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Zurich Herald, 1927-09-29, Page 7
e. ii ON!, +e 'r a If lad !t. Ix tic PI of. Race to Rule t Sky The Old W. lrld's Attitude Taw'ald Aviation Keeps the Experts Guwi xg---Russia and Italy, Are'• Getting' Niidecl, -flit• Great' Britaixi and'France Show an Apathy Toward Flying Which 1\Uy, Prove pi Astro: s --to n1 ritait�','.at Least---lf t of Qve9OmE I3.y I4Q i.D TI•fompoN.OF OAII;DXNC:•T'.ON Former British Secretary of State for..tlir • "Iti is a'isiiriousancl significant 'fact, and Bi}'ininSham,. LiverpoolL adNs'ea an- that'the RueSi i.lgovernment, in” add'i tion to creating aiformidyble air' feece. has `perceived, 0,rlihPs (dere dearly than any other government; what' are the essentials of "air power" ::a'nd is using the machinery of state• to • instil "air sense into the masses •of the. 1',uSaian''peo`pie.' , , th cheesier, e majority ,of ngl.i,h- perts and. cities are uge targetsr, as yulnerable ae they are essential to the nation's life. They can bo de- fended in one way only --the establish- ment of British air power on broad and deep foundations;' iBroad, bacaiise. from the very nature they must be for -flung; deep, for unless they rest upon national industry and peaee- Eine habits,, an air force, however effi- cient,' well equiped and self-sacrificing its personnel may be, will be a super- structure without foundations, since it will lack the requisite reserves. Nation Apathetic. Tor .eicamplet The study of 'aviation has been made complsory in Russian schools; even in ., the ;smallest, institu- tions model arplanes' are provided, and the ,children are being taught the rudiments, of sero-clynaniies. ' The hi - :Wrest of adults is maintained by, among ,other organizations, the. All - Russian Volunteer aircraft. Asocia- ls to provide fecal - 11 In view of these eonsi'deratiens, it is both disappointing and surprising that the 'British people as a whole - aties for flying as a pastime= should be apathetic in regard to avis -(taken in aviation. It will, therefore, • s �• t tion. That they are associations in: Soviet Russiav this one i thou p so is demon- ; be more profitable to look forward and could nit exist Without government member- developments, i consider future develo ments rather permission and support. seeable by statistics. The than contemplate- the somewhat • How igathere" the propaganda is ship r©tdidp`notl exceed inthe 19261tthe' meagre showing of he present. The may be gathered from the f alone e 'Imp word "showing" has been used•inten- i�gu�res: In ,the Ukraine alone there _Iialtxy..'Dotal of 6,000 and is increas-1 behind the scenes, .are 4,662 local aeronautical societies `ing very slowly. In Germany an este- tionally,because, -with a total membership, of 360,000. ciation withsimilar aims has a mem- much useful experimental and re - Each m'einber pays' a fee of eighteen bership of several, hundred thousands search work has been done by the Air Ministry experts and aircraft menu- rub trance but whether this'is an en- an15 000 000, began A r�L population, facturers. trance . fee 'or annual subscription is is, , Seaplanes. riot quite:, clear. Two societies the 80;000 members: Like'Iter Great nes. Britain will have of Aviation and A Few Enthusiasts. y, Seeley of the Friends A seaplanes Soc ya • the Society of Chemical Defence, have Admittedly, the foregoing efigures to fituation. � forr air tcommunicat communication. o Its may : be now been amalgamated into . one, present the dark. side; of t own::ae `the Avickhim,`'whose mem- There is a brighter side, where the in- i that when airship designers srolave I segs, pilots and mechanics can and lin L�ership :exceeds, 2,000;000. This'sug- difference of the many is redeemed by I solved the problems n I their own with those of any race, lighter -than -air vessels—and there is I eat things may be expected from passengers, express routes as it would be to leave coast Ales unlighted, harbors undredged and bridges broken; yet the charges for all these maintenance services are met for the most part out of rates and taxes. Italy's Experience. Italy's aviation problem is similar in many ways to that of Britain—her long coast line and interests overseas necessitate the use of her seaplanes or amphibians On the development of though by no means the only suferer, these types of aircraft, far