HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-07, Page 5ly 7thh, 2227 48818$ $1 j&i. 11.01[NCARDS, vOLETE,.110LiviEs i1�1 + 3"RiRr SOL1'C''ITOR, NOT AR"�'•. PiJaLIC r lapnice, Raza ilrten • Sitteet. ' ..1dat .off Equare, GOThnraeaj Ott, , • ope•olla Wttoiliiow• t 40,401: a ld Comet -LW'o> 1e,;, ' Selman s 'l t*. he taansialted, at �r 7lefrierg$ reiynea�sesd, Mchi t1' phone !and plaouo', Fhone'ebcall 1.750 Qndon: 1 • FOR SALE • 5 1'pITR: Wan' n'' Found N� otic WANTED ' r 8 Nfx Crso. Vollstn<1 of. Dctr.oit, tva,3";au htaliday Visatoii lien+', x • ']" e�n. •ti Mr'''and' l�zs ,.John. � o�r'•Datroit,'vrsitgd relatiVe$ heae o'er; the holiday, , Mrs, E. C. •Koehlt•'? has retuned" t0(X'Ux'01nto, ,aft" x' "ialtilxgwith. r'e- lative• .lore for a., row weelha, A• loge, Manlier trona -the vill- age attended the;'celebration at Heixsail• on _S ioctay• citoi'a•ioon, Messrs, Clnyto ,and .flaxenct Hoffman 02., dlt; dire •spendtrig"'tb ' week, endei `the parental r000t,x 1'ri and, '1Vaa., 1i`. i+li•eiielc •of Eil ion, Mieh, •,r.ene red oicl ariends in the .•aill age` •ovi:~r'.:San dayi, Mr. and Mia. We,, ICibbler and family of Listowel were week -end visitors with Me. and (Mrs. i. Fritz July ist,'-.passed off very drat'[ in the village, a's'there were' no attractions, in y, he line sof sports, Mr. and Mild. 1411oiris :'Rau' of Detroit, are visiting with the for- mer';; parents, Mr.. and Mrs. J, P. Rau. Special 'servicee in honor of our country and Confederation, were held int he various churches ' on Su ri days+ Pleased to see M'rs. P. J. O'Dwyr r able .to be eat on the 'street 'after her recent operation' for append- icitis!. 'Mr. and Mr•s. L. W. foffinan, lyIius Mildred and 41�. end • �r1rs lthe!r delight r�, :Mrs P to • Ginger - W. H. Hoffman were vi iturs to ieh and Meh Menno Stecklr', Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe •Bennerrnman Galt- last -week. f of S,agiitaw, Mich., accompanied by The lawn •social held on the Ev- lVlrs, Brenn rnian's niece spent angelical church lawn on Monday the wank. end with frien:l:s in this evening was a..fairly ,good s uc vicinity, cess a.s the total receits amount- 111ids 1;laneh Jelffray of Riteli ed to over $130,00 ever, spent the holiday at her In a rather thrilling ,gruff or• hone, baseball on Monday night at 'Cr- Miss Margaret Tough, who waseditors, the Zurich teamdefe:atedi teaching 'school .at Moorfield, i %3 that team, 'someone ;:lid liy the aln nd'n; th, ho-i•.lays at he. home 'score of 20-10. on the Bronson Line, north. • Mr, and Men. Herb. Tsar+raheeof Me.srs. Tuff. and Richard Den- ney!. Hens?lt; and,Mrs, A. Kaa'chen' omy and sister Marie of Detroit of Kitchener, visited in the -tallage spent the holiday at their home on Monday evening, west of the village. t Mtss•Muriel Pr:et'er of Kitehenee Mr. Geo. Campbell of Hamilton is visiting -friends heee ;t'h,s week spent the week -end. with hie aunt, 'NOTICE -I 'tt=ould ,advise . all Mrs. E. Clarke. -parties v hb have "brought logs ; to Mrs. McDougal, spent the past my `iixili ''y°arcl fore ebettni sawing w 1; with her mother in Gocler to comae at once and liana then ich, i logs' :up- and nrikie urang_thent'rMr. and Mrs. Val. Gerber ,;and to 'h'i'd°e them cawed up. — P. : C. family spent the week -enol with Ralbflealsch.