HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-09-29, Page 3'A Noted , Uoctor St'ronglY UO-` dorses •lr. Williams' ,?link Pills, The test Of any remedy lies in its acceptance and employment .by the Qualified Medical practitioner. No less an authority than Dr, Andrea Amid, physician to the Papal house- hold, 'writing on the subject of arae- mil, impoverishment of the nervous system and disorders attributable thereto, strpnglyy endorses Dr, Wil - hams' Pink Pills; recommending thein as superior..to other tonics. Dr; Am1ci'o testimony reads as: fol- lows:—"For ' several years 'I Have made use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in my works and I Have always found them efficacious in 'the treatment of disorders duo to inmoverishmont of the nervous system, anaemia and neurasthenia, stomach weakness, 're- tarded development in young women, and irregularities. There is is no lack of tonic remedies, but In my experi- ence no one of them manifests a su- FRANC . BUILDS.. NEW DEFENSES Army: Engineers 'Strengthen >Forts, Militarize Natural Bar- riers, Build New Railways and Roads and Huge Underground Arsenals BY FERDIN:A,ND ' TUGHY. under all conditions-- a matter to' For the next; three years General which Marshal Foch attributes the Guillatunat, who •mas' one ,day ' be highest importance, In the former .classified beside Vauban and Brial- Generalissimo's view, concentrations mont as the military architect of a in the next war will not be so great new form of fortifieationsywill super as they were in the last (such as his intend the .construction and organize- 400,000 men hidden in Compiegne tion in France and Belgium of the Fbrest) , but will be executed with far inostrevolutionary national defences 'greater rapidity (like liianoury's taxi - to be evolved since the Napoleonic cab rush to the Oureq). Wars: Not only will all they teadhings In the same way a big hole is being of . torn in the fortifications budget by the World War be incorporated in the new fartifeatione,'but`a radically the harnessing of water power and by different . central idea will be. pursued laying down many ; new telegraphic as well. and telephonic circuits deep in the It is no secret that the Fortifica- soil from pivotal point to pivotal tions Commission of the French army point. Underground roads are even. was not in any hurry to go to work, being tunneled in places so that' a even though more than eight years given vital region may' be held with had elapsed., _singe the .Armistice! a minimum of casualties, while, a fur - Feeling that a fresh war was unlikely tier feature. has to do with the crea- to occur" before 1935 at the earliest tion of subterranean aircraft depots; (Marshal Foch has just given it as gun parks and tank dromes, all well his opinion that the next upheaval camouflaged. One section of the plan involves the establishment of little short of mammoth hidden arsenals and war material dumps, in which, will be found everything necessary to defend the surrounding country in an emergency—from wire cutters to machine guns and land mines. STRATEGIC POINTS. To revert to the, wider plan, the more vital railroad junctions, such as Charleville and Chalons, are being specially protected and duplicated, while great care is being bestowed upon the entrenched camp of Paris, particularly with regardto protection from chemical gases. Also, the time- honored channels of invasion down the Meuse and through Lorraine are be- ig intricately attended to -in the lat- ter case by the "turning" of the im- mense former German defences around evacuation of; the occupied' terei'toeies; )Metz. Henceforth these will not face prior to the limit year, lied bee'onie.a'i:France, but Germany., The Strasbourg enceinte' is also be - 'Mg "turned" to face the other way. It is in this region that the major work is at present being done, since from. Strasbourg to Bale France holds within threethe line of the Rhine in perpetuity, generations,, pf .She' ritb- and the_ situation 'there is neither so drew from the Rhine, and articularly ser'i*us nor so urgent. Lorraine and from the Coblenz bridgehead?' Her Dauphine today; the Vosges and the own frontier was, naturally, a bad Nord tomorrow. Such is the'order of one. The Italo-British Locarno guar- precedence in the gigantic undertak- antee to .come to hex aidaign,:the 'eventiiig' at 'which thousands of engineers of a renewed German aggression was are working today. not considered revise enough. in the Nor is it possible to consider the military sense. As for the dainilitar- :general scheme without taking into ac- ization of 'the Rhineland as•la'd down f ,, � ?