HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-21, Page 8410 "lI • Opening Day: July 23rd Closing }5 . August 6th. Our stock of Summer Goods is too large bald in order to reduce, we are Bring seasonable No.1 quality Goods at a real saving in price. When we say CLEABI ('SAL til We mean it. See large Bills for particulars. Ladies' resses A shipment of Ladies'Jiane Silk Dresses arrived which arrived which are included in this Clear. ng Sale. You must see these to appreciate the e ara rcdinaryr values we are offering. They comprise newest shades in flat Cantons, Tricor hens, and Georgettes. Fkiceei at $9.00 $9.75 $10.50. $16.50 Complete line of Groceries always on .hared• t r. Phone 59 fs ramie . w 05 6E5 Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs raiUINE FORD PARTS iOST RECE.EVE.D A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRE AND TUBES 77B, ARE AGAINHANDLINGTHE FAMOUS {7rytw�:Jr L;' :� € '''! � � f.Nf:'L Giiv:, .1f �'` a 4N NEED OF A BATT ERY, '41i':5.` SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 'NE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OB' T. EATON fl , AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. NE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY TER k' REP?aIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE C- ETYLEN "Z'FIDING. ZU 721C c. ? LEADING GARAGE L133aaa ZIII1Ch , , t.,.14,.i e,11:4 0 000 0011)00000, 1050t0 00600 t =t i j. d ,~r • ?., .. ...ii• E -r" Ifl9 ,,TT0MM • NOW IS THE TIM 'WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANK- : KINDS O2 CLr; En SEEDS THEY REUIRQL FO1i WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF el DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS • 2 ,1. W, u ,a ..0 u r.,i CIever, 1 iiuf thy, Whit] a ' r id 6dl' f „ Assam Sweet et Clover . ' 0 a ,TNG WHAT fir LSPRING PELO• DI: . a1 t.ta 41) IPA AF LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES. RIGHT'.. Fencing 8 JTJST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OP FROST WOVEN WIRE 2 FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES • 1? STEEPLES AN.O :STEEL .POSTS, ETC. PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OP . TED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SHERWIN WLILIAMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS, STAINS, ENA1VI-• ELS, ETC, fli'# 04.41Q0 00S0±:b0000010rt 00 PULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SH.ELP HARDWARE ALWAYS ON HAND, i aI► 0 anal with which ! :a•aiageinent's are. brag mad?. to 'alit'" and put ell • the o1 anized at a:'at grower's in Canada tine .er manaay° n.ent. The following a,•t..i bora wore ala- pointed a1 oc;.11 loading com,M- ite Toa Robin 'nn, Albert Hen, clric and Oskar Kopp. rat1 ' me its are aiso b -quo. made with t'hc local fila' !nil to take all the wheat t:::,cfuirp to •run full . c ltlr- a.vity, ,as the Po,',4' is not •oppo ed to local tardus+ace who Are wining tri C'o oI ' , �,a ,�Y• t ,a the Pool.:• Jr'1. .J' .11 a id son 'Otto <and dau ht.orx Porthi of Creditor) and 117r ntacl Sir's. W Telfer ,a.aatl dau,- ghter oF. London, visited last SIM,. day at the hoia e of Mr. and Mta» Theo .McAdams, Bronson Line.. F THERE This Fancy Flowered Dimity, Rggniar 65c. now at 55e Fancy Voile, Reg. 65c. at 55c 32 -in. Gingham at per %yard .., 16e Fancy Turkish 'toweling, yd, 25e Factory Cotton, at yd„ .:.; :.. 11c . Ladies Silk Hose at t , 59c ' Ladies colored' Bloomers at 50e Mens Broadeloth shirts at $1.50 Men's good_ weight work shirts 1.25 Moi's work Shirts at 1... ... 89c ''men's Fancy socks at , 59e ARE OTHER SPECIALS WHICH WE DO NOT MENTION HERE COME AND SEE. ,. NF ITEMS OF INTEREST C - Mr. and \Ir.a: 1;tlforcl Sclail.be sg ent the week -encs with friends 111 Kitchener. Mrs, Leo Hoffman is spending a few day with i&tri. W 1 . Fink- :beinei, at St tt oa d. Mr. and MU , J. E.:Gascho and family took In the Chataagtlay at Goderich, last Friday evening.,' Miss Inez Yuogb1ut is visiting at Detroit and iii, air Haven for a felt* weeks. . Dr. and Zvi 3. H. H. Cowen,. ored to Fergus, and visited .Lilt the, home Of all 10,:mer's Parents, os- er to NvT tl en11, Mr. and'_Mrs. Clifford Levy toad chiiclron of Chi -lion, sp3nt Sunday -with the iat,:t;r s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin \1' ri rill. Mr. Jacob L. own, 111r. and !%i,r!3.: John Brown, were Sunday visit- ors. ore. at the 1, - a!' of the forrn'er; daughter, 11.'17 tt. Becker, at New Dundee. . , 11r, L.l.:ao Dr. ler and 1VIiss Pearl- Drei'r of Hano :!r, were visitors at. the parental home, Evanglelicai Parsonage, over the week -end • Mr..'s.Irs August and Franz Hulse Paul :its+nuke, a:ad Paul Kuntz, of Irano e , caned at the home of Mr. and M s. C. 0. Smith, St. Jos- eph. • Mr. James Moore and ifamily, asho ]elite b,!u1 vis;ting his aunt, Mrs. P. Iioohl.,_, has left for their hotahe at Wattr1/4-il.1t, -New York!. Misses Ruth Gtndy5 and John S Spalls are visiting their aunt, Mr:;. P. Isoc hL)l, .1 r a' art* from the, big city' of 0,v -land, Ohio. Mr. Spath will be h?re later enf Nearly 00 ps,ople gathered at victoria Par;..., c,.ratfold, on Sat- urday at !'rte+: t to celebrate the. first reunion of th'' descendants of' • Michael \ i'.':a :ir,t t who calm tel, Canada about '1'1 years ago. Poo- pro gatll:.,. t d f .oin many parts 0I I;:h, p'ti01i't c lebrate this o-vr ent, which wan decided on to be al'1 RnliLidl O.1 W. A fin ' j)lnr `<-t]"CL �Of lxC'_ts, lla:i ":l BUM ber8 and add re s'5 by th , following,-,; - I.I±.l.att tet.}I't', C i:irnian; G. Lein - web r, historical ketC17: TTrrrp ala V"il 711119 of Now }I.:1111 L' L. 'a:u1:I1 , of u.'ich; rl.ndrt:W and MosesWilla X11:1 of Shakespeare; !Henry Lein cob '-,• tl € Tat i:.tocl:.'I'he` place for n':t •"t1G''' re-Linie]a was decide don for Stratford, and the r a' • 41cr.°.ry'1•- ident II sna 1 W 1 1.1n1's, Vice -pros: :1h1.:: 1,1;•;U..., aey-•T rcas. G., Lein« tber, Stratford. WHEAT POOL -ORGANIZED The Wheat Pool meeting which• was held on .Jo;y 15th in the Town EJall, Zurich, wits attended by quite a liwxiber or members., Mr. R:, IT. :."msec Villas o Scaforth, 8111-- ector of Th't U.,!. ad .5 11 mors' Cci� Opel ativ^ Co, 1a' I,, was present and answered a number of gut'.tt ions, asked by those present and nlaowi,1 t + fl10 ,;ool hail as much chance- of b'i a;; sucxt:..s as The Wheat Pool in i 1xtt? n Canada, ONT. I •••••••••.wrew••••6sa0e .eie .wre•eir•e+•e••••,“ GOAL 1Vd ai:at :: S Eggs Butter, lb. Dried apples Ib. ._. _ »_. 9 Wheat 425 Barley Buckwheat 4.75 3,.75 Shorts per fou...... _._ - ,..34.00 Bran per tor.i_.. .. .w _» 32.00 Live Kege .... 10.25 (Corr oted every Wednesday) • 21-25-28 35 es ern Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance OF WOODSTOCK THF LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH: AND 130ND'S ON HAND $129,454.1£. Being an increase' of Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925, G. Holtzman - .Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGE- TNINE.: RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF PIKE INSURANCE. BJ:Eai Bale of lVEilIinei9 CONSISTING OP LADIES HATS 'WIILIE THEY LAST, WE WILL SELL THE BALANCE OP OUR. MIILLINERY AT REMARKABLY LOW 'PRICES, SEE THESE AND BE CONVINCED AT THE, a g 1! Lib c.1 L . 