HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-07-07, Page 2„ uil of Flavour T57 So wily accept !rousse$ bulk tea. • 0 4y RcbcaoI 3abatL U B ECIN I'DRE TO -DAY. (lent tuition Andre -Louie impeaved at To escape hanging, on the charge! a rate that both astounded and fiat - of sedition, Andre -Louis Moreau. flees tared M. des Amis. He would have from his native town of Gavrillac been less flattered and ir-ore.astound- and hides his ident.ty as a member of,ed. had he known, the t at least half a band of strolling players in which the eanet t of Andre -Louis' amazing he makes a great success in the char-{ proJ zss lay in the fact that ho was aster flight hasocaused him to delay* devouring the contents of the master's. revenge on the great and powerful library, which was made up of a dozen Marquis de La Tour D'Azyr, wha or so treatises on fencing by great tricked Andrs's dearest friend, Phil- roasters. ippe de t'ilrnorin, a divinity student,. At the slid of a month it suddenly into a duel and thee killed him be- deemed upon M. des Amis that his cause he feared the idealist's "da^4er- out gift of eloquence.” . Over he dead assistant had developed into a fencer body of his friend, Andre -Louis swore with whom it became necessary to. to carry" en his work of reforming exert himself if he were to esetape de - the let of '-e peasants. feat. Scarenieuche as Andre -Louis is "I said from the first," he told hint new called, falls in love with Climene,ome day, "that Nature designed you daughter of the owner or the troupe, f roe swordsman." and tries to forget the beautiful "To the master be the glory," said Andre -Louis. His relations with M. des Antis had meanwhile became of the friendliest, and he was new beginning to receive from him ether pupils than mere bee ginners. M, des Amis, a chivalrous, open handled fellow, rewarded his zeal by increasing his wages to four Louis a month. Aline de I_er.adiotr, wham, he thinks, will marry the 'Masnuis. Climene treats _iii` with coldness. GO ON WITH THE STORY. - It was opened by a tall, slender, greeefully-] roprotioned man of per - hays forty. In the crook of his ]eft arm he car- ried a feneing mask. His keen glance played over Andre -Louis from head to foot. "1b_one:euri" he inquired, politely. It was clear that he mistook Andre - Louie' quality, for despite has sadly reduced fortun-es, lois exterior was irreproachable. "You have a notice below, mon- sieur," he said. "Yeas are come in. regard to that?" Andre -Louis thruaged and half smiled. "One must live," said he. "But conte in, Talc*, off your coat," 111. de Amis said, "and let us .sea what you •can do. Nature, at least, design- ed yea for a swordsman. You are Ight, active, and supple, with a good length of erm, and you semi intelli- gent. I may teach yoi enough for my puree:ea which is that you should give the elements of the art to new pupils. Take. that ivaak and foil, and cone ever 1 :o." He led !lira to the end of the room, where the bare floor was scored with linos of chalk to guide the beginner in the manage: est of his feet. At the end of a tan -minutes' bout, M. des Antis ofi'e:od him the situation, and explained it. In addition to im- parting the rudiments of the art to begin -tees, ho waw to brush oat the fencing-rcorx every morning, keep the foils furbished, assist the gentlemen who came for lessens to 'dress and undress, and maks himself generally uzsful. His wages for the present were to bo forty livres a month The petition had its humiliations. But, if Andre -Louis would hope to cline, he most begin by eating his pride as an hors d'oeuvre. "And eo," he said, controlling a grin -e , "the robe yields not only to the ss-erd., but to • the brcon as well. rl ft ° Iti iso e'!�.;axacteristic of him that, hgetiog mats that choice, he should .have thrown 'jianself into the work ;nth enthealtsenes Every m —ribtg before the opening sit the academy, ebe master would- : enee for half an "...our with his new iotant'=4rer this really excel - e• i : ere CHAPTER II. Andre -Louis was in the gardens of the Petals Royal, the universal ren- dezvous, on that Sunday morning in he would, separating hine frosts M. de La Tait` d'4zyr, so addle nae't, . ,leloadshed'there Was that 'day in Paris. On the Place Vendome a de- tachment of dragoons aivaited the crowd out of which 'Andre -Louis had suppled. The horsemen swept down upon the mob, dispersed The victims were taken up and borne thence, a.nd amongst thein was Bertrand des Amis, himself—like all who lived by the sword—an ardent upholder of the noblesse, trampled to, death undo:: hoofs of foreign horse- men or,se-,nen launched by the noblesse and led by a nobleman. To Andre-I,o'ui.s four men of the people brought that broken body of one of :the earliest victims of tho Revolution that was now launched in earnest. CHAPTER The ferment of Paris which, dur- ing the two following days, resembled an armed camp rather than a city, delayed the burial of Bertrand des Amis until the Wednesday of ; that eventful week. Andre.Louis succeed- ed to the fencing -school hi which he was himself so well established as an instructor. And so, one fine clay in early Aug- ust, he received a visit from Le Chapelter. "I have news for you, Andra Your godfather is at Meudonl. There: have been fresh disturbances in Brittany." Not until Sunday was And+re.Louis able to satisfy a wish which the im- patience of the intervening days had converted into •a yearning. Dressed with more than ordinary care, his head elegantly conffect -••Andre-Louis mounted his hired carriage, and drove out' to Meudon. It was into the presence of; a peev- 15 96 ishand rather somnolent M. de. Ker- cadieu that Andre -Louis was ushered. SHIRRING MAKES AN ATTRAC- He was unannounced, as had ever TIVE. SELF TRIMMING. been the custom at Gavrillac. "What do you want here?" growled M. de Kercadious. "No more thein to kiss your hand, monsieur my godfather," said Andre- Louis, submissively, bowing his sleek black head, Prevent shoe pressure. Az at! drug crud sloe stores .-rSchols ho -•Fads PMR one on --thee pain is gone Wilhon Publishing Cosuparry im-vog Charmingly simple is his smart frock. The shirt is shirred and joined. to the bodice having shirring at each shoulder, and the long sleeves extend into the neck and are gathered at the lower edge to narrow wrist -halide. Contrasting material is used for the "You can't.. You'll never make me bias facing, and a long panel •extends understand how you came to render the full length of the front. No. 1596 yourself so odiously notorious in Brit- is for Misses and Small Woven'and tarry." is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size "Ah, not odiously, monsieur!" 18 (36 bust) requires 3ee yards'"'89- "Certainly, odiously. It is said even inch, or 2% yards 54 -inch material, that you were Onrnes Omnibus, `though and % yard 39-in6 contrasting. Price that I cannot, will not believe." 20 c the patteri. - "Yet itis true." sewing brings nice clothes M. de Kercadtiou choked, "And you wit e reach of a11, and to follow confess it? You dare to coneesaa it?" the mode is delightful; whet can be "What a man dares to do, he should done+so emit d 4+ a 'r }Yy following the n �{s 4 w Fashion Boo each pattern t appears who 1 � ym„ "tail is explained sot enced sewer can make `9;std 's' 'eelty an attractive dress. Priced of the nook 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. SHE WAS COMING TOWARD HIM NOW WITH OUTSTRETCH- ED HANDS. June when the news of Necker's dis- missal spread, carrying with it die - may and fury. He beheld a slight young mon with a puck -marked face leap to a table outside the Cafe die Foy, a drawn sword in his hand, crying, `To assns!" And then upon the silence of astonish- men that cry imposed, this young man poured a flood of inflammatory elo- quence. Enthusiasm swept the crowd, a motley crowd made up of men and women of every class, from vagabond to nobleman, frons Harlot to lady of fashion. Andre -Louis looked on, and grew afraid. This crowd, he felt, must be restrained, That hot -Wooded, irre- sponsible stutterer would have the town in e. blaze by night, unless some- thing were done. The young man, Camille Desmoulins, later to become famous, leapt down from, his table. still waving his sword, still shouting, s'" "To arms! Follow mel" Andre -Louis fi advanced to oeeupy the improvised rostrum, and came suddenly face to mate 'with a tall man beautifully SPEA1U,4INT hao a cant, deemed, and zest to brighten your Thus face to face, each looking into `whore day! the eyes of the other. Then Andre- eatIt keeps teeth whitey goals laughed. teethes the throat, aid eg That follow, too, has a very clan - aids digestion. . gerou5 gift of eloquence, IVs, 1e 141ar- (psis," he seid. "Gallows -bird!" he was answered. "1 shall tell the Lieutenant -General that you are to be found in Paris", "Me God, Can!" shied Aiid+re-Lou:is, "Will you te,1k like that of Lieutenant- Generals when Paris itself is likely to turnbl about your ears or take fire under your feet?" A etieh of men hurtled against hinti, swept hint' along with thein, 'do what MS US No, 23'xea2V, Apparently So. dare to confess—unless he is a cow- ard." "Oh, I do hate to get caught in "Oh, and to be sure you were very these April showers:" brave, running away each time after "Well to say the least,•Fanny, ger you had done the mischief, turning dressed for the occasion." comedian to hide yourself, doing more mischief as a comedian, provoking a riot in Nantes, and then running away again, to become --something dishonest by the affluent look of you. Minard's Liniment fo,r scaly