HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-21, Page 1VOI.XXVIII No3 iw ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JLJLY 21, (927, HeIp your home aper by sendin Dashwood ; Mr. and Mrs. Gey,. Koch Spent Xlie latter part of the week ' Yn oiidon, $t. 'i'hamas and Pt.: Stan ,iTesrti 11Zaster Mely a 'Dale of `Wilton -prove, hast returnedi to his home after spending two weeks . in Dasn -wood, with his uncleand aunt z1 Blake. Mr. and Mel, Noe. Meidinger o C "Exeter, visited lam Dashwood on Sunday, On Sunday; Judy 2.4th, Z on Lutz era,n church,. D;a'>/wated, will cnle- '1irate, its •anixml i'x+T.issitllu $`csiiva1 in two, !aervieel , at 10.30 i -m. and 7.30 1'i,.m In the morning iso1 vicest Rev. Michael of11 frcz`cI �T I�' oe.'� G 1r a pY the' pulpit and preach in the ,Ger- man langma-re. „axn 1 in the even- ing a prominent .speaker will, ad- dress the gathering. A collection for missions will be taken stip in both !serviced„ Everybody- is cordica,.11y invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry hl'eGovern of Monroe, Mich., and :Miss Weber of Cincinnati, Ohio, were visiting at ily and Mrs. D. Haugh . wore v is t-, the latter'S aunt last week. Ors in .Hitcehner on Sunday. ' Mr. 'John Zimmer of Buffalo, N. Mrs. P. Moring. and children 'a1 Detroit, are visiting Y. 'spent a few days in ttOwnvisiting 'with r^lat; relatives„ • , C33, • SCHOOL REPORT 01.25. 51.50 INAL13i.N. KS,$2M,AYB) C youraiirritner • F isits ..visit Miss Grace < weather of Mitcbeli is vending her Vacaticazl �vitfz' r«:r br, other,. Mrs• M rvis of Saginaw, 1' Loh., renewing old acquaintances :in. the t altcltac. Miss 1VI3rta-:EIoffrnan of Kitch- ener, i' Holidaying at her hotite, her+. , Miss Matilda li'Id11er of Tornn o is visiting with her zrotitfar.. ii\ir. and 1VI4s., A, Bitk and fit *++444.4,44.-14*."',+g° :w° °« •C +.+4.4: k+°3 + ++++++++,..144444+++4.441÷1.44T, °tie i The Earning ' + 4. � 'i {'. 1. t. For ens 3 a AN ILLIJSTRATION A MAN, age 443, may secure $20,000 protection for an annual depasitt of $390..0 which ie less than 2% of the sum, assured. His .policy may be carried on this bash until age 65 to cover his productive' period, or any time within ten year he may change it to a periu'anent plan under th3 Cgiiv.Fs'on 1'livi:e;e •a'1+ R3 Thisectranaely low premium is •subject to reduction by annual +14 dividends,, The triuro.ph of 11927 in low' cost insurance protect- 'ion • Rater ..t .other ages for ;20,000=rAge 25 $257.00; Age 35 $313.00; Age •fli, $116.6; Age 50, $493.00. LO2TDQN LIFE . INSURANCE COMPANY„. of London, Can. tik• ti es ` y y ;tra I .4; � r$ %U. �, 4. ii+ + :+ f++�'<Crrg ` S' s ^" k +"r ++«°+i~+I °i + ';i+�� +% .. 1 W r, «.^u•.i i . i.::+4.8. i wo.g..t..g 4. G'v 8 I) tod WOG ddi0 d+ 5)&1 ti B.11011. • ri g Footwear r� Br=Q n's Boat Shop " 4` :widows FORETELL AN INTERESTING STORY OP NEW Fogrwit - 'f"+'. 