HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-08-11, Page 4Senn wawa) WHEN SENDING MONEY ORDERS HEN you have occasion to send Money Orders they may be. obtained readily at any branch of the Bank. of Montreal. Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 e l tai Assets in excess or t Iso. coo: 000 y 00 1iN 1 / a ' iv y < r�..il tYs see mmI r�lll rester n°;lunm r a , Aug, t 11th, 1921 SEYHAl2W5 (t&H) PARTS *M4 Put your machines in good shape with.... genuine MasseeyHarris Parts. Made from same Innaterials and same patterns as the originals. Genuine MasseyHarris Parts are guaranteed to fit. PRICES OPEN TO INSPECTION (Genuine <M•11) Parts Are Sold By GEO. K. FAR WELL WHICH ONT. . Head Office; Montreal asesseseemallemilieeevemeaneei UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Established 1878 - Reorganized 1908 Three Faculties—Arts, Medicine and Public Health. Five Affiliated Colleges. Registration Day—Freshmen, Friday, 23rd September, 1927. Degrees may be granted in any department of learning. Enrolment is limited. Only students having the highest quali- fications and giving evidence of suitability will be accepted. Early application for entrance is desirable. Until the University is able to augment its xevenues, classes will be limited in numbers. Without =increased income the staff and equipment cannot be enlarged. For additional infor- mation, write:— LP.R.Neviile,Ph.D., Registrar, London, Ontario. 2e passed away at the age. of ;87 ye- rowing. from Paul to pay Peter. Iare and 4 days. Heir - maiden •' Theoldest continuous resident narne was Eliza Bissett, and wee of Kincardine and one of the best born -in Lindon, Ont., July 1841 known nen. in Bruce County, In her earlier years' ;she canoe to 'Elijah Miller, passed away on Exeter, with her grandparent's to July 26th in his 83rd year. He was what is known as the Jones prop always a public spirited man and erty.. Her husband was the late tookk a keen interest in public of-- Lancelot Hardy, one of the pioneer fairs. In the early days he. serv- builders of Exeter, who gave ten ed as councillor and reeve for a of his best years to Exeter moose- great' many year Is • ipality, one year as •eownciilor,and The pavement between Seaforth nine years as reeve, i . !' _ - and Dublin' on the Provincial High- away was completed the other `day HENSALL land will be open to traffic in about Mr. and Ml's. Hy. Eckern'rtn and two weeks, The only • portion of family and Mrs, Jas. ,Smith, of the highway from Toronto to Cleveland, were visitors with Mr 1Goderich, now not paved, oi's the and Mrs. Wm. Consule stretch of nine miles between Sea= Mr. and. Mrs. I. Buchanan, of forth and Clinton, and it is exp- Toronto., are 'spending their holi- ected that this part will be paved NOTICE. 'Members of Horticultural Soe- ety tshould have their orders for 111 bulbs in, net later than August atalth. Orders will be taken either iby P. Haberer, or J. E. Gascho, J. E. Geseho, Secy-Treas. FOR SALE. ,A'second hand 6 -ft. Massey Har - 'tag Binder for salt very cheap. Louis Prang. NOTICE HAY TP VOTERS' KIST CREDITON Edith Alle'si of Tavistock, vis - clays here, the geeets of Nee wen either this -summer or next spring Buchanan and Mrs. McDonald. 1 The Brrlsisels Reunion of 1927 op - Mr. and rAls. Neil Sparks. and ened with a bang on Monday morn ited 'With her taunt, Ml:• . E. S. ,child, of Detroit, are holidaying lug last ;and there was no let u.p Hi -stocks. f with friends here, till the train pulled out Wednesday nwere re'S - ds � re Hilda Reavely of London, and Mickle •iC. Sons have purchas..d ntorning, Big crowds p, sister, Mrs. Blatt of Oakland, Cal.,' the grain 'storehouse at Brucefield ent each day and 'starting pan- e -ire -Red their unsle Rich'd Hill. 