HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-09, Page 5".' `1 10-4 a re ;Mae 'fie, 1ii'27 MOM R RAI D ot ►fit.CARD IIDLEY E. 110LNEES • ;P,It$IB'TElkB 40LIC'ITOkt, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC Iflalh Hamrltou Street. Jurat off lib. Square, GODERICH, Ont. -a'tten xorn Counsel oCounselei and PUT )(Ova Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN What time is it? • u� u'se Mrs,. Synilla Court Work,lime ya - Iitolmea may be eonsugteti at Spahr''s 'I'onsihtts, for Quinsy, Ilfied,rich by phone andphone (rough Bronehlti�, II d colds charges reversed . ea Whooping catgh sale throat s, Or. Iii. H. GOWEN'. L, i) B., D. D. S !DENTAL. SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- , WI Thursday. Friday and •tSatur- 31 " Main Office IIABTLBIB'S BLOCK., DASHWOOD Andrew F. fleas, Township Clerk of marriage finesses. Notary Comnni'eni'oo ill and Aut- o:mco`bile Ineuerance Repaesenting surer & Erie Mortgage . Coirpor- iiN;m►, The Canada Trust Co; ZURICH — ONTARIO ' and T'oesit i 13 Go oil results or money ;hook, at Wagner's, Grocery,. 090AR 'LUPI, Ifirraderate Carey M. Jones Nat - 400•1 ,School of AdeL0 eer1 g ock Try i fon' Registere keeping Breeds). Terms lei choice With prevailing prices. MIMS thing for sale. Will dell any Emywheasei writeb Zurich, Whoa. .18--93 or LOCAL 0'J Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich 'spent Sunday at the 'home of Mr. Thosna's Johnson, ` Mr. and Mrs. P. J, O'Dwyer a.re visiting siting for a few d,aya in Dee ttoit,. l e \ 4 Sunday r Mr. Alex, Sparks -wale a Sun �' Vi'aitor at the home of '1vlr.'andMxls! T. L. Warta. t Warden D, F. Kopp is attend- ing the June sitting of the Huron; County Council at Godea'ich. NOTICE. The Annual Wom:en''a Institute Meeting of the, District of South Huron, wills be held on Friday June 17th, ';at 2.30 p.m. at the'horee of Mr'al. J. Hey Jr.,' Zurich, Full representation of each Bnaneh list requested. Mrs,. C. (1 awford,of Tara will be the !speaker. Mrs. H. , Eilber, Secy. Licensed Auction' FOB HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A ;POSITION TO CON - 'Watt any auction sale, Tegardless Its to size or articles to sell. I ,•,1alt your busineasa and it not Satisfied Will make no charges for °lam•Dsahmood, 'Artily& Weber, hs -6'f, •N000••••••0••i••M11• • Zurich feat 1Je*tI Sala Ms awlSalt• Bologna Sausages, Price for wool • ;�bast.Cr6 g1D�S • DASH FOR SKINS : uzebint & Doichert .• M••1••MM�Na•No1 S ZURICH LIVERY TENDERS WANTED Tenders' will be received for the carpenter work, and the metal roofing with' putting on of roof for the Lutheran Church 'sheds at Dashwood. Plans and specificat- ions can be ;seen from Me. L. H. Fader, and tenders are to behand- eel in no later than June. 27th.,' 1927 to said Mr. Rader. I ram in a pt ition to am -emu- -Sate all requirements in the Livery Aselness, have Auto for hire. Any 112iing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 59 Zwrich,Ont. LIVE IIPOU LT R .1 INV ANTED Illleken et, day ti0 3 .O'c1ock,p.m• Do -not feed .fowl lame morning . arl> n, brought in. ,ghest Cash Prices --=°E YOB-- CreZnA and Eggs � 11 W. (l' nfie�n Phone Zuric Headquarters FOR Mr. Herb. Moues -eau le brig'htning up the appearance of his house with a fresh coat of paint.. Mr. Frank Uttley being the artist. :KM D. Bennett, who has. beeen visiting a few weeks with. her daughter at Sarnia, has returned to her home. Mr,. a.nd Mee. E. Box and -fame lily, and Mrs. W. T. Box oF-Seaforth visited at the,home of Mr: Thomas JohimOn. FOR SALE Baby Chicks, gond and healthy. Will also take in eggs for incubat- ion at 5e. per egg for June hatch- ing, Garnet Daters, Hensall P.O. S UBE TIRESTUBES AND Storage Batteries Iv& WEIN, Prop. :iVWQOD MOTOR SERVICE WANTED A lin.i!ed quantity of choice pot- atoes, must be absolutely free from rot. Apply to George Deichert, Phone 20-94, Zurich. / FOR SALE A' •choicerroan 'Wimple Bull, one year old. Is from good milking stock. Elgin 'McKinley. Stanley. • WANTED ; WORK ON 'FARM. Experieric ed married 'man, German, diploreed dairyman, wants ,work on a farm,. Apply to Willie Muller, Hai/sail, B. R. I • Faire tolsiO TO FAI-iI ERS ' 46WWWWIMAIWWWWWVANWIIValth 0011AliMANI During the 'summer months, we will operate, our chopping mill on three Jaya only of each week, namely Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons, only. Zurich tFlour Mill. FOR SALE Tobacco plant,, for sale, will be seacly next week,Price 50c. a, hundred. O sear: K1opp. BORN Sehnell—At Regina General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 31st, to : ire and Mes. A. J.I. Schnell, 2051 Halifax St., a daughter. —Re- giea Leader. Heise& H rbe1t Kell•f e'ieh,' Al- bert