scalp. Thrift and Courage Thriftlessness often fosters coward; Man, I tell you that in these past two ice. Theift inspires courage. Shift - years 1 have hoped that you were less persons rarely have much back- dead, ackdead, and you profoundly disappoint bone. They are so dependent upon me that you are not.i' He beat his others for assistance that often they hands together, and raised his shrill cannot assert themselves to preserve voice to call ---"Benoit." their self-respect. Their wasteful' "Benoit, the door. M. Andtre-Louis habits sap their self-reliance, their Moreau to the door!" sell -assurance. The thrifty individ- She --'Surely you don't think I'd ual, on the other hand, has learned to Too Cheap. •. The tons argued an irrevocable die• termination. Pale and self-contained, stand on his own feet. He has learn- "No bride for me—they're too but with queer pain at hos ]least, ed • how to take care of himself, hocheap!" Andre -Louis heard that dismissal. And then another voice, a arise, boy- fee oy- to manage his affairs, how to provide "How's that?" against emergencies. Therefore, he. "Aren't they always given away?" ish voice, cut in, is little inclined to submit to uncalled ,,, Liniment :� _ `"_ "Uncle!" it cried, a world of in - +r uc rrlr>,Vric • The I ice asked The Queen, and The Queen asked The Dairymaid: "Cali.ld we have soma Butter for The B yzil slice ce I3read?" The Queen asked The Dairymaid, The Dairy maid Haid; "Certainly, 111 go and tell Tho cow Now Before she goes to bed," The Dairymaid Slie curtsied And went and told The Alderney: "'Don't forget the butter Per the Royal slice of l read," The Alderney Said sleepily: "You'd better tell His Majesty - That many people Nowadays Like marmalade Instead." The Dairy`, aid Said, "Fancy!" And went to Her Majesty, She curteier to the Queen, and She turned a little red:' "Excuse nle, Your Majesty, For taking of The liberty, But marmalade is tasty, If it's very Thickly Spread." The Queen said "Oh!" And went to ' His Majesty:- "Talking of the butter For the Royal slice Of bread, Many people Think that Marmalade Is nicer. Would you like to try A little Marmalacl o Instead?" The King said, "Bother!" And then he. said, "Oh, decry me!" And went back to bed. "Nobody," He whimpered, "Col?ld call me A fussy man; I only want A little bit Of butter for My bread!" The Queen said, "There, there!" And went to The Dairymaid.. The Dairymaid Said, "There, there!" And went to the shed. The .cow said, "There, there! I didn't really Mean it Here's milk for his Porringer And butter for his Bread. The Queen took The butter And brought it to His Majesty; The King said, "Butter, eh?" And bounced out of bed, "Nobody," he said, . As he kissed her Tenderly; "Nobody," he said, As he slid down The banisters, "Nobody:, My darling, Could call the A .fussy man BUT I do like obit of Butter to my bread!" —(A. A. Milne in N.Y. Evening Post.)• • di ration and easel -ire in its pitch, take reasonable risks, His financial ` and then: "Andrei" And this ,bine a backing give's him eourage. And True of Any City` nate alined of gladness, certa n1y of le shout`s havcouebeenrage built fern succsfu. weleom�e, was blended with the stir- oa`seup. Thuuss we prise that still remained, arrive at this formula Thrift (level - open success. Both turned, half the room between then at the moment, and beheld Aline The old four hundred In New York in one of the long, open windows, art tooled a good many people for a long People are more impbrtatit than fad - rested there in the s.et of entering time with tee imprees'lon that they i from the garden, Aline in e milk-niaid were to be'enefed,---I`tsv. Harry limen 1'telies and human health end (happf- st hired", though ran I'�oeneec. uses are to be valued above brick. bonnet of the lateWalls and records . of car-loadiegs., witheut airy of the tricolor embellish-' s ' merits that were so commonly to he �j J� �� Thai is true of any city. •. •... As for seen tt on them. AUTO i !ARTS �isarke, no bibs city !tits too tlany r) p t.heni, Very sew have enough, and She was eotrtirig toward him now Shaws Auto Salvage carries largest if Vancouver . w haus' any epees- with outstrctehod hands, a heightened stock of, slightly used parts for most unity to set agile park areas now, it of Wel- makes of ears. Batteries, Carburetors, .i y calor in her cheeks, a sun e Coils, Spr]rigs,'4 beels,.'tfres, at sma11 tl.o will xegretIt later on, - come ori her lips: ire bowed low and portion S of ol"iginai ecat, 2onr mon,cy kissed her !mond iii silence. hack ii: wanted; Aman is known by ,tie coznpariy ('o be continued..) 