'from, the Scott Estate andwill.:day afternoon with the memorial Russel Either of Detroit, is holi- rule it in connection with thei* r e1- Taiie aecoreadon 'service, the park daying with his ,parents; Mi:. and c ators at Hensel] and Kippers, was dell crowded at all times. Mrs. Chas. Silber. `- . ' Percy Gramm of Pgntiac,Mich• The other' morning Nelson Gov- Mr. and .M.rs. Ptegrop, ' John ie spending his holidays here witheniock, of Winthrop, son of J.. M. auettinger and Mra. ,Levi Hai'stof lits parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Geo.- Goveniock, of. Seaforth, met with Elkton, Mich., sent a few days - . a :serious accident at St. Marys.He p Gemara, with relatives. I Alf. Tailor has the fouudation was 'taking down the decorations May and Violet Voelker, i�.vho laid • for .Miciree's new home on which had bean erected for the -old were visiting at the home of Will King St, !Boy's Reunion in that town, when Smith, have returned to Pigeon, Rev, and Mrs..Sinclair and Lam- his hand touched a live wire carry Miclt, ily are 'spending part of fheiriioli ing some 2,000 •volts and he fell Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel and days •at the Bend. 1 sons twenty' feet.p the gloun . NOTICE is hereby given that -family, el Gary, Intl. visited at Mr. and 'Mas. Norman Sheeerf He was picked up unconse ous and 'I levet ransmittad or delivered to the home- of Mrs. M. 'Stahl. : of Toronto, are visiting the for- takken to the hespilel, in a semis- 'elle persons xnentione'd in Section 1?r. and (Ira, W. F• Sillier and itler°s parents here• coziaciotls egndition, but is recot'- , .of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act. son of Newark, Ohio, visited in ;^ Dr, and M -s. SS ilson and .chile]-; tiring:.: - lele -copies required by said sec- town. t yen ,of Bay City, Mich,., aleli.'re I The first accident at the God- Alons., to be iso transmitted or de -I Lester Mclsaac has retained to ;visiting . Mrs. Wilson -s parents, Mr • erich. Centennial, happened on c1i'vored of - the list made pursuant i Detroit after a fewweel.s visit and Debs. Alex. Munn. ': Monday last, when Robt, Groves,, 'ittn said Act of ell persons •.ap-ewith his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Owea Geiger returnedfrolti 12 -year old lad. of Goderich Tp,, pearing by the last revised As- l aleIsaac. • an extended. visit to the `Vest, D a.- i received injuries in the face •and a ;segment Roll of the 'said municip- Mr. and Ms's. Jack el,attell and kota and Northern Ontar a. Mrs, severe shaking up while taking .tei.ty, to be ;entitled to vote in the •son Kenneth, of London, are vis- Geier was gl'eatly impressed v,'ith , part in the boy's races. Fie was - said municipality at elections for icing at the Central Hotel with Mr. her trip but thinks there his no in the bicvele race -and was - go- Make Old Rooms New MADE your .attic into extra sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play -room. - Gyproc will give you bright. comfortable extra rooms at small cost. Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof 'Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh. Takes. any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof: The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard' ]mown. Write for free I,00ldet—"My Borne' It will tell you how Gyproc. Rocboard Gypsum Insulating. Sheathing and Insoles will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40 per cent. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 153 Fireproof Wallboard C,aiJ�flleisch — Zurich, Ont. For Sale By Fred •.A'!!sl.Oas0RSOGNs•etes e14 a„P�314tT000041t!lIOR�lisOA••sN SEEDS! Yes! spring with its Sowing and • ? •here rl i soon be 1 planting time iia t the ]members of the Legislative and Mrs. Ed. Fahner. , place like hen'sall ing ata good 'speed, waren in son,c ;Assembly and at Municipal Elect- 1 Garnet Swe.ttzer who 'spent two. Dot is Cliapmau,; of Palmerston; 'manner it upset and .he ,was , thr- aens, and the aid list was first weeks holidaying t �;'itlt his mo- Vii,, -spending her ho elays i:e•.e w:tat' own over the handse bars headfirst y;Pueted in my ,office . in Zurich, on Hier, returned to New York. 1 her grandmother, Mils. Geo. Scott'. At the honue d'f` lair, find Mee. tell e21et day of July, 1927, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eilber, of I Mr's. Thos. Murdock visited re- Wm. J. Taylor, `Varna, a tclnuet retnainis there for inspection. I; Detroit, are visiting at the horns natives in Goderich. 