Zurich Herald, 1927-10-06, Page 2Super ur T35 Every cup is ea new delight. Ash. for it. \ \ ` Qi NEA SE ^ V1[ F. Ia1 . 103.?y BEGIN HERE TODAY. 1 gloved hand to lie clasped between the busy London i 'li'e around . hint, Paul Barley walked slowly along the over a .eouPle of thoneaid• esquaee miles. 1Vlanv live in, teepees -and the Quick, safe, sure relief from rest la log .cabi 1$ except two or three Strand. ?tell painAt c`allounes on the feet. r who have board cabins. Mr. L.'s house TrOrn dreams which be recognized Et=on dfugho se shoe stares *� was built by his father forty years ago in the moment of awakening to have p,€y of boards sawed with a handsaw. Some been of Phil Abingdon, he was sud^ Po ono on -the label'. deny aroused to the fact that Phil om + q° nninion-t Ile gives a Party ouco a year aft9x Abingdon herself was present, Per- ,. ' • Xmas The . peaty was so afraid haps, half subconsciously, he had been • 1t hard to ilnd the trail in the snow caking for her. we wouldn't go that he came after us,. from Phil Abingdon Was coiningHomesteadingand it's a Perfect maze to ine, but we arrived at 7 P.m. m and after a hot -sup - the direction of the Savoy it possible that she had eetel Was ^ t Fort Vermilion �•�Pei Ormuz Khanv of music recit•itions songs, ,,. Sir Charles Abingdon asks Paul Harley criminal investigator, to find out why Sir Cahrles is kept in con- stant surveillance by personsunknown to him. Harley dines at the Abing- don home. Six Charles falls fron'i his chair in a dying condition. Abingdon's � last words are "Nicol Brinn" and "Fire -Tongue." Dr. McMurdoch pro- nounces death due to heart failure. Harley insists that Sir Charles was poisoned. Paul goes to call on Nicol Brinn, millionaire club man. Brinn receives his caller cordially but refuses to tell him the meaning cf fire-Tong.e. _ Brinn laughs when Harley warns him,the least I can: bear ang` -now, that he stands in peril of his life and ! just tell me what happened. Ohl I assures Paul that. ho welcomes the had to come. I felt that I had to come." divers:on. 1 Doctor McMurdoch sat down on a NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. chair beside the door, setting his silk "There isn't any one I would rather hat upon the floor and clasping his confide in," confessed the American. massive chin wtih his hand. "We are linked by a connmon danger. "I will endeavor to: do as 'You wish, But"—i.e locked t:p—"I must ask you Miss Abingdon," said Harley, glanc- again to be patient. Give me time to ing anxiously at the physaeian. thing ---to make plans. For your own He began to relate what had taken, Fart—be cautious." place at the first interview, when Sir Something struck with a dull thud Charles had told him. of the menace upon a window pane--ante--twice. which he had believed to hang over There followed a faint, sibilant sound. his life. Paul Harley stared and the stoical She made no comment throughout, Nicol Brinn turned rapidly and but her fingers alternately tightened glanced across the room. • and relaxed their hold upon the arms 'What was that?" asked Harley. of the chair in which she was seated. "I expect it was an owl," answered CHAPTER VII,. Brinn. "We som:times get then over CONFESSIONS.APT from the Green Park." His high voice sounded unemotional Paul Harley crossed the room and as ever, But it seemed to Paul Har stood in front of the tall Burmese ley that his face, dimly illuminated by cabinet. He expreienced the utmost the upeast light from the lamp upon difficulty in adopting a judicial atti- the coffee table, had paled, had be- tude toward his beautiful visitor. come gaunt. "In the first place, Miss Abingdon," he said, speaking very deliberately, CHAPTER VI. "do you, attach any particular signifi- VIII, ABINGDON ABrclvss. canoe to the term 'Fire -Tongue'?" On the following afternoon Paul Phil Abingdon •glanced rapidly at Doctor McMurdoch. "None at all, Harley was restlessly pacing his pri- Mr. Harley," she replied. vote office when Innes came in with a "And Nicol Brinn? Have you letter which had been delivered by met this gentleman?" hand. Harley took it eagerly and tore "Never. I know that Dad had met open the envelope. A look of expect- him and was very much interested in ancy faded from his eager face almost him,, in the moment that it appeared there."Wm," muttered Harley. "And "N. luck, Innes," he said, gloomily. now, Miss Abingdon, can you en- ef anyre reportsn that there is no traceis lighten me respecting the identity of of any foreign body in the liquids the Oriental gentleman with whom analyzed:' he had latterly become acquainted?" He dropped the analysts's report "Yes.He could. only have