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Zurich Herald, 1927-07-14, Page 1
Help yur STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the, Town'ship of ' 3tel hen convened axn the Town llFall, Crediton, cri>x Monday, 4th •of - au1y 1927 at 1 'tram Alit mwlnbers• a ere present. 11Eaules of the pre - i ou's ineetmg were read and ad- taptedi. That whereat, a petition , has been filed with the council of the ' rown'ship of Stepiiea requesting 'Ithat the mud Creek 1Drain be re- li[rairecl and. asking; the Council of, t,.. [ arra $12,25 Yt Year *1.52 IN iRRi A ltS, $2 MAY SZ 0ii[.&hrt' Y1? s• ome _ or by sew 1 .n your su Imer visits the Mnxnicipality; wild' to duty it is to keep the draiia: 'in repair;.to have an Engineer make an 'exam- ination and report the same Be it .therefiare re'solv'ed:.:that G. A. McCubbin, O'.L,S., he instruetcd to examine said drain' and +make his report thereon; with power :to ink prove, extend ow ii1Ler the work or any part thereof ar t;o changed the course, inapi••ov'e the outlet; de- epen or widen the same or make any other make improv enaent wh- ich. he Shan consider advisder act- •t*i+sabilable and under authority..of The Municipal. Drairva.ge Act. That. whereat The Centralia ge ++8+++4++11:4++4+++ ++4J++++'++ ++4.++++04F4 4+++✓r.P+++++t rya The Earning Power Series . For iddle Aged Men AN ILLUSTRATION •X' A MAN, age ,43, may secure $20,000 protection for an annual +{. ;.' depositt of $390',90 which is less than 2% of the sum assured. {?fi' His .policy may be "carried on this basia until age 65 to cover 4• his productive period, or any time within ten years 'he may T. it. change it to a, permanent plan under the Coav::rsion Piivi;ege This extremely Tow premium is subject to reduction by annual ;§, 'it., dividends. .The triumph of 1927 in low cost insurance protect- 4. .y' ion Raters,, at..otther ages, for $20,000—Age 25,. $257.00.;. Age 35. ft, $313.00, .Age:.45, $i16:b; Age 50, $493.00. - • + � ,c -LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Landon, Can,'' +,,, ..fi, Fl,, : ric iJl+ 4e++++Y'i?4.44' .5+4+0.4,*++.1.0++ .0 'h+ :+%r#•4:4•+ -f44 4.144.++4.4.4. +II+3+•.1 Drain is out of °repair anis ant to ,E iawNo. 209 of 1911, i,. "1s the duty of thin Township ire lie- ep the 'sins in vele ait, 1X lore r. st+lvect that G. A AI'. the Tp, .01 Sirpiaen ' ear,• be reciuea:ted i:o exam ne 1? d report on tie !same, The .following orders were •eoci— 'A;, Curtis, Rep. culvert cis ti ';1.1 $,5.00;„ . M. Mitchell,';dl agg'in'. , 1.B.. 13.95 ; II, Link, Conina'r 77.50; N. Scheink, grading 18.00; M. Madden, 'grading -and cut':ert 40.00; A. McEchen;.;con'mn'r_ Lal* .,3-9 3rd S. Rd. 137.50;-�P. Hogan, gt :rel 13.25; P. Hogan ditto 1;50; ` ditto 1.50; Hy. Link, jf-•'racling •r''.00 0. Eilber; :Reda. Essery, Bridgle >3.50 WW. Mason coir. 'r B1k7,i`« 00 R. :Davy, co iii,m'r Cons.; 4=5'',400.90; :EIxete'r Public Ltilitiei account 1181 Iioy ':Hodgins; conniu'r Blks 3, '15 SB 215.00; JOS, Guinan .sheep In.+1:5- ec'•o r 20T; Raps ei h'tc0 ear, .sheep killed by dogs, 23,00; R. Hocl vas, widening and dragging S13 53.00 N. Baker comrn'r 33ik 2;-5:413 2 ,J 5:59 ditto "coi:nnr'r Usborne and stcphen 21,25; N. Baker coni,in r B1k 1, 1st :S. Rd, 171.25; J. F. Smith, clainataT to Separator 40,00:; Nobfe Seott, Conrm'r Blk, `1, 3rd, S. Rd. 80.001":•G• Walker, Corn,na',r ':Balk 1, ESR 09,75, Municipal World isuppliea 16; :V. Ke s•1, rep.. Mud Creek lird�e 1�;a0 The Council adjourned to ni. et' • again in the Town , Hall, C`r r+dii.- n, ,on August 1, 1927, at -1 Henry ,Eillaer, Clerk. '7 • • Wednesday, July 27th," is the date .et for the annual picnic of the Evangelical Church, Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Smith from California are visiting friends and relatives here. They made tho trip . in their. auto, Mr. and Mrs. John Pre;rter and family of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors in the. village. . Misses Olive O'Brein and liiil- dred Hoffman are holiday visit- ors to Detroit. ,HAY COUNCIL'. The monthly rr eeting 'a .l 4 6e0�ilA7i�r041[0 .4�6r f .410$00�Jlq_{��i0Qf,Q�1ef1 041011�r,7ti0 620(99C►CUOe Council of the Township .. or:,.... 0 Nowa 'lead it—the TotikA .HaII, i'Sr e. on Jut'S' itic X11,1 I e n'.ew > . • P • . 4*t•o, tw ,il>€.. 'intTrtit€.5 -6' t. to last nr.eating were adopted •' • read. e ftf .Brown's Boot Shop Windows FORETELL AN INTERESTING STORY OF NEW SPRING cit FOOTW:.81I& PARRIONS. THEY ARE AUTBEGRATtVE AS .THE {Thoug Mrs. Pau:ine Faust, who has be- en resiting for a few li-eoks with relative's, here,: loft for her home in Chicago, I1I, on Thursday, Mr. George Volland, who has 'spout his holidays with fr;ends and relatives here, returned to his home in Detroit on Saturday. 3?r. and Mrs. Jack Routledge, of Dutton, 'Were viSitars with • tho for•mor's parents, Ds. Jos. and Mrs Ruutiedge, Jack has xrcently underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis, and is convalescent Mr. and Mrs. Wes. blern'er and E,! family were. Week -end visitors at Elmira and St Jacobs.. Mrs. It "net' 1,ud Lrimily are remaining over for e. few weeiks., while Mr. Merrier has returned to look after l+rsg Fneral [store business here. 111»1 i 'a 'ik 1st ienb''t ry of lK'.if- ' diener, and. two daughters, Mrs. as Snider of Kitch'ner, and- Mr&Keys [ auci, tzvo children. also Ma. Priv^ htsThe petition of interested part- of Toronto, wore Manciati night • 'ie, in the Troyer Cemetery, .near` visitors at, the home of Mr. and I'ashio ® His :3gre n, was received and that Mrs T. C �Va� ner 1opring Footwear • the same was left over until the . ,• e next meeting of the Council for 0 !consideration. . e 1 On a petition of John R. R. Mea 0 Donald and others the Township e Enr naer Zeas instructed to make a 6. LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. EA 41. THEY WILL ,11 51'RESS YOU WITH` AN ALTOGETHER .NEW STANDARD OF VALUE OF THE MODERATE. PRICES„ O 0 aq boot t ". s RIsREPAIRING�i• ren' gcs I &`�li op NEATLY LY - D N•ERP ' 1141** 1.1943.01AEi44.30144.880@ali' .1140410010d+000$41itta tliS MIG44.4160000 AND YAH ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTJON 13, WHERE GOOD SHOES COS°Tr LE SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY' a+ao*.44.4.aa 04-staaa aot#4+•Sd•44.. 0#4(4++AB•Qe•e➢+d+0°Gr•4a+e0•es•#•• Is armsuematatoramasoot ., 4 4 4 4 ,4 4 4 41, ALL KIND,.. AT r N r SO O O �Al D ,. • c 4 4 4 e g a report. etc., rotating to the grnpiovoxn' nt of a certain drain affecting Lot's numbers 12, 13, 1-1 and 15, con. 1, Tp. of Hay. 'The following accounts were . Geiger, putting in corrugated culvert Rd. 9, $5,00; • T. Mc.A.aam'al, visitor, $1®n00 Buys a Waltham 16 Size Fancy Engrav- ed Case, Only a few left FULLY GUARANTEED BY US Jeweller AL 192 Spriri g Delivery YES WE HAVE Dropped the Price mf Coat AN TffBAOiTE THE BEST GRADES PRODUCE. ' Inti THE UNITED STATES. DIRECT FROM THE MINES GENUINE DNLN & W. SCRAxTONt fl The Standard Anthracific4. THE D. H. LACKA WANA. The Free Burning Anthracite. FILL UP YOUR BINS . REFORM THE PRICES ADVANC�.' Ca,. • HEN ALL ONT Phones—Office 10 0 0 9 5 P y LEATHER GOODS, Harness Trunks Valises actor WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OIC ALL KINDS, LEATt1.ti1R CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BEAUS, g COOIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND carr; �ii- GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE suet ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND, • SPECIAL .PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Coroe-'in and see par' fine diiaplai of Usetull Goods. A HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE'(.• FRED THIEL - ZURIO oi4+4'804+O+O+i.•���tY+AbO+d+P•tkM''t+Vi*OY.;w• rG•6A©r�4'ti^+Ys,°�•+u•9•�i•4cG+Qi•t14"6'cQ:.wa+e�•�, m t Mr. Robert McKinley of the ;Goshen Line north, Staneiy Tp, has a very di+scouragiug • thing hap- T. poli on Monday night, wh n a pack .of Vicious dogs invaded up- on p on his f,o k OC she.p and destroyed .. the entir'> flock, si•.tcen in number4+ A number of'n..°iahbor's dog's v ho I .g. are under au'spiston, :hare been shot',. . The loss will be a' heavy .. one to Mr. McKinley. 4' *$sheep killed by dogs 6.04; Munic-t ipal World, ;supplies 1.14, Burling- ton' Steel Co. et$'ei 70.50; E. Axt labor town hall 6.25; Jolla Weida labor town ha'l 1.2;5; A. Price ditto 5.00a J. Bloch, ditto 5.00; D. Stecki. repairs: ?co niachiniery 2.50; freight 11.20. ; G. J. Thi 1, training earth, town hall: 5.40; L. Forst r, . _ceu tant :work culverts 1'8515; F. Ducharme, faes, Soaoo' A.teodaice Officer 4.25; T. Kyle, cement g •1- a el and hauling Rd, 17 35.50; II 11. Neeb, Rd. Supt., 91..00; S. Hay, ac= vomit for repairs Rd" 1.8 •iia i 'M. (.1.1 .Ei_ ;goodly number of our lovers • f. nature, wore on a motor hike to Benxniller Fella on ,Sunday, wh- ieh is. located near Bennliller. The ncen'eryy at this p'ioeJ is magnif- icent, especially where the % ater rolla down over the rock fal:s,and the whole U.1d. of tho Maitland river along these places, is a solid mass of roar:, which makes it very pictureclu+est for all lovers of this kind •of nature. Mr, 141. C. :Milliken, late Prin- cipe.' ;of Zurich Public School, has, Delta, coal c • tatral office 11,225; Nom- r.:c: aty received the appoint inept thein Elea. Co:. stipples 011,25; Sir-•' of District Manager of the trmbeig-Carlson Tel. Co. sari;aline 1Manufacturei`s Lif Insurance Co, 5914 ; Ada Doitz, salary 88.00; ill. i i j Car ie da Ctlar+ 4a territoryilerlriseon� G Deity, +s ilia y and car' 1() 00 , 1, { + b ;'Iels;tac, 'ala1•y, 462:50, bane les i ,us(irig praeticaily all of Huron $10.00; fit anal exp, 8.20,q labor etc County. This however will race.