HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-09-01, Page 5ladnetlean Septeeater let, 1921 , , , . . , . . ... . , , , . . . pox siotuar 4 PUSimas CARM Dina/EY E IDA= s iusTER SOLICITOR, n()11.4. A11 ARIZ PUI31.10, ETC. • 011ie% Hamilton Steeet, dtfat Oil Equate, . GODERICH, OM, lapeeial •attenticee to 10ounleel land 1101Mds naay be earierated at time only, ave will yodr efen otil, 'Toys yvanto, For Sole, Loot, Ootinclg.Notioe, Etc. Acit' IN THIS POLICIMN FOR SALE Quiantity of buelawheat . and Ca:clover heeey alitaited Court Work. Ellederieli by plaeese and phone tamers, at sa, a le. • • , charges reversed 2 blocks. eouth Hetet, • ' . Heberer & Sone, Dr 11 COWEN D• 5. DENTAL SIIRGEON gitt DEITZ BLOCK, tuRicH eV- Tlisireday," Friday and Datum - 31111.10 Mahe Office; AhRTLEIB'S BLOCE, DASHWO0111 Andrew 'V. Tovine'bip clerk 4builter Of Marriage licensee -Notary Otoinnateensieer, Fine Wad Aut- estenhile Inieuerance Representing Moon & Brie Mortgage CerPOre aetion, The Cana.de 'Trust Co.. ZURICH — ONTARIO. leinfna COMAS IfnisCre • Illeaduate Carey Janes Nat - Weal School of Auctioneer"ing. Try Se tor Regiatered Live Stock claall Breeds). Terms to !aeepieg With prevailing prices. Choice Wive for sale. Will sell anything ildaezlae 18-93 or writes Zurich nfeersthere Licensed Atictioater FOR HURON ez MIDDLESEX 4111 IN A POSITION '10 CON - Slant any auction sale regardleas Jas to else or articles to sell. I eolleit your businees, and ii not satisfied will make leo charges for, lastrAete. .1. a 'dander Weber, 141111s.V00.... 12-57 lopoesesoceseessocoaeoceasio • 1 Zurich Nee I Ti V, int09,0 • FOR SALE' A real good second. hand No.15 DrLaval cream 'separator. Louie Prang, Zurich. ' • • • FOR SALE A first cless good used \piano, a real baegain at $150.00. Apply at Herald Office, LOST A man'e 'mock, black andgrey, with brass buttous, lost between the corner of Zurich Rd., 14th con. and the Bronson Line, lie, the Ade road 1% mile south. Pinder kindly return 'to Heeald Office of to Aseriek Brieson. • • FOUND In Zurich at Men's watch, own- er can have eame by proving pro- perty and paying for this adv. from p. Fritz. FOUND On Goshen Line, a crank of Chea- nolet car, Owner can have eamo at Herald Office, by paying for adv., LOST A red eoad heifer calf, atrayed from my premise's Lot 23, Con. 7, Hay Township. Finder kindly notify Orville Taylor, It. R. No. 1 Zurich, Phone 15-86, Zurieh., NOTICE. We wiale to active the farmers that we have made full arrange- ments with the Wheat Pool head - Fresh and a e quartees to handle their wheat, and Beioglia Saulages* 2 farmers' aro asked to briog their -if wheat to our mil', whether • tor Wool ens. . • 'Yea Highest Cash Price wish to, pool it er net „ le*see yea SKIi8 &101/g."4 Williamis Bros, Zuridli. • . Iraintblirit&t. , rieichefeci • asseett‘ •••••••••••see•••••• nen Aloe • - • ilina 'Xi a ponition to memo-. Mate ale requirements in the Livery liveliness, have Auto for lir` e. Any *ling done. in the teaming line... GEORGE J. THIEL Maoist. ' Zarich,Ont. L VE .POU LT R Y VVANTED *liken 'friairi day tili 3 O'cleekama 300. sot feed WW1' tonne iisorning *Oen brought in* • i hest Cask Prices- • POE--; Iii Vrearn snd Eggs - Case " & ' Son FOR SALE .A. number of horees on the farm ef Mo. Thus; Kyle, Parr Line, -Hay. Every one of these ,hoises are well broken in and ueden request Mr. Kyle will hitch and 'drive any ene. of then?. horse.. For partic- ulars apply- to Arthur Weber, Sue- tioneer, ,Dashwood. - FOR SALE A good 'secondhand Rubber Tire 'buggy for Sale. p.rice is right. George Hess, Zurich. GOAL 1927 WH ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GDNUINII Scranton,. Coal ALSO CARRY Coke PoCahantas* and Soft Coal • diOOD SUPPLY., ON. HAED * TELEPHONE TOM ORDERS EARLY, TO I , W. O'Brieril FerioXv 35 • Eglisost ;Aim., PIOT* 14, Zurich dquarters FOR TIRES TUBES AND Storage Batteries 11. S. WEIN, Prop. audgrornon MOTO? Imerocl LOCAL NEWS : '•• • M1'5, C. FrAZ and son Ward vis7 nen). relatiVea Ingeori, Mich. , `d Mr. .aod airs, Henry sP`atiat af Detroit, visited relatinea /lea& OV''' er the weekeend, Mr. aed L, anelscia of Dee twit, ale Vi'Sitirlg at ,the hone) of. Md. and ken Oeeelia Ma and Mae. George :Edighorefr ,of Mitehelf celled on friend's, in the erillage last weels, ; • Don't forget the diret \flower allow of its, kiwi nSeturclay" ,ef this week, ' " •Mr. and Mese Studer of Detroit 'sedated at, the, home of. Mr,. and, Mrs; Well -Johnston, ' • .