meant into a wastebasket and resumed his Ormuz Khan." restlees promenade. Paul Harley gazed steadily at the There came a rap at the door and Miss Smith, the typist, entered. "Miss speaker for a moment. "Can you Phil Abingdon and Doctor McMur- think of any reason why Si; Charles doth," she said. should have worried about this gentle man?" he asked. Ahnost immediately Phil Abingdon The girl lowered her head again. cams in, accompanied by the sepul- "He paid •me a lot of attention," she chral Docto-r blciVIurdoeli. finally confessed. Phil did not wear mourning. Har- "So far as you are aware, then, tirecalled that there had been no Miss Abingdon, Sir Charles never met time to procure it. She was exqui- Ormuz Khan?" sitely and fashionably dressed, and "He �iehar even saw him, Mr. even the pallor of grief could not rob ley, ti t I know of."a Har- her cheeks of the bloom born of Devon ,, ti t mused Harley. "That's pas- pretti. He had expectedisedher to bee sible. But such was not my impres- pretty. He was surprised to find her slurs " lovely. Doctor McMurdoch stood silent in the doorway, saying nothing by way of introduction. But nothing was nec- essary. Phil Abingdon came forward quite naturally—and quite naturally Paul Barley discovered her little both his own. "How brave of you, Miss Abing- don!" said Harley. "How wonder- fully brave of you!" ; "She's an Abingdon," came the deep tones of Doctor McMurdoch. "She arrived only two hours ago and here she is." "There can be no rest for me, Doc- tor," said the girl, and strove valiant- ly to control her voice, "until this dreadful doubt is removed. Mr. Har- ley"—she turned to him appealingly "please don't study my feelings in • the L children gave their school program , , anti •dances. .They have a big school- house in the back yard and the eldest Discovered a Rhea- Canadian Harley crossed the Strand and paused just in front of the Hurrying, black -clad figure. She stopped suddenly, and through the black veil which she wore he saw her eyes grow larger—or such was the effect -as she opened them widely. Perhaps he misread their message. To him Phil Abingdon's expression 1seoV daughter teaobos them. After the Chronicler of Heart Inter- program nral a e dining r as Bane big kit- e5t;ng story, body was there except five and •the Catholic Mission. PIOI`�EI�ING�Q"Dp'Y Th., white women were elderly— The Atlantic Monthly brought Miss wives who had followed their hus- bands in here. Old-fashioned, unbob- bed, and with long skirts. But It was like coining hoarse, so warm was the welcome I received from this lone- some sisterhood. They held my hands so long; they didn't want to let them go They were nearly all: from the was that of detected guilt. More than Roche to light, they are intermittent - ever he was convinced of the truth) ly running a series letters from Mrs. of his suspicions. "Perhaps you were Hilda Rose who is homesteading in looking for a cab?" he suggested. the Peace River Country near Fort Overcoming her surprise, er what-! Vermilion. Their editorial comment is as follows: On our office map a blue star on the white waste area of northwestern Canada marks the frontier •home of Hilda Rose. From her Peace River despaired of finding one, she said, .claim have come letters enlisting our "and I am late already." warm sympathy in a struggle which, "The porter at the Savoy would through it seems almost unparalleled, get you one." doubtless has its counterpart in many "I have tried there and "got tired an unchronicled life. Readers will re - of waiting, she answered/quite simply. member Mrs. Rose's letters written For a moment Harley's suspicions from her American Stump Farm which were almost dispelled, and, observing we published in February, March, and an empty cab approaching,. he signal- April, 1927. This later correspond- ed to th man to pull up. ence comes to us through the kindness "Where do you want to go to?" he of Dr. Mary Hobart of Massachusetts. inquired, opening,the door. In the earlier series Mrs. Rose and "I am clue at Doctor McMurdoch's," her seventy year old husband and nine she replied stepping in. year old son were camping in a tent Paul Harley hesitated, glancing in latitude 50 degrees, A few of the 'from the speaker to the driver. letters are as follows:— "I wonder if you have time to come , Fort Vermilion, Alberta, with me," said Phil. Abingdon. "I July 10, 1926 know the doctor wants to see you," Dear Doctor-LadY:— "I will come with pleasure," re- I am now on the steamer going north plied Harley, a statement which was and will land very soon, so this will be no more than true. a short letter so I can get it ready and Accordingly