Zurich Herald, 1927-09-01, Page 7• to -day,", observed the rat, as it bili' rowed into the box of matches.. „Give me .a pound of animal Brack, ers, please—no lions or tigers; they frighten the baby." A small, henpecked, worried -looking Men wets about to take an examine' tion for life insurance. "You don't dissipate, do you?" ask- ed the physician, as ho made ,ready for tests. "Not a fast liver, or any- thing, or that sort?" The little man hesitated a moment, looking a bit frightened, then replied, In a small, piping voice: "1 some- times chow a little gum.", "This hurts me worse than it 'note you," said the Siamese twin, as her sister sevallowed the 'medicine. Opera Sesta, Aug. 27 W. I...Mackenzie King presses the but- ton that sets in motion the most color- ful entertaining program in Exhibition T3istety [I.1:;.k(. the Prince of Wales Will dedicate 'The Princes' Crate"—the new $100,000 Eastern Entrance. The massive new Live Stoelt Pavilion will be opened to the public for the first time•#tnd countless other new features, new exhibits and new Entertainments such as the: world championship $50,000 Swine Marathon will be presented this Year. liy all means ree the Confedera- tion Celebration at the 1027 Canadian National Exhibition, 'August 27 to Sep- temhsr 10 ' Send for program to -day. 29th Year el tl.e C. 11.,B. JOAN., iii ON Presi c u, Celebrating Canada's Goth Birthday if tW'.WATE.R.S (lenert1Manager •.veste. • ■,/�p. Y Q�Bf� Y}� O "y 1 . L. Mu . With tisughterr The preacher who preaches at his congregation soon has no congrega- tion to preach to. Letters for air mail might appropri- ately be written on fly paper, When a bride comes down to break- fast wearing her regular face you . can lay dollars to cup cakes that the honeymoon is over. Mr. Potato was all eyes for Miss Spinach and they were to be married, hut the parson didn't Turnip. Tho four great destructive agencies aro wind, water, fire anrd boys. A Woman's Troubles. A 'woman's always on the jump, Iter troubles make a mere than grin; If she's not trying to get plump, You'll find she's trying to get thin. He— "Darling, you aro the eighth wonder of tho world." She (lnclifgnantly)—"And who, may 1 ask, are the other seven?" Constantinople Poor After Kemal's Visit Constantinople.—With more than a million Turkish pounds spent in cele- brating the recent visit to Constantin- ople of, Mustapha Kemal Pasha, Pro- sident of the Turkish republic, the majority of the population of the metropolis is prepared to live for the rest of the summer on bread and cheese, flavored with gala memories of the spectacular and costly, show. The municipality drained its .trea- sury to such an extent that it has not yet been able to pay salaries or pen- sions for June, and those not depend- ent on the municipal budget are not much better off, as the greater part of thei rpersonal "luxury allowance" went into subscriptions collected for the celebration. The money was used for triumphal arches, Rags, pictures of the "ghazi," as wel las an $8,000 American-made automobile and a high powered motor boat, which were pre- sented to the President. One of the things most needed in the present collegiate world is a mo- tortheter for sofas. "-Where ignorance is bliss—" began the reaclymade philosopher. ,r 'Tie folly," answered Gladys, "for girls to ,wear short skirts and reveal bowlegs. A cat and dog wit often associate wtli each other in perfect peace ,un- til they'e'e tied together. And it's that way with some men and women., • Wille; ---"Pa, what is an optimist?" Pa—"A man who thinks that he won't have to buy'his wife a" new fur coat because the man next door did his!" "I went to a lot of trouble borrow- ing five dollars from that felloW. " "Well, you can put hint to a lot of trouble getting it bank." • Hubby --",Your check to the grocery camp back with `no funds'' on Wifie--"That's funny, I saw an ad in the paper yesterday whichsaid the bank had a surplus of more than three million. , 11 isn't necessary to drink to drown troubles. A. CCliicago womai drown- ed hers by pushing her husband off the Municipal Pier. "I guess I'll have just a light lunch RETAIN YOUR VIGOR _This Can Only be Done by Keep- ing the Blood Rich and Red. If you would regain your vigor and ambition, keep your blood and nerves in'good' condition. Anaemia, or thin blood lowers the vitality, starves the nerves and causes a general run-down condition. When the blood is thin the skin loses its color, the shoulders droop and weight is lost. The victim of \anaemia loses appetite, suffers from indigestion, headaches and sleep- lessness, and is nervous and exhaust- ed after slight exertion. If you have any of these symptoms do not delay but begin treatment now with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will be gratified with the prompt improve- ment in your condition.. Among the thousands who have found now health through the use of this medicine is Mrs. Herbert Nagle, Ludlow, N.B., who says: -"I had not been feeling well for some time and Was gradually growing weaker. I would take dizzy spells and often faint. I was subject to severe headaches and found it hard to do my work. I took doctor's medi cine for some time, but it did me no good, and I was still growing weaker. In this condition I ,began the 'use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in a short time found they were helping me. I continued the use of the pills for a while longer, and found that the trouble that had bothered. me was gone and I was once more a well wo- man." • Get Dr Williams' Pink Pills at your druggist's or write The Dr. Willams' Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box. ^alx Use Si x .SAWS and Machine Knives:;. SIMONDS CANADA CAW CO, LTJ, MONMEAL VANCOVVIR, ST, JOHN, Mo., YORONTO .LA' . aleeeeeetalleata The Bank Magician. "Bear 'you're studying eleight •of hand, Aren't yen going to hold your job in the bank?" "Sure! Only it don't pay enough." Space atPremium Space at the British Industries Fair to be held simultaneously in Louden .end Birmingham next year promises coon to be at a preniunt, To elate twiee as notch space has been re, i:erved for dieplays as vias reserved last year. The fair will ran from, Feb, 20 be March 2, — Man at Bhor'editch—"As wirers go 1 saneness rani luoky, for she buys her own iletheS," Now packed in Aluminum ;your grocer knows when you order BED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of .tie tea. IMotor Bus Figures Reveal Big Growth Motor- bus. statistics just corn - Piled by the American Automobile Association contain the following outstanding facts for 1926:' Total number of motor bines in use, about 50,000. 32,425 buses were used In oom- mon carrier service. 32,800 bused were used in carry- ing school children back and forth from home to school. Total passengers carried by buses were 2,395,000,000. Of the passengers, 2,100,000,006 were transported .by common car- riers. Investment in rolling stook, ter- minals, garages, etc., were. approxi- mately $455,000,000. Grose revenue of common carrier bins lines was nearly $800,000,000, Taxes paid by motor vehicle oper- ators are estimated. at $712,000,000. Bucking Horse Champion "Bring 'em on" says Pete Knight of Crossfield, Alberta, and Canadian North American Bucking Horse Champion. 1• Ie gained this title at the Calgary Stampe'cie held in the west recently against competitors from all Parts of Canada and the United States, and in doing so proved himself master of anything the western plains could produce in the way of equine fury: The elaborate saddle that Knight is photographed holding is one of the trophies he won through his skill; another, symbolic of his cherished championship, is seen in the -inset and was presented by Edward F. Albee, theatrical magnate. The Calgary Stampede which has become an annual event is regarded as the finest of its kind held on the continent. adkk and Fire Sets in Country Need Extra Care in Proper Grounding as Protection Against Lightning In installing a radio receiving set. in the country, that' id on the farms and in villages and towns where there are few street wires and pipes to car- ry away lightning charges, a lttle ex- tra care is advisable. Lightning may be attracted by the aerial and travel- ing down this may not only demolish the set but destroy the house as well. But by the addition of a simple grounding device the lightning" will be deflected harmlessly into the earth. The Ontario Fire Marshal's Depart- ment advise keeping all aerials, if mounted on the reef, below • the term- inals of the regular lightning rod masts. It is better to place the aerial away from buildings altogether, using poles for this special purpose only. There should be a good sized, single pole knife switch between