• awl .Mrs. 3.rvin D. Sneith Raniiltone visited, with the forme pied brothere, here, Mooed. C. ,Faita, H. Vottseeau, end Hy, Yongbiot were on fish- ing hike to .1Les:ulalirti een IVIondan. Rev. •and alre..Dreter, • wile ep- mit the week at. Ayton, eeturried nome on Tuesday; '`,. Tine various offieiale of the 'atay- Farmere' Fire. Ipaurancie, met :at Crecliton Saturdaya ' Mr .and Mr's. E. Voentei.* of Flint Mieb.,, visited at the honie "of Mee. leiv.ee.a,usi.d., iv! sse Anna Hess, -the pest Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Ilaberee, Mr. Ed.. Kalbfleasch, Mr. Bruce KloPp, and Mies Veradinallstleiscli vielted at Detreiat over Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. H, Rembe, and' Ito -ally, who •spent ea few weeks at Hamilton, rentrned home on dines - day, after pleasant holiday -se :Or. aed 1V.Crs. .A.. 3, MacKinnon, their two sons, and Mr. aod Mrso Well. dohuston arid farol,y, were" weA-end visitors at Detemt. Mr. Albert Schwalm nnd \sons of Saskatoon, Sask., and who vis- ite." tha forra,:!r's motile , and ocher rolatives here, have returned -to. their home. I , Rev. and Mrs. H. losibold• and members of their £4.411157' ;Were we, ek-end yisitors here, Mr. .Leilaold cenducted ths services m the Ev- angelieal church on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Adam dean* 31r. Wm. • Wolf and Miss Eliza a olf , of Tavistock were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. G, H8S3 and Miss Anna. Parmelee Advocate ;—It is loetter for the children not to win apriee at the !school fair than to win something tee x pa e have trz...de or. prepared for' them. • • . a- The 'eight of ,children betwee 3 and .6 yeatis -ok age is being test-. ed .a Nita...York preachool cainic` te 'Prevent eya treinlales fa:tensed\-- eloping unre.eognized. . The Sale of Pornmeciehyde. " School open's, on Thursday, morn pinrgogroaf mt t‘h"e3.1ko'CaBle:t stTlailline me-nt of Agriculture and many. ror som, yeare pant the Depart-! what chansi, as 1:rtistees have! frig farmers have been adnoeating die engaged Mr. Bru:•e Popp, who ‘11111 use of fora,oldehyde for the treat - the first two years oft. ,his work! afonreinnta., teach High School sabj.ets and i merit .of seed grainsfor smut. Fre-. cd1111,11)I;,)diael7istysasw eainelyheiairadnatt.sias will be .given night here in Zurich drug *ores, It was not convenient in instead of sneline the children Intanys mean ''sections where drug. eIsnwhere. UnCleW he new systm sa tires were often ten or lefelve miles we id'idorstanc.1 that Arm 'Id Kalb- part. It was found that•all that Nvas. needed was a sli flelech• wet act as principal lyt the Pharmagy Act which would- put for- ght change be the public schooL maidebyde in the same class as Pants: The new Ruston oil engine that green and other poisons that axe has recently been oust:Wed. by handled by hardware stores or gen- 6.6,1 stores. It is, of pourse, provided ,Williams Brost. in -their grist and up to that' formaldehyde cen only be sold ehopping is measering in sealed paekagen carefully labelled ell expectations, in fact in some 'Poison" so that the handling may be waye .proves more efficient than proper g d. ly safe tette was- -at first anticipated. It bas The Marketing Loan Act. an abundance of power, to do .important. measure in- , .. their work, ,and a very Vital face This is • an tor is the .econonay of operating teaded to grant financial assistance orgaiiizetions of droduceie incor- the !same, as it- communes only a- pora,ted under the , Companiep Act bout $2i00 Wortk, of .a. cneap fuel who desire to construct and oPetatEe oil ler a -whole day's milling and sleed eentres or potato warehouses. A cliopPing, whereas the ;east of the oan up to:fifty, per cenn. or the value hydro power for this same wOrk of the land, bending, and equipment. Would be 'about $10.00;.• , may•be made, Provided that such loan . 1. .. . • • does .not exceed the sum ef 13,000 •Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Deters, Mr. in any one case. This loan is free and Mrs. Peter Haberer, and Mr. of interest ter a period of two. years, but ,fifty per cent. must,be eepaid in aand Mag. ,Ernie Reder and family five sears, and the balance at the ond attooded, .the morniog.iaeridon at of a further period of five years. The Zions Lutheran church, ,Stratford, act provides the usual mechinery for on .SuOday, Which %was contlocted the' safeguarding 01 the inveetinent, by atudent Albert Deters of the This measure 1.5 Introduced in re- V,Vaterloo Seminary •Isoi Of M. and , arm for encourage sponse to an indication that theme Mrs..Ed. Deters. And after the a real need in Ont • s cal seed chnrch ,service they all called at ing nhe development of lo the hOMIs of, Mr ,.and Mee. FredLei- cadres where modern equipment for cleaning seed grein can be. estab- lished, and ie this way a market secured for the aood seed produced in many sections, Similarly, there are indicatione that several sections yypuld to erect potato warehoutes in order tO cam" their preduct for a longer period,. instead of forelhg it all on the market a. short time, thereby placing the stock ender con- trol of the. dealer .and speculeteste • BetteirPreirention oilfirsease Arnow, Bees. A measure passed having for its object the prevebtion of the spread of diseases among bees provides for, the enlargement Of the seope of the aCt which has 'been on the statute books for some time. The old' act, however, Is confined to foul brood. While this is Q110 ef Ike lend aeriotle, •diseases of bees, there are other that litive developed. that ;define the attention ef tbe inSpector. Tile .amended act aleo provides that bees er apallances from apiaries 'Where disease has exitsen may be 'Moved on ".!artilicate froei abo Preeieeial Arlar. oddd ad then taltn1 to To" • ' ' se nese lens !against MoVing bees 'Or aDoliances to '.1,0rOnt0. I Widg aniy tondideas Wel,1 Worth a Second Glance . From Fa:niers.. CrOara and Mile Purchasing—Deg . . and :Sleep Protecitoile-S'alo leormaide ycle Maricetieg Lea o eelheneation of lire Diseases. cconlVitill.ted by ainierto Department ot • ' Agriculture. Toreuto,); 'ernalOLLOWING are, brief •reolen,:. a, of eome of the provisions oi • certairi Inns. passed at'ilse•lan '44 session of tbe aegislatere, anci wbieh touch very elesely the Interests fermers of the Proviece, fernisliet1 .1„)y the Agricultural Gasette o Cana:ciao, , Cream and Milk Purchase Act. This is a measure designed to pro. tect the producers , of ceettal hi She matter of teat, tt- proVides teat all claeara Purchased in a wholezale woe dhall be purchared ou a basis of the netter-fat coutent, and that ,all milli „that is paid for on a butter -fat be Ws ..shall be tested by the •Liabcoce method. At the dfeseut time, of cOurse, practically all cream purchasd 21! "ed by wholesale is bought on a basis of' its butter -fat ccntenta so that the shier purpose is to standaditeo the 'test and see that the producer gets a jade test. The Act and Regulations erescribe the metbod of testing and' • Joe provide tliat the shipper shall. ,3e entitled to a statement nn detail - of the quantities of cream received • Ind the amount whicb eacn tested. The inspeetors are given ausaority to, ,"enter factories at all hours ,arid make ,teets, and olso aook over the books sf the companies, and check up tan quantities of cream received and . manner in which it is disposed of. Tax and Sheep Protectii..?, Amendment Act. Vac dog nuisance is so general anti so serious to owners of sheep that. , there is an effort almost every -.S(R- -tvm :sion to further strrngthen the legis - nation to protect sheep owners from losses by dogs. The act introduced, at the recent 'session provitles that all dogs in the province shall wear tags, to be secured fi•om the ofneers of the municipality. Ana dog rotind off the premises or its owner and not under the control of any perion and not wearing a tag may be killed by any person, and there is also a fine to the, extent of at least le for those who fail to secure tags. This section, however, does not COMe into effect until April 1, 1921, so as to give peo- ple eancerned proper notice. Another amenc:ment gives the 'councils of countits power to ,take over all clog taxes collected and to pay out .111e losSes whieh may be in- 'cuseed through damages to slieee. At tee -present time these losses. are. ,borne entirely . by - the townshiess, which also receive and control dee reeentie from the dog tax. . bold, Stratford foe chimer , end The Peet reeidepee of the Jesuit FaiEtt.q at Sillery, which wig., built nrefitazt ed_the Province of Qtiebei by the sons -,di the late Hon. R. R. Dobell, a min- ister in the Laurier cabinet of 1896. Inds house, vrhich stands at the fool the patb iseatelde the Clay of Que. whiO,Woltat' ainit 01.Welsani the Mini Abliikain,. is the Cleat- in Canada ilia the second oldest in North America, the oldest being situated in Florida. Smeething p.0 Li the wan of "stunted' Was staged at Montreal on July 4th by the publicity ass°. elation of thet city, as a send-off to Canadian and IYhited States delegates going to the annual con- veation of the Associated Advertis- ing Chills of the World, which opened on July 12 at London, Eng- land. The 250 men of the party rolled a huge ball made of wood and canvas through the principal -streets from local hotel to the docks Oecupied ae the Canadian Pa- cific tteArObit ',"q^nt,c'alm" „ neon sesseeseekaa eafateei— 'spent a friendly visit in the O- af ternoo n. MI6'S es S us le, Fr eida, Vi c - taiga Deiehert of the Mansion House,. Stratford, also caned in the 1 afternoon at *r. and Mra. F. Leie beld. . 1 1\ . .. . , The Ontario' drOWn lands dep- artment Will have to rdakie A AUX- vey in the OiSpated as to ,theOWn eiship of beach property at Grand Pend .summer resort._ No date has yet been Set for 00 a sur- vey and for the present *he mat- ter i!,.• in abeyanee. The controv- ersy arose as the result aef dairies put forward by Charles Gibbs :of Parkhill, lilICI elOint; ownership Of a 5ortion Of Grand Bend ,beach, Nandi hes long been looked upon ae crown land, . The matter came to a beml. 'when Mr, Gibba Moved to prevent the erectien of i at amusement device on the property Which he cort.,mds is lila. Thr' -ta P3 , 4., . . ha-ve a full Stock 'of Su p- . .plies for School Opening Text Books -of all kinds, Slatcs, Scribbl-ers, 'Note ,Books, Prawirt,,, and Writing Books, Water Colors", Inks, Pens ard Pencils, also a full line of High School Books We can supply School Boards with Chalk, Blackboard' erasers and Ink Stationery, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Printing MACAZn, ES FOR SALE Dr, A, J, MacKinnon, Zurica ,y-mp,mw?(iwt\mw,(u mmmwm,PAI-wwmPA sesieree+++++++++++++++++++++ s++++++++++++++++++++.e ARE YOU ROOFING? 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES NVEEN PROPERLY LAID WITEI 4 ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 TEARS OR MORE WITIle. OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW t• UP AND NO RAIN WILL 00 THROUGH . I THE CHEAPEST AND TIlEaDEST. '.• + We etill have a. large quantity of Gyproc hand. The + Fireproof Wallboard,. Use it. for walls and ceilings td repair + the old plaster before you spring decorate. 4*. THINK 0 HYSTONE C. KAT, --FLEIse ' B'' . PHONE 69 ZURICH +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 4-e+++++++++++4.++++444.4-4afehlin IMP 4 11=1111 111i MIN I 13 E E :11 111 ILIA I 111! E E 1 F , Get that Iiubber Tire Buggyi le. fore prices advance. They work on all four, Lii[or:miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc.. HESS - ZURICII seminar o 0**4•••••••••••••••••••••• oeep•oe.••••••••••••••••*•••01, t 403 a• . Autos and Auto Supplies • . : WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, 4 A,ND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON TRESS • * * VARIOUS LINES ... $8.50 • CORD TIRES .30x3.1A AT ONLY * ... • e TUBES 30x3n. AT ONLY GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ' * $$1.51-.04: * • 1 SECOND HAND .1.a. H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP, : 5 FORD TOURING CARS • 1 FORD ROADSTER CA.R. : 1 GOOD TRAILER, . it: A130VB CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. • WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND • • RE -BUILDING B.A.TTERIES,. i i , • • • • IFARM IMPLEMENTS . : WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM ,IMPLEMENTS .AND • CARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE • YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE, FOR TOUR MONEY : ,, • • Pumps, pIpINGS AND FITIT.IITICipS8,. ALSO Inr.."..L,I,:f c,I.;,;'01:01R,,,, 0 1 Tires,' Tubes, Gas, Oils and. CreaSes1 i L. A. Prang . . -. Zurich I 4+▪ 446400.441•40,000...i,*•;04440/•44+44114...494,4e.r....v.r......., 431