he gave the necessary leave it here on the steamer to take dieecti'ms to the taxi man and seated back to civilization. We will land at himself beside the girl in the sab. L. Point, which is ten miles• before we "I am awfully glad of an oppor- come to the trading post. There is tunity of a chat with you, Mr. Har- only one white settler there and he is ley," said Phil Abingdon. "The last on the boat. He has fifteen children few days have seemed like•one long =is a very large, flue -looking, jovial nightmare to me." She Doctorghed pa- man. His father was a McMur- and the first white man 1 ere1ssionary He has thetically. "Surely doch is right, and all the horrible taken a great fancy to Daddy, and as doubts which troubled us were idle he is a very rich man his word is law ones, after all?" on the river. The boat was crowded Now, Paul Harley had determined and we had no berths and night was 'since the girl 'was unacquainted with coming on. He called the purser Nicol Brinn, to conceal from her all' and told himetd„give us a .good state - that he had learned from that extra- room and look after Mr. Rose, as he ordinary man. Iooked tired and needed rest. Say, When he replied he replied evasive- I never saw a man jump around so ly: "I have absolutely iso scrap of swiftly. The best stateroom was evidence, Miss Abingdon; png to given to us and. we had every atten- foul play. The circumstances• were tion as if we were rich. Daddy was peculiar, of course, but I have every eight days in the freight car and was confidence in Doctor Mc1Vlurdoch's in a dreadful state when be arrived. efficiency. Since he is satisfied, it a dook ollaro a hotel and to arty me four gveails o - would be mere impertinence on my manater from the creek and heat is two f part to question his verdict,” wcans of it, and then I bathed the poor (To - continued.) e�,!_,., dear and put him to bed. He couldn't even eat for exhaustion. He was Military Defence Contribution just a helpless baby. Singapore Free Press: Hon. Mr. I'm so glad Mr. L. has taken charge Bagnall has raised the question of of us. Now everything . will be all the Military Contribution in Legis- right and I've quit worrying. Boy is lative Council. If we confess that it the only child on the boat and Is very was a little unexpected we admit that happy. Everybod wants him, and.. it was timely because it is very desir from the captain, who coaxes him up able that a careful watch should- be into his tower and lets him use his maintained just now in this matter. telescopes, to the engineer and deck The reasons for this are, in the first hands, be surely has a good time. place the Home Government is con- Leaving Edmonton, the freight that scious that its expenses on defence Daddy was on lost twelve cars just generally—not military alone—are behind him. They turned turtle and beginning to take shape as far as piled up on the track so that my train Singapore is concerned; in the .sec- was delayed eleven hours. Finally we and place, the hone taxpayer is carry- got going again and we had a ck, ing extraordinarily heavy burdens, but our car was left standing on the and in the third place the Home Gov- track. This was in a swamp and we ernment has realized that this part were there six hours at night, and the of the world has put up some notable mosplitoes descended on us and Boy sums of money in connection with Im- almost lost his mind, though I wrapped perial defence and may therefore his legs in my jacket and fanned him reasonably be suspected of being cap- co old locomotive and a freiy they stled ght car able of putt're ever emotion had claimed her at the moment of this unexpected meeting, Phil Abingdon took Harley's t - stretched hand and held it for• a mo- ment before replying. "I had almost States One had gone insane --not very bad; you could see her mind was shattered. You know it takes some mental calibre to come in here and live alone and not see a white woman more than once or twice a year, If you haven't much in your head the lonesomeness will get you. This wo- man is poor white trash from the cot- ton fields of Texas. She knows no- thing but work. I questioned her about her life here in order to learn }vhat I could of the loneliness that makes insanity among sheep herders and farm women. I see'bY one of your letters that you have no conception. of how far north I am. Calgary is a large city crowded with. oars. Farther north is Edmon- ton, also a. big city. Next comes Peace River, a small town at the end of the railroad. It has some autos and two wooden hotels. Each hotel has a bath -room in it, but you have to carry your water up from the creek and heat it on the