HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-14, Page 5•*:1'ietrr' X'vuiy X4tls, 1627 ;, Susumu s DicamiilyE.IfoLmEs eliekleRISTER, SOLICITOR, 'NOT- ,A1r1,Y PUBLIC, lE',Ir'G', . effete, arailtlen Street. Jurat o11 i ktlFi flquecte, GODB)41ICH, Ont. efiepoilse aetentwon to Coiereeel and Work. 1Gto'ux't W flolnre+a may be conceited at treats sore thio its, Tonsil troubles 4gitedierieh by phone ,ant phone Br•oechitir�, Croup, Qttinsy, Whoop evhaxgeb x>eBerssead, irig'o -cash back, -- and Wagz ex s, ugh 'successfully Grocery, .�. Zuricb,. PUT YOUR Wants,, For Sale, Lost, Found„ MJoi:ice, Etc. Ads " IN THIS COLUMN. our Money Back Mrs, Sybilia Spahrs Tonsilitis Dr. II.H. COWEN 364 D ut-. ?Cts S. CENTAL SURGEON tkit DHl[T7a IBLOCR, ZURICH ev- eery Thursday, Friday and ,Saber- Hteere Rabe Office .11111ARTLEIE'S BLOCK, DASHWOOH ,;Mire. F. Hese, Township Clerk 'lessee ,of noarrpage licensers. Notary `s sitilic, Commikenn'aa, Flee and A.ut- ennolaile leesuenanee Representing ffi3ren & Erie Mortgage Corpor- Co. ue�t 13e Canada Tr flpti n - i ZURICH -- O3+TTAi UO tore a lgLogg, litradvinte Carey M. Jones Nate ils:Oast School of Anctioneexing Try IVO for Registered Ltve ock ;tel Breed). Terms in keeping, With prevailing prices. Choice 6rrce !or sale, Will sell anything ' Owns lerZurich. Owns 18$ —93 or write, licensed Auctioneer IPOR HURON & MIDDLESEX ,41.1d IN A POSITION TO ICON- aunt may auction .sale, regardless > n , to size . or articles to will• I solicit your business, and if not >,tlstied will make dao chargee for ,,,e. ;firthi Weber, Dash -wood. NEMO 13--67 Zurich Meat MARKET Salt Meats Fresh and $•ulogn SSausages, etc ,• ;jhe'at Cask Price for Woe,1 CASH FOB MONS &'>31DI:S 0• Doicb,ext e :lam 'FOR SALE A 'good. young .ftresh cow fox sale. A.ppl.y to E. E. " WWuerth, Zurich, Ontario. ' ' FOR SALE A three -burner Florence, coal oil stove, in good condition. Ap- ply to ` John K. Ehlers, Zurich: OR SALE A number of horses on the farni of Mr.. Thos. Kyle,. Parr Line,Eay. Every one of thetn•e horses are well broken in and upon request Mr. Kyle will hitch and drive any one of the horse,. For partic- ulars apply to. Arthur Weber, auc- tioneer, Dashwood, NOTICE. WHEAT. POOL MEETING ill = be A Wheat Pool Meeting will held in. thr Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday, evening, July loth at 8 Pm,. Everybody wishing to Bete Zurich Mill remaining in operation, the whole time, please attend this meeting. Loading committee will be appointed and other mat- ters- discussed. Everybody "wel- co'rne. FARM FOR SALE Consisting' of. about twenty ac- res of good farm land, all in cult titration, good frame house, frame barn and good outbuildings, a No. I neverfailing -well, abundance o,f fruit, 3% miles from town, half mile from 'school. For further partic- ulars apply to Herald Office, Zur- ich. iV1UCH E'E t UJ T[tE HOU l4 Few for Youthful, pear the kbncet•itors in illirlc1 L 1. la T;epy Anirnals- Row to Feed we? Handle Colts, Calves and Lames —Boys Are Making Good a«' ,'.xlil'llrtors. (t,',',l,tributali by. 00 Lori° 1)0(,;11t1,1i ni e Agrlctiliui. '1'csrm.t,.) Calves teat h:4it, beet! fed iil"r !:• and judiciously will develol, es r. eactcrs which we call lit) t';tity tent -One. It will be all calf, but perfection of form is deteriaintcl its parentage. Feed c loot ill c,ac. Gquare beef calf out of a tnit•r° cornered dairy calf. So to begin whit, Mies Maud - Torrance' of Oiinton s i'sitcd 14Zis5 Eta'el Williams • over Sat ttrrcloyl. Mrs„ J, Schaff of Loncloit, ,sp- ent tidal week -tend witls her friend Miss •Ethel Williaua: Mise Pearl Leibold of Stratford was operated on fol: rt:.uxovaI of Tonsils, last Monday;. Mrs, Ecl. Wesley of Detroit, cal- led. on friends in tee village tome day last weir. Mrs. C. 0. Snaith of the Sauble Line is confined o, her, beta. 'with ilin`esist Mr; Christ, Galemeo of the Bron - eon Line Was taken to London Hos- pital and operated on for ap,i,ten- Mr, and Mes` yGeorge J....T.hiel rnotov'ad to London on Monday, while Mr'.. Alex. Carr. ig,an and f ane- ily returned with them to their horde in that city, FOR SALE I am offering the following1i farmmachine. at a great .. bargain, so act very quickly; 2 7 -foot Deeriiag Binders:: 2 6 -foot Deering Binders, 1 Daring mower, all will be sold 'eery cheap. t Jos., Bruer, Massey Harris Agent, -•. iZurich, Ont.