HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-09-01, Page 4PM ZURICH HERALD w Of.All Kinds We are in IWIe market for all kinds 'of Grain and are prepared -to pay you the very highest prices Have made arrangerarents with the United Farmers to handle their 'Pool Grain. Can iSapply you with ...empty -bags, ,:also, arrange truck you1' ;rain for you. .Be '1stare and, ,secure our prices.• tor. .Pea's before selling, COOK BR.OS. Mining Company - Hensali' >honeis, Office 54. Residence 63 iMO'DERICE FAIR NEXT WEEK,. H•oderi,,h Fall Fair on ThursL May, Friday and" Saturday, of next. -:ee`k-September 8, 9 an•cl 10--of- --ler% many attractions. Besides -Sour speeding events for good pur- 4I3ee-250 and 2.20 classes on Fri .,day; 2;30 and 2.15 on Saturday- a tug -of -wax tourney. on Friday •„t>,ai±ernoon is attracting much atten 'lion. This is open to teams of ' seven inn from, any municipality ori the county, Prizes, $35 •"4Iixner's; $21 to 'second team. The +'hIplandid Confederation pageant, by afiarth talent; county champ:.on- s"iiip baseball tame, Exeter vGod- 'erieh; -old-time fiddling and danc- ing :competitions, are other events •wbich, with the displays of field and farm products. nraniufacturesE, -:t'i'e., will make a visit to Goderieh lair well worth while. Admission :22 cents, ZURICH HERALD E'stabli'shed 1900 .SUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE F erald PrintingOffice ti"-"fa`ITBSCRIPTION RATES - 1$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in .Err or $2,00 may be charged. TL S. $1.50 year in advance, No `paper .•discontinued until all :arrears are paid unless at the option of the ;publisher. The date. of - which every_ Subscript- 'ion- es paid is •detected ion the hats,. .ADVERTISING RATES )Di play Advertising made known .on application. Miscellaneous articles of,. not .more than four lines, For Sale, To (tent,. Wanted, Lost, Found, etc each insertion 25c. ',Warm' or Real Estate for 'sale $2.00 :for :first- month, $1.0.0. for:, ;each, dsubaequent month: /strayed •Animals '- One insertion .b0c., three insertions $1.00. PProfeesional Cards not exceeding on's inch per` year. �L•uction ' Salus - $2 per single •in- esertion if not over four inches in rlengthi. .Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH ONT. r :STANLEY; TOWNSHIP:,: There pa'ssed away at his home lima'Goshen Line, Stanley, on Fri- Aday, Aug. `26th, Wm. H. McClin- ey at the age of 67 ye,ars and 3 `orath's: He had a stroke. two mind a half years ago, and since '*fin he has been confined to the 7•Ikeuae, he. had' another stroke a 'ateeel. • ago.. which resulted in his t4iieath He was the second' 80n of -Ole late Henry McClinehey and lespent all his life •on Goshen Line, e leaves behind, roar brothers and Mme :sisters besides a large num- 'r i ld'+er of other rela(t�ites,, He yea a man that was industrious etand wa!s of a very quiet dispos- iron,, !spending practically all of his lime at home on 'the '11arrrn. He ^Midi ir;e mueh.,,misse despecially in '•*le home by this brothers and sis -The fuserarwas herd on Moe may Bayfield cemetery, the , '4'atlbearers. being six nephews. The tenet "vice was conducted • by Rev. r Mr, "Will of Bayfield, •as,'sitaed by -Rev !1i'eurese of Varna, ° arr. and 'Mrs. Gilman Shaw aril ~;wily of Landon, spent Sunday at fir. D. J. Stephenson, Goshen :IVIr's, J, Bryan of London, is' 'visiting at the home of y^r ,.lar- '• r b3, Mr. and Mrs., 'Wilson A.rm- aittong. :Mr. and: Mrs, Geo. %illey and Mr, :!'alViiri Dow:•lon 'Of Seaforth, ep^nt lunday With friend:3, on Goshen. SAFER TIIGII\S'AYS • The Ontario o vermnant ilk: pre, pared to, t ak2 cti,astie measures in their determination tck eliminate or reduce to: a aaatizliiutun the menace to life* and prowity created ‘1,)y re7..ir:ess aiL ornobaie• 'drivers.