� count the reorganization of the army in Article'43'of the Treaty,'no'''one had Which M. Painleve has just inana.ged to put through after infinite trouble -With the Senate and Chamber Com- pnission. This redistribution is speci- 'f callty designed to coincide with: the new national defences. Heretofore the standing and conscript army of peace, numbering. some 800,000 men, has been divided into cumbersome a'r`my corps areas, with .a drafted service of 'eighteen months. Under the new law reducing conscript service to. one: year France is redistributed into twenty territorial divisions, each 'highl'y mobile : and self-contained for all arms and aircraft, and whose cadres have been entirely recast. This ":is the Metropolitan Army (actually the corps appellations will be retained for it) and it will be re-, ;enforced upon mobilization by a fur- ther , twenty divisions of first-line troops, : instantly raised. These forty "supermechanised" and mobile divi- siona, armed to the teeth, will with- stand ithstand the first shock of invasion, se- c 'r�rely reposing on their:. newl;a con- st`F'ucted war -zone arsenals and Porti- fled regions, while the rest of the na- aaee,:aeill be drafted under the Paul Boncour Service -for -All act. —New York Times. perior efficacy to that of Dr. Williams' may not develop for "fifteen or twenty Pink Pills." f years"), the . commissioh wished to No more .conclusive evidence of the leave matters- in suspense until the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills could last possible moment," principally in be asked for or given, >thanis found view of the ever-changing equation of in the above endorsement of this air power, but also with an eye to noted European physician, Besides fairly certain modifications in'. so - this, however,this medicine has en called "mechanized warfare." joyed, a world-wide public confidence France would continue to have the for more than a third of a century Rhine as a frontier till 1935, it was and has brought relief to' thousands argued, so the danger of invasion and thousands of weak and suffering would be correspondingly small. peopre. Meanwhile, more and more lessons Try Dr. Williams Pink Pills for would be assimilated, so' that when anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, nee, the new defences were eventually built vousness• and stomach trouble, _Take they might represent the last word in them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition ,and cultivate military effectiveness.. a resistance that will keep you well ISSUE' DEEMED PRESSING. and strong. You can get these pills However, in the early'summer of through any medicine dealer or by this year it was felt that an,expidited mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. States Ireland's Trade Iniproving Marques .of:D ifferin and Ava Arrives in Canada Quebec—"Alli that North Ireland asks is that it be. left alone and per- mitted to monk out its' own"salvation;"° stated the, Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, an dittawa-born man, and at pre- sent. Speaker in the Senate of, North, Ireland, -who is in Canada tq, visit the Governor General in the capital. yet .come fo ward to, exlain. ,bow fit The Noilth 'washed the South of Ire- land all the success in the world, Con -1 o be lane '''Was: FirAlicett allies upon thi guarantee of; forr44. allies tri return for a re+rnature evachation7 No, It.was,decid'ed to put the coun- try into tiler 'irloggf perfect state of de- fence known„ tht;s creating ,,a. substir tute barrier for the Rhine. PLAN IN BROAt OU7"III E The greatest secrecy is'being mnina. tained regarding the nature of the new fortifications • aid many.. spies have already . been. , arrested; but ,int bra'ad outline it may. be .@xpla iced that they ai'o a mixture Of the old, crossing ilii eempany;';with , Capt the; ants,'" innznansellt' st>engt}ieiied;'''ail$ l:Ion, lnigq` Brassey Freeman -Thomas, of. natural bulwarks .of, ,the' ,re 'on, pressing political d'Oisability, not• only in the interests of Europeaii har- mony but ar=mony'but also of Fre'neh reeonstree= tion. What, it was gFleanSe to rely upon, as a barrier against pos- sible, re -invasion for the third time tinned thgBIatquesat,! but rstl• does, not wish to ama1gainate wit'ih it, Ship- building, ,te linen industry, business in c,enerals: and unemployment all re- ported impltiovenients, according to the. speaker, Who is the son of a former