• • .. FOR SALE A good 10 -ft. second hptnd all steel rake for sale. very cheap, at L. A. Prang, Zurich. ZURICH LIVERY I' FOl SALE' I Aar in a polaition to aeeomo- d to all requirements in the Livery hosiness, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Zurich,Ont. -1eitlione 59 LI VE POU LT R Y bbWANTED Taken, every day till 3 O'e1ock,p.M.. Ina ,not teed loot name morning ',;hem brought in. 'Highest Cask Prices FOR...: Cream and Eggs "LW. OtBrieni 'bone 04 Zurich Ue adquarter It FOR* TIRES TUBES... .lit AND, Storage Batteries Egw g • Pri P., 1toat 374E ; IR:�I!ICE A good secondhand Rubber Tire buggy for Sale • P.rice is right. George Hess, Zurich. FOR SALE FOR SALE Good steel tired top buggy, also one Ford sedan. Apply to C. Fritz & Son, Ford Dealers. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO -CARRY Coke"' Pocahafitas and Soft Coal 4tOCD $VPI'ta? QN HAND TELEPEM/+TE i O 1R OEDEftS EARLY TO Case ,& Son pgONl3 36 ` . ,,,,118146WO e4, SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1927 Hens all—Sept. 8. , Zsirich--Sept. 9. Fordwich—Sept. 12. Wroxeter—Sept,. 13. Ethel—Sept,. 14. Walton—Sept. 1i« Belgrave--Sept. 16. Varna --Sept. 19. Goderich Tp -Sept. 20 ,Colborn Tp.—Sept 21. A'slafield Tp.—Sept 22. St. Helen' --Sept. 23 , 1V i n c h eine a --Sept. 28. f',rediton, Sept, 2 9 • Grand Bend—Sept, 30. J')a'shWood—Oat, 3. Clinton To tvn-(yet, 4. 01,iito13 04.4.1-41.015r Mr. S. F. Ronnie, Chattanoga Fiuneaaee, has returned home after ;pending a short time with his relative's and friends here. - Mr -and' M 's. Ed. Doadt and,clau- gliter Ruth, . of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home' of Mr. and Mre. .Wm. Leibold, Babylon Line. Mr. Alex;-Caiigan 1 airct four daughters •of London, spent the past week with Mrs. and Mrs. 'Geo. J. Thiel. t " Mr's. Wiliam, Schenck and dale= ghl;er of Mt... Clements, Mielr., are t rsitin reatvcsli • and fiends• in this communityE A large delegation of the Luth- oral, Sunday School motored to Li'stowell, where there was a con- s onfion of the District. Mre and Mr's. Cowen and two daughters and Mr, ado' MIs. Dick all of Fergus, wtra Sunth-y ittn'S with Dr. and Mus. H. H. Cowen, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bassow and family, and Mr,. and Mr's. T. !el;c- Aclanes •aw3el family, end Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Miller, attended the fun- eral of an uncle, Mr. F. ;Collin'kt Greenway, last, Sunday Mrs, Rale of Waterloo is spend- ing her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs W.. C. W C. Wagner_ Mr. Theo Wagner left for Kit -chener, last .week, where he iriata 'secured a position during the va•- cation n onths. e Mr. and Mrs. H. 1tipGovern, of Monroe, Mich., and ht'iss hay Weber, of Cinciniatti, OhoWere l•. e of i. t : rs at the hone �itc;el.-weekti t1 0 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Webee,1 ' •Mr, Gordon A. Aean!son, Blyth, 'eon of Reeve • J. A. Manson, Stan- ley Township, is attending a Summer course in .Hamilton,. He ha 'recently b�ea appointed as- sistant -P.iacepal• s•gistant•^P.iacipnl' in Dundas Public the feeder should select the eettn call largely on the individuality of the parents. Get a calf that will tete; out to' be as good or better than lir: ancestors --something that is worth wi bile speeding time and money cu--- and then take care of it. The bree score cards give clearly what is ti e- zieed in breed type. These should be studied along with the animal that 1:3 being selected for .exhibitione elves should be halter broken ellen young, and handled gently that they may be quiet and docile let•exhibition time. If in proper [line to look well. e•be and back well covered, it is cuni- aaratively easy to complete the work .:i preparation,. Prospective exhibits a,rould be kept in the stable for s,ey- •,ratl weeks previous to the fair, sere they can be washed,' groomed :lid blanketed' in order that their 1andling-qualities rnay- reach a c.o 3ree of mellowness that is -very ut- rab-le in exhibition calves. Whet exhibiting before •the judge se, to,., Yllr. calf is standing on levelgrow. . luietly, and with feet well placed s to present a good appearance Don't let the other exhibitors cro .:,o closely and