$ accord- ing ccording to premier Ferguson, who st- ated that the department of high- u•<i� ; is doubling its force Of motor cycle officers,and instruc- tions are bnng given every. police constable and motor cycle officer to rigidly enforce the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. As a result of a 'series of tests ;which` an ,automobile w17a'a driven over different type's of roads, it was found that concrete .orb rick roads caused the least tirewear, the loss .in 'Weight of each tire, be ing about one ounce for a 500 -milt ruti 'The wear caused by gravel roads was from two to seven times' as great, while that .on macadam was fronii ten to fifty times, The. teat also proved that the. wear on front tiros is from. 50 to 75 par cent less than on roar tirea. , STEPHEN COUNCIL wri • 3.'. Itla i "of Clevefand, O., and Mra.Ca"i Haum'nr lar, of D - trait, are Visiting with theirpaa'- exits, Mr, and M a° . f rhos, lailiawar. Ma.`, olid Mrs,' Harold noir and data 'titer J an have returned borne al't> r visiting with Mr, o,nd Mrs, 1 G Eilber. Mr, and Airs Silas llrokenshir2 of Windsor, visited relatives in, the 1s1eiuity. 'The Women's' Als''iio ar,y-ao ae.y rtorithsection Of the Huron, Pres-, byterylaf Society of' the. United Chureh, will hold a convention in the United church, Crediton on Thursday, Sept, lst, Rev; ',T. 11, and Mrs, MacDonald of the United church manse, 'Vyall- acelown, 'spant a few days -With Mr, and Mrs. Zlwicker beforeg o- ing 7f'o .(Kincardine. Fern Schroeder of Detroit,, is visiting at the home, of Mi„. and ii7r a. Jo line, Wn. The Council of the:To'n'ship of Stephen convened in the Town Hall Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 1st of August at 1 • p.m. All members •were present. Tiie m,inu.el of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Eli Lawson was appointed Weed Inspector for the • Tp{. of Stephen for the year 1927 and that hob .e paid at -the rate. of $4,.(i0 per day and he to furnish his own trans- •portation .and. hpay his own hex- pauses: By-law No. ..355 being i a By- law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow funds suffie- fent to meet t.eurrent expenditures. until the taxes Or 1927 are coli ected, having been red three ti- mes, be passed ,andsigned' by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached, The following orders were pass - sed ;-Ge o,. Either tile • of d S13 $1.45; Einil Golein,. gravel SB 1.7 ; Wm. Robitrson, gravel 63.00; Placod. Des Jardine, Rep. culvert 4.25; Arthur Curtis, Rep. culvert' Con. 14 5.00; E. Pickering, rep. ;culvert .con. 1.6 5.00; F. J. Wickwire 'printing .93.00 Woodstock: Ontario Hospital ac". re A lln a. Williams. 19.50; Pat. Hogan gravel 11.25, Adelb.,41 lt Webb, coni. 5ni'ssioner✓Blk. 11, 2nd S.R. 1975; The council ;adjourned to lel.Et again in the Town Hall>, ik`red- itonon Monday, the with of Sept ember 1927. t Hejni'y Eilber, cClerl:R. STANLEY TOWNSHIP (intended ' for last week.) - Miss Sin>.pson and _little. neice Ethel Watson of the Bronson •Line, visited Mrs. John Turner .last:Wed- relsd aye ' Mr. Wm. Slack, who was sud- denly taken .iFl on Wednesday was removed .to Goderich Hospital,. where .he !still: continues seriously ill.. His many 'friends • wish hilta-a speedy recovery,,- . • t •.•. Mr. E. A. Westlake land •son are kt rsy threlshingsweet clover, for their neighbors. • • . Mrs, Robert Turner and ,family Of . Goderich are visiting at .Mr.. Geo. -Campbell's. . Mr.•. and. Mrs W, iReyle from) Grosse Point, Detroit, .who have be- en camping in Snowden's 'Grove, gave a beach party on. . R ednese day afternoon• to the following children ;-Robert and- Violet TUr- ver, Ethel. Watson and Elizabeth and. Mary Snowden, Mr. end Mrs Eeyhl lett for Muskoka en .Fri- day Fri -day morning.. l'tr. and Mrs. Jas. Mossop • and family of London, spent the we- ek -end at Mr. John Watson -s. Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd . hl,akins of Bagtield visited Miss Susie ,West- lake .on Srinday, , A number of the Weekly Press !members of the Huron and Perth Association, with their wives and families, about thirty in all, held a picnic at Jowett•''. Grove, Bay. field, on Friday August .19.th. A program , of .':ports and 'traces for both young and old` wa's,ain off, ending up with •a 'softball dame nine Ages in which the. .ag ran from rears to- well,tlrey all took part. It was a clay. well 'spent. and it is e it 'n annual �al n the intc,ntlon t 0 make. a event, CREDITON Mr. and .Mrs Wim, Motz •and Mr. and Mrs, Win, Harney, • of Kippon, were viaitoxts with "Mrs!. Chris. ''Hof ;man. Addie and Pearl Gainer have re- turned from Quuebeec. Agnes Stokes and Mrs. Hy. Quail have returned ;(lo their homes at Tavietock, after visiting ther sister, Mrs. Herb. Young. Mrs. . A. A.ak'es, who .has been visiting with her parents, Alaand Mrs, G. X. Brown, has returned to her honi,e at Naperville, Ill. , , Rev. and Mrs. Otto Brown and fieeily •of Whitehouse, ' Ohio, ' are .spending a week's vii•sit with re- latives in town. Mrs, Hy. F. Ei.lber has ,returnecl ifere fresh. Whitehou ;e, Ohio. i i'e l Elibtr, of Detroit, Visited ,itt EXETER .; Dorothy. Kuntz and brotherJohn. who have } Jaen ,holidaying . with their parents, returned to :Vi'incl�` Mr, an C1Mrs M. C alrlliklen and little R°'dgea, of Godorleh., ` were visitors at the honk? of Mr. and', Mrts. W. A. Yall,ivili` 7'lre' other day while painting a wthdo'w 'sash, J. T. Wood had ;the .mi'sfq>:tune to fall froim a step-, ladder•• dislocating his right she- incl er: Marjorie ,the %ittle clauglhter of M r..and Mrs. L`, A. allay,' had the mishap fracture her left arra at Greets Le d, whit. running down a hill: She fell. r Dr. and Mrs. Week's, •Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis; visited. 'at Ow- en Sound. t A new .'sto;rage. barn is (being erected , at the (flax mill to replace the one destroyed by fire *solme tine ago. G. G. •tiibson, of St. Louis, Mo, is renewing 'acquaintances..'.here. An auto accident occured at the Metropolitan Hotel when a car driven by J. Herdman of 'TT:shorn'.; was crossing the street, it i' as hit by a ,ca 0ear1ng <> l9feat. ,Bruns wick license- going _,south. "The Salvation Army ,London 1st Silver. • Band will Visit- Exeter ' and Hensall . Sept.' 10th and lith Ev erybodyis urged leo hear :the .won - 1 erf al music. = . - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doerr and two children have returned after holiidaying for two (.veokts on a raptor trip to Che'sley Lake, Tor- onto, Peterboro, Pt. Hope and. Buffalo.. The citizen's had a fire scarp the other morning, when a bucket of asphalt that was being teed for roofing a building'' caught' on fire at the rear of .I. R. 'Carling's; block and " the, brigade was 'called ' out Workmen- li'ave been engaged in putting on a' new i'oof 'on the Carling litotk, :ani, in warming up a large kettle of the asphalt, it caught fire. HENSALL Mildred McDonnell ;i3 visiting;; relatives in Toronto... Miss .Carroll of TorOeto, visited with Mr, and Mr's. Th -os. and Th too Dickson., . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson and Mr. and hers. -Stanley- \Hudson, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and 'bits. Geo. Hudson. Dr. and Mr's. Campbell and chil- dren, who . have spent the •summer months, visiting relatives in New Brunswick, have returned to • their ,home;. Alf, Smith is putting in a gro- cery stook at the bakery, and its otherwise enlarging his business` Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurrn - and children visited with his father at Zurich. Mr. and Mr's: Jas. Logan cel- ebrated their 25th wedding anniv- ersary_ at the home of A. ;Hart-ey, when 'soma 95 .guests Were .present and had an enjoyable time, t' ' Ada Grant of Detroit, is ;spend ing her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gram,. Mr. and Mr.'s. G. V, Laughton and family who ?have been campw: ing at Grand Bendon their ,way horns, spent 'Sunday with. Mr,, and Mrs. C. A cDo nnell M • ' Mr. and Mrs. Wane McLean, of North Bay, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and rel ativeis at Kipper'. Mr. and Mrs. Beek, of Yonkers, N.Y., .are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Wilson, Co. Clerk,:Geo. Holman and :In - Spector Tom of Goderich, were visiting friends here. Edmund Geiger of London, i!s visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Owen Geiger. 