HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-08-11, Page 5"ix tu,3ci'a a Au "` 1iat nth, 3,927 , ... 1;171005 i ntam,x) •1.151N» CARDS a �iE '.E.IOLME$ 181101RIBTRR, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PIJBLIC, BTC, Hamiiton Street, Jut oft Nfitii Sarre, QODERB't II, Ont, attention to Cound1 and Court w'in'k PUT XOUR Wants, For Sale,. Lost, Found,' Notice, Etc. Ads ui Tuts commix Keep the` Tonsils 1, u Treat them, with Mrs. S ly 1a . 7 o1r be ecremited • att,Spahr,L Tor!siii'is, also, Head coF s limaer•eu tel pJ one ,and phone ',CatarrJh, Bronchitis, Coughs and ?sore throats, Goo drelts or e'hisrgell reversed, +- !none back. At Wagner'sWa ner r Gr Dr. B. H. CO EN yY ' ,YM 14,, D. Du S. *DENTAL SURGEONeo- aril! D1CITZ BLOCK, ZURICH erg ThuradeY, Fricl>a1 and flatus - masa Office` ,rLRIB'S BLOCK, D,SgWOOD Andrew F. 'mss, Township. Clerk erk of niiarriage IiC ' lloaibliiR , Oommianioner, eat ut letraobile 'Insueran QOl in Brie Mortgage The Canada NTARIOTO Co. ZURICH 0$13Alt Jaen 11.1111111. Cary Jonas Nat wSchool of hiaetioneering. Tr Ltve StockBre IP for eds). Registered Via ms in keeping VIM =ranfor sale. ITtll sell anything sprougilseres X93 es writer Zm'tch. Indoor 1jensr Inger. g igc & golissE ON- C A TION TO �?� IN l Neale, regardless CON - Mott to re suction ati• lea to sell. ' I ezt Your business,charyf not ges fot died .will make u o Itattair Weiner,. e Dashwood, 1 .see �•••••••• Vis•••• Z `h Nes{ FOUND In Zurich at Men's watch, .own- er can have 'sane by prgoving pro- perty and paying for this adv;. from C. Fritz. • • • • • • • Salt 141eats Fresh antiietc tnae>tss�ges, w Bologna IfQbasth Pries& �ei1D oAs FOBs • es Dei+ t FOUND On Goshen Line, a crank of Chev rolet ear. Owner can have came at Herald Office, by, paying for. thi's adv. • jlJFCH .LIVERY. LOCAL NEWS 311r, Ed. Desch l , of Detroit, is visiting his relatives here, .J Merner and members of the family, were Si;nday vis - iters with relatives in town. Prof, and Mrs. Alvin Surerus of Toronto, at the or- visiting are tski Toronto i g mer's home on the Bronson' Line, Rev. and Mrs. G. F; Brown of Mildmay ave visiting relatives and friends around here .this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender of Blyth were Monday visitors at the.bome of Mrs, Lydia P, file, 1 , ' Mre and Mrs. A. T°, Hess and family were Sunday visitors at Goderich, Saltford Height's and B eniniller Postmaster W. L. Siebert and 'Son Ed; Siebert of Detroit, ',were on a pleasant motor trip to Platte- ville and New Hamburg, the past week. LAST A red road heifer calf, strayed from my premise's Lot 23, Con. 7, Hay Township. Finder kindly notify Orville Taylor, R. Al. No. 1 Zurich, Phone . 15-88, Zurich. 1 am m a position to eccomo- mite allrequirenventa in the Livery ledilasse, .;!rave Auto for hire. Any Ming done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 1one 139 Zurich,Ont• LIVI POU I.'�r'RY • WANTED A ED ,Bts`ken every 47 till 2 4J'clock,g,nd. 00 roof feed howl !same morning *Sen brought ins Eighest. Cask Prices s --.-CASH P'OR. _Cream and Eggs 'NW o O'Brien! stone 94l • .eh • Head FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres clay loam, productive, level, well drain- ed, some bush. Frame thouse,bank barn and stied, crops, stock, 'im- plement& School, churches, rail way,h ighway handy. Apply Bon 100, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 .acres, Lot 19, Con. 3, Hay Tp., 1y imles from. Hentsall. There is on the farm good brick i oulse, frame ,barns and 20 acres of bush, and 'spring water running on the farm, ; for .further particulars -ap- ply to John ,Bell, Sr., Andrew St. Exeter, Ont. Mr. and- Mrs, W. K. Finkbeiner and daughter, .Mi'ss . Hazel of St- ratford, are spending a few.,.holi- days at the home of Me and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. . Mrs. J. W. Vanatter of Detroit is spending her hoiidaye_•vitli.