more than from this arrangement is the French on land machines and bo;nl,ers, her naval air service. The complaints of air future will depend. Italian engin- thelatter htave been loud and long, their latest occasion having been some unsatisfactory experiments with 'sea- planes. Russia, Italy and France are un- doubtedly great air powers of the The Motor Toll Careleesnesb`,--of tails. ear itself, Its brakes, its steering gear; care- lessness of operation. --too much speed, cutting -in, loafing; careless- ness to trellis rules, and signals; tali these •add to our mounting tole of meter aoeidents, The anotor ear has added greatly, to the harsard Of our . Ontario roads. It is time that all good citizens United to re - Port the careless driver, One year of strict enforcement •of our laws, would cause the careless to pause, and think. Otir laws are sufficient ;but our oflieers can't be every where at once.' Help make °Meet° sate. led erased roma- toes,, one pint' of string Impels, one ,, .' ' it, in spite of the fact that it costs, sized potatoes, diced; and salt to taste; little if any more ad is much less. cover and simmer another hour. Add dangerous than travel in a Frennhlone pint of eookou 'grated corn, a train. fourth of a pound of butter, cut into A Flying Fish. small squares and rolled in flour, si Nevertheless, much useful experi- quarter of a pound of grated cheese' mental work is being oanried' .on in and the beaten yolk. of an egg. Stir France. One interesting, innovation five minutes and serve. is the so-called "submarine seaplane," Cabbage !Dumplings a machine which, according to As de- Cut eight slices of salt pork into signers, can fly above or swim below pieces, cook out the fat and remove the su'rf'ace of the sea. While this the meat. Add three quarts of chop- dev'ice may have no practical appli- ped cabbage, sprinkle with one tea - cation for years to •carne, it is all to spoon of salt and add two quarts of the good that work of this kind should boiling water; cook thirty minutes; be done. In aviation, the incredible add entire wheat dumplings and 000d aw err. Pare an errfon to -morrow. minutes g fifteen the is of to-daypossible Although, in the strict sense of the core two tart apples, cut them into term, France has no air forc --that rings half an inch thick and fry until is, no independent service on the same tender. Put the cabbage into a deep footing as the two older services— plate; garnish with the apple rings the air arm of the French army is, the pork and the dumplings. numerically, the most powerful in the Shoo -Fly Pie world. For various reasons, Mix one cup of pastry flour with French air arm is administered' by one-fourth of a teaspoon of salt, one - the War, Office, and the chief sufferer, third of a teaspoon of soda, one-third of a cup of brown sugar, and one tablespoon of lard. When well blended add one-third of a cup of molasses and one-third of a cup of boiling water. Mix well and place on a small pie pan lined with pastry. Bake in a hot oven until brown. Serve with coffee for breakfast, Molasses Dumplings • Autumn, 411) tome - nub about a five -pond piece of lean beef with salt and pepper and half a teespoon of ground, cloves and the same quantity -of allspice, then put into a vessel in which is ,enough vinegar to cover it, together with a sliced+ lemon, a sliced onion and half a bay"i leaf. Turn several times; . Dave in the vinegar three or four days, remove, wipe .well and pot roast as usual. Vegetable Chicken Cut a raw, four -Pound chicken into cubes; put ,ft into boilieig 'water with half a- pound of lean ham, diced, and one large onion, sliced, Cover and let it simmer for an. hour and a half; add one quart of pee and. and safer: befcr:a;� the French o oppe green the take to h d n pepper, toua medium, i;;,gestive combination has already form ( the ,enthusiasm of a few. All over ad nineteen aero clubs and established the Country there are groups of pa - 1,200 libraries Containinghooks . oil ixiotic men and women ready to s aeronautical subjects throughout the fice their money, if not their n soviet Union: in the cause of aviation, The sup• ht Military Aviation. in every reason to believe that they: will m if they find an outlet for their succeed -the latter will play an im= in the organization and Portant part as passenger. and freight equipment of air transport systems, acre- energies eels, future. Two of them, France and r carriers. But that art will he more. providing safe and regular communi- Italy, are dieveloping aviation mainly reamers pro g and military liners, in striking contrast given by the Air Ministry to` g` in competition with ocean s esti+on across the "Mediterranean an to the procedure imposed on Germany Airplaned'Clubs has been appreciated, than with airplanes. For seaplanes ' Adriatic. In this way Italy will lay the foundation of her air power fax � by the Treaty of Versailles. Russia, and has At leastth sixa satisfactory res- , There will always be a place on the on the other hand, is up lles-ng excep, �onse. such clubs are, air routes of the British Empire, oad" and more solidly than by the maintenance tional propagandist methods simul I now in existence with growing mem- I range that their "useful of an air force of such size "that the ; taneously with the provision of a bership and the latest returns of Pu- sidrable Progress in d. Con - his direht can be ct on a drone of motors will drown all other t powerful air force: If the gavern- and of flying licenses sounds in Italy and the win of air-' P pais to training and in the near 11 { pent f Moscow can achieve the govern- ' are most promising. Several been made already, ,'ilii tt inaily, Russia imported airplanes from On the other hand, .military aviation lhas not bean neglected. If numbers are a measure of strength, Russia is now . a first class • air ower. The Rus- sian Air Force is said to ,ossess from 12.C'0 to 1,500 military aircraft. Orig- g Germany, and her squadrons were successful air race meetings have been future commercial seaplanes should 2'7 and the for 0 equipped from the Junkers, Fokker in remainder of the season Are good. milesv'aiI lw`illvthen be possib for and Dornier factories, but recently a; theAviation as a sport seems to be tak- traveler to fly from England to the ing root in England, and this is no small mater, from every point of view_ . '0n commercial side Imperial . the Airways Limited are providing regu- lar services with the Continent. Their air liners enjoy a deservedly high re- putation for safety and British pilots inspire confidence in the most timid. During the period 1919 to 1926 :the. rate of fatal accidents was only one per 1,141,000 miles flown with pas- sengers and freight. Highly Efficient. Although the British air force is, numerically, net so strong as curtain con • , 't may be claim -1 is made—that aviation does not pay. ed that it makes up in efficiency way. Lack of numbers: Visitors to the nn- iits tunes the present traffic is requiredithDison.nna n ,.ho cop' lx'.a mese loudly im r, throw bout Italy,ld better to( p in every the forget or snot know p theh is a household word.,the population the uses and advan 1 branch of aeronautics'. the same :higheSubsidies pard to shappnig companies If his popularity ami influence are Thtage of aviation than this grace is jstandard is maintained. Unfortunate- and the plight of the railways in 'their If his papula my an ti enable himThe most. ,dazzling stunts and feats ly, inaerial warfare the casualties earlier days. Subsidies are as nee- su fieipuhis Oma into tocene le will hi would not impress the nd while there is;'essary to aviation as milk is to a o fortunate for Italy and' not less of aririans P will be appalling,aRussian -peasants half as much as the I the faintest possibilityof .war re-Ichild. Governments which starve this so for Europe. exterminationfrom the sky iofe these +curring one fact of aramount import- new form of transportation, and itsFrance Behind Too. asses acus n rhes, lds ht deva anal is that the British air force has now related i idustry, will be guilty of a Altho h France coTtributed so xasWh upon the flews they devastate• taken th place of the British navypenny-wise-pound-foolish policy, and uWhether Rugria wia power n meas the first line of home defence. As rightly incur the obloquy of succeed- much to the early developmto say ent of ••true 9eI1N0 a great air power time h 't must be prepared for a long ing generati+ens. The future is with that,withon, �the exception of tt is probably he British, no rano displays greater apathy in, regard to aviation -than the French'.In spite of all attempts by the govern- ment to excite its interests by means of aeronautical