5•WONS. THEY AR] r,U'.i41~aOR..9:Tu'IVE LAST ISSUE" OF° VOGUE. SPRING tamOvrovir Rey. Bruer, of Dashwood called in the village on. Mondary. IV1Tss P. Warts l6 spending a few 'weeks, vi'sitiug. relatives in Mich- igan.. ich-igan.. • Mrs, S. Merner of Iiensall Is as a ;t'ue•aday visitor with Mrs. Monier here, The follaWin jsfor .0tla'3',4U 11 resutlt,l._ , J' Miss Rena Koehler of Baden is Iri.'O11�nti011 C. %iln':k Dashwood Public School. apc-tadiztg 11,n. 1 -mislays wlt.r re- ar. III -Ruth Tiernan 88/, • pa'r.t laii�c 1n the Sillac, �i11.,11 I11r, Gid. Kochi r, Io al Pontiac Zimmer 81, Stuart Wolfe 83, • R Cxe att+1 r 52, �..'n.lia Wille°e c 8t. + s teal, saki a n.�� )model to 3L. T kJos, Gelinai Sr., of T>is,d•11r?. IialEow Mar nor 01, %4' G.:r St:a:4 w' . Mr. and Mrs. Snaith 01 Ca!itornia , F, Howard Shenck 0,` G.rald a , son, Tr 1 ^' ,'.r .1'.tn'r. 32.•_ who have hien visiting with Air. Jr. In --Laura: Witmer S8 Arnr)t `l')d '"4 o,ia111 Gelghave r`a :Eve .i.+ai $,i, .rt Re.t�.n1 7l1 lr:ft forMC'alJ`iforzaia, ox., RosieWath i'1" tti. LYicit'�i.�.ailrl salt 62, Rs. Willet 79, Sheldon'Ilitf s, 742"Thc+.ma p exp: g Mrs, W. Anent from ,' aforth, Mr> 71; Lo na. fi.•af. G5, I+l:a Gi itnisii.. . I;,. Winter's. from God ...rich, called Olga C.:, 3 00, L, on:ard Rev$teiz �- at tnO holes. of Mrs. H, Lippliar'dt t5l tt icla}. ager 58, i. Avin "V ,:.on :13, 1'{' 1:: Mi -_; n; Seh1u'lrlf 32. "; ( 1Tr, and . Sol.,,Jucclbr, r, Gr. fI-.ii 'ina :1211131 02, Harz.' and Mrs, Garnet Jacobe anct son L, h1101Ia>ef v,.I' atc'ineyer 61, E"F.ang„lii' tiilos anclt fronds'. aLLi,to th.•;t- Isl- 1r€id ss. T'al >r 1VI'� iT 8I,'° tiow7?f+3 ,11ir'a ir1".l la'o','.a If(11•"•11'',"'1) bol, 7;1+Tilto l W, i 1';St "4" + 1111 glias Tln.i•tie b• and clatii later, Ella Evelrncl 74; PhyllisRe;.1. 1 , tT 3s r :t 1 of Giadeiieh, anti :Harold• �! lhert Goetz 71, 'Harold ' Kraft_ l t, Lorne Ganitnei 62, Ilia INTrai011 Faust of .31 t?hel', cal e:l in tie v11- r:' ' :,`+1 \3 i it SEI, I •..�ry Iliili + 1? ': on M hide . They tic r'r' T)n 35. ccY 111eIr way bona,. from a week -end Irl .T i1 1t; • co London and Pt. anie'v. Letta. Ii; Guenther, teac11r11 t�etnic;� are th' big thing' of ts1''; Report of . June Promotion g 10.00 a•,c � � : �8 19 L 7 Spring iDelivery�r YES WE HAVE Di c Aped the Price of Coat'. AN THRAO _��E. TIJ BEST GRADES PRODU'^ U IN THE UNITED STATES. DIRECT PROM THE NINES GENUi11 DNLN. & W. SC'Rt .NTO The Standard Anthracite 16 Size Fancy k.ngrav- i TheD. & H. LACKA.W _NA, The Free BurningAnthracite. ed Case, only a few FILL t i' OUR BINS PlaS'+' !M left THE PRICES ADVANC:' FULLY GUARANTEED BY US s.dc. ss ' e I r � �� iE��; � Phones -Office 10w. House ,,. i!er x` E N SA L L., O N' "W- 45 visor va•r 4? -4 •Oci.:1+4�s��<L+u�`8017-t,elifi4terdi ,u'• 4 Harness .i , ' Agfa 4p; WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS,HES� 4 OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB r, fir" LADIES I_i13-4 .S, 4;r• "v COIN AND OTHER PURSES A i -r :: DISPLAY r NAND 44 :cln:sria, lc, > GOOD. SUPPLY OP MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE E dor, I iut11 an `t,unclay School ar, held- ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. '' Pr011 frn.11 .7r. if to �;'• �. 111`''1, rGiia• at Grand ? , 't• �„ tR Rpt F 11 s '4T 1 r ii 1') a.,"1:7' ,:'r, 1 r 5i Johitt lir ?t7„t yednisday the Evangelical elical a �l ' 31, ca ' ,'. e 8,•L c.1.t`^ 4 M 4„:11,:.'"4 t+in, .1 ;°q_:A9, , 1 .3S e. uEt r.1,,n.yam -, ;y Come 112 and see OM fine display 01 Usefu'll Goods.. .` 69, Alain .eisi'et os, Cn, at Grand B nd ft( cn1.Tr a 1, tuned' aro :z_tho r :.one,- a : a al' net 1'" ibni.t 8.1, Ecl,:.t i Maier t p p THIEL , =a 6 84, _ I3Ju 11.:, }1. .1^1' 721 tortvan1:°i:S- moon trip on `I in i'iG- ,.ti an.♦11 d a a 7 +n , 33 are getting nie"'L . settle(1 in the;',-; S c`_r mi r Ilk u' 2, her fo IV.T.ala l Bender, tine a )a.tln. nts abay. _' ti)e. je71•{.i., �� �':� .,,;:"`+ a.1)a, x'4.=a�l"2ur. _ 4i) i.,1,;: 0 1 Pro`)a l° T from Jr,T` to Si ..i. 1 ® ' lTv i t1:'('''''a..'': 93; 1'•1'111 ^;lir 1T oif^ 91 ,tr)1•. __......__ _ __ _.�.... ® : pr1 c y .1tl.'o.,an 8:�, I.ma `3' lin ,4,5 i• Ju Ige L,« i'3 of Go 1' rich, rc^o 1) 1 -. •..0 a . e 2 .Kraft Dallied i v Mist 1V o':i, 'v ; ''$° i+ e + + aeCt n + j+ '9 , s A3 11 Sell -eel . I . r 9' . Ward cl �. ri t 8i 7 of Go ; rir_h + � .. �a,°>�°�«°;rn«°�°�°°t b�1 � .. °&°'a � �°a+°� x�'+t�°� i ;��,>q..�i°i>ii°•n'r ",y+a;,r�+g rsi�oisi�fi Q% i1 a ':, '4i i 1 t 's f 01'd tau'' the N;(i'.: in the village on +I ti •3d.iy, e A 8, .�1 ria 1v i'1 i is, i riia RI k" -t 11 1l -r; ti1-� Ju 1.1: 1) r icl.'c1 t t 1 ' ,` T 55, local D11 rsirin C� );i. t. 1 r +il"+ , ; 0) 1.?. i•ria rr• 1. Mai -r, Roy Ben- a"1 t.ti..t• Tc:1:1 ,' t.. tlic' 1 ': t'.l% ltd t ,l ir',1 9'd {Ter, J .1.1 31'011't,ii1, Ray Ir1..411', 'G.-.Fllb(?1+;1)ut a, tlt,` 3).11't.C:r. 3ntC'1'-�.1+ a r 3,a c 8s, Maida „ in , y t un I SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRE:s r.I' TT -2 NOW. Cram Sr. I to Lµ7'. IT 1 l &. and Mrs Alb `rc H .s, 1)riclai ILtRNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS , T YOUR SER�IIC$t• ▪ Geo. csted in the.c ca ,c;; r'x- nrlt AS 7?1IE !>1 ' ii,a.? It. +:+ 1 +, T I1! 1 C. 111, l:h court 4\ ti'i soon di m,is'''d THEY WILL EMPRESS YOU WITH AN Ar.Zi'QC•' ETHER NEW STANDARD) CIF VALUE OF TEE MOD7FATE PRICES AND YOU AE;) ASSURED OP - SATISFACTION . W 1 ,i;':RE GOOD SHOES COST Las . ens OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 3T - ti REPAIRING �r+ iE�i) g,'Y tt S t NEATLY DONE ekop,aetpacimigegieriL+7rL011:43.0s ling s44,ifT10C0i oe6t a.as+4,4,6.6 ,11,4'Q+r✓t-46- o, Ane frit It , ... painful accident befell to Me,l - - ;Simon G1ngerich, ,son of 1'+I'. and'' 0 , M •.,.1t,'.