kitchen range if you want to take a bath. Then I went on a steamer that holds thirty carloads of freight in the bottom. We went north all the way until we came o the Great Slave Lake Region. We got off just this side of it in the wilderness. There are no autos in here. There are nine white people at Fort Vermilion, the Governor, doctor, Mounted Police, Hudson Bay man, and so forth. Get a map and find the Great Slave Lake. A little south, of it—that's here. Boy has already had two invitations from Indians to go trapping with them there when he gets a bit older. The Calgary, Edmonton, and Peace River Town districts are settled with farms till it looks like a checkerboard. Here is the primal wilderness. Un- less. I have the dog with me I never dare go out of sleet of the house, as I get lost so easily. The white het- tler's wife and children have to climb a tree quite frequently when picking berries to see in what direction to go home. As there are no roads in the sea, so there are none here.May 31, 1927 Boy and I went hunting yesterday together for the first time this year. Hgo got fouribird ducks, \The fifth time,ot getting shot he killed his duck, but she floated out of reach and the water was too deep for him to wade in after her. He can't swim yet very well, and I can't either. Of those he brought home, two were mig mallards, one was an Indian duck, .and the other was a spoonbill. It's all the meat we haveerring , los be very y .good. He is really g a very good shot. - Meat is very scarce here some years and has been so for quite a se too far s now, the Indians say. north and the country is so large, and wolves keep it down, too. But ducks are good as long as they last. After a while there will be prairie deer here, but they There e Ve yescarce:, I have but they never seen one. In the muskegs there are moose, but except in winter they are impassable. Bt s such a bigands of © wolves• feed on them• rivers,hbaig, wild country -big lakes, muskegs; no trails and no people. Less than two human beings to each thousand square miles, and that means Indians, ' too.• I won't admit out loath. that I'm lonesome, but it's a Robinson Crusoe existence. Like be- ing alive yet buried. Books will sav$ my reason, and letters. Trappers tell me no white woman from. the outside can stand it longer than six years, I'll have to show then'?. Sincerely yours, Hilda Rose. So runs this epic of our Feentler. Can not some of our readers mail a few books or some magazines to Mrs. Ivrake Better read Ask your grocer for ROYAL. YEAST KES STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50YEAR5 Wilson Publiglaing Company, mg up more. and took us to. Peace River Town. ' It Ballads was very crowded and the first-class passengers were horrified when they Letty Stack in the, English Review; had to ride:with• us emigrants. Three He turned again to Phil Abingdon. The old Scottish ballads, which con- in a seat and on the floor, just as sang tight "This Ormuz Khan, I understood you taro some. of the most delightful ro as be.could ldsrode ll alts, d they most of to say, actually resides in or near I poetry in our literature, are London?" widely known among us as they us were happy to be going again s "He is at present living at the should be. They b yuan e read and en- - through ethe o darkto write to safety. The Savoy, I believe. He also has a house joyed equally y one ;The somewhere outside London." or little or nothing at all about ballad land looks green, lovely, ene- Presently Harley went down to the history, that vast and complex sub- some. I em a little homesick, Just street with his visitors, jest which scholars have found so fase a tearful feeling. February 9, 1927 "There must be so much more you ti vers and There are just 131 dl Y want to know, Mr. Harley,"said Phil Abingdon. "Will you come and see me?" Paul Harley walked through to the private office and, seating himself at the big, orderly table, reached over to a cupboard beside him and took out a tin of smoking mixture. He began very slowly to load his pipe, gazing abstractedly across the room at the tall Burmese cabinet. Paul • Harley, having lighted- his pipe, made a note en a little block: "Cover activities of Ormuz -Khan." He smoked reflectively for a while and then added another note: "Watch Nicol Brinn." ?or ten minute;? or more he sat smoking and thinking, his unseeing gaze snit upon the gleaming lacquer of the cabinet; end presently, as he, . is smelted; he became aware of an abrupt Inctiaus. •and trappers, but I know alio, enter chill. His sixth, Wise' Woui, 06 It AnyltiDw° and• I will be the. best of friends and, A SMARTLY SIMPLE FROCK.. Extremely- graceful