HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-08-11, Page 1VOL XXV I U N o 6 ZURICH. THURSDAY M D "N NG 'AUGUST 11.0 1927. Help your home paper by sendin C txest er iw d[T11Yf1, Putt 61.26 w Year t Ad 41,50 INARR1.AZttiS•,$2 MAY B1 00.4.IMMI n your summer visits and visitors HAY COMCII. The regular iTharrthly tneetingtaf -the Council of •the Township o-EEZay 'was held on Tuesday„ August prod •,6111. the members were present,The ,inutels of the preeviaue meeting 'were acloited aS+ read!. Sy-lalw N,o.:5-.1n+I, re Talbot Drain, was read:third time and fin - rally palsied. The assessment on the sehwalnv Frain for thelyear• 1227 will be lev- '-xted at the irate of tvreesty-ifive per .,cent of the iorigiria1 at iessnr,ent, The following rates were str- •,wick and levied .iipan, the rate - able property of the Town'ship of 13, 0,8 mills; No, 14, 2.1 mills, I ': Hay for the tyepr 1927, and that a :No, 15,; U.S,S No. 16 and No.,1 'not reported By-law will be prepared for Paas ing at the neat Scanted meeting confirming Same; County and to;.. •High.way rate, 6.2 mills. • Zurich Police Vill. • aag titrate 6 mill's; Dashwood Police Village, rate, 3 mutt's and Statute Labor, General School rate 3.9 nit%is; Sp- ecial Schoolrateea;—U.S.S.. No, 1, 2,9 mill's; No. 2, 2.5 mills; Not 3, not in; NO. 4, 3.2 mills; No. 6, 4,3 malls; ; No.. 7, 5.5 mill's;. Not 8, 2,2 mills; U. No.. 9, 1 miII ; &No: 10, 2.7 mills; No'. 11, 3.6 mills; No. 12 not in; U. No. x+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++444+++++++44 wT+ LONDON LWki INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Can. +++++++++++++++++. 4+++++4++4- t+4+++++ +++++++ +4+ 44+++t•irE•++++& iroB++++++++4 '3+34.4++€+ The Earning Power , Series For Middle Aged Men AN ILLUSTRATION ,A. MAN, age 43, may *cure $20,000, protection for an annual depositt of $390.00 which is less than 2%. 'of the sum assured. His .policy may be carried on this basis until ages 65 to cover his productive period, or any time within ten year's he may change it to a permanent plan under the Conversion Privilege This estrenaely low premium is subject to redaction by annual .l. dividends, The triumph of 1927 in low cost insurance protect- F ion' Rates at .other• ages for $20,000—Age 25, $25.7.00; Age 35 $313.00; Age 45, $126.6; Age 50, $493.00. 1• E. OESCH — Zurich •.•.•••!►•�•441.•O.••f�.•••••�G•O•••I�OOSRE�•®••Of 4444• • • • ashion Thoughts •• NEWEST Iil Sprig Footwear The: following,• taccounts Were, passedt. , ;r Ont. l:o'spital, lot{ C. Rupe 39,006 H.' A,1 Fuss, traggin' Ed. 5, 11,00'1,. Herb,- Neeb, serving,` 'notices, 2.,50; 0. Colosky, cutting ,weeds, .Rd. 16; 2.50;' E. Zimmerman, labor hall 1.15 H. Adkins, 'sheep killed by dogs 12.100: A. Foster, cement work,hall 65.00; A, Foster, cement work,. ; • cul t ert's 181.25; M, •Corriveau ,pay .sheet Rd. 17 816.58;. ,John Oesch,pay 'sheet Rd. 8, 413.75;' T. R. PAT(Ter :son, Lafr•am.boise Award Drain 25.00 Johnston & Kalbfleisch, acccount;,, 98.6`C ; F. Mou,slseau,'Pd. 3X12.,75; Klopp, cement gravel and haul ing, hall 20.00; G. E. .Thomplson, pay sheet, culverts Rd. 1, 1147.90;. Stade 8 Weide', account 15.30; TI. R. Nee b,Road Supt. 9.00; O. Set mon, hauling cement gravel, Rd, 1, 30.00; 1:I. Neeb, pay sheet Rd; 19. 1078.75. Northern Electric Co. yliela 37.16; Stromberg-Carlsoai Co supplies 13.10; Bell Telephone Co. toll's 100.88; M. G. Deitz, salary; and car 90;00; Ada Litz 'switch- ing 88 00; E. R. Guenther, teaming poles 3.00. ; ' Tha Council adjourned to meet again on ,Tuesday,_ Sept , 6tb, at L30 o'clock, p.ni,. . A1. F. II'e'ss, Clerk. ,. r Private Sale AT ZURICH MiW s's Cassie Campbell of iToronto, of visiting at the •home of Dr.and Mrs. MacKinnon. Miss Donella Ruby is attend- ing the 'millinery 'displays • at London,t his week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I'file of Hersali, called in the village on Sunday,, Flax pu'1•.ng operations 'h� ,v comm,encad and M. Kalbfleiueeh has a gang ,at work, Mr. Lorne Dreier of Hanover, fitted his parents, at the LEvan- gelical parsonage on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bechler, who were visitors to Michigan for a few weeks, have returned homer. IVIr and Mrs L Kekoa and Mr and Mrs Slack of Detroit are spending the week with MVlr and Mrs E. Oesch Mr. and Mrs: Herb. Mann of Chicago, were Wednesday visitors at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. K. Farwell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, of Stanley, Miss Jane Lamont and Mrs, L. W. Hoffman of the village There will be offered for sa14:,t,ere Sunday visitors at Forest. privately,,•.on- the premises,, .on the afternoon's and evening from-, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17th''' to 1t SATURDAY, .AUGUST 2oth,il9lt„, The 'following p pe t and The new fuel oil engine being installed at the m:1! is nnearing com- pletion, and in the matter of a few days will be ready `or 'serv- • hewer:•entered,':ixite, thetLstore ro. r y n of J Gascho R Sons ;on Tuesday art cle ight and picked the till (of about The f'ne and comfo table duel ' $ x 2J 00 in cash. The theft novas dis- ing property owned y I r -' covered on Wednesday morning. b,the• late Mrs. Sarah Ehnes, 1ust in Zurich,n'ng eh was found out of place. , and 'sgained entr- y of the milli consisting of a ane how the robber neat cottage, wired for hydro, good ince into the store is a mystery,. • '!►•ells, etc, one of the beat locations Drilling.operations• at the ,vil- • for a dwelling property in the gage well have ceased for few • •'Village. • days, as. owing to the old we'll • Brown's Boot Shop Windows Aliso the following articles — 2 Two bedroom suits, 2 jlto+ilet seta, FORETELL AN' INTERESTING STORY OF NEW SPi�1NG • Parlor 'set consisting of onesetee, • FOOTWEAR, MAS` SONS. THEY -ARE A'UTHORATIVE AS ,THE • \ elle Organ, diningioorn table and 1 LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. • 2 rockers and two chair's, Boman- • • t chains, China cupboard, 2 co+uchea, • book case, rug,, 6 yards of carpet, hall rack, kitchen sink, oil stove 'with oven, coal stove, oil heater, • • •• • •. • THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGE'I.`HER NEW I STANDARD OF VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICE& AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LES., SEE OUR WI'NDOW DISPLAY Brown's Boot Shop REPAIRING NEATLY DONE •0 400•••••••••••••••4r•••••••••••• s • • • *•,,.* •• :r f.40.0 ......t••..•.ee4sa♦•••o••••••♦ MNISMNIMINS -fid► .10 441. Is 4• 4 4) M4 4 40. 41, • 4 0* /' Ci1�'nA our s L KINDS A Mars t.a, £il".d'A..NIiD 0000 +lin04+404'+"J^.. x.•l!,4p ;N°W 67 40.<04044. 4+ 6 d This offer only good until Ang- • j ust 15th. Alter whish prices will be much higher. Two blocks !south of Zurich Ho - ironing board, clothes rack; kit- chen utensils and numerous other article's. Honey! Honey! WE ARE NOW 1N A POSITION TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS' WITH CHOICE CLOVER HONEY LET US FILL YOUR CANS OR PAILS WITH THIS !HONEY AT ONLY 10c +A POUND... ,m Get your whole year's supply now from the old reliable Firtn. caving in, it is found nece.ssary,toi fill it- up ,with earth. The drilled well is now approximately 240 feet deep and a good. 'supply of water is looked for any time. Don't forget the first •Flower Show in Zurich, held under the auspices of the Zurich Hortieult- ur. al Society, on Saturday Sept- ember 3'rd is the date, and it is being' looked forward 'that this is to be a real event with unlimited numbers of exhibits. Don't for.