bide your exi.!.. •.roar view. • 1 :Idling the Coit. The colt selected for competition c tyle fair should tweet the requirement: .f the -class in which it is plannoa 3 exhibit. It should also he typical J f .the breed that it represents. Ae with the calf, the colt oan'"only be .vhat its ancestors make it. Colts may loolc very much alike when oriiZ- a day old, but they :certainly do not develop alike, even if the care an.. feed are the same. •So get your start :by selecting your exhibition prosper, from good type parentage-exitinitioa stock if you can. Liberal feedin;_ from the beginning on a compare. tively narrow ration to develop the bone and muscle possible shoule be the aim. Halter breaking ane careful schooling to develop tour agt and tractability ..ihoul3 be practiced from the beginning. The colt's feel Should be trimmed. frequently enoogli to keep them in proper shape. Teach- ing the colt to move at Iractively at the walk and trot, to stand well and to permit handling of its feet is very essential in the general training of the animal. Such training is also a great aid on, exhibition day. The colt that has had liberal treatment from birth and developed well, needs but -tittle exhtoition fitting. Good feed- ing'will put a bloom on the colt that School, which has r 'staff of's:eten- yznnot he attained in any other way. teen 'ea he s ill:. •rid Res elan_ E'i'otection from the hot sun and ties, move. their new a.ome '}lanketing and grooming are mater ial aids in developing a .desirable coat condition, and should be ,prac- ticed, duting the month previous to the exhibition. Ribbon and straw decorations while very attractive to ,the average good horseman do not carry very much weight with the -,High class judge, and are not likely to be of influence except in very close competition, in •Auguest. An interesting inine o+f base- ball is' being looked for on. Tilers- day evening of this week when the strong lineup from Thames Rct. will be here to battle with the locals Thames Road team have begin fortunate recently in streng- thening their weak points with the addition of four Exeter players, which snakes them one of the 'sir - gest lineups in the League, Be 'sure and see this game for areal tone. 0 On Wednesday, July Gth the League members ,of Emanuel • lev angelical church held 'a 'successful picnic at Bayfield, Upon ar- rival, 'siders were chosen for soft ball and a strenuous game followed ,This game came to a sudden halt when -one of the ladies called out "Last at the table washes the di'shecs; After having feasted on the dainties prepared, the happy 'crowd went to the lake ;shore wh- ere the boys built a largo 'bonfire in the glow of the firelight the company of Lea suers 'spent a quiet evening asking riddles and singing songs, The dying em,- bers broke up the gathering and eac'i went '.o t'..e:1' l'<ls_ e t•tehomes tired but happy. • A deetinguished former Bishop of the, Mennonit Church in.Rueeia, Is holding A series of meetings in the local M'nnonitte church here. On Wednesday evening the sub- ject will be. on Missions, and on Fridayevening the isubject will be on Paleletine or the ,Holy Land;, 1/e its of the lineage of the Bon-- anoff family of .Russia, and a very well educated and Speaks the Er.gli'sh language freely. He will also be here over Sunday„ The public is invited to come out and hear his wonderful messages, The weather the paist week etas been very 'auittnterlike, with suf-' fieient heat to make it plenty of Warm for all. Farmers ,are Very bttiey ii] garuexipg in their heavy crop of hay. The wheat crop in general looks to be o pretty fait' one, while the tsuinmier crops are proving to be real bumpers. The bean crop however, which hasbeetr uneh a big -factor in the district, sill l lcely aeneeu.ct •.tet vary lit i Shaping the Lamb for the Fair. Lambs presented for exhibition at school or other fairs should, first of all have been born early enough in the spring to be well grown by ex- hibition time. The lamb's fleece. should beekept free of ticks and lice, burrs and dirt. During the season, a washing can be given, if necessary, at least two weeks pervious to the show. Lambs that are ekept up and fed in covered pens will show a pet- ter fleece than if they had been run- ning out on pasture up to the