HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-08-11, Page 8ac On Many Lines of Summer Goods Fine Crepes, Reg. $1,10 for 75e Pussy Willow Silks, $1.10 for ...85c Royal Georgette's„ Reg. $1.25 per vd., for ...... ... .....:.. 89c Mystic Voile, Reg. 40e. at 2,9c Gingham; 32 -in, a snap at ...19c Gingham 25 -in,. a snap at, iyd. 10c Ladies Silk Hose, • Reg. $1.00, and $1.25 for 59c • Children's Rib cottonot clear 13c Boylan Jersey Suits at ... ._, ......59c 2 only Dinner Setts, pink dec• - oration, Gilt Brand China cups and Saucers, at only ___ _-- $18.50' 1 only 'similar sett without Gilt, at ... ............... ..: ...$16.00 GROCERIES Corn Flakes, per pox .._ ._, , 10c Jar Rubbers, 4 for ... ......... ... 250 Matches, 3 for ...... ,».,.._25c Pink Salmon, pound tin ._ ,. ._.19c Jelly Tumblers each 5c Glass Tumblers, each .. 5e J. GASCHO & SONS Produ�. Waned Phone 59 Zurich's +Garage Gass Ods, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS QST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES l67� ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS TJ. S. L. LtTTEE7 .U0 IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ME GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WB GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC - a TYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Nioasseau - Zurich S aymeeseats•••eass eeeee••••••••••,••••••••MN•••NN; • • • NOW IS THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN• - ING WHAT KINDS o1 CL VEL SEEDS THEY REUIRQl FOR 2 SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF • •• • • • •i • SEEDS! SEEDS! DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Whita and • Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover •1 LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. Wire Fencing 2 JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF FROST WOVEN WIRE I FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC., • • PAINTS! ••PAINTS! • 1. WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SHERWIN I • WLILI.AMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS STAINS, ..,... _- 5 A • • • • 0 0• I ELS, ETC easalof*8raaa(b•®41404 064/1800 PULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS 4 ON HAND, t • "STA E & WEIDO ZURiCH .41641k5 1Cg41f1116 1114foile1010141,1181�4" ONT. • ' *tee01 ••9E•!b••1 •• s10.RiCR tti4it4K.Ii OF Summer . Dress Materials WE ARE GOING TO CLEAR ALL OUR SUMMER DRESS51:ATEit- TALS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, ETC., REGARD- LESS OF COST. BELOW ARE QUOTED ONLY A FEW PRICES; Voiles, Reg. 65e. a yard, at. Voiles, Reg. 50c yd. at ... ... Percole, Reg. 35c. yd. at ...... Dress ends of 'Printed crepe Voil,g oing at Half Price, Reg. $3,75 'at $1.83 a len Cross Bar muslin for Slips •a Bloomers; Reg. 25c. yd. at 32 -in. Ginghams at yd.' Ladies' Vests, Reg. 50c. at _.. Ladies :bloomers, Reg. 50e. at Ladies' Slips, Reg. $1.00 ,at .. Ladies nightg owns, Reg. $1 at Children's Vests, Reg. 25c• at Reg. 35e at ... ... ... 39c 29c 24c and gth. ad 15c 14e 33e 33c 69e 69c 15c 29c Ladies Silk hose were Special Val- ue at 75e,, 59c; and 50c,. ,will 'sell them. all at 35e. per pair,.. Boy's and Girl's Stockings- - Reg. 50e pr. at . ... 30e Reg. 25e. pr. at f._: __. ..15c Men's Blue and Kahki ,work !shirts at 79e. A few Men's Sailor Hats left, Reg, 2.25, ,going At 95e Men's Sea Grass , and Peanut 'straw Hata, Reg. 25c., 35c. at 15e We also' have a table or remnants of Flannelettes, Ginghains, etc. which you will find very cheap. There may, be an end you can use. • J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. -Orville Ehnes of Detroit -Was a Surnday visitor in Zurich. Mr. -and Mrs: George,Truss have returned to their home in. London, after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doer of Auburn Township, spent Sunday at at the home of •Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Joyce .of Lorain, Ohio, were visitors at the homes of Mr: and Mrs. Simon Greb Babylon Liner and Mr. and Mrs Urban Pfile, 14th con., the past week. Rarl Russell and sister Miss Edna Russel', :Messrs. Kervin Wern ner and Milton Hey, of Detroit,xnot ored over on Saturday. Miiss Rus Sell is spending the week with Mr and Mrs W. J. Beer. Mr. Hey Mr. Werner are spending the week in Zurich: -Exeter 'Times -Advo- cate. CHEAPER HYDRO Henusll is included in the list of places sent out by the Ontario Hydro Commission for slower Hy- dro rates and a • rebate to the users of part of the big surpiirs on- hand. This matter was taken up at a Council meeting !some time ago, and a vigorous protest. was put up by the Council against the high rates chs rged here and the big surplus. \accumu,lated,. A letter to this effect was sent to the• Commission, which after con- sideration gave the following as the prevailing rates;-31ce akw,hr. up to 50 hours, instead of 4c.; 1%c per kw hr. over 50 hours 'instead of 2c; Streetlights $12 per lamy instead o' ti 15. $,0) to be ie u • decl to the Connell on street lighting. One -!sixth of the amount paid in by each user of light or power during 1926 will be refunded to them,. Dashwood Mrs. Wm. ,Zimmer Ella are visitiyrg in Formosa. Mr. anjl Mrs. Earl Neeb and gamily of Ponitiac, (Mich., ,vi'sited the former's another last week. Rev. and Mrs A. Kellerman and family of Tavistock are 'spend-' ing their vacation in this ,vicinity. Mrs. Olivdr and Mrs. Baynhar: of Centralia visited with Miss L. I{artreib 0.1 Friday. ' Mr. ani Mrs. Twitchen of Lon- don >pcnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. Birk. Mr and MrS. 'Elia land 'Miss Tillie Ehl^.rs of Kitchener• spent Sunday , with Mr. and Mrs, S. Oes- tt-eieh r i4t,: •1 Mrs. Geo, Fdighoffer and Blan.1i of Mitchell, were Sian- day V11'i ss• here. Mr, u:1•1 ]11rs. E. Flynn of Lon- don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan tw Sunday.. Rev. .;1l.,yer of Elmwood visited in this, vicinity over the week- end. ; • Mr.Chas Steinhagen returned horn. S%ia_„ clay after' 'spending a month in Toronto, taking treat- ments fins his "hand:: , Mr, and 1Mra. R. Thompson and Mr, and Ars. W. Schultz of ,De- troit wen, week -end visitors with relatives. Mrs. :a.. Mtnsser of London, is visiting* hc:r daughter, Mrs. A. 'Haugh. Mr r r d Mrs. C. Wildfong of Detroit, nt 'Sunlday in to"Wia M e .„ .r Gunnther underwent an oiler. cir>n' for tonsils on Mon- day., a .Mrs. Ed, Willer(; and LOCAL MARKETS Eggs ....»....: _.... 21-25-28 Butter, lb. - 35 Dried :apples lb. _., __ _-.: 9 Wheat Oats ._.i__ _ _- ,..__ _ 42 Barley Buckwheat :=,,,_85 _ _; 4.75 $.75 Shorts per ton......._._ Bran per ton_.. .. - _. 32.00 Live Hogtt 15,25 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454.14, Being an increa1 a of Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman - Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. SPECIAL Sale of Millinery CONSISTING OF LADIES HATS WHLIE THEY LAST, WE WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF OUR MIILLINERY AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. SEE THESE AND BE CONVINCED AT THE, Zurich Hat Shoppe ALSO A FINE DISPLAY OF NEW SNAPPY FELT HATS IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES AND SHADES The Season is now drawing to a close and we would advise the public to act qui::" vs our •'stock must go. Same splendid lines as low as $1.50 Moss V. Siebert family, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rader and family and Miss Luella Kuntz Thu.rrday;•'Atigtx.,.tIi;"OW' r: leres. ard re Spring is here and we can supply he .Public with. Seasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices COUNCIILA GOOD SUPPLY STANDg' BUILDING MATERIALS IN',C,LUDIN.. R ROOFING AND CEMENTk A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND HANL STOVBa•AT f VERY CHEAP, - -- FENCING A CARLOAD Oh' LUNDYS• LUCKY TIE WIER, JUST ARRIR r ED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARBc BRACE AND STERL, POSTS. (f 1. TIRES AND T UBE S _ .A FULL LINE OP GUTTA PERCHA TIRBS1, NONB BRT(t8 PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE • PAINT• AND A. FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES, AUTQ ENAMELS, ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, ET4 FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Sui.Room Suits, Bed Room, Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. eed'R� an • Chaired, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ,GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONS BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. L BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES 1 ' r_I_lal ALL SIZES IN WILTONS,: MINISTER AND TAP_ESTRYRUCIa Johnston & Kalbflejsch Hardware .& Furniture, Phone 63 RUGS RUGS 4111111. i Operator's Licenses All drivers of Motor Cars MUST now have an Operators' License • FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE I HAVE SECURED THE FORMS" AND YOU CAN MAKE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. THROUGH ME, Auto Insurance See Me For all Classes of Auto Insurance Andrew F. Hess, -s Zurich MY MOTTO;_SBRVICH AND SA?WPY Hiva You M LDE YOUR WILL? E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth - Agents, - Mutual Life of Canada EXETER - ONTARIO JOHN Drugless eer and EXETER AT WALPRR Every Tuesday, WARD Practiau. Optician ram W HOOSR, 21U1 19 s.mi, to f Met t • �TB THOSE.. WHO KNOW NOT TOTHROWN -GETHER .!-AUT T9-GETHB PATr.AR M BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW it The New Spring Suitings u'ouo-rivn on aunaay�. RIGHT UP TO, (I MINUTE! Orr were Sunday visitors at Spring -'PATTERN, STYLE AND QUALITYC. bank and London, L ALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED Among those who. visited at by buying the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra 4' DONT be nxialed b I chew r and inferior .pe r rtr o0 day, Bender 00 Sunda were; � c g Sunday e, '11x� ,and Mrs. E. Bender and family of I BUY from:, those you know will Blyth, , Mr,, and Mrs, A. W. Varley f stand behind everything they, j of Parkhill, Mr. and .Mrs. Hy. l sell; Vile of H nsa;l, Miss Luella Schatz. hAI olchell,Mr.andbis.RGei•- ger, Mita Pfile ;and Miss Pearl, Pfile of Zurich. Dashwood band attended ,the MERCHANT.. . TAILOR. W. kl:. t3lOk"Il'EIAN' L#a75, 'B,DII9�AL41 • I picnic at Mt, Csxrmel en Wedne» AN'D. FUNERAL talawr0ES. Da Night Phone se, day. ry y S Mr. and Mx{s, J. C. Reid visited, ti Goderich an Sunda i yw, t ; , �t--°til'; ~!�^��--�4-�-*�Aa�»Mr,�..,,.�•.��,g,