927 t)UtrFarUN ST, TiCtteNTO he keeps from ,swains. Vancover Province (Ind. Cons.) The city which is wise will do what it can to attraet industries and., to keep them. But there is no need to sacrifice everything for the Indus- tries one would attract or develop, Orr T''MTorpnto Hpt►ltat tor' Lauraitaa l et4Vat- on with eelteyna and Allied Hosltitaia sew York otty. otters a three years' Copra. Tralnlnq to Yognp Women, having the rcitcircd education, and deph'oua ot'becomthe tiprvrp. Tile l teeeltal hse allogled the eight. hour system. The Ntii+ils reselvo unttorm' ,I the School a monthly' elloweneo aod.trxveI. tag omen;Rs 19 and trop, New Yeck. For Illrther inigrmatlen write the Sinorettenuent. $TORIES FROM BUGV1LLE The. Flight of the Flies "Buzz, buzz-zz-buz," ;sang. Mother housefly, as she flew about on the out- side of the screen door. Inside she could see the Cook placing a . fresh. frosted sale on the table, and s'be smacked her -lips in anticipation of a great feast. Then she flew out in 'the bade yard.1 "Biizz, buzz, buzz," she sang, as elle; flew over the garbage pail :where' she had laid her eggs only ten days bee fore. 111 that time the tiny white worms, called maggots, and now each one of the little maggots had turned Into a fly. "Buzz, be bu, buzz," sang all the little Baby Flies•, as they flew 'about the garbage pail, nibbling at `all the. dirty things in it, and collecting hun- dreds of tiny germs on their hairy legs and feet. - "Buzz, buzz! Come with me," called Mother Housefly, "and I'll find you a flue dinner." Then she . flew off with all the Baby Plies trailing along . be- hind. They flew back to the screen door, and Mother Housefly found a hole near the bottom just big enough for her and all the Baby Pities to crawl through.. "Buzz, buzz, zzzz," they all sang when they spied the fresh frosted cake. "Beware, beware," cautioned Mother Housefly. "Watch out for the swatter or you will get caught. Wait until no one is looking, then we'll all have a feast." So when the Cook was out of sight the Fly Family was busy eating cake, In the same dirty shoes with whish they had walked all over the dirty garbage pail, they now tracked over the fresh frosted cake, taking a bit here and a bit there. Many of the tiny germs that nod clung to their hairy legs in the garbage pail, stuck fast to the fresh frosting. But in a few minutes the Cook came hurryingback from the kitchen. She was almost to the table before Mother FIy spied her. `Buzz, buzz, beware," called Mother Housefly, and her frightened 'young• sters tried frantically to free them- selves from the sticky frosting. The Cook swatted atthem left and right, but everyone escaped and Clew up to the ceiling. "You naughty flies, so that's what you ; like," said the Cook, "I'll get you now. So else cut a tiny piece from the fresh cake and placed it right in the middle of the tablo, the rest she put back into the cupboard. Then over the tiny piece of cake she placed a lit- tle screen house with only one door, and went back to the kitchen again. "Buzz, buzz, . buzz," sang the Fly Family when they spied the piece of cake in th•e little screen house. They flew 'round and 'round it and at last found the little door. Through this they orawied and were soon nibbling cake again. When they had eaten mors cake than any little fly ever ought to eat, Mother Fly said, "Now we will go back to the garbage can and take a nap." But when they tried to get out they found the door of the little screen house locked and, try as hard as they might, they could not get out. So this was one Fly Family that could not steal any more Cake, or spread any more tiny germ bugs. Gold Coast Shows, Flourishing Trade London—The' annual report of the 'Gold Coast for the year 1925-26 showed that experts exce•edod imports by more than £1,000,000, the revenue oaf e4,116,- 442 4,116;442 being'the highest on record. These high figures are mainly due to the ex- port of cocoa, the Gold Coast being the chief cocoa producing country of the wooed. Tie export for 1925 was 50 per cent. of the wor ti's total produc- tion: Cotton growing is thriving in the British mandated 'territory of Togo - land and a definite scheme has been drawn up for cotton growing in the northern territories on an export' scale, The Lest Put. In Washington they tell the story of a golfing clergyman who had been beaten badly on the links by a par. ishioner thirty years his senior, and had returned to the clubhouse rather disgruntled. "Cheer up," his opponent said. "Remember, you win at the finish. "You'll probably be buryingme some days, "Even then," said the preacher, "it will he your hole."—Christian Advo. este. The "Haric,`.pavidson S!nitie Oyiirider Motorcycle is the greatest tittle um - dello that hoe been iaiade, Safe to ride, easy to cuntaol, anal most scone °Weal.• Stands without' a .rival, t0D Miles to Callan of Gasoline i'~;Ce tete) howls Payment $100feta.tle� x22 Tier month. Waiter Aedrewse Limited, See horse Sit., Toronto, gate