
garnished and kept at 'even tempera-
The regular banana pier has towers
to di the unloading, four of them work-
ing at a time on the larger vessels;
they arc- equipped with conveyors con-
sisting of an endless chain of canvas
cradles. •The chain is lowered into the
hold of the ship, where the bunches, to
avoid crushing, are packed two deep
in from four to six stages, separated
by false floors. The bunches are drop-
ped gently into the cradles on top of
a straw mat.
By hand or by belt -conveyors the
fruit is brought to cars equipped with
floor racks, necessary for the free cir-
culation of air, and they must be
thoroughly cleaned in advance, as dirt
has a bad effect on the cargo. Ba-
nanas must be kept at a temperature
of about 60 degrees; and so that cars,,
having been made airtight, are iced in
hot weather and supplied with straw
in cold.
South Africa
Col. P. A. Silburn in the Fortnight-
Iy Review: The Native question and
that of a South Africa Flag are inter-
dependent, and, that being so, the so-
lutions can only be found by the set-
ting up of a joint commission, consist-
ing of British, South African and 'bra-
tive members to consider the future
form of government for the Native
population of South Africa, including
the three Protectorates, all pending
legislation affecting the Natives, in-
cluding tb.e South Africa Flag Mill, to
be suspended until the commission
has reported. Should the Native
legislation and the South Africa Flag
Bill, now before the Nilion Parlia-
ment, be enacted and the Royal as-
sent NI granted, then a peaceful and
satisfactory solution of the Native
problem appears to be impossible.
It will interest many of our read-
ers to know that after a successful
career as a student at the University
of Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law
School, Martin, MacMurray Kelso, son
of Mr. J. J. Kelso, has opened an
office in the Confederation Life Bldg.
as a Barrister and Solicitor. Having
grown up in an atmosphere of Social
Service, he will naturally devote a
-good deal of attention to 111.e legal
Imported direct from the Orient
in metal lined chests. Blended
and packed into 1 lb., % lb., lb.
bright Aluminum packages.
"i good tea
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra go9d.
Inge GI* orns Again
Childless-Servantless Homes
in 1950.Forecast by
Dean Inge
London—}Tome in 1950 will be child-
less and servantless, predicts Very
Rev. William R. Inge "Gloomy Dean,"
of St. Paul's.
"The whole face of the country,"
he writes in The Evening Standard,
"will be spotted with bungaloid
growths, within which oh'ildies-e cou-
ples will sleep, after racing about the
NO BETTER MEDIC8 E rn Amoads inericatheir little cal hmotor cazs•. As
i, the typiouse will be
servantiess. Meals will be brought
FOR LITTLE ONES in from a delicatessen shop and heat -
j ed- by a gas or electric cooker. The
art of supplying standardized needs by
Is What Thousands of Mothers pressing buttons will be carried to
Say of Baby's Own Tablets great perfection."The population will, I think, begin
A medicine for the baby or growing to decrease slowly about 1950. The
increase at present is ,entirely due to
the preponderance of young lives in
the population, which keens the cru -de
death rate (about 12 per 1,000) very
much below th•e real death rate (about
18 per 1,000). A decline in numbers
would relieve the terrible burden of
unemployment, which, in part at least,
is clearly due to over -population and
a little more elbow -room would be very
Minard's Liniment for Lumbago.
Waiting for Sanity
London Observer (Incl. Cons.) : If •
If there is any realism left in Mos-
cow, it will not be long before the oil -
' ft l find it increasingly difficult to garchical Empire accepts the orelin-
in packede news of avia- ary conditions of international inter-
lar<ned of tea in keep up evert with, the course.. The Soviet will not be over -
inferior containers. gg i tion.
set by any foreign' agency.. War
scares may servo to pump artificial
,^*�'�ti ° n•�: hysteria into the flagging fortunes of
F r,,..,v the world -revolution. But the pre-
:/ .� :4” IC �•�- t >s, c European Govel'n111ent
s C �,..�, I ,�• .,` z ` � tense that any Lurop
it is the selection of rich, western.wllea,ts --
Clap finest
grown on ills prair — �
cs that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from
Son v $n.4:,l stamps fol"' our 700-recipe,PJ6rity Mar Cook, Pooh., 2d4,
C.,n:tdn r,nur h.•.is Gn. Liinited. Toronto. Meseta, Wawa, 8n m..'
is inacl enough to think itself capable
of launching, much less of Maintain-
ing, :a "capitalist" crusade is too lndi»•
(•cons to sustain. Equally, Buropean
Governments, and the l3ritish Gov-
ernment especially, delay the return
to sanity whenever ' they give idler
to that pretense.
host men, When they think they are
thinking, are merely rearranging their
prejudices„,-"-1C11ut Roct no.
efficient—is found in Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are praised by
thousands of mothers throughout the
country. These mothers have found
by actual experience that there is no
other medicine for little ones to equal.
them. Once a mother has used them
for her children she will use nothing
else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles
Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S. writes: "I
have ten children, the baby being just
six months old. I have used Baby's
Own. Tablets for them- for the past
20 years and can truthfully say that
I know of no better medicine for little
ones. I always keep a box of the
Tablets in the house and would ad-
vise all other mothers to do so.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or will be mailed
upon receipt of price, 25 cents per
box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Battle of the Flags
Manchester Guardian (Lib.) : Doubt-
less to Germans the battle—still rag-
ing hotly for supremacy between the
official colors of the Republic—black,
red, and gold—and the old black,
white, and red of Imperial days is one
of principle, but to the rest of Europe
it is becoming slightly ridiculous.