7.1sereby call upon -'all: -voters to ex -`-of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, :Eilber. - I Mr. and Mre. •:t1". Drysdale and alure-net he ,said dist and if any error li Mrs. G. Goodwin, of Detroit, is, family are camping at • ' Grand -fix -omissions are found therein, to spereling a weeks visit with her Bend for a ofw weeks'.]take immediate proceedings to shave same corrected (according to ;law. - Dated at Zurich, this Bath day eel July, 1927. .A. P. HESS, Clerk, mother, Mrs. Geo. Holtzman. • EXETER Win, Tapp woe taken seriously ill with slight hopes for recovery Mee. Frank -Melville, of .Los Angeles, Cal.:, visited relatives in Owen Geiger foil 'eon started pulling flax last week and levee brought a large number in In- dians for both Hepsall and Exeter. The tewn for the next few weeks will look like an Indian reserve. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lindenfield and child of London, visited relatives • town; leaving for Cincinnati and here "trill e ' tivitcla 1'.• lotto has leen• STANLEY TOWNSHIP Chicago, en far ploy ed in McDonaldes garage as s r Doerr -and �[ a lY .J H,1 e and fan:tily, Mr. and Mrs.mechanic For 'aom�., eals,h�ts Rev. J. Petirns , 'leave this 'week to spend a short family are Spending their holidays ;]iead i S 'vacation with friends at Cotten]. ,said else to visit their son at Hans, *,Mon. Rev. R A. Miller, a; former pas- tor, will oecupy the pulpits at t'rotnben, Blake and Varna next Sunday, his many friends will be -riglad to see and hear him again. Mrs. Wtn. Palmer and daughter, .idalene who have been (visiting at "Wile home of Mr, Will Reid and lathe deer crossed theme, road to o thee, Al''x. Sparlts. cher friends in Stanley, return- 'the, game tesert•e; cnuinber of -XVI on Monday, to their home in doer were reported in Stephenlast r('lurmr NE eS, up in the Bruce- Peninsula. Sorry to learn that Mr. Wm. Bieber, of Sealnith is laid up with an attack of blood poisoning in one of his hands, byterian Church, is getting nice- r' Wildfong, ;Ruth Wildfong,Mrs ly scilicet, here, their illness pre - Wm, Aldsworth and daughtersof i vented them from coming frons Mira''leapol''e, have been vie;tin;g h re their horne in Toronto, sooner. , The other evening while Dr.Isins' Neil Sparks, of Detroit, wief and man was lwotoring in Stephen a I child, are holidaying with his fa - 'severed his connection - with that firm and has taken -a poisi.tion with J, McEwen at Goderich, where he has. now moved tlo, Rev,. Melllroy, of .CarneelPres 3 It• • year but this is, the first seen this l atnl on. Miss Ilannah Err.a.tt of London,''seuton. l ',Vhat is believed to have been troyed by, fire with' its contents ae visiting at the home of Mr. The Exeter Canning coy fins -led the oldest inleetitant of -Canada, and ,a new threshing machine, the e MrsRobt. 'M^Clinchey, their Wa Pack last week.. Thee Mrs, Margaret Thiekfoot,' of Salt- latter owned by Jams Gertn,otte, Mr. M. C. Talbot and family of were about 500 acir of peas gro- eau:. Indian erctr<iction, died at ion Saturday lest. The lass in- reC efioid g'ue'st Sunday at the wn by the farittlers incl the results the Jackhead Indian reserve near cludd the entire hay crop ,end a 1 hogs'' ad ' p' Lake Winnipeg at �tli. ago of 11.,� Aherne of Mr: 'end ?Vlrs. (Thos. Robe have been fairly gond. 