1,' J,W. Ortwein district (agent for the Dom. Life Assurance Co., pleft lydst weak for a trip (to Mutsko:,a, which isg ivent o all agents of the Company who !secure or • me- asure up to ,a certain standard a- mount of insurance business, as equired by the Company to en- title them to ai free ,trip,. , 'this Wednesday will be the last of our half holiday qor this year. Last year they ran a month !longer,' but this.tyear it was de. tinct, to• not continue longer than Ito the end of August, Carl Passmore, who has be'n 'sonq data has, ret :reed horse • anti will talcs* in the harveslt e:100rsion, Irene Pope, 'of Toronto, itiug her mother. Mrsi, Mary. go.pe. Rev J.:Mcllroy, pa'sto'r 1 of(, Carmel Presbyterian church, is ten -- gaged in getting -Moved into the coraforta'sble marls,: recently par- 0hased and with its family will be soot, nieely settled I.. c COUNTY NEWS. 'Mitchell last rone of its highly ae'spoeted residents in the person of ilrill.taiui W. Hicks, who died at lti,s home, on. Monday, he had been out on an ai to ride the clay before and death came ' Very sudden. Was 'born in' Mitchell in 1895. and had lived theer all his life, ho .al- so held . the pciistion of posantasert since 1872.. One of the worn titres 'for some time in the district was the fixe at Isaac Rathwell's near . C'linton,When his large barns were completely de- stroyed about four o'clock, Sun- day mornin glast; when he got hone from, •town Saturday night .eve:rything was all right but ear- ly 'Sunday morning he saw his barns .were On fire. To cut and pile ;five cords of wood at the age of 83 years is the 'splendid achievement'i of John Stanlake, of Stephen, rho resides° with his son on the 2nd concession During a recent !storm two large .elm trees were' blown down and the aged elan undertook to ;reduce thefts to cordwood. One of the trey's was three foot through and the other was 28 inches. The lar- gest cut was 4 -ft. ,2 inches, The thirty 'acrea iof wheat on the ForrO'ster farm, at Mitchell,has been • harvested. It will test up to standard and over, ,and will ati- erage well upt ,o fitly bushels to the acre. The ;thirty acres of barley which was ,threshed in the field tests 53% pounds to the bushel and w'1' run about a arty bushels to the acre. The Hitron County game pres- erve in -Stephen Tp,., is to be en- iarged +Ido twoce the ,pres:entsi..et Welk Johns,g am -t warden has cue seeded in Signing up ,all the Own- ers of the property in -the block east of the. present preserve and Deputy Gain: Warden Colwill of Lor>don, ha's been up and appro- ved of the extension:. Fire wiped out 'two barns in. McGillivray Tp., near Parkhill, con taming the season's crop, about 5 o'clock, Monday afternoon last. Matt.. Hedges, who was standing in the open door of a barn near by heard a 'sudden explosion and flames immediately burst out in the barn. It spread -rapidly and tii ai• short tinaet a large barn across the road. ,and. about .500..yard.dist- tante was ;,also on fire„ .% • In ,response , to several inquiries, the D-partinent of PiblicHighways is; being arled to _,give a;xuling, on -a lather peculiar 'situation in .the town, of Seaforth. The .main .!Street there, rums at right angles to the provincial highway, and by, vir- tue of a town (by -1& at s a thr-. rough tre•et;. Conse(men tly, atop", ;signs have been • erected on all, 'strets,•, ;making rt Compulsory for motorists on the Provincialhigh way !fp stop, The contention is ' 1c1'tlliat the provincial highway 'is at" fir tiugh highway and ' as •••such cannot .be 'regulated:1)y a /town or county by-law. ' • Two little beys here drowned at' Grand Bend' recently, Harley Davidson of Pt. ,Huron'and' Clayton