HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-14, Page 8Dresses • jus arrived, Comprisingthe vory. neWtht Styles 111 • orgettes, Tolvit Cautons, Trieoehenes, at prices that will iuterest you $9.00 (79.75 $10.50 •$16.50 Silk Hosiery IWE CARRY THE BEST LINES OF SILK HOSE OBTAINABLE AT glIEIR RESPECTIVE! PRICES': VENUS, GOLD DOLLAR, PURIT-. !AN, MAID, ADVANCE, Men's Wear 7,0 . NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN'S FINE SHIRTS ARRIVED., NEW STRAW HATS, AND A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S WORK WIT ITS, OVERALLS, BALBRIGGAN UNIZERWEAR, BOPS JERSEYS PLAY SUITS, ETC. • pedals for this Week Ladlies' Silk Hose, Reg. $1.25 for 59c Ladies Cotton Hose, Black, Camel Dorado, at pr. 25c Ladies House Dresses, each at . , •$1;00 I% Yard Tabieoil Squares at each ..... ......... 75c Lace , Curtains' 40-inx2% yds. at pair at ; ' 78e ilklen's Fine Lisle Sox pair • 25e Dlen's and Boy's Straw Hats, ,each at 19c CONGOLEUM,RUGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Complete line of Groceries always on hand AS CI fri ted ;SONS Phone 59 iricth's Garage las, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ?UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES figirE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS ov awe" k-AfM t • ' fill' IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. FRE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. VB MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY, BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC- STYLENF IvFLDING, • ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL hiouseau. •Zurich * qrp e cow e itm s, a &-llo a ea oart? a too ga Oa up 040 a a a ift40 • • 1,1!: SEED 40604beet 0 I tY3 g 3 r • 3,*ow. THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN, 'f THERE • • zuftiefi iJIERAt4a•. This or, Fancy Flowered Diraity, 'Regular 65c, now at ... 55e Fancy •Voile, Reg. 65e. at ... 55e 32 -in, Gingham' at per ..yard ... 16e Fancy Turkish Toweling, yd. 25c Factory Cotton, at yd., ....: - lle ' Ladies, Silk Hose at t... 59c Ladies colored Bloomers at ... 50c Menis Broadcloth shirts at . $1,50 Men's good weight work shirts 1.25 lilma's work Shirts at ) ...t . 89c Men's Fancy socks at 3 590 ARE OTHER SPECIALS WHICH WE DO NOT MENTION HERE COME AND SEEL C 1 J. W. ME 4. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 1 LOCAL MARKETS ' Mr. and Meg. J. Hey, Jr. were Butter, lb. . ... . .. 35 Dried applea lb, 9 Wheat .., 11.25 Oat a _ 42 Barley Buckwhea"--it 65 Flour_ 4.75 3.75 Shorts pew Bran per ten... 32.00 .Live Hage 10,25 • Leorrected every Wednesday) •1 - ' - Eggs .3 . 21-25-28 at Goderich on Monday evening. Miss Greta Schilbe of Detroit, is spending her holidays at her home here. . , • Mr. and Mrs. Wellington JOhn- stdn and fannly and Mr, and Mrs. Gideon Koehler wore Sunday vis- itors to Kitchener. Mrs, G. Koehler is 'spending the - weak holidaying at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. EL a ,Steinbaeh of -Detroit, and Mr. D. H. Stdinbach of Holly, 'Mich., were weeke-nd . . . 'visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade were Sunday visitors at Ingersol. • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf and-lIrs. W. Cairness of Kiteliener, visited ‚at the home of Mn. Thomas Johnson over Sunday,. Mr. D. S. Williams of Newrfam,.. burg, visited with his mice, Mrs. C. L. Smith one day, last week. DRYSDALE. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gero-m- ette, . of Detroit, are " spending sone time.. with the latter's par- ents, 111r. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte.. M.1%, Rachel Denoray of Detroit, is spending •the summer months with her brother, Mr. Ed. blons- seau,- Sorry to report that Mrs.Daniel Ayott is very seriously. ill. Mrs, Deiphine Ducharrne of Wind sor, is visiting with her daugh- ter Mrs. Ed. J. Denomy. bliss Aloysia Crook of London, has returned home after spending her vacation the guest of Miss Pearl Durand, • Miss Nora Ran of Seaforth, is .spending a week or so at her home here. Haying is now the order of the • Iny a big crop is reported. • Miss Barnette, Mousseau left for Detroit last Sunday where she will pend part of the summer the guest of her sister, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Arthur Harvey and child - en of Ditroit, is visiting at the orae of Mr. George Denorny, her ether. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOO.DSTOCK THE. LARGEST BUSINESS OP ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING -BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454,14. Being an inereaiaeof insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. -Holtzman — Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANOS. rtai••••1.41.1.•:•=10}.•.•••01.0.•••••••••wwwer• PECIAL • Bale of eft ING WHAT KINDS CL VER S.EDS THEY" REIIIRQE FOB RING SEEDING, WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS. OF DIFFERENTGRADES SUCH AS q7' Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Mita Yam 3losSOM Sweet Clover LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES MGM% .„......................................................---.....„ , a Wire Fencing a 3 JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF FROST' WOVEN WIRE - : FENCING, BARB WIRE, 13RACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC, , 8 .1.....==,,,a,,,.....z.v,r.-,rsl,..,...,,,,.....,...........,..=...,....,.............. e •e • 44 e PAINTS! PAINTS!• a WE ALSO OPENED A' LARGE SHIPMENT OP SHERWIN : WLILIAMS PAINTS, vAiticsgEs, OILS, STAINS, ENAM: a EiLS, ETC. • a • a * aastaeloaaaaaikadtaaseefaba 8 a a 0 I, FULL LINE OP HEAVY AN1) SIISLP HAI:WM..4AB .A.LWAYS : 0 0 A D. . t la a • a * egirrr. 41 a • a a A 0 0 VIM • ZURICH - ONT. G04404;49 41646wiia4WilkiltiftliM•ft*S-4001149t 0 DASHWOOD CONSISTING 01? LADIESHAT WHLIE THEY LAST, WE WILL i SELL THE BALANCE OF OUR MIILLINERY AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES,. SEE THESE AND BE CONVINCED AT THE, ...•••••• a Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade spen Sunday in Ingersoll. Klepp of Zurich, is spend ing hex. vacation with her aunt Mrs. Louis Kraft. bliss Freda Schroeder visited in ,Detroit last week, t Zurich Hat Shope I, ALSO A FINE DISPLAY - OF NEW SNAPPY PELT HATS IN Mrs. Armstrong and daughters Lottie'and Jermaine of London,vis- ilcd with friends in town on Sun- day. bliss Selina Eifert of Detroit,is visiting with friends in town. . Rev. rivl Mrs. P. Graupuer and family of Famington, are visiting in town. bilis Verde. Fassold of London, is 'spending her vacation at her ,..arrrerratr... home here, •. SOUTH 11U13.01:.9k. • . 33.A.SE13ALL SCHEDULE ALL THE LATEST SHAPES AND • SHADES The Sdalson ia now dra,wing to, a close and we would advise the public to act quirk ifs our .stoek must ga. 66Some splehdid lines as loVas 1SS Vim • 4lr.• Wm. Morenz of Detroit visiting his, parents„ Miss Fanny PreMer of Xitchener warted 30 town on Sunday'. Eileen Schroeder of Detroit, is visiting her - grandmother &Ira. Ham a cher, •Mrs. C. Steinliagen Telt on MOnday t6r Detroit) NtlierPIle i ,taMng trestmentei for his The hand gave nn -alien air coon - vett on Monday night which 11,7,-15 mrteh "enjoyed by all ,,rho heard it, The Band will • continuo aiviYig an Open aix concert over 1V16ndaY' evrrtin Weatho conditions being avoura.ble, Mi., P. Maissac and' Barry,116t- Tu.:s-da'yin London, bert • JULY •8 -Zurich at Staff:a. - 8-Croditon. at Thames Rd. 13--Staffa at Creditonl. 18-Staffa, at Zurich.' 18 -Thames Rd, at Crediton. 22 -Zurich at Thames Rd. 22 --Crediton 'at, Hensel!. 25-Ptena11 at Thames Rd. 29 -Crediton at Zurich. 29-Thpnes •Rd. at Staffa. • AUGUST • 2--Thunes Rd. at Zurich. 2--Statta at Hens*, at Staff .at" tirorliton4 1 313.33rsday .Tuly 14tb. /92Z as e i ri ware Spring is here aind, we can supply, the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDINOL COUNCIIL STANDAR') ROOFING AND CEMENA A',N1711103( RE Or GOODv7ROIrONcLiHzaAA:D MANf 1 FENCING• A. CARLOAD OF LIIRDYS LUCKY TIE man JUST ARMY-, EVINCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARBe BRACE AND STEEL POSTS. • , (Li CU TIRES ANL) TUI3ES A PULL LINE OF GUTTA, PERCHA. TIRE NONE• -BETITElit PAINTS AND VAliNISII A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100X, PURE PAINTt AND .A PULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL • vAamsaas, AUTO, ENAMELS. ALSO PULL LINE OP MURESCO, ETCI. • FURNITURE Pun Le of Furniture in Living Room Sui,t4, Dining Room - Suite, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockeris aitdi _ Chairs, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,.• .GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS suatobra BEDs. , SPRINGS .AND MATTRESS. i 1 ,L L L.J...i! BEWARE OF SUBSTITI7TES .-- RUGS RUGS ALL SIZES IN WILTONS, AZ4 MIXISTER AND TARESTRYRUGS Johnston & Kalbi1eisch7 Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 reasiennftemmirmosaussom..........• apieradzaw _-‘1010■01111•41411111.11111111111IN triMmrsonerweimmulialreintriessermumW afraffieStrolarp.a.raWrr....tinsunbrisurcrormiriaiiriFifftreautzlasrmsmaM•Was•NOWNOMEr perat r's beenses All drivers of Mbtor Cars MUST now have an Operators' License FOB YOUR CONVENIENcErnAvR SECURED THE FoRsts AND YOU CAN MAKE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE THROUGH ME. Auto Insurance See Me For all Classes of Auto Insurance Andrew F. Hess, -* Zurich MY MOTTO RVICR AND SAPETY L Hava You MD: YOUR WILL? .,a.onemo•rse..r.aosa.nrntma.x,mroaystmoerenornnrmmn........,,,..snm,tmxaeet. mincenmaamssur.umranairs..amemmumaxmarerosseascroormgrazinolsnamemmaxmanansalantseniranwertroarodrrsaruffieless03 E. C. Harvey& L. V. Hogarth Agenta iVitatual Life of Canada .g_ait EXETER - 'ONTARIO JOHN WARD Drugless Practimi eer and Optician EX.ETER Pkialwei AT WALPER ROUSE, zumput, Every Tuesday, 10 ami, to took 1 ILO's IVIADE BY THOSE WHO KNOW TO-GETHER NOT • • BUT SEWNN THROWN TO-OBTREIV t BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOWiri tt The N Spring Slitiois • 1,1tiorrr UP It THE ,MINUTE tpATTERN, STYLE AND fluALrrit,„ TALL ova GOODS GUARAN'ISED +• DONT be misled • by buying !cheaper Etta inferior. goodit4 tBUY frcr1z those you, know will letand behind everything they IA. ±W. H.. HOFFMAN fMERCHAN' T. .TAILOR. W, iii.j/OFFMAN $an,' 811111A.IS /AND OtTNURAL DIRECTORS.; Day Rad Night Phone I§lat • .•