the aerial and the set. The middle of this switch is connected to the aerial and one end to the set and the other to the ground. When the set is not in use the aerial should be directly connected to the ground and there should always be a tag attaching to the set warning people against using the sante during an electrical storm. If lightning should strike the aerial it will then travel down the wire tlra knife switch and iota the through ground connection without going through the receiving apparatus. But, warns Deputy Fire Marshal George free lemonade, souvenirs. �omeon F. Lewis, this devise should not be should suggest that they try good Pic confused with a lightning rock it will tures —Outlook. not protect the house but simply takes the charge away from the radio If h lnrman I —Erne MISTAKES riOTHERS SAKE IN CARE OF LITTLE ONES C n ibal Ideas los Classified Advertisements SXTV,a.'T;COZ,TS VACANT 1AUX OR, GJ✓NTLDMAN .ti' \NTHiT .I In every city, town and tillage ire Ontario, to act as exclusive i eprese - tativo In distribution of the !31b1, Prayer; whole or part time; position of importance; do business at home; 'piece ant and profitable occupation, Apply b letter2 ntar only. Street, Toronto.Associativ. ' A Gl2NTS—BITrr' SE7t $75.01 1A weekly easy selling YAI.CO- CLISIANERS, WAS1IO, POLTSIirtITE. Cleans everything right. Removes Road Tar without iniury to paint. Sells oft demonstration. Samples free. P. &i • L1!E'IO'CVRE-ltc. CO., Alexandria, Ont. Trust .Siknilcag to Rhodes Fo cation Formed in Britain London: A trust, resembling the famous Cecil Rhodos Foundation—let- volving less money but with a wider outlook, in that its scholarship will be held in ,American as wel las British universities -is created by the will of the late Dame Julia Lewisohn Henry, published to -day. She was the wida�` of Sir Charles Henry, Shropshire, . England, and a daughter of the late Undergo Chan Leonard Lewisohn of 'New York.' Her estate amounts to £245,000., The testament gives some £20,00f�. to charities and dependents, and leaves the whole residue in perpetuity to provide scholarships for British and American students. It will be known as the Charles anel, Julia Henry Fund. The trustees wilt be "12' competent persons" appointed in equal proportion by Oxford, Camp bridge, Harvard and ,Yale. This alar rangement, the testament says, is "In the earnest hope and desire of ed. menting the friendship between th British . Empire and the United States." Some are Capable of Intel- ligent Conversation, Says Lecturer London.—We trust that before long trial by red hot Iron, boiling water, $ and mwaxi poison will be things of the past , This hope was expressed by W. F. P. Burton, a missionary, who lectured to the Royal Geographical Society on the march of civilization in Central Katanga, a strip of Darkest Africa lee ing to the north of Northern Rhode- sia. Since the days of ' the war this strange country, inhabited by the Bal- uba, a people endowed with intelli- gence and industry, and, in some parts, with cannibalistic habits, has developed svriftly with the advent -of the missionary and the trader. At present 1,000 natives are work- ing on tin. There is also coal, and"the men extract sufficient iron in some districts to make their own spears, hoes, axes and knives. Good Farmers. They have their fisheries and cul- tivate, among other things: Tobacco, tree -lentils, pumpkins, cucumbers, ground -nuts, bananas, sweet potatoes, spring onions. Mr. Burton said that, 'while in 1914 ascarcely a native could read or write, thousands now possess both accom- plishments. Almost every chief now has his secretary. "Of the three secret societies," said Mr. Burton, "the Bakasandji are far the most sinister. "No one is allowed to be initiated among diem until he has eaten part —generally a bone—of some other human being on the principle, 'I am Many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that their babies "eat everything that grown-up people do." Such a course is almost certain to bring on indigestion and lay the foun- dation of much ill -health, for the lit- tle one. Other mothers administer harsh, nauseating purgatives which in real- ity irritate and injure the delicate stomach and bowels and at the same time cause the children to dread all medicine. Absolutely no meat should be given to a child until it reaches the age of 18 months, and