last minute. The fleece should be neatly trimmed one week or more after washing, if washing is practiced, and care taken to keep the fleece free of chaff : and dust until the exhibition is over. In feeding for exhibition, variety in feeding stuffs ,should b+' sought in order to keep up the lamb's appetite, using oats, corn wheat, bran, cracked peas, barley meal and oil cake meal for. the grain portion of the ration and good alfalfa or red clover hay, and •swede turnips as roughage. These feeds if mixed to give a ration, with e nutritive ratio of 1 to 6 or 1 to 7 will take care of the growth demands and fat- ten, tl?' Iant s. §h.ould iL e desired to feed the lambs .dile "ironing Mt pasture, the grain ration given can be used. The lambs should be han- dled sufficiently to make them taint enough to stand.•well when being ex- hibited. If more than one lamb is calls�1 ep in a class, all individuals •sjrouid be uniforiti in size, type, con- dition of fleece and body fleshing. (letting the Pig Ready. Pigs , presented for exhibition at school or other fairs should first of all be of the proper type and weight for the: class in which it is planned to exhibit them. The exhibit should be clean. Thle condition is best accomplished by an application of g w'ai'in water, soap and the scrubbing bi'esh. The crate or pen should be well bedded with straw or sltavirtgs to make it so fort Ale and attrac- tive. 6hou also a free from nails, old wire, broken bottles or and • other Material likely to "injure ilii exhibit: --L. Stevenson, Sec.,, Dept„ of ,'1t,riettlture, Termite,. li•, tapes no snore to feed a saw that 1 e 1Dri A, J. MacKinnon, Z rich miw1kr r iM p.' m,AAr ' ',r`P PAWAWN Zu.rich: Drug . 1 lir;si. 'Vv. The time of year is now approaching when Insects be - co ; .e tr ouh! o e Bugs destroy the potatoes, worms the cabbage,, and flies besides being . o 9 sl f a general. 9 y y� are GE ^� �,�+g �7, t y� cl i �� i��S1��i�� �fsY v.. °.�. ��'.1 L� JE 6. i5 a�) �'Y disease germs. s. WE HAVE THE PROPER REMEDY FON ALL THE' IINSECT • PESTS,WE STOCK PARIS GREEN, AR- SENATE OF LEAD, BORDEAUX MIXTURE, INSECT PO WDE.i . HELI3ORE, FLY TOX, EIC. ETC. We sell Kodaks area Films. Try us for Developing and Printing MAGAZINES FOR SALE N, 4-4-e+++++++++++++++++++++4-144-16 • + -, 4. et v + ARE YOU EOOFNG? THINK OI+' KEYSTONE =1 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WREN PROPERLY LAID WITEI ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 49 TEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND frFIE.BEST. We (still have a Iarge quantity of Gyproc or, hand. The Fireproof Wallboard,• Use it. for walls and ceilings to repair• the old plaster before you spring decorate,. + F. KiiBPiiiS(Tfl1[ C. C. PHONE 69 ZURICH! . ++++'*+++++ ++++++++++++•1.+. + •+ •fi•a•.�•s••s••s••s>4-1.+++•2».. • •.s,a..yi•F Get that lubber Tire Buggy be- fore prices advance. They work on all four,hitor,miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS ZURIOH •• • e .♦♦••••4oe.+s ••a•0®o •s***es*.*s�►41'�t�40. = Autos and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIN] Ole AUTO ACCESSORIES, �e •• AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE 4411 VARIOUS LINES r y CORD TIRES 30x3;4 AT ONLY ......,.. • TUBES 30x334 AT ONLY ........ ........ • GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT • 1 SECOND HAND 134 H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. e 2 FORD TOURING CARS , • 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. t, 1 GOOD TRAILER. •ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING- ORDER. • ,WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND •• • ... .. $8.50 • $15.00 4� • RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. 'FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND • CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE 4 r , N• ii O P M ♦ F I >, FOR YOUR LONGEST S. Rt C • YOU THE BEST AND L LIMPS PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR • ' PUMPS, 3, • • Tires: .s: _r Tubes Gas, QiL and Greases Tl��s, � s A .• �~ara u r1 tlr'i year, as it is e°v,el°:.11' Week's tests high iti butterfat, and she may • growth behind other tseasalrs, leo returning you doable iia pl silt, 04,44!,•4'0 4,444 •v4 ...*44'e4•+ *3104 44+4' "�'� 4c' b4i4 '�°lt',x@; .. 1