There is no doubt which in law are
the national colors, but the present
Government, being composed of Re-
publicans, lukewarm Republicans, and
Monarchists, cannot agree to enforce
the law, and the tame compromise
that the black, red and gold flag must
be flown along with any other flag man's skirt to -day is not a coward;
displayed is all that it dare suggest.. { he's magician,—Lord Dewar.
For ail pains—Minard's Liniment.
Is the Earth Cracking?
Morning Post (Cons.) : The ty-
phoons and tidal waves which the
world has been experiencing are to
be regarded as secondary effects of
the seismic disturbances, and some
observers Have been bold enough to
predict that before the end of the
year there will occur a very severe
earthquake on the line of cracking al-
ready so well marked.. It is a very.
interesting theory, which may well be
sound; and yet, such is the force of
habit, men will go about their lawful
occasions in contempt of the fact that
the surface of the earth is cracking.
If a roadway subsides, or a building
collapses, there is an immediate
alarm and an anxious inquiry. But
the news that the great globe itself is
giving way produces no more than a
lifting of the eyebrows.
Mr. Henpeck (after seeing a drama)
—"She has a very difficult part in
that play!" Mrs. Henpeck—"Difil-
cult? 'Why, she doesn't say a word!"
Mr. Henpeck—"Well, isn't that dif-
ficult for a woman?"
The man who hides behind a wo-
Proved.safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Headache Neuralgia
Pain Neuritis
Colds Lumbago
Toothache Rheumatism
Beware of Counterfeits
There is only one genuine
"A,SPXRIN" tablet. If a tab-
let is offered as "AS1?IRI`T'.
and is not stanlpc,l with the
"Mayer Cross" -refuse it w:th
contourpt. -itisnnt" ASP'IRTN"
at all! Don't lake chances l
Accent olily "Elver." package
which COM:1ii'S proven directions.
t t, i iy "Myer" <r" boron of 12 tabhts
Also so bottles GI' 21. and i00- Drugg ts.
Aspirin :A (ltc ion<l,+ rn t;c (1.0,'tate*n•i lo Venetia) of P.' r' `,t5t Y 1,,,' ur0 of lt.toneei:e-
n,old,eter tit ii licvlirt�a,ll. tAert)l ;,Islierlir / ''d, ''A. x, A.' ) "V tt)e it is e',:il known
trial, A.SPil'In means Bayer ma mircolure,to sestet the idol Brei ut u. riheit tions cr Too!tuts
of Bayer Vetenany will bo stamped with their scarier
Classified Advertisements
selections $165.00 for $55.uu. Guar-
anteed. Poisson, 340 Mount-foya1 East,
GAINS. write for free llst farms,
Mr. Douglas, Herkimer, N,T.
Al3LE employment, weelcly pay,
selling our universally known, guaran-
teed quality, Trees and Plants. Ne'w'est
and best varieties. There is s,nod' money
in it for you. Illustrated up-to-the-
minute equipment, Real F:+1's co-opera-
Boys & el((x o won
ClIBLS ! •OO Given avST runt
Simply sell 50 Sets of Our Famous
Christmas Seals for 10c a bet. When
sold send us $3.00 and iceeo $2.e0. We
trust you till limas. St. Nicholas Seal
Co., Dept. COML. 19roolclyn, N.Y., U.S.A.
African Stone Age Finds Go
To England
Stand•erton..—L. Lely ant B. News-
ham, members of the East African
Archaeological Expcd't'on have re-
turned to England with 110 cases of
specimens connected with the Stone
Age in Kenya. The finds include parts
of over 40 skeltons, and represent a
year's work. Numberous deposits
containing bones and implements were
discovered, some probably dating back
at least to the early Pleistocene era.
Mr. Leaky believes the finds will be
of the greatest importance for na-
tural science, possibly revealing the
origin of European Stone Age culture,
more particularly that of 'Capstan man,
who left his traces over a large part
of Northern Africa.
When a woman. can read her hus-
band like a book it is generally advis-
able to skip a few chapters.
List of "Wanted Inventions"
and Full Information Sent Free
on Request.
SHE RAMSAY 00., Dept. 7g',
273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont.
Cutacura Soap
Pure and Wholesome'
Keeps The Skin Clear
Soap, Ointment, Talcum sold everywhere.
The maddening pain will suer
cumb to applications of MIn-
Two Women Owe Health
to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
St. Adolphe, Manitobh.— "I was'
very Weak and had greatpains during
my periods so that
I could not sweep
the floor. The
pains were in tha
right side and ex-
tended to the left
and then down-
wards. It seemed
as if the bodywas
heavy and upside
down. It is for
these troubles 1
took the Vegeta-
'k ?.. .hie Compound. 1
saw about it in a paper and one wo-
man prevailed on me to take it. It
has helped me in every way, the
pains are less, and I have more appe-
tite. It is a pleasure to recommence
Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable` Cern.
pound to other women. "---Mss. J. I'..,
COURCu AuNn, St.. Adolphe, Manitoba..
Found Great Relief
Toronto, Ont. - 1 am at the Change
of Life with ho'- faithcs, dizziness
weakness and'nervousness. I' had
head noises and was hort of breath.
I was this way about six months when
1. read ahout Lydia 1a. Pinkham's Veg-
etable t"oinpounci in the nem epapers,
I have taken eight bottles Lo far and
-Found great "--1lrq
'Marr, 1)2 Lawlor Ave., Toron'; , Ott,