Zurich Herald, 1927-08-04, Page 1Vol. XVII( No ZURICH,• THURSDAYM RHINO, AIJQU T 4 (927. Cbeef er L, Smith, L?t3h 61.35 re' Year fa Advantegt 01.50l;liaait AaS,s:S1' AR B>a Oman(tirni'° G^, Help your home paper by sending in your summer aisits and visitors. Dashwood The re -opening of Calvary Ey,. :angelicalechtueh„ .Drashwrcod; will be ' Iheld next Sunday A,eigu 3t 7th, 1927. Rev. U. A, ICetiermant, P, E., of Tavistock, Chit.,, will preach at :a a.m. and Rev. S. R.- Knethtel, 'New Hamburg, Ont„ will . take 'charge of the 'serv'ice at 7.30 ;pant Friends and former rxrembers 9f the Congregation and Bible ''School are moist cordially invited to be rre•:sent on this( ocraeiean. Mr. and . Mrs Jahn Eidt of New lamburg,. and 11+Lr. and Mrs. (Her, duan Eidt, of. Ingersoll, spent Sun- day and Monday . with 11'Ir. ' and t Mr. Mrs. C. Stade., ending Mr. John Roffman of London, Bend. visited in town over the holiday,. Mr. and N. &. alerner of. De- troit spent.t he week -end with Mi and Mra. Geo. Menrre. Miss Myrta . Hoffman returned to Kitchener on Monday, after spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. Gordon Collins or :Sarnia, sp- ent the week -enol with his father, Mr. H. Callfaa. Miss Rena Avery of Mitchell, spent Sunday... with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. r.z,v+++'ib4'>isdr'f' •'A•5dre4+44++'t43 ++++!F+44.+++++++ 4. i 1F+.P++ ++ .The Earning Power Series For Middle Aged Men AN ILLUSTRATION AMAN,age 43 may secure $20,000 protection for an annual depositt of $390.00 which is. less •:than 2%, of the sum assured.. .Sia, .policy may be carried on this basis until age 65 to cover 4. his produ',etive . period, or any time within ten year's he may change it to a permanent plan under the Co,nvrrsion Px'ivi ege This extremely /ow premium is subject, to reduction by annual '*.dividends. The triumph of 1927 in low cost insurance protect- ion Rated at .other ages for $20,000 -Agee 25, $257.00:; Age 35 * • $313.00; Age 45, $146.6; Age 50, $493.00. , Lip LONDON g.TIE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Lon' don, Can,. 40 E. OESCH :,rich 4 4 •+.8... y 4. 4 4 4. ..i. 4. 4. 4. 4 1`...P.14.10+++.0.3-6, *; 0418.0.04.+4.1•+ i4++++++.01,+.44-0.0+++++++++++++ ;� 0���di;�gy��B�Q�6�Q6p1l�pppNG4pwY1(Fa�bkc'9�g7a�SNp�®6plpitli 1 NEWEST Pasi;ion Thou nts 111Springrootwear s •• Br° wnas Boot Shop Windows 3 FORETELL AN INTERESTING STORY GF' NEW ' SPRING O FOOTWEAR ;itA AWNS. T�EIEY ARE AUTEIORA.TIVE AS THE i • THEY W71+.,17. rnliPliESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW 40 STANDARI OF VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICES, 6 AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISrFACTION 0'I BRE GOOD SHOES COST LFJS,Siw ' RO SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY -REPAIRING A Bre w, cal Shop NEATLY DONE °a 80111 44666 91 100/0,araie 641114@MefikQ CggletilA MpQIMIt!e®ppo 41 LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. A. a Tiernan an'd tionSire .°., Gp` few days at iGrand LOCAL NEWS Mr. Frederick Mero purcha etl a Ford Touring car the other day Mr. and Mrs. Wni;. 'BasS0Vir and family, Mr. and Mr's. T. & eAclams and 'family of the •Bron'son, last Wednedsay attended the 1uneral•o1 a couisin; Mrs. M. Guenter ' • at Crediton. Mr. Greav-er and Mr. and firs. Will McAdams and son Orville of London, and 1VIr. an dMrs. len anis son George of Greenway, were Sunday visitors at the :herae of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. ;McAdarat,s Bronson Line. Master Keith , C:u apbell of Tor- onto, onto, is spending has vacation with his friend Master Hugh Mac- ,Kinnon. Rev. H. •Renibe and Samily left on Monday on thein 'sun n er: vac- ation whichthey willl spend at H:rn'lten, To o:ito, and Bur:in;;ton Beach. During the pa'stor's ab- senrs Rev. Mr. Bruer of Dash- wood, will perform all necessary and urgent ministerial