then only if approved by the doctor. For medicine, all strong, disagreeable oils and powders should` be abandoned and Babys' Own Tablets given instead.. Baby's Own Tablets are especially made for little ones. They are pleas- ant to take and can be given with ab- soluto safety to even the new-born babe. They quickly banish constipa- tion and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers and make the cut- ting of teeth easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 now a super -man, for I am myself and cents a box from The Dr. Williams' the other roan as well.' " Medicine CCo., Brockville, Ont. Cannibalism, Mr. Burton empha- ized, is practically confined to tho the Real Drawing Gard. neighborhood of the Luvidyo water- The shed.,-, The moving -picture exhibitors are ..One finds among these cannibals,"' trying everything to keep up attend- he said, -"credible iron -workers living attend- ance' in the summer—cooling plants, in fairly decent surroundings end sip A ° adopting much of resent day civili- nation." Preserving Canterbury To preserve the treasures and kee the historic building in condition tit society of Friends of Canterb Cathedral, in London, has been for . '. ed by the Dean. The cathedral is mous. for its numerous monument and tombs, and is known as the cradle, of English Christianity. FREE ICO cANcE SENTonREQuE 1, Tells cause -of cancer and what to di ;or pa n, bleeding, odor, etc. Write f "t to -day, mentioning this paper. Arlt dress Indianapolis_ Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. Sprained Lagimerts. Gentle massaging with Min- ard's will quickly 'relieve the. pain' and stiffness. • sot. .fe+— uman beings would sop e g , clemocracy would be perfect. st Boyd. 3 E G ON How can a stabilized dollar contri- bute to a fluid currency? Polinard's Liniment relieves Backache, n1ones Flimsy Modern Dress _ -� :+cu rc ..�� �_W --- �'ox lagcrez�: a in Tuberculosis � a v v.,,,,,,, •�, �, ,,, , �' Y .�, Milwaukee—Scantiness in modern h L� e d � woman's dress is partly responsible for the tuberculosis problem, accord e ing to Dr. Hoye E. Dearholt; wiho re- ported that for the first time in the history of the Wisconsin Tuberculosis association all of the State's twenty sanatoria are Milled with patients, with long waiting lists at many of them. Girls between 15 and 25, striving fir a boyish figure and wearing scanty clothing, have lowered their resis- tance to a point where they are easy PITY of the disease, Dr. Dearholt said, "I believe we can cut down tuber- culosis among young women if we push dress reform," he declared. "There is a point in the race for scanty clothing at Which a gii'1 must step lest the body be chilled too much and weakened." Very True. Teicher -- "What le an ` island, Charles?" Charles -4'A place where' the 'bets tom of the sea sticks up through the , Water. "—Denise rt Flaniingo.. • II .Many thernionteters lttwo' been got I ting their high degrees recently. Minard's Liniment for burns« Ma Buzz went tc the count y9 Hto: my LIT spray clears your hoine of flies and mos- quitoes. It also kills bed brigs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to itasects'but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Dish -Owed Omuta byPredJ IE loweeCo.,Limited,'lorcxto DESTROYS ries Mosquitoes Moths :Ants fled Bugs Iloadhes orbit yetteto raft with the biteth boner" After Taking Lydia E. Piukhaui'*• Vegetable Compound Could Do • All Hex WiWoo'k and Gained . in Weight Melfort, Saskatchewan. — "1 ha htward'troubles,haadachesand sever p pains in my ba 1' and sides. I so sick general that 1 could no sit up and 1 wait in bed most of the time for eights months. An aunt came to visit anis help. me as I w tunable to attend to my baby and could not do toy work. She told ore to try Lydia E. Pinklram's Yoga - table Compound, and after taking two bottles 1 could get up and dress my Alf.1 also took Lydia E. ITinkhanr s flood Medi .mc. 'When I first took the medicine 1. only weighed tieventy- eight pounds. 1 ow I weir)). twice as much. If 1 get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of • the Vegetable Command. I find it wonderfully goo y for fe- male troubles, and have recom- mended it to my neighbors. I will Iee only to.) r1ac1 to answer ani` letters I receive asking about rt. Mrs. Wli,i lei% R11'0111J5, Box 480, Melfort, Saskatchewan. cd Ia5UC No. 35—`27 . "