HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-10-20, Page 5itusy cry-, 'Octo'ber 21111, 1192 IUSINESS CARDS DumuyE.HOLMES lB;at3t'I'8';t'Bi1 t, SOLICITOR, ROT- ARY OT-M Y PHBLIC, ETC, TOIN** Hato*Iten. Street . Jit off t StItiere, GODBRiOU, Ont. ltiVeelsi • Attention to. "ousto* sand Court Work, ; . flames may beco consulted at NOT ' IS 'HEREBY NOTICE,. GIVEN ,r� eh by phone"el /genie ,ICE a Court will be held, pursu- chtar ;esi reverse a i;' ant to The Ontario Voter's Lints to,_ _- -� w ,„� --- Act, by His honour the Judge . of ,n 1 the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Zuridh, 'on fthe 27th day of October 1927. at ThreeO'Clack, p.m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and o]r.issions in the Voters List of the Municipality of the Township of Hey for 19.2'!. 1 t R i Dated the 1.5th day of October i 1927 I A. F. ,BaSISto Cleric of the Township of Hay MOM =NAIAD 1 P XO'11E Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Note Etc;., Ads IN THIS COLUIBMAI Dr. II. IL COWS a3tTlit:E1•.11'p BLOM, DASH'4r1OOD :Seedrew F. Heise, F.DOWriata3P Clerk of marriage 1ieenaes. Notary Oor'aneissilmeer, Fire yelps! Ant-' yarzaiMihi�e Insueranc•o Representing eertm & Erie Mortgage Corpor-' 13altanm_ The Canada TrdetONTARIO ZURICH - otakial raiorp, lirsduate Carey IC Jones Nat Aral School of Auctriontee<a+i' ' Try Cage fee Registered Live Stoc R ',Breeds), Terms in 3ceepxng prevailing prices. 'Cholac In Gas ho's Stare a pa3r;se with 'i 9tf.oz sale. Wibl e+a31 anything a can quanirtey santai^ by naioneyp :all it Owner havoving prop- it. re: or -write, rcich erty. and paying this .adv, sjlshioi;>� 9.13•-93 Licensed Auctioneer oneer r .IJRON & iv1Ih DLILStie ,Ea' t R Il AM IN A POSITION TOaas3le s ON - Beset any auction eels, reg I Kva to side or articles to cell. welleit yew bus]neafs and i1 not keel:1010d will make no chargee for seoterletes, Dee -la -woo -us 'Weber, .e 7,0wiett veal k :,... Fresh and Salt Meets Folvolg,� rtes Sausages, ere g Eighest Cask PIM= for Wee! SKINS Ea. W c•" i'lASEf FOR°SK �' axor�,U at SCO } ' Bich X` ZUFUCI-I LIVERY 111. T1, D. ins B. DENTAL SUt;R.GE:0,N DEITZ 33LOCL Zlt3iges ei eve meg .2['h ..sday, Friday area flatauw MOM 's Fail(;, OtiCia WANTED \tet are\ in the market for Dutch sett onions of good edality. High est market prices paid. T. L, Wurnie Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable 'dwelling pro- perty in Zurich, with three.lots of good land, good frame honlse, good (Ward water well, fruit trees fine location. Apply to Andrew Pelee, Zurich. FOUND letiSleteSalleectesteceselleSeeeatreViiSteesteese • • - 0 II am in a p,olaition to aceonAo- ilLizate all regnirem'entls in the Livery biSta9lnese, have Auto for hire. Any g done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL &Bele 52 Zurich,Ont. LVE POULTRY WANTED 'ilsdnwo every day ti11 S O'clock,p.ml. Zee snot feed fowl Same morning Xrlieu brought in. :gi gest Cask Prices Cream and Eggs imiO t"j W. ,_Q' en j iiitione �# . Zini h j a deittatters FOR TAUS 1 EE FOR SALE , LOCAL NEYVS 1YXr;s, Caroline' Pelee of London, is 'Visiting .with Zurich £riends Mfrs E. •Oeseh is spending the week. at 'Dashwood, Cigarette case, a Gillette rwa.zor, combined, :also a tube of t,hev- ing cream(, all for 50c. 'at E OeSia . Mr. and Mrs, .Ta]Xsen of Detroit were; recent visitors at the home of Mr. auct Mrs, .Toho Gall]r„an, Mr. Clayton !+•:;' :Nile of Dash- wood called in the village on Monday. .r , f Miss Je4isio Buchanan of Hensati was a weak -end visitor with her friend Mrs.. L. W. Hof.Grr an. �ocnz ivEws Miss M1ana Johnstoon spent ,'t fow days in tIens ail last week, • Mo$Srr. 1Ve11. Johnston and Bilk� 1{,0,0er were to Lorision on 7;4es, day. . Mr. Ed, Boeseeberry ref Bay- fio.id area in the village on Tues-. Mr. and Mee.. ,T, Jutzie of Baden were Seuday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Sol, l;ocht'rr, D7 r. Bd. Siebert .of Detroit, ts93. a Sunday visitor Vitae: his parents briny: Mr. D. 5, .. Williaxras furniture traveller, of New Hamburg, -se's- • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0, Brai.n and ited. with hi* note,• :Mrs. C. L. Smith .on Friday. " Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oeschand- "sa fax:aily of. the Goshen Line north, Were Sunday • visitors with rel- 1 etives art Kippen. Mr. and Mrs, C. 0. Snaith and as tix-a• sons, were Saturday visitors with relatives near London. family' of Forest wore Sunday vis- itors with `Mr, Wm, Lamont: Have you purchased your baggy Lamp, if not let ns sho v you our 1Pl�rt,ie iin(•- ,7ewallni' Mies Ruby Re,tz, E, ;, of Wat- erloo, is visiting her friend, Mss In(:s Yungblut. Mrs. Wm. R:olhaerm.el • of St. Mr. and Mrs, R. IS Stade and Catharines is visiting with her son Harold. were Sunday visitole at Dashwood. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con, Keller. Mr. Edward Keller and two bro- thers Arnold and .)lmoore, spent Sunday in Stratford. Mrs: J. -G Merner and daugh- ter Mary, who spent a week vise icing at Din.:rri, have returned to` their hone tee. Mts. Zinn of Montane, who visit ed for a few weeks with Mr. and Ms's John Gal:]pan has rein •n''4 to. her home. Mr. ,and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, 'Sr. left on Ivloeday morning for Ch- atlinnl and Windsor, from there they will j't e for. Grand Forget Mise' I:th•al and Agnes Deitz, h N. Da]cot:r, where ihe:y will l be for spent Sunday evening' with to • several n!ontSs wit,' relati , ee. 1\115E03 4G:Boas north of Zul icil. ?a Mr. ani Tali+s. C'yantsa. and, 31r , M r.ancl Mr.;. Henry Ben der, ir,+:l • Mi.=, Leila Siebert left on •Sunday for Detroit, where she intends to. rein dri for the winter months. - .Messrs. Clayton and Clarence £1offn:aan of Galt, and Dr, Ramsay a prominent dentist also of that city, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Haff - man Mr. and Mrs. Christ, Erb and thiea daughters of Wellesley were week -end visitors with aelati`.+es in thus Vicinity. MT. Edward Regier and the and Mrs. A. Yentze' of `tiV'ihreett .son .Roy, and daughter LiPi:in; Mr. ai Cun'.r a, were ue.,.l..]cl e vast: orsand Mrs. Eldon Bender all Ls - at + , Nov. nom kZurich Drug Sto e Dr Rev. % A limited quantity of t choie the hort. `. of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. rotae1, called on anvi • Mr y g pigs 4 t Senwart..e i]tru.3 r. W, ' . Darier on Wednesday morn- r; s ;� get. Ever ouu )i • s for sale incl six i� l !ilii+�l i�J�lt ilk rf v`e �; weeks old. Apply to Aaron A. l ing. 'rimy were on their way to 1 __ son M.ition of Beaver Fells, N.Y, I Weber, Zurich. Mr. an'].SIts Neften,geendenson Detroit. Aaron, Mr. and Mrs J. Zehr and ! Mr. anal I4Ir:i. Louis I3 ,RaJrr were vis tors at the home of Rev. and family; Mr. (gust. .Miller, Sidi ,e+++•444444+.g...g.4,4-4-e++4.+.s,..5..la and Mrs.. C. S hr::, u . i and Mrs. 1i'nt. Roth:semi *i of h'.: PUT AM FADELES DYES J,MacKiui. .1, NOTICE N, TO FARMERS -After 3T7ovem.- The varei'11 petelie sch001 tna- ber let chopping and ronin; will cheers of the district atitn lid the be dorm at oizr ]]roll on Tuesday! Teaeh''r'�: t°u it ition at 1xc I i i and "Thursday and Saturday of each London on Thui.s•:lay and I eiclay of last seek. Con;sequentlti there was no sch ,c,': held in they various') public. schools.Ilio. Evangelical League pro k • !gram of i int Friday evening .t as; • The' choir and .armlet^r i Rev. in charge of the C;ornmitti'va ,,. - . Arthte Sinclair of the • United eward'ship and Miss:ons. Mildred i • FOR SALE Church, Ilrnsall will occupy the Hoffman, sero ('•par was in Liar ; choiri oft fuel pu:pit at the Ernan chain+ unci also gave an •address o ] t • A..g•ood cook .stove, •burns !wood rjel, Evangelical Church ne: t . S 'ia M ss''oes. Newell Ge'-eer is . pr•esi ,61,.coal, in good condition, apply day evening at 7.30 and the chat,+ cle.nt. of the League ai]:1 Was t i 1 to Louis Prang, Zurich. acid n,•ini iso' Rev. ci', Y. Dreher a charge of the 'study anal discussao ] i ': . the Evangelise,! Church, Zurich tc 1 al • p r,lct 1. Th: meeting tree full" 1' week, during the whole day. Williarxas Bros., Zarich. Catharines, r' r, and . '4I ' i, Kee-, - ler and son Aron 01 Zu iehl ,r and "4?.s. Ado nl] Keller a id ily, spent Sunday at the home or; and Mao. Chi lh • It e'er Hay Townehip ne.tk Dasht .kci 1. STRAYED Fron]. my Earns Lot 14, con. 5,. a red yearling heifer with horns. Finder will be liberally rewarded by notifying Donald Bairns, Hen- sail, Ont. • AND, Stu Ile latliqs teistm000 1OTf3 Sa.tIliYlr`;1. FOR SALE A first class good used piano, a real bargain at $150.00. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE OR RENT -I am offering the Zurich Skating Rink for Sale or to Rent. Good reasons for do- ing iso. Otherwise it will be el- -used this winter. Apply to Lee O'Breln, Prop., Zurich. FOR SALE A number of fine white Leg- horn Cockerels for sale, apply to Frank Kochem,s, Zurich, NOTICE. We carry a complete line of Poultry supplies, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shells, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Laying Meal and all Royal Purple remedies. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatel'rey, Phone 47 3, Exeter, 'Ont.. FOR SALE A good secondhand Rubber Tiro buggy for Sale Peace ie right. George Hess, Zurich. ; take ,ca,a.. r, + aO servie is .i: or i, ,, 111:1 litilpfu 1•xe-s. 1 I �r -United Church, II?ns=1l, :it. 1,,7r :1I s. II, Lipplaardt and daug.i (> � ,� wil, ...A.5.. l ill bo a very happy ,and pl- to Ir -who ho visited fol' a fen ; 01. '>ONE 49 ea'sant e.perienoe in both of- thes werl.s at Bad Axe, Mich.,telurne i' congregation's. Don't miss it, to their' borne here last week. le. a „..mesa 1 * "+ •i eereeee ere++(.:'+.[":^4.+4-4- a•' ar..i. a I -it: 4., 4'4,w. t tf t; ut tiPr ros:' r•r; .11 ARE YOU -ROOFING? THINK OF TONE i X RED CEDAR SHINGLES 1 •::'?LY LAIT) WTTFI ZINK CLAD NAILS WIf.L L.' :i OR MORE WITrI--. OUT PAINTING OR PATC1:I:ti . 'SOW WILL 331,0',V UP AND NO RAIN WILL co TtatoU II THE CHEAPEST AND TtIE,r.F;ie. We 'stili have a large quantity of U-yproc on ho.nd. The Fireproof ' ellboard, Us- it. for walls and cefings •to repair the old plaster before you spring decorate. COAL 1927 WI A.RUi SOLI% AGENTS FOR THE. GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY -. Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal OaaD SUPPLY 3#)N SAND TELEPHONIFIF YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PON $ty SIE.1 EP1.T'`i »t` i^.r.,-!'s.c.;,-----v-e.:4:,1.4 •� fEtr''''.------.„--:',-------11,,....-.....,-.::\ 1 ,.� "4 f �� tl �' '•,4, =' a . moi•.. ma, Sr`x.s,21' �x r :.,� it r l\ � I '_� \ / I SIE ,, _ =lit :- �rP(k • .-1-"--r-.. .'-"-- '3 +' �ga'T .,%XC+:•1 1t ii. t, �. ' i et . Sr /(1 r7r V etL.-4estelele et: Duro Advisory Service is free. Ask Dr bo your ,fr Duro out water supply before buying a water system. Why take a .chance? • Water Suppl9 ARE you hesitatingto install a modern automatic water sys- tem because of some uncertainty, such as cost, size, capacity, etc. We will study your problem and make definite recommendations based on your individual require- ments We will guarantee you completely satisfactory water service on a money back basis -no matter where you live or what your source of water supply, .. Duro'makes an Automatic Water System for every pos`sible use •m deep Wells, shallow wells, cisterns, springs -capacities ranging from 150 to 1200 gallons per hour. Come in and we'll demon- strate Duro featuresto you and quote prices. No obli- gation, The Empire Brrass Mfg. Co. Ltd. London Toronto Vancouver Johnston & Kalbfteisch Stade & Weido Pressure Water Systems vOig C LURK y 1�Fi11ffi"1�1L1't++eez..+' d.. r,.,w,i;r�r. Y "3a,.,.m".�' "4•;=•..•2» 1. /qf Y fl 1 o 0 -et your Buggy Light ' ow! You must have thou Electric Lamps 10. Oil Lamps 5:2.75 Aute Tops, magi,n .1 4 pairing, Paint ESS - A711' ICH 3 t-ta*+940.0+9'*******•A*4'**+�a<, 0 Autos and L. v..u� 0 r 4. m 9 0 • 0 • 4* P 4. 0 4o 4 0' A • • • • 0 pplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP ALTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SA"iE i'SplT MONEY ON THESE VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3!, AT ONLY ...... ... $8,50 TUBES 30x3;¢ AT ONLY ......... ..........». GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT 115.00 1 SECOND HAND 1yi; H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. 2 FORD TOURING- CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 O ABOVED TRAILER. CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTER'' WORE ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. FARM IMP..EMETS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL G•TVII YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE .FOR YOUR MONEY ;PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PIMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A raft g ''.544 +040 Oeefteetnee00.0 4,S,00+-tieue 104 Zurich tet