acts. Mr. and 'ales. Peter Gingorich and family, and Mrs. Mesio Geselig; of Baden 'Were Sunday visitors at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich. -- AUGUST AUGUST ROD AND GUN Containing a varied ,assortm- ent features, the August nurrsber of Rod and Gun and: Canadian Sn- .ver, Fox •New's, well-known Can- , adian tin- adian :sport:sing magazine, 3.: ::n .raceived. A more unusual feat- ure is- included this month in the 'story "Midwinter Nights' Dreams', an intere'etrng collection of rem- iniscences of the little known Hud - sons Bay country. Samuel Alex- wider lexander White contributes another 'earring yarn of the old tint,=: fur traders•, "Convoys Coura geous,' �''vvliile B©nnycastle Dale this month haeeas hi ssubject the Atlantic Sal mon. Among the other onterest ing stories is one of the fishing for' rainbow trout in B..C. by Justin ' Wii'son, and an article on photo- graphing 'bird. sres,ts ,by H. H. Pitt- man. Note'ii of especial interest to hunters and anglers are con- tained in the regular "Guns and Ara • munition, Fishing Notes, Out- d:oor Talk and Kennel Depar tin cuts Ro 1 and Gun and Canadian Silver Fos;. NOW's is published mon-, thly by W. J. Taylor, Ltd„ Wood- stock, Ont. Dr. and Mi+s.. O'Dwyer• were we ek-end visitors at Windsor. Mr. and M'r's. L. Kalroa of De- troit were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. E. °each. Mr. and Mrs.. M' C, 31illikeno or God.erich, were Wednesday visitors in Zurich. Mr. John Hoffman of London was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. G. Hess and Miss Anna. Dr. II. Cowen and Ward Fritz were on a fishing hike ;to Geor- gian Bay over the holiday, Mi.'s Pearl Dreier of Hanover, and Mr. Lloyd Hansel, of Buffalo, N. Y. are holidaying, at the Evan- Igelical parsonage.. Dr. and Mrs. Mackinnia and. Me. and Mrs. Albert Kalbfleisch 'motored to Calecloa, near Toronto., on \,Tedneadayr • Civic holiday on Monday, pa's - sec -off very quiet in the village, as most people were out of town :spending the .day elsewhere. Owing to • Rev. H. Rambo, the Lutheran pastor being, on three eek s vacation, there will be no preaching is.: wise for the next three, Sundays r Ideal harvest 'Feather .is pre- vailingt his weAK, and farmers are talking good advantel:oo in harv- esting _tau barley and Wheat crops Which are a real bumper crop,. , • Mr, and 14Irs•. C. ;Fritz spent a week's vacation with friends at Guelph and vicinity, they also at-- tend,:d the Old Boy's Re -union in Jthat city,. Honey! Honey! 1,TE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS 4 44 4 4 ,i ',.y0 .e 43. 4 �4 9 ,4 4 4 • r4 4. i 40.a. 1r M' 4 4 04, GAS tiEr Ake 4, 404,4ro r«*t +t ibptab,9d+.•@+,4'040 AAb@AAd44a4.Q.0404.0.4o R444..06444 ;. Yi;r's ALL KINDS AT &AND ,,,5442-0:a;A+. V4/4,4 4 4 F s ON 11 ` ti C1% ,1p3 $:WRQ?4��4ill4d."ar:.(atee!tea • WITH CIOICE CLOVER HONEY LET/ US FILL YOUR CANS OR TA1LS WITH THIS 'HONEY AT ONLY 10c Al POUND. Get' your whole year's supply now frem the old reliable Firm, This. offer only good until Aug- ust 35th.. After whish prices will be madh hrgliei� Two blocks, :south of Zurich IIo- (el. HABERER BROS. Zurich. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tharaday 7.30 pan. . Prayer and Praise Sunday 10.00 •ii:;rn, Worship Suhjeet=Part II-Remov*e not the old landmarks which thy fathers have set. • 11 Paan, 411ble School, J. B. Gwscho, Superintendent 7.30 p,ni Worship S,,ibjeet•-The message of the nrtIvest • B aryl oci.y :is Cordially Irl'Yrit.ed, Rea, IV, Y. • D,r`ele1?3 at tlbb` Mises Olive and Seleda Snider IBthel Witmer and Messrs Wayne Snider and Wilfred Witmer all of Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schrag Mrs. Wns, Smith, Jr., of Crediton and the Misses Toelker of Pigeon, Mish., called for a brief visit at the home of Rev,. and Mrs. ,W, Y. Dreier,. The new oil engine at ,the mill is nearing completion, and