'J'11e ca - l �,g n g �• nttitlber ofthat .were ready ebee'n. pack will run close to 40,000 eases, Until recently 'she had full use of'' for market. The loan, 'which is and Mr and :Mae Wm. H. Coates her faculties,: She, was ihew;idou heavy, is partially covered byin- tmsilong gh1 Alice IAA ha't*e returned from, an extended of Chief Thick±oot who before. his laurance. The fire originated from -;•a��:vgltter Mabel of Pilot Mound, Alen., are vi'ai#ing with ils. Armes trilp through the West. They vis rnany years Ago played an ; an "unknown cause •in the interior Aierotig's brothers, Mr. D. T. and ited all the important places as important part in the ehri'atianw 4of the fleshing machine, whict,'tiaa .lir, Rehab Stephenson, their mo -far as Vancouver, and Seattle, di killing of nans+, altting outside the barn, during the_ Stephenson Sr,, of ,Cl- The union laervrr:ec on. the Two; Juat as the Dominion Govern- 'threshing of alsike clover. The *»r,oria.c• 1, :also spending a ifeW wr 'thew) oeureeee aro being thele] this meat relieves us in the matter of flames were carried up( the blew- anton p . ,. therte � i; na+3 ]rot 1'Jt•"e1n en- Main St, church, and were the past the stamp illi;, the Provincial Gov-; cr, which had Wen blowing the iwith er sh i.e month held in .Jetties "t.. church. ernment corrin s down on es for°the.etraw into the betel], and rpro�tcl • �n�ang .very good Jhealth,, but 'tt• . � neo t 1 � , n , ` erre ..lady o, oee her out , Stanley Exeter lo:n on or its oldest r price of a permit to drive an auto ' laptdly,t ho barn t)cin q,tui.ekdy dr•� g , ,s isat,;�ta;n! ._ again. IAND WE WISH. .TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE . VERY CHOICEST OF SEEDS, WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS SITRDS,OF THE (FIELDS OR .FOR PLANTING THE HOUSE HOLD 'GARDEN. - COME IN 'AND SEE” OUR FINE ASSORT- MENT OF THE VERY BEST' IMPROVED BANNER SEED ;OATS, CLEAN .A.T 65c. ,.B'USTeF�i wedding,' ',k -a, solemnizod on July 20th, when their daughter Pearl et'ty, was .married to Joseph S.' Wilton, of Brussels. Mrs. Shrink played the wedding music and the bride wore a wedding castume of poundre blue georgette with Ise er trin uiin;;s and carried a."shief of Sweetheart roses and ferns. The ceremiony was read by tktev,; P. G Fowler of Brussels. Kippen and the 'surrounding community has -'suffered ' a great lose ' by the deathof a pioneer sert s. Ar- i. mother in a :ao of Mi h_ r 11 ,n tlhie McGregor, -She passed ,' a- way at her 1hont,e in •Kippen ',af- ter an illness of about six weeks, Site is 'survived by four daught- er* aught-os, Mrs. J. Mustard, London Rd,; Mrs. B. Edwards, 2nd Con. tray 1tMrlsr A. Petrie, Toronto and Miss Mae at home; tewo sons, . John and Coif. Hay and Milt, of Lippe's Rd, •on the old homestead. The funeral was held rfoni. St. Atdrew:s 'United church. a The -large bank barn in, farm of Hy. Hodgins, a littleeast of Corbett was completely des - 'adepts wlloil lylt�s. Lanttl' IIs, ly y„y;,�ld;, It �: ass a ease of Lel t. 1 l . TEY 013K STC . FOODS .... 1GREENFIELDD'S .CHAMPION TONIC- FOR p.O.ULTRY., . KpEPS 0 THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGGS THE YEAR RO- I UND. AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVIL. TNF. WELL - 0 KNOWN HOMERY,FEED. TRY A PACKAGE, ®i Chi] r a i tesseele 1 1 gra Zurich i 0���311 d'J'osiselfeevetseessefetofb'.11ssei peso 114�14]?tl>nc ovir 4 4 4. 1 +rtetelet claire y+^4• ;I•1"t•. +d+.1m0 3++i++l+1 ++++++r•+++ The New and Finer i- 4-. O z �. . New Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The ;rnomxler t you see the new and finer POxltia'e Six, oar will realize that it is bit value and leader 4- ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. 4. Let us prove this by a demonstration, 5. 4 PAI 4,.+'WITH 26s (CHARMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN-. 1” ^ A TIftNS - 3N SIXES AND EIGHTS — GIVEs YOU THE. � t WIDEST 1d;@,N1 E OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BETe, g ,)I, TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS. +I• Yon =met ie.ee and `drive these new Paige cars before 'you +1,. Iran was fully realize the wonderful performance and the effeaaeig ;esteem • h y, teeeny are. Let us demonstrate. AUTO BEPAIRU G AND GENERAL GARAti.,14 WORK 'A -, SPECIALTY t e i i ; i 1 Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories • . al44+3. A.+ +++ 4,4i ++a..t..t4.4..a4.00•4.44.401 b• 1�NCtiEL. ron. ,Pa . r Home Paper and help Y��. Read in your Mew . along bysending