- ce.. - 47,15 less C.O.P. tolls l0 9 i l,ala.nc , ;'sitars, tilt, and Mrs,. \l ]lilcen's re- 487,20; Geo.' TTat.'1, teaming p0- m.° 111.1 to G•odericll, In Lilo nvxr .los 3,00., futur.cs which their ianany Zurich friends regret very reach. But The Council adjourned to mart tl,.o beat 5visli is ar a' c tcnrl,^d to again on August lst, at 1,30 c5'- u,.,, and Mr-. Milliken in their docs:, p,ra. •x;ew home and bu.sinees venture. A. F, HESS, Clerk LATE mils, MacDOUGALL t Chrhitina. Flotcher, widow of Evangelical ellcal Church Notes !Peter MaeDougall,. died at ; her home in Usborna •Township, on ..July 6th„ She was born atKep- pois, the liana,. 01 in.any gene,at- `Churs�la 1:30. eons of Fietehars, in Islay; Scot- y p.m. 'Prayer and land, in 1818, and was the young lsr.xi c+ ,st' ciiii.l. of ' the late. Hugh and C.' L. Smith Gla's's, Leader. blarioii Fetch r, Sae 5raz a tn, rn- ,cunday • :nor of 1.ha' Presbyterian Church. ZURICH — ONT. 10:00 ann., \'V oi+3ltip Rev. 14 sen C. 1.)aeier, of Naper- ville, trill have charge of this this service,. - 1i a.m.--Bible School, J. Es, Gascho, erin olndent, 7.30 pari,—wror,slup » Subject.. --Way of an Eagle, erybody ins. 'Cordially Invited Boa, W. '', Dreier, Patstor, . ti Iter hual>and pi d'ce iseti , her . in ;1904, ,whiletwo $4 024, Hugh and Angus, died in Beef land. She :caves 011 d son, Edward, F.,. and lour dau.;h e.s; Mr.. 5a 'a t Cance- ball, St Marks.; Mrs, T. L. Williams- t.i+en; tiI VV.. R. Dougall,lien .sill; and Miss 13,e:lte at home; one i brother, 1». Colin Fletcher, Hen- t ,adds surd one 5ist "', Mrs. ;".)r i txv- ung, 13t. M rys, The fuui'r rl s r- t ice wiz conthtct d by R. t C, M C.liidloy, cif Tharn)'a Road, r„igt- arcs by 1•T'v,-A, t+i,o:l'r 1.Iir:i,;31.35.1 $xtrx lay li i`Mtirl5. it {?t:n�• t'Or.t' 3 115 I.'n; ell Union +II+ +§. S'.riii: w: Footwear NOW is tIle time to secure your, New Spring Footwear for Style while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LI NES TO SHOW YOU IN MEN' WOMEN'S .AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR. A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORK%fco iTE Where Quality, Style and Prices: Count We Win! C. FRITZ SHOE MERCHANTS + Repairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized on i?:::.Sateir Boots, Etc, 4.4.44+4.÷.4444.1.4.++++++++++++. +40+444 +OW4 3, We Invite You To call and see Ow: new Rayon. Silks, Broadcloths, G i n g l a ms Prints, Galateas, Shirt ngs, Dene'r ; Etc.e, ALSO DRESS LENGTHS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, MISSES END, LADIES. ALL OTHER LINES OP OUR STOOD WELL L Et4 TED UP. AT REASONABLE PRICES. vi PRODUCE TAKEN IN .EXCHANGE •t LIGLAS 'Frit 'RAL M ,t OH NI - ,E 11 -97 +2�'14AKnYmYgItKNVMM+vx.N.'+N�Sti0.tiY NX1YiFtlsnaRwYA•Y�7 EILAI Pf` rt