Governor 4eneYai of Canada;:Vista:Mt Dufferin, bile salt-governrnent,iie re- gards as aving proved itself a' suc cessful experiment, • . The Mal!r�uess is accompanied on 'his present Burnet' • to Canada Thai .the Marchiongis, while they made the son of Hig4 Exeelleney= the ;GQver,nor- Geneiai, So is likewise pror,'eeding to rtidoau kr•l with. Lady,; Freeman-. Thon,as, i Nfowhda gal a ;man doesn't; get on his , feet until 1113e is broke. bidwith a _Si690' slam? lenges.. cuts easier. Saws faster ONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. .l MONTR! AL tancouvss, GT. JOHN. N.s., 41 TORONTO ; .1 o ganize i t"m474neri:si7nlllartta; hat in which celebrated battle ridges and !hills 'Were `fitted! ant', Ipainffillf and tragically during : the, wan;; •' i . ;'i i To name. three as, an•tllius!trat}}'son Sotichez, opposite Leps, ,Morlgnvillers, in Champagne;'' and the Hartri anns- weileakopf, in,iAlsarte, The idea is to tti n tic t o OO. nti'gtevo0 o.4 e ' i31i' ri.a iIi 4i i'rb s io4is�« (vh'i h ciifii'e l lits_ ing, naturally, during the conflict. If or.w e/ e4re§tses; aie,C ;pitatecl. satih,ese. tried and trusty militarized zones will be there to fall back inion. Bit -there -IS fat more in the plan than thet. A l 1rge;part of tl}e,4aeyen; miliards of francs, vehicle the complete proposition will testi is to bs ldevoted e, the constructign of a1 p sii�tive net- work 'df railroads, "light' and heavy, hissing ttp the con- ected and of strategic roads, crisr3, , frock ao lel,te, acihle :pin; }i'za to j+ whole ,S�,St nit to 4ox,t1e thath. re. centrations of troop's may b'a e rif i �e endo. lar, e1.. ow the., dem. ye�iili.l' ei . ?e' ,obey ii �t p... y you;; . welcome this suggestion — tr',.: Pointy, le rT' r 1t,}i•ads s Floor--Anade from the .4fiest V'e tertli) whe44 h . ...t r�!illrres. . n tarnbread. f i_ s �ookii'.5� say Purity p'1oar;i,s,J�est #'or•;t�ke�h p e>r3, au Shaw, Writing Cromwell Drama - Will Not "Speak Badly of England" in New Play, Ac- cording to'ltalian Report of Author's "Interview" With �• a Cat. London -Oliver Cromwell is the sub- ject of Bernard Shaw's next drama, • , t• 711 t ,.. P.1, f'.34 i'v.t Parity Flora, Cook, p1�y, 26 :,.end 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe tl, . , ,,,.4 , � ,_j,.,, ,����, � ,p, ", r ,'� •' Y i tt�vV� i�yEjilftAGaliflj We30...a Canada flour Mille Co.,�,i.itnited. '9'eee,61o, M6nirea1, Q3 , , ti AJ..„i ••,,V "I °F)i. hi{) iiK013 .,t.IJ'. ' •'tat; ,x41r "+Jil_di7. lilt ti+ • l s+i'.r.d; likal. 01''u sa ti `!!-' Y tc,t -tic 3'iirr'ii+4i11ii4('I� "' J1�1r i(', 1 Irr�� I, ri,i, t f i• r �f tl rFri(, 4r ., °t11 � 1444 it;eri;bes t�vciity-seven hcilo§tiii' 3lxf�efiiroati stop --are goer . , ,y.., ;<.i:,•, 'x I sleaul l say riot l t o 7LOURS ever get'vet wbc>x ryotL`Vet p HshCCl.f lei a V at'r7 1'ritres a" Nugget "shade, for every shoe' n ado ?.•y If 'sometimes the tea you Are using does not taste; as good ras. it used to -just see, ;what °kind. of .a package 'it is in. No chances are taken with Red Rose. It is packed in clean, bright . Aluanninnua sT lit t Waiting for .the Wife �tt,,;There are ' a vatiet3 of ways by 'tvlfich a,,inan niay put in his time• while waiting;on'a street center for his wife. If it is'rtt night, lie;'iiiight'take'up as- tronomy', • If it is daytime, it is nearly always::,possi'ble to 'carry a' pocket grammal and learn a tread language. 'rhese ai+e merely suggestions.• But a liesband in 'Chica.ge, who was in the iliit o8 meeting hie wife three nights'. :tt jWeek,;,and escorting her"laom'e'frorn' work.. (i.) developed a branch -clew sr s- teiii. He pat in •itis time by'pounciiig {u,pp,on tuiescorted ladies, dragging tZiem ui alleys ;and' robbing' therii of Ftlieir cp.h and jewelry,` if any. ` He st.pn ha'd a bank account of $5,000 --to say not)iipg' of van ions rings, bracelets r ti'd wil.atdot` itnd` he alight iii tulle ,pave estabh!ished ,modest competence for his* hitt ago But tilt that t1es ard alec;,tys`•'slo* to reteArilze genius of so outs anrltng a'nature He wag pini; J i lased 'tbe,"'r0t13afd ti"' aucl one'shor( rJ„y e1' ihherea:i`tth the police, with buffer naiVictinrif , managed to chino, according to the Rome correspondent of the Observer, who reports an amus- ing interview between the Irish dramatist and a certain cat, and over- heard by a writer, in the Italian Publi cation, Fiera Letteraria. This cat, says the article, Is the in- mate of a shop of old books and curios' recently pat, •nized by Shaw. While browsing among the old books and thinking himself unrecognized, Shaw stroked the eat and delivered 'himself thus: 'Poor olcl puss. How do you like living among all these books and Pic- tures? You are like an Englishman in the midst of poetry—blind, deaf and hungry. "You see that gentleman glaring at me? He would surely like to know what I think of the new Italian litera- ture, or, at least, that I should tell him the tile of my nex drama. Well, let us try to make him happy. I will only tell you that I am at work on an historic drama, entitled, 'Oliver Crom- well,' in which I shall not speak badly of England. "As regards Italian literature, I am completely in the dark, and know noth- ing whatever about i:. Of course, there is Pirandello, with whom. I have had the pleasure of dining once in London. He is a most charming gentleman, but I cannot forgive him for having given occasion to English critics to institute a comparison be- tween Pirandello and G. B. S. "Asa matter of fact, I resemble Porandello, as much as a saint resem- bles a monk. Bernard Shaw's truth Is only one, while Pirandello, like the old monks, belives In three truths: Spirt, flesh and dreams.” This remarkable conversation was duly overheard by the antiquarian, who recognized his distinguished cus- tomer, but kept his knowledge to him- self. A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Should be in Every Home. Where There Are Children • The perfect medicine for little ones is found in Baby's' Own Tablets. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the new-born babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any other injurious drug. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes:="I always keep Baby's . Own Tablets in the house for the children, as I have found .them a perfect medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Th-\\ ) He—"lZou certainly look like dryad." 1 _ _ Ili „talugai be geti ria'laaale; iii. s �oftld tolisixier'^,1Stro1omy'as rio.altec• • - g -.-.A: etiidy 'of married and •siitglo 5non, a:ccordini to au` eastern plofessoi' fj 1oreei'"tliat• t'narridd''men are 'Chi) (tr?inerd's l:leiment relieves backache. iaikti `' 'Veil; loot/ at the help they Over 30 years the same good to Now packed in Aluminum. is good te .• 113 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE io extra good,. Great Highway to Span Canada Only 235 Miles Yet to Be Made of Road From Hali- fax to Vancouver It now requires only the construc- tion of 235 tulles of highway, before Canada will have a motor road extend- ing from Halifax to Vancouver, en- tirely within the Dominion, This miss- ing mileage is composed of four or j five sections east of Winnipeg, and along the north shore of Lake Sup- erior, according to Dr. P. E. Doolittle of Toronto, president of the Canadian Automobile Association, in a recent interview. Dr. Doolittle, as president of the assoaiatlon, makes practically an an- nual tour of the provinces from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He was pre- sent at the recent opening ceremonies of that section of the trans -Canadian highway hat passes through the cen- tral part of British Columbia by way of Kicking Horse pass. He describ- ed this pass as the most spectacular section of highway in America. It is now possible, by use of an alternative route through southern British Columbia, to motor direct from Winnipeg. to Vancouver, all in Cana- dian territory. Dr. Doolittle said and he was looking forward to early com- pletion of highways through those sec- tions north of Lake Superior and east of Winnipeg, that would link complete- ly the East with the West in highway construction. As an instance of high- way development in Canada of recent' years Dr, Doolitle said hat one might now motor from Montreal to Windsor, Ont., opposite Detroit, over a com- plete, permanently paved motor road. Classified Advertisements OXTVATION$ VACAANT LADI5 S WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, Good pay. Work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., iiontreat. li il dpnenpe N7feHer sex; in vel Paris specialty Co.,' Montreal AGENTS 'WANTED. %T ANTRA LADY OR GENTMA 1' IN EVERY CITY TOWN RNID VILLAGE IN CANADA as a eat for TEB BIBLE PRAYBR. Position pf importance. No experience necessary. Pi.easant and profs#able occupation. Apply by letter. BTBLE PRAYER ASSOCIATION OF CANADA, cls ON- TARIO STREET, TORONTO. AGENTS—EITHER SEX -175 weak- ly easy selling PALCO CLEAN- ERS, WASHO, POLISHRTTE. Cleans everything right. Removes Road Tat' without injury to paint. Sells on de- monstration. Samples free, P. A. LEFEBVRE & CO„ Alexandria, Ont. t.. ritish Labor Again Rebuffs Communists Edinburgh.—Fresh discomfiture of the Communist extremists resulted when the minority movement contro- versy arose again for a brief period at the Trade Union Congress here in connection 'with the Miasma Federa- tion complaint against the Seamen's Union and Mr. Havelock Wildon' be- cause ecause of his union's aiding the new. non-political miners' unions. Iiarry Pollitt and other minority movement leaders demanded the im- mediate decision by Congress to ex- pel xpel the Seamen's Union, but Waiter Citrine for the General Council pro- tested against any further attempt by tan outside body—meaning Moscow— to impose its policy on the congress. The delegates supported the General Taxes Donated Council by a large majority. As Act of Grace Jersey Heiress to Pay Inheri- tance Duties - Without Admitting. Liability London.—The passing of the late Sir Robert Houston recently, leaving an estate of more than £7,000,000, brought to a head a matter which has been vexing the British Treasury for a number of years. The difficulty arises , from the well-known legal pe- culiarities which obtain in the Chan- nel Islands. 'These places, where many English people now make their homes, owe allegiance to the king, but not to Parliament. English inherit- ante taxes are not, therefore, legally 1 BURNS Minard's soothes and reduces the inflammation. Keep it on handl for Isprains,1 bruises and flesh wounds. collective in Jersey, and by establish-' , cTINT ng his residence there Sir RobertPi b Houston apparently planned to save his estate approximately £ 2,800,000 in 1 �• The Chancellor of the Exchequer, I i declaring that • Sir. Robert made his Read Mrs. Menard's.etteE'.' fortune in England and that the Gov-' ernment would collect the taxes if any tier Experience May Helps possible method of doing so could be i devised, has been seeking legal advice . Chatham, Ontario.—"I want to tell i to guide him. However, Lady Nous• you how much good your has done me.i Be-medicine r ton, the chief •heir, with a view to.. fore my Baby avoiding the further strugglewith the camel felt so Government has written to Mr. �l°� ��;i. weak and ran- , Churchill to the effect that "as an let °r down that I could of grace on her part" she desired to' MOTHERS' taxes. hardly do my u:r present to the British Government lie, • , work. My head share of the duties which would have I ached continually i ' been due had Sir Robert been demi- and 1 was so dis- e � 4 . couraged t h a t 1 1 tiled in ESngland. At the samtime 1 s uld e r f r o I • Lady Houston denied that her hue. ic”' ' � ;s`�� coconld,crt111ni in baud had made all his money in Eng- �. I had anot er land. The bulk of leis fortune, she de- � ;zw.. 'a . - : ababy justoneyear a Glared, was macho in .South America. and a half old and it gave me a lot to • ,Lady lioustoli's offer was accepted. , do, So I thought I would try Lydia ) asIPinkham s Vegetable Coinpoun+I had'read.so much about it in the', little hooks. i' found a difference right away as my head was relieved and rny tired feelings gone., . My• had been doing my washing and she continued doing it, as she said it ,night set me back if 1 started to do it again. It sure did help me and 1i had taken just two bottles when my ' • baby came. Ho is a fine big boy, new nearly five months old. • I am taking your medicine again and I am able to do my work all by lily .elf now. I always recommend the Veget; b1e s Compound to women, and especially -, to expectant nother.s, as. I believe they need help at these times."— Mrs. Owiven imes."—Mrs.OLIven MMMT NalkD, 24 Harvey St Chatham, Ontarlu, She—"lir dry ad. for 'what?" , with reservations, the Chancellor ie; lie "For bathing suits. You marking that Lady ,Houston hadnoir haven't' got yours wet yet. admitted any liability to the clutio:a. i right' Mr. Churchill reser, ecl the lint to colitiuue thio lndieial p ococderry F in case Lacly licu.�loii.'s co -hemi l ti•. I. Appleton, refitted to pay his ,:bait of ,ilio deities, i I. To . this Lady 1Tcustou has reliiietl deolae'ing that lies oi'for wOs entirely her own and that cite cored Pict bo reeponrable for Mr. Apploton's p°n'- • • tion.. So f•; r as sbe is concerned, there is 00 case with rho Crown after Pier,offer has been mole and act p.c 1. anisettes Liniment •C3sea.soro foci. Ittoulr—"l forgot :a,l1 about that fel- low when I made that algal" INOWItdt1YS every roan le ontitlod to life, liberty and an automobile in which to pursue; happiness. 'MIA No. 30—'27