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, and is ac- coinpanying them. on 'their trip up eor•t'h. Mr. Harry .Deichert of New' Haien, Mich., visited his brothers John and Jacob Deichert, and s's- ter Mrs. Hy. Yungblut the past week. . LOCAL NEti Mr. ;.ind Mrs. J.. Michele and family of Elkton, illich„ visited fri- erre!$ here the past week. IYTr, and Mrs, George Thiel and family spent Sunday at London, Mises Shirley Kerrigan L returned. with then!, ,• By a vote of eight to one, the People of Detroit have endorsed the Detrolt-Windsor bridge . pro-: 'act, The construction work is, to commence at once, and it is eat- imated • that frons, three to four years will b3 aequired to complete the bridge,,. • Tho Prince kef Wales, his brother Prince George, Prem.er Baldwin of Great Brit an and Wire, Baldwin are v.ieltors in Canada at present. They Were very warmly welcomed et geebcc, Ottawa and everywhere they have visited. This is the first occasion on which a British pre- oiler h1's v:si.ed Canada wieleho d- ing:.oflice and Mr, Baldwin is the Kort of mean who will make a vi e1.o.ne foe h.m�e.f anywhere This is the first visit of PPrince George to Canada, although he passed thr- ough it last fall on his iway home fro,. China. The Prince -of Wares is a frequent 'visit() and Canadians feel quite at .home with hiin,, theyi clo not feel that he its strange at all, He will visit his ranch in Alb- erta befoe returning home. Over the week -end they took part in. the dedication of the new Peace The Misses Spath, who visited Bridge, from Ft. Erie to Buffalo, at the hose of Mr• and Mrs. Peter which is thus named . to cominem T<oehlert he past feet+. weeks, have orate the one hundred years of peace between Canada and the United States. HENSALL STORE ROBBED OF SILK NOTICE._ We wish to alive the farmers that we have made full arrange- ments with the Wheat Fool head - quarter's to handle their -wheat, and farmer's are asked to bring their wheat to our mill, whether you wish to pool it or not. William's Bros, Zurich. rt, FOR s._ TIRES (TUBES ,t AND :storage Batteries . S. WEIN,. Prop. o o.k., t O'1C'oi S' h(. w '. FOR SAI -F- $ three-kiurnor• Florence coal oil stove, in good condition. Ap- ply to Jahn K. .Ehlers, Zurich. • FOR SALE A• number of horses on the farm of Mr.. Thos. Ky'e, Parr Line,Hay. Every one of 'these horses are well broken in and ,upon request Mr: Kyte w11C • hit'Cln end drive any one of these horeo,. For partic- iilar' apply to "Arthur Weber, ane tioneee, Dashwood; • e u'-ned 'o their: tome in Cevei:and on Monday, Messrs. Frank and William Sie- bert, Mr. and ;Mrs.. Hudson of D- troit wer': Sunday visitors .at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sieb- ert. FARM FOR SALE ' Consisting of about twenty ac- res of good Earth land, all in cult- tivation, good frame house, frame barn and good outbuildings, a No. I neverfailing well, abundance of fruit, 3% miles from town, half mile from 'school. For further partic- ulars apply to Herald Office, Zur- ich. FOR SALE - I • am offering the following' farm machines at a Great bargain, so act very quickly; 2 7 -foot Deering Binders. 2 6 -foot veering Binders. 1 Deering mower, all will 'sold very cheap, dos. Druar, Massey -Harris gttrich, Ont. be Agent, FOR SALE A good secondhand Rubber Tire buggy for Sale P.riee is right. George Hess, Zurich. COAL 1927 WE .ARE SOLI+S AGENTS POR TH1 GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY • Coke Poeahan.tas and Soft Coal QOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR O8DBRS EARLY TO Case & Son Mr. and ,Mr:3• Wm,. Alles, their daughter and husband from, Tav- istock, were Sunday visitors • at the homes of Mr: and 'I%Irs• Sol,.: Zimmerman and Mr. a d Mrs.. John. Eckstein,. Mr. and Mrs. 