will likely b, in operation the latter part of next week. It is indeed a fine piece of mechanism) and we hope will prove just as satisfactory ,Rev. and Mrs. Whitesnles and family arrived from. Saskatchewan last weak, wiore they have resided for a number of. years. They are also moving to Toronto, where inhere theyy wilt reside in future, Mr. Whitesides azul family carne. .down• in their auto and had a most njoyable trip,. Ile will take up eaaugel;a.tic Work in the United church of Canada with Toronto his headquarters. While here in Zur- iirich, tf,tiy are staying at the Williams home of which Mrs. Wiaitesid.:s is a member. Mr. and MI's. Herb. M ous:seau, Mr.. Jack Fink; Mr. and Mas. C. 1,., Smith were hoilday eight -seers to Eugene, Falls in Grey Count, The Hydro Commission has at this place built a large concrete Ilam and Plodded approximately 100 acres of land. The water . re carried through two pipe's down to the bottom, a a largo ravine, where the power house is located, Which is equipped with four turb Ines and generators. The amount of fall frons the intake at the data down to the power, plant is 500 feet, which dereiops great power. Tho Fvaagelical S. School pica nic to, Granit Beir1 last, W. cln day afternoon was a decided sue, C033 as n 'arly everybody, tin � :i out to make it a 'succesa. , and theewas hardly a .family in ter} congregation ti1at was not pros- ent. le the aftraneon, Mr. C, :Fritz ran off a number of very interesting sports, an the child- ren of all sir,es, adi. there was al- so .plenty of recreation for the bigger ones. A ` :';i •mte?restine; and ti„Wit dam;.. of soft ball .waa1 ,play cd rift, r s,upperl. after Which • the b,w ie is .1 it (.. la1 vr'.L c•11,; I. T40#,i ti i` Lg. 1 $10.00 Buys a Waltham, l6' Size Fancy Engrav- ed Case, Only a few left F'J'LLY GUARANTEED BY US Ness, The Jeweller OtAL 19Z Spring Delivery YES WE HAVE Dropped the Price of Coal ANTRUM E TIB BEST GRADES PRODUCED, IN TIIE UNITED STATES. DIRECT FROM THE MINES GENUINE DNLN & W. SCRANTG.L The Standard Anthracite;. THE D. & H. LAC.KAWANA, The Free Burning Anthracite. FILI.> UP YOUR BINS REO THE PRICES ADVANCE HENSALL ONT. Pkones-Office 1Ow, House Lek, •O+VuariQ4�e.+a•c.r,.•�,s,u.�asv.owcr�ber�d �6m4ibe9<YdeID0�9�dr4Q�A��i�•3i�i�l�ii�" LEATHER GOODS, ET� • Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tares e WE ARE lihADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS' OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' SBA.GS, i COIN AND OTHER PURSES A PINE DISPLAY ON HAND Q GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE B! ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see our fine display of U'sefull Goods, . 4 HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICl .• FRED THIEL - ZUR OH • tea ea eoeveeee effeaa.aaa'sa teee .-:aeaaeet.a. sateeeatiataaarlaaaaelikat Cir \'F+'fr++ '+i'3is4F'S'al•.644.'.,4'k4+ 4.4 4i a,.+'3..i,.F'.;, F .y:d➢ d0. rit Wi•- a • 4 4 4 4. 4 4 • Where Quality, Style and Prices Count t tt Repairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized en RnbLer { a.FP+'k,k'd"i"1'4+4r'!;i9"443 Halal'rr+ic-ia++r'i'+3'+"i 3l'd+3'$'0"0.1"44filaiaerkti►k Spring Foot ear NOW is the time to secure your New Spring Footwear for Style while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LINES TO SHOW YOU IN MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKSOi TS, We WEn! 0. FIT SON SHOE MERCHANTS Boots, Etc, tf e Invite u To call and see Our new • Rayon Silks, Broadcloths, G i n b h tis, Prints, Galateas, Shirtingsy Denems Etc. ALSO DRESS LENGTHS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, MISSES Alcra LADIES.. ALL OTHER LINES OF OUR STOCK WELL A.:Sau" l i, TED 'VP. AT REASO1ti,I'ABL1i PRICES. , PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE 'm N5 ucaL G"a`a,Eai`ifERAL It '1 F OHa4lN T .PHONE'' 9 '!yRWr•'. r.S..W,t2S.iR'WM.T 4