exhibitions and de- monstration flights this French public has•not yet acquired` "air sense:" Airtravel will have to be both cheaper national ; aircraft industry has been founded with a reeeareh department, .and the latest machines have been built in Russia• from Russian designs. Russia is specializing in all -metal airplanes made of a new alloy Koltchougaliminium. This, metal •combineslightness with a tensile strength of 85,000 pounds to the square incl► andhas given satisfactory results in thevarioas ' tests aplplied. .An ,aitplanoconstructed throughout of this alloy an•d fittedwith a 450. horsepower Lib- erty engine has made a non-stop flight from Moscow to Nijni Novgorod and back. Advanced Met o s. 1 es•are employed to destroy swarms of Antiodes in ten nen-stop flights, with rs. t 150fl 'nhoua total of at mos Yi gThe stages might be Malta, Egypt, Bushire, Karachi,' Colombo, • Singa- pore, Port Darwin, twoyair-stations in Australia and one in New Zealand` In these conditions, the . gain in time would be a decisive factor, and noone' with business of importance would hesitate to take the air route. With machines possessing this range of flight, empire air transport .will be- rome a commercial proposition. Does Not Pay. In all countries the same complaint planes eclpe the sun,"ove t to pahe raphrase a paeninsular ss-1acle of malting Russian peasants "air - ago from a public speech attributed t minded," then Italy, France and Ger- by the newspapers to Premier Mus- many together will not be Russia's solini. equal in air power. the air force esti-For the British, delay or hesitation res stun -eters, in building up an al rforce will be her '•bion ofo sithose itemsmates in Italy, like disastrous• Great Er Pocountries, are going up, and the Ital- in the would has been `built up on the basis of sea power;`now it needs air power to maintain it. Its mariners, backed by governments with vision and the instinc s o a res , len government is credlited with the intention of constructing 2,800 mili- tai aircraft ley 1930. • T e arquass Mix one cup of warm milk, one•fourth of a cup of butter, a little sallt and a half a cup of yeast; mix with flour to make a stiff dough; form into balls about the size et walnuts and place in a well greased deep pan to rise. Cook together about five min- utes one cup of molasses, one cup ot water and one tablespoon of butter and pour the mixture over the dump- lings when they are light and bake in a moderate oven. Fruit Potpie Sift two teaspoons of baking pow- der into one quart of flour, add half a teaspoon of salt; rub two tablespoons of butter into. it with the linger tips and add water to make a soft dough. Moll and pat out two-thirds of the ydough and cover the bottom of a lIMde Pinedo has ptftding peoj�iiedeep buttered pan. or a kettle with hsps a clearer' notion of the requi madepossible the Britnsh Com legs• Add a quart of quartered airrents of aerial supremacy. He has wealth enacts the `Yllimitable path- Ales or peaches; add sugar bountifully. bean urging, among other things, the ways of the sea." Its airmen can as It requires more than when stewed. oonstruction of seaplanes navigable•oonsalidate that commonwealth and Roli the remaining dough for the topiodea is surface of the water. This give it a new lease of prosperity and crust and pains the edgeo well otopidea is far from being fantastic; the ' life only by equal enterprise and dar- gather and put in a quick oven at seaworthiness of seaplanes is sur- ing,on pathways more illimitable first, then lower the aech• It vhnuld prising, though explainable an aero- I and trackless, whose courses are in be brown all over. hdtinental am $DicesaYstatic principles; they skim over the three dimensions and above both landffrcfor y It certainly does not. Ten roughest 'sea and neither crash into and sea. THREE KILLED IN BLASI In South Russia fleets of warps the waves nor wallow in the troughs. 