is this attraca tive, frock and a• style the home rtioi diste will find quite simple to fashion: The flared skirt is joined to the bodice' having gathers at each shoulder, al vestee, and straight collar. The long sleeves- may: be loose, or gathered to narrow wrist bands, and a soft bow is placed .at the front. No. 1640 is•in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and -4-4 inches lust: Size 38 requires 3% yards 39 -inch, or 2% yards 54 -inch material, and % yard 39 -inch contrasting for vesteee Price 20 cents the pattern. Many styles of smart appeal niay be found in our new Fashion Book. Ouredesigneeeoriginate their patterns in the heart of the style centres, and their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the means of the average woman. Price of the • book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain, ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order: to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. DOUBLE 1e- easy to resnentber caul hard to fore Bet, Once you've tried it ielii teeth 6Vtii<tee breath sweet, aids appetite ;'s►t►d digcetion Every Meal ;wig fteri t«)Jt N 40—'2 einating, and which has been the source of such en ess can 'o conjecture. To a certain extent all ballads 'are alike in form and style, and everybody knows in a general way how they are told. civilized he here. 13y "civilized" I mean speaking Eng- lish. ng lish. and. wearing clothes. Of these, thirty-one are white, and I can count the white women on my fingers. - The Preacher is a nine of information and one newspaper. He likes us and is de Rose, Port vermilion, N.W.T., to help eto think i are reallykabout settling her in her task of inakingea home In of leis environment. hero. We sometimes taut the I he far west. Surely it is not much _ t•- _--- "Bonny Lassie" left in Ragland and to do and would bo everlastingly aP An old carter in a Scottish village the aged mother who want sell her I had a rare fund of eloqueua c.' ,One 1 antique and cherished old fttxnittiro predated. e sure there is sufticient Peal:a�,t on • day Jamie was driving a cart keeled! and silver because she's keeping it Istench up a steep hill, when some .• i ' anything yeti send. Do it. now. with s t the V carath I e Mischievous Boys seeing their oppor: i 1 becomes `the Vicar o tunity, xuotlte<1 The Present Generation C1oudesle;y Brereton in the Gina temporary Review: Like the poor, the. present generation are always with us, and just as opinions of the poor vary from the Temiysonian dictum of regarding than as bad in the lump to the soapbox orator's cliche of their being a sort of exclusive and inexx •� houstible reservoir of all the nation'e virtues, so have the opinions of the yoenge generation, especially in their, formative years, been equally diverse! fo At one extreme we have had the old- fashioned belief that the child is a potential criminal, and nothing but ,t• the' right environment on quarantine lines can prevent his evil aturo com- ing out. At the other extreme wQ have had the Rousseau dogma that he is born. good, and that anything that goes wrong with him is the fault to move right �- when re, f the thetail bcartl out oC little village church. He loves the the Bart, and then, taking a short cut, freedom here and says he can't sh % r EE reached the top of 'the hill to hear, the, ny life ie is English r reach Jamie would day ihen he ar, back to• vicar- The Bonny Lassie is planntng c * ?rived there, Wheli the cart dot to th4 on befiming , here this summer. W'on't . ``_, rtop,ice filled itis pipet that fine? Pretty rouvb oto ills anal thenileiatllitt53erlirouncl -hi+ber, 'entle 1✓"ngTish girl to live aznongsi .:;, everything was in -order, When • ha 3 ' ' the liaek, -only saw wbt,t ?tat} ',tallerg bee, his eyes passed front 11► t the expectant vhikive, , � " Ye MIA off." i"riuri soya' Hanle. i'nn iso cilli tt to lily "I heard hint say.he intended never Y eike,t ilei and mom y wake Taking ftp pencil, he/ "Will you veep an eye on. me if I she's a brick if she comes. It s a self /oti daring, but, it has its eoanpense wase allied tt :arra 1&Oi go ing" imposed exile for me and will be os "Watch yoursel e: £. You are in lana "I euro will!„ her, too. Lova for your mate makes s it, rebrnary 11, 1c027 Y" Dividing .rices ,.. .. a usually tions CIIAPTEt1t "VII, tetiltiplie ." liali!Piries De e le in reflection and oblivious of ???inerts These civilized people are scatt Liniment tot" "ootliache. A W1r.EATII 01 HYACIN HS rid Not :Another leeop. "I guess that stage•hand has enilily alt4'C o sworn "suit, awe'baro e, laddlos, to lunch a, chop tee,a•in.' .1elinard's, t-tn]ivicrit fol` Asth°nd,