111 ALSO A FINE DISPLAY OF NIIWCt SNAPPY FELT HATS IN. ALL THE LATEST SHAPES AND SHADES . The Seatsoi is now drawing to. E1, clo'a,e and we would advise the public to act gnh± itis our ,stock must go. Some splendid lines as sew as $1,50 11 Siebert SOUTH HURON 0 " BASEBALL SCHEDULE JULY \. 5 Zurich at Stalia. -8-.Crediton at Thames Rd, 13 --Staffs at Creditoni .i8:-Staffa at Zurich,. 13 -Thames Itd, at Crediton, i'2 Zurich at Thames Rd: 22 Crediton at Hen'sall. 2a-,7110i1s11 at Thanes P.c1„ 2.2-»Cre,d,tton at Zurich, 0--lalftitnes Rd. at Staffa At7GU'ST 2-•Tltpitids Rd. at Zurich. 2-•»-Si;aita. at neva*: 1 ti-Itanaoll at Stela. s---Ilensall;.,at» Credito* • `.d bars y'a July 21at, I.92T 0 Spring. is here and We , can ‘supply the Public with, Seasonable Hard- ware ware at n.oderate prices - GOOD SUPPLY OP BUILDING. MATERIALS. INCLUDING COUNCIIL STANDARD ROOFING AND CEMENT), A NUMBER OP G0O;p SECOND HAND BA.NrJ, f9TC1V.P.lS II VERY CHEAP. FENCING : < <. A CARLOAD .OF LUNDYS 'LUCKY T'IE WIRE, JUST A,RRIV4' BIT -INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARBc BRAC$ A1ND STEEL POSTS. TIRES AND TUBES r..l �_r_ c A FULL' LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. TONE BETTE PAII�TT-►S AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OP MARTIN SENO'UR 100% PURE PAIN; AND A FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES AUTO, ENAMELS,; ALSO PULL LINE OF MURE,SCO, ETC Fll NITURE Pull Line of (Furniture in Living Room Sni - Dining Room Suits, Bed Room: Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rooker and Chair*A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT- GREATLY REDUCED! PRICES; . GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONs BBD SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, L BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES . ` ;-t SIE RUGS RUGS ALL SIZES IN W:ILTONS, . AX4 1' TAPESTRY.1mmelt Johnston MINISTER A Hardware ineniture. Phone 63. OttalanallttZatcallteRMIStralettimatrilutralattlilt +mhm•^--' .x,ra+aaazt rau^c'maa�n,mrV>ar.a.mnn.r. .,..:.h . am,at.Barra014:11 p.anumpt teenufa>raxarttttu ttax,;.•.•iinte-mrcmw:.1. aaev.a e it.'.' zs;.; uses All dr vers of Motor Ca.rs MUST now - have an Operators' License. FOR' YOUR CONVENIENCE I HAVE SECURED THE FORMS AND YOU CAN MAKE APPLICATION FOR LICE iSR TRROUGH - MB. » A to . InSUra ~4,:ce See Me _..» For all Classes of Auto Insurance Andrew Fs Hess - Zurich MY 71.MIO1'TO i..-13EF',',TICE AND SA11'!9i`I''Y'1 Have You M UDE YO tU F WILL? „t. 5mua:anrsaxrsmsmvrm:am,r.•crmn.xeaaa.crx_tc^.xrax.enunmw:rsrnzrrm:ananwrmewxemnsrmaalmrcrzi ,ti.l ettatuanatre .samaxtwhtetsrs ores mprmstitliagA .'palet!Y�mtenahirtrl.vrrexyy. mtatmaammt .ntartutr reetUr alzotonNstasinni,Naftattamt, E. C. Fla)~veey & L V. Hogarth .. ._- Agent19 • u i a Life of Canada EXETER ONTARIO • 3O . 1A Drugless Praotiou. eer and Optician P t ET +`R - 'Mania roll AT WALPER HOUSE,; mama Every Tuesday, la e.ml, t !i Adak »}�L",....'"l�'E--»+hr,.^.Fi„••--!+�+"-9.,.....�q»._syp�»;�a.._,t,..��4.,..,.'�t.,.»�a.».,�a...�. fe.,•...a�,s,._.,�'- �a�y..:.-:i-»-.t�...» S�P�,'. 1 1 .. BY THOSE EIL° THROWN N - -'c - TO SER & J� TJ TOSEE N »-GETH BY THOSE WHO KNOW !:0W The Havii-Spring Sfflti ARD RIGHT UP TO THE MINUT tft � PATTFrRN7 STYLE AND QUALITY - tALL OUR GOODS GUARANPEEDBs DONT be misled by busying cheaper and inferior goods' BUY froxr, those you knew will "stand behind everything they t�elir- MERCHANT TAILOR. W. 1AND FUNERAL DIRLI'CVMS, 11.p . 1 ay• awl Night Phone a.ISFr,R Nat