- get ox•=get the date, and get your ex- hibits read:y;. ILYlytENI:1L An interesting; matrimonial e'+-• en:t tool:. place in 'Zurich on Satur- day evening„ when Mrs. Julia Hess of the village, N«als united in Holy T'atrimony, •to Mr. Elmore Klopp, sf' Hay Township) and wh has the 'distinction of being Reeve of Hay {. ,4 tel. HABERER BROS, Zurich, Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH ONT. Thursday 7.30 p.m,. Prayer and h h Praise Josiah Geiger, Leader, Sunday day Town1ip, as well as Warden o Huron County. The ceuemony'.'as" Performed by Rev. Lloyd Kalb- fle,isch, son-in-law of the brides Stith only a few of the immediate relatives present. After the' cer- enton:yt he happy bride couple ,.left on a honeymoon trip and I upon i heir+• return will reside. in Zurich.The Herald joiirs with the many friend's in extending Warden and Mrs. E. F. Kiopp best wishes for many .years of wedded life, NO HERALD NEXT WEEK. A great many of our readers have been looking for some we- ekiru for our annual weekly boli- .i, lv. This has previously altv<r,ys been observed the first week in July, but this year we thought it more suitable to celebrate this an- nttal event the midd11 of (A.ug`,ust, There will (b'o no preaching 'sexy_ so there will be no publication on on the Sundays 01 August ,la, and so 18th. The: Editor and 21st, ,Pastor having vacation, family have planned 10 motor trip Diamond Rin SEE OUR WINDOW FOR A DIS- PLAY OF PRINCESS DIAM8OND AND WEDDING RINGS Very Beautiful in Design. Sold by Legitimate Jewellers Only. 0 Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1927 Spring Delivery YES WE HAVE Dropped the Price of Coact' ANTHRACITE THE BEST GRADES PRODUCR/XI' IN THE UNITED STATES. DIRECT FROM THE MINES: GENUINE DNLN & W. SCRANTONt The Standard Anthrauitel+ THE D. & H. LACKAWANA. The Free Burning Anthracite. FILL UP YOUR BINS ESTORIL THE PRICES ADVANCE CarrteJL,o., �-1 E N SALL 0T*; Phones—Office low. Home 111a ••••♦••••*••••••••••••••441 ♦•••O•♦♦♦����°�•� C� 1 LEATHER GOODS, ETC. s Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tires 5 a 0 >t a s ♦ • • • • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' ER•A.GS, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BUR ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. - SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT' NOW. Come in and see Our tine display of Useful' Gaoda. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVIORL' • FRED THIEL. - ZURICH 4,>••••♦•••••Z►4.♦•••♦4-erne • a4+814.4.0•43$4o♦•••41.414** '401MW 4. %+++ .1.4'+i++t+i+••:••••••i'+1;••••44•444.4+4+4.4+4+4+4.4++1~ 4• . 4. S pin Footwear tNOW is the time to secure your 4. New Spring Footwear for Style 4. while our Stock is complete .1. WE HAVE MANY NEW LI NES TO SHOW YOU LN MENS WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR 4+ A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKBOOTS. 4+ t Where Quality, Style and Prices Gaunt 4r • We Wino ••• C. FRITZ & SON 4+ up north arowind f3eOrgian Bay, 11 a.m.—Bible Sclioar, 1s and probably up is Ifar as , Notrth Mr. R. P. Watson, ''Lay, and. )rill S,1 -)e absi nt for over • Sec. S. Huron R ,y,c, 1 a, ire^k, leaving oh Thursday of And* Mi:•C: iIattgleof Brucefield'tilti'week, A f°mist camping trip .will Visit our .achool„ ; of this kind Is of great benefit to J. E. Gaseho, wuperintendeiit•involst-of 1.11,. who do indoor work, and itis publishing' a weekly avers raper, along with the job \office, Imakcs it putty '\steady going the Everybody' is Cordially , Invited,',,rhole year, so :his lead:: olLtin Rey., W. Y. Dreier, Palstor, ;should woi.•k' inCfinc. Pone” don't Took. FN‘. 'eager 'Herald ni%t :Ntwt:'lult, 4+ • Repairing promptly. done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized an EivaL e Boot's, Etc. SHOE MERCHANTS 1.4.4+4+4++iii'4++i+4,4++t+4+.H. ++t+4+4H+4++E' F4+4'a+a`4++++ + ++f+4++1+4+4+4+4+4++0+1"+ • } We Invite You To call and see Our new Rayon f. Silks, Broadcloths, G i n g h at ms, Prints, Galateas, Siairtiugs, Denems Etc. ALSO DRESS LENGTHS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, MISSES £I LADIES. ALL OTHER LINES OF OUR STOCK WELL ,S^ all TED UP. AT REASONABLE, PRICES. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE R. N. ,.. G GENERAL L Al 'ERoHANT PHOIVE U « 7 �Ntcra: \.%Y=k`,444'.t4J,M.14V1.G.N._.. '+xeANMk115M1�:.