1 air force display cannot fail to I to.. make British ear transport pay. Piiiedo's Atlantic flights aroused' the � � IN BRITISH NAVY PLANT locusts by sprayings them w P be egged by the skill and dare g B rt those w p wildest enthusiasm R ' Nothing could bring homeof the British airmen, and either er were his name e alone can . show. Her wide and dis- ,tant`, spaces offer an ideal field for aviation; the Slays have produced many brilliant engineers and should produce good pilots and mechanics., -What this race, lacks is concentration :end the faculty for detailed organize - sue 1 war of 'attrition' 'to survive whish it airfaring nations, and subsidies io will need he backing of a national air- commercial aviation are a good ins craft industry and an imperial air vestment of public money. Perhaps transport system just as the navy. the best form such subsidies can take The Brish are proverbially slow is the indirect one of providing and starters,but they seem at last to be .equipping air routes. These routes h g d now at 'n from post-war reaction, an are as essential to a modern state as Jri g tion. 13ut if t e props an a si n's are not lacking that more seri- sea routes or public roads. It is, o 'wort: bears fruitan d Russia builds I g and widespread interest is being will be, as unreasonable to neglect air yip a national air transport system olds -with an "adequate aircraft industry for her internal needs, sovast are }lei' resources and so great are her tetuxai advantages that in a few years' time she may, quite possibly be . in a position to:control the air routs over A's,ia, tort the •:East:.` °Brat ails Opportunity. Conti acted lit 'ninny•ways witih th8 growing optiiarity bf aviation and the increasing ..':air mindedness" of Rus- sia'. is the• Status of flying in Great Britain. Aviation offers a splendid., opportunity to Great 13ritain. No ••E:urepean state has more to gain by ;its rational 'develonneoet. If the probe feint iirasented by this new form of loocints,tioii , am tackled boldly and ria- o.'tientik, y.iier'gies are not paralyzed by 'the. inrorierity complex which makes unenterprising people dread all change ;and discourage the activlt`ies of ,others, the 'rewards, though not immediate; t` : zv'11 amply campeneate the effeete and sacrifices Made: rpjjiat ,tytcitln1nt:sri,rdeen, d.'ie ; 'oyn the , raey: markets,,:rnoe ens- accesst undevelop- edl'regio i, closer', rind,evide:r .inter eciieee Within• the British 'Comnion- a1th and throtighaUt the world, On the moral side their worth will be. in calettlal,.c -a `U.roader otatlook, ..better annderstindint, ;ti ',quickening of the progressive spirit, without which the _greatest and ,most powerful states stagnate and ,eventually decay. , On the 'tyi:her band, no people have Mae be lose by the neglect of aviation then the'`l3ritish• • Thee islands li'ave lost their o".d security sea‘jiower is 1ielpiesa apinst sir attack;' Loam), London. --A terrific explosion in the navy's cordite storeroom at Wareham recently caused the death of three workmen. Three other mon, ono of whom was carrying a trayful of high explosives, was blown out of the build- ing amid a torrent of bricks and de- - bris, but they were not injured. Sev- Explained Her Make -Up. eral women employees were slightly She "Ail the world'sa stage." He—"That explainsinshurt. your make-up, As the only three men working at place where the explosion occur - I suppose. fired were killed, the cause of it re - The real-estate firm that recuses to mains unexplained. The explosion hire flappers and employs none but I was the first in the plant since the elderly women deserves to be con- war. tingulsh upon its ability tel York storeroom becamImmediately e a mass ofer the aflames, Evening between them.—New Evening Post. 'which mounted 100 feet high. Twenty Best of Ontario's Cattle Herds Parade in Coliseum, _ a.em.n.rm 40. THEGCiANti FINAL MAFl Cel .'pit , IN THE COLISEUM l Parade ort the test i xhibitien week, Tile view shows this is The prise witit?;exs of all c1A,sses always it judging of all the line stock events has been keen this year and the final Parade chit be seen to be no exception.. eye iilling cone. The interest in employees, including several girls, had to dash for safety. The building was consumed in a few minutes, al- though the firemen prevented the spread of the flames. All other build- ings in the plant were shattered. The factory is the research labora- tory of the Admiralty and contains many naval secrets of the greatest importauce. So. We See "You know my husband talks 80 loud and it is terribly embarrassing:', "Yes, I'm very sensitive that way. too. Everybody simply stares at you." . Thorn is a?lace in some metfe lives when ontsslon of the "Mt;," 3S dlsrespoetful; another when it is a distinction.