- T - -'1'"„ t; ,:1t„ 1„1.,, MIS. Cr s'•. Ging erich of ti Bron-'., the it' ':`k 1ti 13„te i1 0.lr'r, ..,,,, Linn. Stilet"';.', when in the °ze ;!T„ all `I• :1 "'oath',. tt;'hieid pi+.t+int; 0°1 -'1 1,01.1 0 . 11:13.% • 111, °+ 0 3 to 4. t3 '11 u Ki AT fCt tike! ?Ewalt 137 004I++I.0.**lf , ie4•04,i1 rr"1'444Ut4,411,0‘44144 {jf �' •°ii r+1' t''ti•'-t° 1 tlln 1"'t•' ; i')11'1+0 S' i.V h.i triad to jll:111) Off 4 to Mad of 111~. with the , .ai.t !hat mother, Ares. L R n+11^, and h . z'c= T. i the fork pen^ e at'd his ,11 i rr•:•n. + now camping .ii; (.10 1i`01.. IIirV sister, AT'a5 Lydia Ging 1'irl1, sr of filo S :gin fo F'i - Tct,pita1 staff, Is 1111 izitc ndnnc,' awl the patient is .• 1l.togre ging as rapidly as can bo ,;- . real esta0 r of 5011.11' inlc,rn.,t was transacted in .:uric,, on sir -,,1- :. ivhca Alf. III lick of Elk- '4 M ti ion, .tris:,. pu<ci1<ise 1 til.' fin', 1:1.:114, consisting of 165 acres of land on the 1 io1'•nn I.i?i'. from 14Tz'. .11):111 '1' f oitStoin, tr ie r) =, i1. t k 1 ; : xc'' ,an e 1:11e lai'g. biln::lt';:.i block in Zurick, h{' r„ C c1 :,73 i; "r$ WE ARE NOW INN A POSITION TO SUPPLY OUR r t TO.:,IEA,', W1TII CHOICE ,CLOVER HONEY LET US FILL YOUR t'':1N.J Ol PAILS WITH ';'HIS HONEY AT ONLY '1nc A POUND, Get your i.h•11;, now front the oil 1 ;isl�i s 1=,s.. Flit$ c`Iini i',�1; i i l res tib` ita_ei 7.st, so wet cjtlicls, ZURICH WINS TWO - • HA BERER G I.3.0S. ZurIcli• i 07.17C,':t1 Ci' NOW is the time to se:;371.re vo.,111: New Spring . Footwear for Style WE HAVE MANY NEW LINES TO SHOW YOU IN Y'aN15.1 WOMEN'S AND C7IIILDREN'S UP TO FOOTWEA.3.., A COMPLETE STOCK OP ME'N'S AND .i30 YS Where tuaiity, Style and Prices Couizt: VII ti SHOE Nr: Repairing promptly done, Rubber vulcanized m7 Beets, Etc. chants, The (Oat taking actual affect on April 1st, next. Eva solid y (ion's Observant 00(1 its Ivo upaa 11 air.--Bible,'School, J. E, Gnscho, Superintendent. or faith, courage. and action. EveryberlY is Cordially Invited Rev. W. Y., Dreierl Pater Ifl`113FA Notes ZURICH - ONT. i piaches; but the locals kept • and turned them back the Score . Monday ev‘ning the Ina locals quite a chaa,e, in -a rather , Ise and fr,c, Hilt:ling game at times. Th two teams seem to very evenly matched, as the pievion; tim , they were here they played the 100n1,5 a tit,, 01,1 this At as almost again repeated again of Zurich. 01 Wedn.st,„ay of this week our boys tire playing in tly.' big tonra A: at Tieasill, and) To Can al ri SVC Brea (1140t4.1199 Print S2 0 4.LSO DREISS' LENGTHS POR. LIT LE CaRLS, LADIES. AL L OTHER LINES OF 01flt, STOCK WELL. IS:,,•:Xz TED UP. AT REASONABLE pRICE,S. PRODUCE' TAKEN IN 113ZOITANGE