•friends at Caledonia.. Mr: and :Mrs, Albert '.Smith and nlr. H111y Heivar•d of Hensall family of Cross�ve G, Mich; Mr. and aceo.mpanted by Mr. Geo. Douglasrs: ; •.,v_ natter of Detroit; . Mrs,and Mr. David C'ante'lon, called on friends o nth? Goshen Line, on "Monday evening.. Picnic Parties to the lakeside is now the •o,rd„r of the lays as b Quite a number attended the GENEK, I4•A`IX) WANTIODeiltca'` ialaly••for •stia"inner .home at••Grand 13and<'''Aliialy 1048, William S. or Dr. i lt. CO W N. i. D. R., DENTAL SURGEON D8311Tt Z BLOCK, ZURICH es - wry *Watley, Friday 'end Satan, - ,14; Main OHi3w itkaTL#112'B BLOCIL D. kSu:W OOH+ allndr w F. ne>lia, Tnov7.a3aliip Clerk Mesmero3• rearri:a:ge licen aha Notary ' ppbiiic, &Manisa -toner, Fire end Aut-, Sin abile Yneueranc'a Representing MOOD i& Erie Mortgage -Co po ;pits: The CaeadaTrailat Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO 08011111 LPP, 4 Atsate Carey M. Jones Nat- al Behoof off Auctiomeeririg. Try Mao:tor Registered Li'v'e ,:gtoc& Sltil Rreede). Tennis in keeping lateral,prevailing : prices. Choice l' pans for aale. Will ,sell anything allsierwherei ifkone 18-93 or write, Zurich. licensed AtiOceer ;FOB HURON & MIDDLESEX .19321. IN A POSITION 'TO CON - Suet any auction sale, regardless Is to size or articles, to if. not pellet your: business,, oafor tiaiied will make no charges Arthur .Weber, s ,7 •aahagond. OWN 13-5t A. 'good 10 -ft, ,:3eeond.. li ind an steel rake for sale:, very cheavp, at L. A. Prang, Zurich; CARD OF THANKS We desire to record our;.sineere appreciation to , the numdrou's£ri ends fort herr ruany acte of, kindness and genuine .Christian 'sympathy • for . our mother, during her prolonged illness and death. M. W. EIINES f•••• 0. H. EtINES FOR SALE A good secondhand Rubber Tire, buggy for Sale Perice is right: George Hees, Zarieh, FOR SALE A ,young Holstein cow, fresh about two montes A. A. Welber, Phone 6-97. Zurich. FOR SALE For quick 'sale, a 10 -acre field. of ;standing hay, alphalfa and tint- othy, apply to David Gingerich, Zurich. FOR SALE We carry in- stock for retail 'sale a (supply of Siiverwoods' Creamery Butter.. 'Well. John- ston, Butcher, Zurich. FOR SALE Good steel tired top buggy, also one• -Ford 'sedan. • ;Apply to. •C.. Fritz & Son, ,Ford Dealers, • ..810et ifah$8 801100o411.� Ls ea 00AL.19 Zurich ! l eat T - Ftes1 b and Salt Meats oleo. na a'a�� 5ae's, etc CARRY AR><tY Highest Cash Priem 'for Waal Coke ; PocaIian.tas CASH FOB 'BIK.3I0 & RID(b ,u T .i ® 9 �. �... Soft CO 'l90. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THP clENUINE Scranton Coal '0,33.' p't ''' Deiohext �iiimO0M18�155Q►®18�!��t��.tB>49�111 ZURICH:,LIVERY' fes. • TFT k,1z4ONE• YOUR ORS' , to EARLY. TO Caste &• Soii L NE We .nR+e in xeehipt of .ft coni ni arri titicin .f:2enr Mr, H. L. Albrecht of New Hamburg, and form ray C;o17eT'a1 Mai;sriiarit of Ztirieh, ad ka;>il�r; elhatlailh ho' has exchanged 41.2 haeirtess bloat: in Zurich, which 113b1n g oecu xri a Messrs Stade c`* :Weirlo, lxardWar3 xaaer, hant's,arel •J•• Gis'1to •,& Sons, general morels - ants, to' :Mr: Creasman at Kitch- ener, on ,;u general store business. So in • future Miq, Crewman is t1u ,proprietor of tin) binck in Zurich teed 11'i'r. Albrecht intends moving aroma New liambui g to Kitchener albo:irt Arg,xrat'1.5t1I, NXa tinct Mi''s. i.1•corge Koch of Daeli, einl; Milford and A;nirtKoch %olid, l'lorence Sin,ith. of ,.Detroit; Mr, 11II'eitin •Dale of Wilton (.