HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-09, Page 8• KICRI 4e, Thuria,.day, 3i nue $th, X0 -7 For This WWeek Only Reduced Prices on all Con- goleum Rugs Sizes from i I2 x9 to 9z15. Our Stock is too large, so will give you an op ►ortnnity to buy these at a big saving in price. We carry 4 -yd. wide Linoleums in a variety of patterns LLSO INLAID LINS., CONOOLEUMS, FLOOR OILCLOTH, 13S SHOW YOU OUR RANGE OF FLOOR COVERINGS AT RIGHT PRICES. LET A 0 Seeds! Seeds! NEW GOVERNMENT TEST SEED CORN NOW ON HAND, ALSO I'4'CENGEL AND TURNIP SEED AND A FULL LINE OF GARDEN weir SEEDS, CHICK FEEDS OF EVERY KIND. - TRY OUR GRANU- LATED OATMEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKS. J.GASCIdO & SONS Produ , Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, greases Teres, Tubs, Repairs GENUINR FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A. SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND ,TUBES tj J ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 1 � srt NI an nt Ai .,ih.1 RY uz, IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, 15TE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER OHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE TOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLID BATT - E. 'BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO (REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- TYLENF R'ET.BING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. bloil.333au Zurich 4 SPE CiA L 8 For Friday and Saturday Only Curtain Panaele at ... .. .. ... 75c Regular 4i,75 Penn* at $1.25 Regular $3.75 Silk PPannel's $2.75 Bath Towels, Reg. $1.00 at ... 75c Krinkle bed spreads at ..- ... $1.95 Green awning stripe at yd. ....39e THERE ARE OTHER SPECIALS WHICH WE DO NOT MENTION HERE COME AND SEE J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MRICETS. Butter lb..-. - _ 40 EgThe Seaforth Turf Association Dried .apple® lb _ ��� ..26-24-29 are offering $1200.00 -in purrs 'at ;heat w ]j.25' their Spring Race Meet on. Wed- "" --". ses Oats .._,._ _ e _ ___.i... 42 ne;day, June 15th, The clan are 2.14, 2.13 and 2.25 trot 'or pace with a large entry list. The races will be , held under the aus- pices oft he Hamilton Driving and Athletic AAssoeiat{Eon. The track is the fastest;. in Western Ontario and is now in fine Shap. -a -good afternoon's sport is assured. Operations are progressing very favorable in the improvements be- ing made in the local town hall. The westerly part of the basement has be .n laid with concrete, and when this is hard the furnace and other articles can be moved in this part, when the easterly portion of the basement will be put ie order with the ,same kind of floor, and operations will commence to have the council chamber room put into sb pe, 'ellen this is completed it will be a great convenienge, DRYSDALE. Mrs. Joseph Ducharme is .•spend- ing a couple of weeks with het; children in Detroit. Mr. and' Mrs. 'Gilbert Plante or Gderoich, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo - Geoffrey and Mrs. R. N. Denomy motredo to Bad Axe, Mich, last week, fa sEE S! SEE 3 NOW IS THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN- 3 ING WHAT KINDS OF CU VER SEEDS THEY REUIRQE FOR 3 SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF Alfalfa, ijlsike, Red Clover, Timothy, whits and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover ogee moan • SI•`� • • • • • • • • • • • • •1 • • • •• • DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS je iJUST RECEIVED A C'ARLOAD OF FROST WOVEN WIRE • FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES : iTEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. w 1•M • • • • LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. Wire Fenaing • • PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SHERWIN w 3 WLILIAMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS, STAINS, ENAM- IELS, ETC. ruLL LTNE OP HEAV*5?" AND SHELF HARDWARE rS • ON HANDST DE & . • WE1D01 . Oat ;7.114 owavoemooedot000ttioeaogb000tt0009 sodRi ilt lielot 2 ZURICH - ONT. A large number of young folks of this vicinity enjoyed the moon- light excursion on the Greyhound steamer at Goderihc on Monday evening. Mrs. Ida Montague, who iresa been sick for some months has been removed to St. Joseph'sHos- pital, London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons and fam- ily of Wingham visited at Mr.and Mrs, Louis Dur.Ynd. last Sunday. Mr. ;end M. Frank Jeffrey of Goden?.h, visited friends here last Sunday. , First Communion took place' in St. Peter's R. C. church on Sunday when twenty-six little children, of ages between six and ten years old received for the first time Holy Communion,. BLAKE lllr.. and Mrs, Earl Weido and slaughter of Zurich, spent Sun- day with friends in the village. Mrs, Albert Keys and children spent a few days with friends in Herrsall, i Mr. H. Zapfe of Detroit, called on friends in_the village on Fri- day. Quite a number from this vic- inity took in the moonlight ex- cursion on the Greyhound onMon- day evening, Mr. Wm. Douglas and daughter Pearl of Brut:field, accomp.aniedby Miss Adison, called on friends in the village on Sunday, Mrs, R. N. Douglas and dau- ghter Gladys, spent Monday with friends in Tai'i.etock. Mrs McDougall returned home on Saturday, after a pleasant vis- it with friends in Goderich Town- ship..• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon siannon of Blyth, called on friends in this vicinity on +Friday. Mrs, Dan Gascho of. ZZtnicZli, visited at ,the home el Mr. and Mrs, P. Brenneman on Tuesday The Mien's Mary, Ida andEdna. Schwartzentrulacr iapent a Jeri* days with friends down east Miss Alice .Meyers, of Ileasall, p nt t'le vte;k-end under the par• ental roof. Miss Annie Laidlaw of Blyth ie visiting at the home of her. sinter Mei. W. J. Tough, • Mr, Lind Mrs Miller and l W Menson of Now York, are visit, lug blonds, on ,the Goshen Line.. Barley ....- Buckwheat -._Buckwheat 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton..._ _._ __ _.34.00 Bran per ton_. __ _. 32.00 Live Hogs cwt._= _-._ 10,25 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual - Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPa.NY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454.14. Being an increase of Insurance of $5,365,485 over '1925. G. Holtzman Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RCOOS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE, INSURANCE. SPRING WITH THESE NICE, WARM AND BALMY DAYS ONE CANNOT HELP BUT THINK OF THE AT- TRACTIVE AND SEASONABLE SPRING BONNETS AT Zurich Hat Shopp e LET US SHOW YOU OUR ` FINE ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, STRAWS AND FELTS, AT POPU- LAR FRICES THAT WILL' SUET EEVRYBODY Miss V. Siebert NOTICE. OP REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE is hereby given that By-law 4, 1927 was passed by the Council of the Township of . Hay, on the 2nd day of May, 1927, pro- eiding for the 1'5300 of debentures to the amount of $1250.00 for the purpose of purchasing fire fight -1 ing equipment for the Police Vil- lige of Zurich, end that such, By - Taw was, registered in the Registry Office of 'the R;sistry Division,of tho County of Huron in Book 1I for Bylaws on 30th day of May, 1927, as number -193. Any mol:ion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made m within three .onthe after the first publication of this no tice, and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the est day of June, 1927 • _� A. F. HESS, "Clerk, 'Township 01 Tiny. seasonable Hardwaa�e: � p and `. : xn d is here �we can:supply the Public with. Seasonable Hard- ware at. moderate prices A GOOD SUPPLY OP BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDING COUNCIIL STANDARD ROOFING AND CEMENT. -"44411111 - A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND HANu STOVES AT VERY CHEAP. . FENCING A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS LUCKY TIB WIRE, JUST ARRIVE EDICLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARB BRACE AND STEW POSTS. TIRES AND TURES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES, NONE BETTER PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT!,. AND A FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES, AUTQ. ENAMELS ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESC0, ETC, FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Snits, Dining_ Room Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rockers. and; Chairsa, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONS. BED*. -SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, 1 ;, I' BEWARE. OF SUBSTITUTES RUGS RUGSM MISTER AND TAPESTRYiRUG$ Johnston 8c Kathfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 SS�.I..O. wmimbuieestaleaseiliimin a�,d,........ Automobile Accident Policy The policy covers .you; inthe event of an aeeident'while yotu arew op:;ating, driving, riding in, demonstrating, adjusting or cranking any automobile. It covers you if you arestruck, run down or run over by - an automobile while walking on or across any public high- way, or if your injury is due to the burning or explosion of an automobile. It al:o covers you if death is due to carbon monixed poisoning, from an automobile exhalnst,. IIT PAYS FOR -toff of life $1500; Lass of both feet $1500; Loss of both hands $1500; both ever $1500; hand and Foot $1500: hand and eye $1500; foot and eye $1500; one arm$900; one leg $900; one hand $750; one foo t$750; one eye $50,0,; one thumb and index finger, $150. For Weekly Ilndemnity, loss of slime, etc,. For Ttoal disability $25.00 per week for 26 weeks; For partial Disability $12.50 per week for 4 weeks: Hospital Indemnity, 815.00 per week additional, limit 4wkise Nurse's Fees, $15.00 per week Additional, Iinett 4 weekh.;Doc- toes Bilis $5.00 if not disabled; Emergency ,Expenses, $100.0f? limit, if injured away from hone. ANNUAL PREMIUM $5.00 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; --SE IVIOB AND SAFETY - Z Have You MADE YOUR WILL? RaimmtswormactrftalMilminumarawaiieganuise wr E. C. Harvey & C. Y. Hogarth - Agents Mutual Life of Canada EXETER - ONTARIO 3O WARD Dru gtess Praetiau: eer and Optician - EXETER Monis �. AT WALPER 1 RUSH, EMS. Every Tuesday, 10 amk to # Ask TAILOR' MADE BY THOSE W. .O KNOW NOT ''.Ciit{OWN J. TO-GETHER BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW 1 -The New spring Minis RI AIM mug UP TO THE MINUTE i Olt }'PATTERN, STYLE AND QUALITY:: TALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED 4.- DONT be misled by buying kcheaper and inferior goods. BUY froze, these you know will stand behind everything they WM. 1 1 H. -.FMA■ ,. ._. III _ MERCHANT TAILOR, Iv,. � H, T�iOFFMANNABALi & Ilony . E i(�',[4R TAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, S„, Day aimed Night ' Phone bio, Nh * t*w-•4,- +- 4 - - -+-,.t„,