'Quimbe Taggart and Miss Adelaide filcher of South Tend, Ind., have arrived here and are taking a 'SLnuni^r cottage at the Bend for the month of August. Miss Ida Schwartzentrubar, of the Bronson Line, and who w1s taken to London Hospital andi operated on for appendiiicts, was brought 'back home on Friday and Silk thieves paid Hensel! a we'- ekk-end visit and cleaned out the stock of J. W. Skinner, general. merchant, valued at more than 8500. The robbery was dis covered on Monday morning when the store was opened for business. Every bolt of' silk ,had ,been taken from the shelves. Sonne years ago Mr, Skinner bought the (business of W. G. Davis, who (carried a very: - large .stock of !silks. Sine' that time much of the former :stock had been 'sold and replaced with neiv. Entry had apparently been Made through the front door. The rear and basement doors had been bolt ed from, the inside and ithe wind- ows had not been tampered with. The teff v ei succeeded in transport - is cconvalescentavonclvmfzilly,. ing their valuable loot put of .13..n - Mr. and Mrs. Din. Herford and 'aa11 without detective,, and few of family, of Elkton, Mich., who have any clues remain as to the identy been visiting relatives' •and friends ,loo« the burgs the job was thework , here, returned to their home on , , Monday. els') r•o e than one per o i The 1,e t els i ell.eieed a preti to uo, i nowled- 1\Ir. and Mrs Wm, ©'Breimi and gz of t h u ock of silks kept in the daughter, Mss tOh 'L, and Mrs. store, Prov. Constable White - Vanatter oT DAroit, ,left on Wcee. gide.i. of G:r:leric.h is working: en nesday morning on a tourist camp the case. ing trip to "Georgeon Bei and the E1:LitIINaTION RESULTS Muskoka District, .quid •'i:ll bo away fora afie2it •FOR WEST HURON, Rev. and Mrs. W. ': Dreier oft The following pupils wrote on on Monday frignieg fur hir!v Lower School examination!.= this fort,' Sebdairre, • Mic`lrerh 'e e tut : `,ear and passed on! the subjects in - attend' a ministerial...Con ° n dicatetl; tion for two• a; eake, benne there. HAY Tp, will be 'no preaching cervices iu No. 3-Siephan, Ede; Gram„Heat. the Evangelical church the ?lest Crevg. two Sabbaths. No. 8-Ziler, Antionetts; Hist., Geog., Art. c Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seheille and STANLEY 'Cpl family and Mr. ,Pratt of Detroit, )No. 3 -Grainger, Marie; Gram'. -were weer. -end vieitors ,at the huPhys., Arith., Agric. j of Mr. and Mrs. John G<ii.rcian. 91r s Marks, Lillian; Gram,.. Agric II. ar..hrc.fle and two children are r'e-1No, 13-Zrrilli Oiive; Arith n'rarriing with her parents, for al Agric. I. few 'weeks" Mr, Schief'le has been STEPHEN Tp. taking a course in a large Chic- No, 7 -Moore, Virginia; ago school, where he is talons up the ministry,. Harvest operations taro progres- sing quite favorably tiu wheat and barley being nearly all in the barns and considerable has been tnre=.h- ed and taken to -market, and is „f a very goocl sample. Farmers aro 1row engaged in cutting their oat crop, and with the present pre- vailing fine weather, the 1027 har- vest will soon big arnered in, The other day while Mr. William, Lamont, our popular fire insurance agent, while performing his dutioy and passing -along one of the side.. roads in Stanley Tp,, his atten- tion was drawn to an un'rrsual an - line! ire front of his car, when all at once Mr• Lamont seep a fine fawn dear leap over the fence and pass across Mr. Jas• • McBride's field. However we learn that other residents of Stanley have have bad Sh alder experiences What nliai t have proven even a more serious accident took place on the Blue Water Highway near Dryeda1e on. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Badour evert driving along with horse and bug- gy, when they were approached by a car with .glaring lights, ,,and all of a ;sudden the lights seemed to dr'ssapear, and then the crash took place in which the oar collided in- to the buggy, throwing Mr. and Mrs. Badour otit of the buggy and nniashing it, with the result that Mrs Badour was considerably ont and brtdesed, while (the auto also suffered datnages and the gas tank t'an k. was • punctured. The c•rr" a aura elect.. two !vent and two women, Geog. Switzer, Ila; Hist., Geog. FALL FAIR DATES. Toronto -Aug. 27 to Sept.12. Goderich-Sept. 8 to 10. [ ' London -Sept. 10 to 17. Exeter -Sept 20 to 21„ Kincardine -Sept. 21 and 22. Seaforth-Sept. 22 and 23. ZURICH• -Sept 26 and 47. Listowel -Sept.. 26, and 27. Blyth Sept, 27 and 28.:. Bayfield -Sept. 27 and 28. Lucknow-Sept. 20 and 30, ! Dungannon --Oct. 6 and 7. Brussels-Oct..6... and 7, Wingham-Oct. 6 and 7. Page rpro WWWWWMNVIWOONVW urioh Drug Store INSECTICI IES The time of year is now approaching when Insects be- come troublesome Bugs destroy the potatoes, worm: the cabbage, and flies besides being a general nusiance, arecarriers of disease germs. WE HAVE THE PROPER REMEDY FOR ALL THE IINSECT PESTS, WE STOCK PARIS GREEN, AR- SENATE OF LEAD, BORDEAUX MIXTURE, INSECT POWDE,I,-HELI3ORE, FLY TOX, ETC. ETC, We sell Kodaks and Films. Try us for Dei• e'oping and Printing MAGAZIN ES ' FOR SALE Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich. vyyvmmmivwmw' mmm1 1 > F t'++++++++++++++++<4+4++++i0 .9.+++++++.4.44.44++,44++.0 + + ARE YOU ROOPING? THINK 02 KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAITS V4ILG LAST 40 'YEARS OR MORE WITII- + OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW + UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND .TET .IBEST. $ ▪ We stili have a large quantity of Gyproc or. hand;. The i• Fireproof Wallboard; Use it. for walls and ceilings to ,repair the old plaster before you spring decorate. KAIBFL PHONE 69 _ ZURICti P��N3< i• Q•+•h4< r+•I• z. 4717;7+ •'• 3. 4717171174-3. + 4 + 4.•E' 37;••4 +44 1, 4.• 4,1••• 71!S'49LJ • I:• Get that Rubber Tire Buggy be- fore prices advance. They work on al•l'four•-, hii:o4nctif,. S Auto 'Tops, Wagon Repairing,.. - Painting, Etc. HESS - ZIIRICH •:+•••00••+++•++•+•++044+44, osibeteretP0.4-P@+JRh1•teeeeee 4.0411 • Autos and Auto Buppiies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP AUTO ACCESSORIES, iAND B,UU MONEYPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU' ON THESE + VARIOUS LINES FOR SALE •• calm T`IR1 S 30x333 AT ONLY ... $8,54 ........•. •. 51.40 1 A reel good !second hand No.15 • GOOD RUBBER' CASE BATTERIES AT ..... $15.00' DrLaVal cream, 'separator,. + 1 SECOND HAND 13' H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. Louts Prang, Zurich. s 2 FORD TOURING CARS • 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. e 1 GOOD TRAILER. m • TiJBES 30x33 AT ONLY SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1927 Heneall-=Sept: 8. Zurich -Sept. 9. Fordwich-Sept. 12. Wroxeter -Sept. 18. Ethel --Sept. 14. Walton -Sept, 15. Belgrave-Sept. 16. Varna -Sept. 19. Godorieh Tp -Sept. 20. Colborn Tp. -Sept 21,; Ashfield Tp. -Sept 22: St, Flelen's�-Sept. 23 'W iri cheIae ar-•Sept. 28. Crediton, Sept. 2 9 Grand Bend --Sept. 30. na ahiwend-- Oet. `t, 4. Clinton l u tt1-�<Oct� dt. • m ABOVE CARS' ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. • • ;WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK. ON REPAIRING AND + RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. . • 4. IFARM IMPLEMENTS + + WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND s CARRY JUST T1IE KIND OF MACHINERY TEAT WILL GIVE + YOU TETE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICtil FOR YOUR MONEY • PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL ,Orn ♦ PUMPS. , ' r4. --,..4i. .•,. Tires,' Tubes, Cas, Oils and Creases, t L. A. Prang - Zurich 1 **********411,0oo ,0 41 !ir.` 1,040....4,4 a .A 4 4