+rove, all •,•Lent Monday, with Mr. and 43µs, Painore Thiel .at Blake;. "Dr, and Mrs. Schoelig ,and son Bobbie of Detroit, called on fri-- enrin. int his vicinity . last . Sahni•-, days. Miss Grace Tuekersinith spent a" few days with her friend , Miss Margaret Douglas. Miss.' Gwendlyne Clarke, splint a 'few days, with friends in Zur- ieh;. Onite a number from this vie ir,ity ,Spent the holiday at the lane side. Mr. and Mt's. Ed. Talbot , and family attended a family reunion at Springbank on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrn. 5iuseelnian and son of Illlm ri, •spent the week -end with krs„ ;Joh Milverton theIto o O lu ei' �` of JIen.s:t11; Mr. and -Oescn _and faintly of Wevei Sunday Visitoes-at of -1M.r, and Mrs. Win • 'WV •_ 1GT:tcDonal,7,• who. h.a., been engaged as leacher of ' the public school on the 11:t;n con:, has resigued that • position •ancl has bean .'engage'd.by the Crediton public 'school hoard f4.' thGi -com- ing term • Miss McDonald is 1 avthe. ',nig this- week for her home near • 'the11611'11).'. nit a gin, rix,. Ripley, till -after the cava+sn- and Ai u t , pr h, and 11Tlan. Florence, Sh•e• has made -ninny -is'aien feien•_l, r'7�ith of ' Di:troit; 1?aynriitad C'al dining:her four. year's stay invt•hi., • fn.�_ of D tr'oit; Mt aiid Mr.3 Ei- vieii,.ityE• i more Thiei and farn.ily of Blake. fir,. an•l M. Jac': 11. bile a,' '1csmegniliseces,F,-r Il`Y3TENI.AL• 'son' Melvin of Wilton C,rot'o; Mrs: A ui'et,• 'but 'pretty mn r,._ . Rrss:e, •Pitt and'•daught'r Alma and urich Drug Store. ren 1 The time year ismoi, approaching When insects be- come come troif esoi e Bugs the otatoes, worm destroy P the cabbage, and flies besides ,being a general nus ante, are carriers of w disease germs. WE HAVE THE PROPER REMEDY FOR ALL THE IINSECT PESTS, WM STOCK `PARIS GREEN, AR- SENATE OP LEAD, BORDEAUX MIXTURE, INSECT POWDE.?, HELI3ORE, FLY TOX, ETC. E1.'C. We sell Kodak; and Films. Tryus for Developing and Printing MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr, A. J, MacK MMM �'S itf l .• MM{ PJWN I P , w ear- eaha fid••�++d�• �F•F•FaF+•II•'i•�F•�••F•€•.i••e•}•�3••p.,F++ y..7•,••t�•3�•Q=3•i=+4-8••�••i•÷4••'s,•}..r.•i,x'i ARE YOU ROOFING? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES • WFJEN PROPERLY LAID' WITFt ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE WTTH=• � +OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND Tfi1;:EFST. + • We stili have a large quantity of Cryproc or, hand, The meeting in the chat cit Monday ev- Fireproof Wallboard, Use it. for walls and ceilings to repair ening ohritcike ariang•:�men;'a .for + the old plaster before- - r redeco ruing the church which Will p you sp.ing decorate. i the near future. $ Frashwood * .' s C. KAIBFLEJSC. r� Mr.and Mrs, Georg': _inch had, PHONE lnl a,,r re of being visited over 6 G, `/�'" b. t' 1lilf l � �.�ha ea 4!•44+++++++45+++++++++4.++++ +4.+-3.4-7-4,4•:+,44.4.4.++44i...114 'be done . n t' e f t e and''Rdseila Koch of. ,'London all h d.''a fnnnly, reunion at Mi, Mr, Kt ch'a cottage at Grand Bend for the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. II. Dark aiid lam, Bess of Zurich and Miss NTarmlr t ily of . Wind'sov spent the. week- et Fuss: daughter of Mrs. Carolina agen. d with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Stem - Fuss; Ferrol ,Erirtleib of Windsor spent , the : holiday in town. Mr, . Gordon Callfas of Sarnia vis it ,tea with his father, over he r eekl took place at- t1ic Luthee,in parecri age, bn faVedieesdat noon, •Julyfth when 'Rev. 11 Bombe, L,B.,S, u 1i':e:l ' ' Mr. Maainte Denomnie of Detroit in Holy Bgnd`3 of wedlock, Albert called 'on .Friends in the v'illage•and Hess, son of Mr, stud Mrs. \W. G. - St. Joseph over the week -end: ' Mi, - and Mrys. Cyrus'Sehoeliand II Aim in a ipiottition to secomo- 'Minty. •'6f •Bridgeport were: