HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-07, Page 4ZRRlen HERALD SCROOL REPORT ; J 1Y . tae Da,.xltnrnatans held in .. S. NO.' 6' Hay. I1te-C'la'n . • Total 725, ‘Honors i' •3 Vis. l 4I k a" +i. 'Sr, III—Elda Gingerich 632, Piis- ac;al$a Paxweli •5,.19 • • ;1r I;fI--Neil Ville r 435, Doris '741,1 b 356, _ II Claaas., Total .025, Hon o1 ,459, 'Pees 375. ' Sr. IT--IOlive Witmer 448, Lowrie ,11rst. Class ikla ixu Ducharme, 300, Alphonse ixs5 0 275. Sr Primer- -- Leo Ch. Taafrom-- borae 275, Norman 13eierling 272, Joan Masse. 2.65, Harold Siemon 2740 Cyrille' Dueharme 242 Jr, Primer -» Ella Die,lardine 110 Stanley Smith 110, Doris Jeffrey 105, Veronica Ducharnia 9e, John E' worry 76. Miiri el Howald, Teacher, 7Paiweli 412, Martha Foster 407, CI,Ej?ITON .21'eniieth Greb 384, ,Alvin .Ginger•ich. ,6s6. :F,lda Gingeric'h obtained the high «net marls in eaeb subject. Arith- 'matte, 100; Geography 90, History 313, Literature 77,. Spelling; 65, Corn- fuee boon '79, Writnig 48, .cert 40. G.• E. Pepper, teacher. SCHOOL REPORT tat S. S. No. 11, ,Fay of June t^romotian exams, IIV to Sr. IV. Pass 480,: 'Wen 600—Gordon Smith 668, Ruth '°fI`endiick 618, Irene Charrette 547, Anthony Masse 514. Sr III—Pa's 480—Clarence La - 458. .Jr. III to Sr. I1;—Paes 435, Hon, 5—Norman Sararas. 619; Arnel Dis elardine 567; 'Lucille Jeffrey 545, Zeanni's Charrette 463, Avila Duch- . •rt -ane 409, Regis. Ducharme 376. 4Sr. II to Jr. IIi. Pass 375, Hon. :ate-llraer Disjardine 503, Richard mase 502, Marie Lafrom.boiso 491, Dueharme 470, Therese Mass :Marie Masse 412, Marie Siernon ZR. II -Eva Masse 375, Cherrie • lilrey 370, Leona Lafrombroise M. Riley Hallman and Dor- othy, .of Toronto, were i•ieiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwickers. Eighteen of our young m"n took a trip to Niagara Fall's the past week by auto: " Mr. and Mrs. Garnet .Rau, of Mich., returned home after epend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs 'Chris. Rau. Graeilla Lamport, nurse of Flint Mich., has returned to her duties alter taking care: of her sister, who is doing nicely , r' Bev. Melvin and Mrs Whiting and family are home on furlough from Kobe, Jnpan. 4etUe.a€foti. of the 'same tool. ;Aare The main ? !sp.'wakers for the oce,as Bev. were ,.d W. S'' ' 1 ari ion vc ere. V, M, x of ionpP Henry :Gelber; Ex, -M. 1,?, 1'. ft Tho Missis hainrnie, •Se11'e and Slay, known as, the Sunbeam Trio gave a cone'ert in Seafox'th to ' m good 'a•i..ed au e, Tho ,i .any relatives of MrSerehn Con'siit, Sr., will regret to :learn that. 'aha has ben quite ill' of 'large -wrist ponfineel t oher Toone, Gertrude Hogarth of ; ''oronto is visiting her parents, Mirs:: anit re. J'ar. Hogarth, >erri'ir Ctntelou . of Onandago„ is 'spending 1:11) su,runy,.a ier bolidF at his home, Archie Rowelilfe has pun•chased the milk buisiness from Thai" Sher ritt and took possession July 1. - Alf. Smith 'took possession 'of the Knipe bakery July 1st. He has been connected with that business far the past five years and' is well. known, Mrs. Ha..ell, of Kitchener is here 'spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ort- wein., Silas . Brol.ensh%re from Chatham, "s Margaret Buchaumman .of parents, sent the wank -end with relative's London, a lin; her holidays I?Scitlt bar 'irr�ts,Mr.. and Mrs. A. here, l • Buc)ia.nan.. Mr. and Mrs.. Jacob ei;essner, of 1 Mrs, Eric Kennedy of Windsor, Dashwood, resited with' Mr. and is here visiting with her parents Mrs. Hy .Mott. . Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. .. Mr. and Mrs.. Vanwiek and chil- Jack Carmichael: of Detroit i.s of Fergus. visited with Mr. '.Ind i,speuding a few weeks vacation tears. Wilson Anderson.' with relative's here. Appropriate services in the l• Mrs. Lou- Simpson and Wni,. Sim- ihurches w?r held on Stinday in r,son of Detroit are visiting for a Thoth the morning and evening, week with relative's here. ' e In the afternoon a special prograxn,i Jessie Johnston of the Continu- •,vaa arranged by both churches in ation ` school 'staff,has returned to accordance to celebrate the Diann tier home at Clifford for the hol and Jubilee. and a parade was for- dad*: and Miss M. Stewart to her ,med which went to the cenietery;of home at Seaforth. C the Evangelical church where ...ais Mr. and 'Mrs.. limas Buchanan, very costly and fine new entrance of Toronto, 'spent the week- nd was recently erected, and which the visiting his mother and .sisters here M•b Pohle Moore, who has been vs- - -ting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Sirup- ;, Pe'='+`'� f4' i'•11++ ' `Y' °+++++++ °•i•3?•,•..e.e..e e.e.e.e. .e.e,r.e.e-�eeeeeer teee, 'son, for a month; has returned to 4 London, .l ele 4 4 HERALD OFFICE Do- You :Knew? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY 'YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN OU N CEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT -WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING M&NUFFACT •URERS ,OF COUNTER CHECK $OOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY" QUANTITY AND SIZE OF: CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL .SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TR.CING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST-. ATIQNERY, NOTE BOOKS. RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO O SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC: THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN -PEN INK FOR 5e LARG- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS ' - • ' 'q, THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS,, AUCTION SALE PUS- ee TERS," 3E'F.CANTILE 170�"TERJ` .1Ni)''ALi,'OP1NEReSI: 'i` PRINTING OUR SPFC'TALTV • • 1 'A very pretty wedding was i •• d h iYT• d 4solemnr�e at the erre of r.an # Mrs. William Beaver, Hensall, at high 'noon, one Wednesday, . June: i 29th, when Rot=. A. Sinclair united i ` iii- marriage Mins 'Salina, only' da -: i lighter of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Boa- 4 ger, to ,Charles Brawley, 'son of Mr. and Mips. G. A...Brawley, of Guelph, Th o. room ways beautiful: decorated with pink and white peonies,t he bride being married in the drawing room in front of a bank ,of ferns and flowers. The bride looked charming in a gown : of peanh george,te with shoes and hose to match, :while tie brides i nsaid,-.Mis's; B. Becker; of Kitclieiier• ,i was 'd.aintily gowned in a dress ii of powder blue taffeta. 14Ir. John .t Seyler, of Kitchener,' acted ais:best l man: The bride's flowers were :sunburnt roses and the bride's- Maid's • were pink roses,. Follow - mg : the wedding edinrier. the 'hap- ipy: .young couple left !s_by' motor fox. Cleveland, Ohio the' 'bride tray' '�.elling costume ,being maisli rose ;taffeta 'shwas; an(' coat,'\ 'F.411. bl- i. - on e- twat an �l h s s o _ o ? zi' . I'. Giir M t r �a�e i. Gee - tee, vete for the 'wedding were trot: �•# ". CTuelp}i,.. London' Kitchener, Nile; 4 4 4 4, 4 3 4 West Coast Motor Tor Vtin atiti toriciaw 1. The C. I'. S. S.1110tor Princess. 2. Cli tehauiit Drive, a „link in the l'acuic Highway. 8.' Dance floor an the ferr'k. OT only have Bellingham, Wash., and Victoria, ll B.C,, been brought into closer 'connection and more "friendly relations by the recent inauguration of a -terry motor transport service by the new Canadian P'aciflc' "Motor Princess", but western .tourists as a `Whole have been provided evith a new route to the Zapital City of British Columbia, and one that has the alluring cherrn and refreshing diversion of a gree and a half hours' water trip. The new water route fol touving motorists Econ the mainland to Vancouver Island forma the base of a triangle which ;:provides a circuit tour from Victoria through Naanaimo and Vancouver and via the beautiful rati- te Ilighviray't'hroiigh New Westminster and Belling- Iaam to Oregon and Washington destinations. 'Z'T,iis 'tour takes ,one through sone et, the host beaai'tiful eftenetY on the continent, Exhilarating sea breezes ciijrytsd.iilbng' the.:"tlVlrol'e conte, wliiCh is tlii'trlTQ'Ir :twotnetrybe-olinratQ•I''LLof Which els so delightfully equable, that the semi -tropical foliage is pleasing' to the •eye and fragrant the year round. . In addition, thd• Ferry links the wonderful roads on Vancouver Island with the California Bee Line, the western arc of the great 6,000 mile circle tole` which embraces twelve national parks in the United - States and three in Canada, and of which the Banff Windermere mer: i •h i3 6 way through the Canadian Rock4es, • to be officially opened on June' 30th, forms one 01 the most clelightful•1?arts,. The ship which has made this Mainland -Island - Circle tour possible was specially designed for the service and possesses many distinctive features. She has parking ,space fdr'•50 automobiles '00 two decks and accomrnodation,_tor 250 passengers, A.'saloon smoking room, restaurant, dance floor 'and deck 'spaces for promenading. leave been .fitted up for the convenreti ' ce Wale i:t+aveiti3t u."t• , g p � zc, and Ate .vease] .; .• is e(. tui l rifted elirsffengines which 'ensure a :'laced 'of 14 kn kN Michigan, and otter p1u-o0rs The biacie as +a ScTy� 1)Maul:ar;y�(�rlii1141k of ;' 3rtii�illi airct trir(il 4� fly lieelel• u 'vee j� :Arae position ixi' ]. 1tellehtir; rind beets of good 111:1ie8 are''t - tended ;te the. young couple in their` nillitil fife, i s ]iei of Fisher,' to ga:'iat o Hens -lx Uii t.d Chue presided et the piano in bur ue- u ally:"blearing manner. '; `,1'lrellap- ley cattle will reside inp ,Kitchener Where th graanz ha'a•built a pretty home. COUNTY NEWS. The induction of the Rev. Mr, Connor took place 011' Thursday, June 30th on St, Andrew's (Church Kippen in the afternoon, after' which the ladiee served a 'buffet' !uticli., Bev. Mr, Connor evil( (lave Lea : charger, Kippen And Hills - green United Clzurcliee. Reeve Dr. Milne and Dr. J. G. Rowe of, Blyth, had a narrow ese' cape from. ,serious injury the other day while out Motoring: in Hallett Tp. In making a, turn.. at a Side- ro'.ul, the car,' -"which was driven by Dr..Ross, was ditched and turned completely over. Dr. Milne rem ceived injuriee to his leg and 'Dr. Rose had his arnii severely cut and bru:ieed. • The Sr-•hool of Coni,inerce, Clin- ton, •hit, jurst closed..a nio'st suc- cessful year, especially in the type writing department bels^•the work be n noleworthy, the is'-udentshaer ing. ,won 46 awar•ds'from the Edu rational Dept of the 'United Type writer Co. Samuel S. Sturdy, , a native'son of Goderich Tp., having (been born over 84 y;eare ego on , the '1ariae on .which hes pent his whole life, passed away `e Friday last sit- ting quietly in his chair, : ,Ila had been failing in health, growing fernier -as the days went by, 'but had not complained of .illness,and had eated h';3 brealefait as usual on the day •of hies death. Congratulations, are feeing ex- tended co Mr. and Ma's. Robt.Hol Mee, of Toronto, who on June `27th observed the. '50th anniversary of their • Wedded life, they were mar- ried, in St. Catharines, after which, they Moved too Clinton, where f or,. many years Mr.. Holm s .w -as 'rdi.tor'' o t : the 'Clinton New eEr ea but later. went to Toronto, when. he was appointed :surveyor of Customs. On Sunday last, the remains of Rev. Father Thomas Noonan .ar-= rived et Dublin from, London by motor hearse,. The men of the Holy'. Name, Society of St.' Patrick parish, motored to • Staffa to me the body as it was• brought to parish where the deceased man•h 'expressed a desire to be burie Tilg. ri ime .nes lay in 'state in t,. ntai?, lily of the . church and Men. of th Soci'ety.lactea as bodyg, card during., the nigh-;. On Monday at 10 a.m. requiem. high mass was sung ' by `Rev;. Father McCasclle, a former curate here in Father Noonan's 'ratte ye re.. Malcolm Zi11er, one pet the old _pioneer'a of the' Tp. of cStephen, died' at hie honor; pn June 23rd,aged 78 year , 5 months and .17 . days, The deceased haci been in poor bee nilth _.fore a., few ..ears and *.wva. confined to .his bed for .7,, ve,eltel, was boric in Germany end cause. with his parents when one yeierolcl 'settling, in. Hay Township. lend in his. boyhood,. 'days experienced all the discomforts` of pioneer life. 54 years ago he was united in ynar"- riage to Caroline Weitin., who pre- •deeeased, him 4 years ago After their marriage they mored to St epheir wleere he.:rerniurea all„ Iiia life... To 'this -inion 9 •children Wee- re tiv -re boric of whom, 5 !survive„ ' Thi7roclay, ,ruIy* 7th; 1927 u4HARI2IS 1'ARTS <M4 t .►e►]pl machines in good ' share with e e ssey-Harvis Parts. Made from samematelrials and same pate os" as the cniginats. Genuine Massey Fl :1 'is Parrs are guaranteed to fit. PRICES OPEN TO INSPECTION Genuine SCM -UI` Parts Are .Sola By GEO. FARWELL �:• ONT. =ma s r,;•evir MAKE your attic into extra. sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play -room. Gyproc will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at small cost. Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free booklet --"My Home." It will tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuer bill from 20 to da percent. '131E ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 155 1 Fltreproof W lib®a`l•rd For Sale By Fred C. K'albfieischi -, - - Zurich, Ont. 0000960098 •C+0****Mi1009e 490**0040 50001i6Cl91S*i006Wte* EXETER Marguerite Aldsworth has fin- ished her course at Stratford Bur-• meas• College• and has '•rdturned'.;to, her home .. Olive Wildfong', of :F'robi'sher, Sask., who has .been visiting at Ali -ingot., is the guest of herun- cle Mr. and Mr's. eemo's Wildfong. What might have been a •serious, accident, occeneed at the .Anglican church corner, on Main gat., ;when two Ford .coupe's collided, with only the driver in each. One car was ohoted over the curb and drag 'ged aeons for 'a distance, hiFee r ing the hind wheel, and also dans, agingt he sista. The tee() drivers weri however, not seriously hurt, Mr°a, James Ford passed away on June. 23rd atthe ihonee of her daughter, Mrs. A. Redden, 4th con., 'Stephen, she was ,up and a- round till the day eyahe ,died, her m=1iden .name was Caroline Snell, and was a daughter• of the late John Snell, and wail born on the 2nd con. of Stehpen and lived in the community all her See In. 1866 •bhe was married to the late James 'Ford who'predeceased her 18 years ago. • The diamond jubilee ''leas cele crated right. royally in town on July ist. At 8 o'clock the pro- cession. formed up at Victoria Pack Over 300 'school children were in the sides decorated lineup, be auto- ntobilts, ,bcycl,es ete. headed by the band. • `The starch extended to the school grounds, where 'the pro- gram wa+s bii en. ' Among it num bens ' as a pageant,' eoliiiniunity irng,ingetc. W. G.• Medd, iM: #., read the special niessa esfrom. the gov-Gen, Ote. About .10 pion- eers', were in attend.an e and; the medials Tier: i d ,toxibu'ea to the eh-. uul ,:111,11ro.1. es! spiting with its Sowing and planting time 'will soon .he, here a ». g I AND WE ISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE ARE '9 PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH Tall VERY CHOICEST, ot OF SE;EDS, WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS' SEEDSOF THE 1' LDS :OR: HOLD •ir , 1RI EN . COME [N �D HENT OP THE VERY 'BEST IISI RO El�BAN3ER : SEED TRY :O TE,.Sr FOR PLANTING THE HOUSE- ' AND SEE-OUR..FIN17.. ASSORT:- . BU IIEL• OATS, CLEAN T � OJL'K OOD1� _' L i,REENFIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POTJLTRY:,'• KEEPS - o THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING •EGuS THE "5'Ei1R RO- a ITND•. AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL - ba KNOWN EMERY FEED. TRY A PACKAGE. thrill i, a �....� toms :0 49ifltbom;t59ve'lGnedD0o>1R.y,W9Dpommoeatopm4�+r8i3110 r. 4.4.4.. 4.4. Y3rs!