Anderson of Grand Bend, both 8 years of age, were drowned in a deep' hole -in -a `-'small icreek which runs• into thetriver Aux Sable. The two' l'ad's hada gone ,fishing in the afternoon •and when they did not 'earn a; -!e ipp':r t'me to !search was made throughout .the section with oht''auccess, •but Maurice Brenner, Of Grand Bend, however, knowing - 'that the lads had gone fishing as a last resort tried dragging the deep hole in: the little creek.' and alxout midnight the Atm bodies were recovered with a pike pole; SCHOOL PAIR DATES, 1927 Henisall-Sept. 8. Zurich -Sept. 9. : Fordwich-Sept. 12. Wroxeter -Sept. 13. Ethel -Sept. 14. Walton -Sept. 15, Bt lgrave-Sept. 16: Varna -Sept. 19. Goderich Tp -Sept. 20. Colborn Tp. -Sept 21. ,. Ashfield Tp. -Sept ' 22. St. Helen's -Sept. 23 Winchelsea -Sept 28. Crediton, 'Sept. 2 9 i Grand Bend -Sept. 30. Dashwood -Oct; 3. Clinton Town-Oet. 4. Clinton Rural ---Oct. B. FALL PAIR DATES r 1' Toronto -Aug. 27 to Sept.12. der h-" Go rc Sept. 8 to 1;0.[. London -Sept, 10 to 17. •' Exeter -Sept 20 to 21. Kincardine -Sept. 21 and 22. Seaforth-Sept. 22 and 23. ZURICH. -Sept 26 and T. Listowel -Sept., 26, and 27. Blyth -Sept, 27 and 28. Ba:yfield-Sept. 2'7 and 28. f Lueknow--Sept: 29 and 30.t Dungannon-Oot., 6 and 7. . Brussels -Oct. 6 and 7. Wi gii.tr,i--•O"t. 6 end 7 , r.� T1hl t' day, 4e 1.',embeti ate 19 pot your machines ' in good shape with. • .; genuineMassey-Har^ris Parts. Made .front: same materials and same patterns as the originals. Genuine MasseyMfarris Paints are guaranteed. to hat. PRICES' OPEN TO INSPECTION +lfdssine <14-0) Parts Are Sold By° GEO. FARWIEis"L women ®s- ONT. c Y® r Attie into a comfortable den, radio room, •play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. 1Wr2eIorfree pooklei="My Home." Itwill tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Shealidogand Insoles will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to4O%. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA : i.rgproof Wallboard For Sale By alb eisch - - Fred C. � fl - Zurich, Ont. S EEDS! Yes! Spring • with ithits Sowing owing and 1 planting tie'will soon behere , 1 • again '• ,.ANIA WI WISH -T0 ADVISE THEP UB IG L TgA,T' WE'ARE •+' PREPARED.TO SUPPLY YOU 'WITH THE .. VERY CHOICEST OF SEEDS' WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS , .GI ASS • SEEDS,OF THE (FIELDS OR FOR PLANTING' THE HOUSE- ••I HOLD GARDEN. COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE ASSORT= i1 MENT OF THE VERY BEST • IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS,' CLEAN AT 65e.. BTJSR1 TRY OUR STOC - FOODS., .. s ' GREEN FIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., ?•SEEPS, :1 TIMM HEALTHY AND -PRODUCING EGOS THE YEA.R. • RO- UND. UND. • AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- • 1 KNOWN •HOMERY. FEED. - TRY A PACKAGE.: - - . Louis Scbi1be - Zurich • • ®e•cr0oa111•;i116ID41411N•Nsv11/96e •1111141411l1111os641110111Me0p411wO0ml8 rry " +leiwy mbi.Srt.t.i-4dM, . 1-a-Tr41.a+i+++++4'++++++++++++k4+'1-'t`P.3'' - ! The :New and Finer . 4.e Pcrntiac. Six 4 4 4. 4 4 +4 New Beauty, New Features, New • Low' Pricedt The moment you see the new and finer • Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and le.acierz • ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. . Let us prove this by a demonstration, PAIGE BODY TYPES 119 CHARMING AND COLOR C:OMBIN- .ATIONS - IN SIXES AND EIGHTS - GIVES YOU THR WIDEST RANGE OP INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS: Yea moat lose and 'drive these new Paige care before yoen. you cam fully . realize the wonderful performance and the >mmuLng 'salads they really are Let uia demonstrate. AUTO REPAIRING AN D GENERAL GARA..lE WO.ii1• (A SPECIALTY 11. NGEL Fes*roil Gas Oa . Greases Tires Accessories 41, 44. lw 8 +a 4. *4e11444e11+ 4ait-+ 44 4.44.4. i++i'+tt--4++7'4+-1 + £1o3ea f !4se i.'4,+i.'fP'j -j-4.4.v'7 Read Yogi- Horne Paper ancI hel along by sending in your News