Datar's, 'and 'Theo Wagner, of the Waterloo , Seminary are home for• their 'summer vacation Hay Council met on Saturday for its monthly. Ineetieg and con- siderable `business was transacted It also -`disposed of a number o1 appeals while acting ea 'a Court of Rev'i'sion,. • - Messrs. Jacob Brown and Jack. Fink motreod to Mildmay over the week -end. . Mr. Fink visiting his p ,rents, whila Mr. Brown n visited'. with his brother, Rev.. G. .F. Brown FOR SALE - Rubber Case Heavy Plate Bat- teries: for $13.00. Also one nearly new Renfrew .cream. Separator, very cheap. , L. A. Prang. NOTDCE OP REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Towne Ship Of Stephen on the 2nd day of May 1927, providing for the issue of Debentures ,to the amount of $772.00, for the purpose of , pro- viding Fire Protection in the Police a.m. When the people of Dash - Village of' -Dashwood, and that'sueh wood sent in an appeal for help By -Law was registered in the from. our fire brigade, which was Registry Office 'in the County of conn on its way to that village;. Huron, on the 16th day, of May, A. The large barns, of Willert Bros. was in a total destruction ,by fir^ at this time, while the flax mill had also became ignited, this ho'+vever was held under control by the heroic work done by a, bucket ;bigrade,- until the Zurich engine ar- ril\ ed which soon put this building in a ;safe condition,. The cause of .the fire is unknown, and it is very, mysterious that both the m%Il • and bai^n were burning at the same time and being about two hundred feet apart and what little wind there was, it was impossible to carry -sparks from, one fire to lar, other. This however was the first actual call that .our • new equipsnment wars called upon to serve, and it was right there with the "goods" as long as 'the supply of water lasted. - FOR SALE Good 'steel tired top buggy, also one Ford 'sedan,. ,Apply, to C. Fritz & Son, Ford Dealers: Harry Bassow and Willie and Harry McAdams of the Bronson Linet ook in the trip on ,the Grey- hen•id to Detroit and Clawson, Mich. In future we, woeld a 1 1t5e farm- ers who come to us for mrcbine ie- ptira to be 'sure and either bring broken past along or have the correct number of part required, a!s •all thee, parte 'come. to as C O.D. and «-e• cannot run chair s of hive ing 'mistakes mad i.—L. A. • Prang. • The :choir- of Euranuel Evans -el, ical church `net on Friday even- ing, Jan. 3rd for their annual el- ection of officers, with Rev. W. •Y. Dreier ac,iag .ars .chairmamn. The lection resulted as Follows; " • President, Garfield Witmer; Sec- retary, Ida Routledge; Treasurer Olive O'Brein; Libra:I'ian, Newell Geiger! A special sitting of •nthe Tenth Division Court 'was held on-1Vlcin- d.ay• afternoon, when Judge Lewis of 'Gederich presided and a num- ber of interesting cc.:se•i we 0 heard the evidences of which were taken DASHWOOD Mr, Chas. S eiuha;en spent Mon- day in '.r'orontol. • Mn. and Mra.. Harry Kraft, sp- ent.the -week-end in Sarnia, Mr. and Mr& W. Stadelb;auer of London., were Sunday v;'sito.shere Mr's, H, Elsie returned home on .Sunday after visiting for several. weeks in Sarnia. • - • Mr.. Herb Gainer of Detroit, is visiting his .parents at- present. ; Mrs. J. Rader is visiting in De- troit. Mr. Ira Tiernan of Lucknow, sp- ent the week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft spent a few days in London last <aveek. Miss Gladys- Gunther of Kit- chener is spending her holidays in this vicinity,. • Mr, ar,d Mrs. D. Pfaff of Sarnia spent Sunday m town, Miss Gladys McDowe'1 of Blyth spent the week -end wit'i. Miss Letta G uenthee Mr. and Mr's.. Wm. Maier arevis- iting in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Keller- man of (Kitchener visited in town Sunday.,, • Children's Dly will be ,)bnee-- ed in the Evauge:ieal church next Sunday evening,. A good pro- t gram is being prepared. Mr, Gor?on Cellos of Sar..ia, sp- eut Sunday with his fattier. Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex. Hald of Buf- falo .spent the week -end with re- latives here. Mrs. Granger of Sarnia spent fe few days with her mother. LTE MRS. BERN. HARTMAN ' The death took place in Dash- -*zetl on Sunday :Horning, June 5, col Mrs. Bernhard Hartman, who passed away at the Base .o.f 37 years, The deceased has been in 'shorthand by the Judge's as- f it poor health for some time and 'aistant, Miss Edna Webb of •Go'l-ri ssurvived by her husband. The 'rich. :Barristers D. E. Homes tcsl' i,[uneral took place on Wednesday Goder'ich; J. G. Stanbury of Ex- morning to the R. C. Cometery at eter and George Morley of London Zurich. were aI'so present acting forthei" The Police Trustees of Dash - various cl'ient's. ' u'tol join With the many citizen's of the village in extending hearty FLAX BARN BURNS tli cries and words of appreciation Secy hasty and un::xpecte•'t to the Zurich Fire Brigade in re- A,pondieg so rapidly by coming phone message arrived in our vil- over to our assistance on Wednes- loge on Wednesday mo n ng a"2 31 day •morning to help in curtailing the •dangers of the fire :spreading. It was a great relief when the num.eroua 'citizens saw the little t,ew cqt ipnxent hove in sght, which soon had streams of water soar- ing in the air at the command of where they were most needtic>i Only a very short • time and we will have a, 'rim ler outfit right at hone here in Dashwood to rely upon. But to ZuI ch we again sa3 Thank Youl. D., 1927, at 1,48 p.m. in Book II. Township of Stephen as number 491. t ` Any motion to quash pr set aside the same, or any part 'there- of must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 25th day of May 1927 Henry Eilber, Clerk for Stephen Township. - FARM FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Farm for rent or will take in cattle this 'summer Lot 16, Con, 7, Hay. Write or phlne, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE A kitehen cabinet, good as half price. Apply to A. F, $elatq. ' new MEDER 4-4 OOAL 192' WE ARE SOL THE O T EA AGENTS FOR HL GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY ! Coke Pocahontas and .Soft Coal SOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY To Case +$c ' Son ss ONE 12 ka a4. HENSALL STOP SIGNALS Upon request of the `Huron Co- unty Council the Hay Tp. Council are having a by-law passed to erect stop _signals in Zurich at th intersections of -the Zurich Gravel Road, or in other words tafter these signals have been Birt up all veh- icles entering this road from an- other Street will have to come to a full 'stop. This will greatly eliminate_Eminate_ the an ent o nee es s driving around the blocks in our Canada" published by the Depart village, and some one should be ment of Education ars the Jubilee put in authority to, see that this Confederation Pageant, and Sent to bylaw is enforced. A further by- ov: ryt eacher in the Province, law as also in elffeet that all cattle Ten 'cars of freight left the C. allowed to run at large on County 'N.R. tracks, nea rClinton, the other roads are absolutely at their own- morning when a westbound frei- er's risks, and should a collision ght parted tin the centre and two occer,t he owner of the cettle will caes of , coal being overturned. Pr - be called upon to make good all actically no damage wars caused to damages caused by such cattle. the other'fr3ight, although reveral The local Pplcei Trustees are also cars was ,hadly smashed, About notified to allow no parking of 200 feet of track was torn up, pars on these road, and 'this :Board - • At a rnleeting held in the Sea- le it was d'`c- is -also putting forth special of forth Coined Cham COUNTY NEWS Nof ewer than 75 per cent of the 'scholars of Walkerton Public ;oschopl were found to have defectve teth iewqu:ring dentil treatment, after a dental inspection.. Cephas Pym, of Usborne, ga- thered, a hen egg that might have been called a whopper,. it meas- lured 6 3-8 x 803-8, The egg was laid biy a Rock hen. Hu Police Court at Walkerton the other day, Lorne W. Cart ple- aded guilty to a charge of 'steal- ing $6,430 from the Walkerton El- ectric Light and Power Co., and was sentenced to serve two years less one day in the reformatory, at Guelph. To a school teacher of Huron Co,, and former pupil of Clinton Collegiate, Miss Nellie Medd, Ex- eter, has conte the honour of hav- iii;; ]ter page`nt "The Coning ng of 7s 1 r forts to have all unnecessary, art- ,ded to pureha'se the Southgate pro ides removed from the roadsides., poi ty on 'Jam'? St, for a hospital. and `eve trust that the citizens of The i'r' in the f' -0 t ie der .e o- tel. Zsr' e'.i Wi 1 co opeta'•e in thi.i n"o'I',, i in S •ntorth en' ..Wza 's%rtrecl ► ennin o .1 l .. tor $"'6,000, l j •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :••••••••••4464 '**a4*44,4' 0 Zurich Drug Storo We Speci . lize In Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams push as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, COTY'S, POMPEIAN THREE FLOW fill?eS, WOODBUR'z S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we .have Forhans, Ipana, €olgates, Pepsodent and Eutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- •EAMVIS, STICKS e0APS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SE BRUSIIES, tiAFETY. RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADES MAGAZIN P S FOR SALE Dr, A, J,'MacKinnon, Zurich &VAN■■������I■�aB�h D� t� y���f i ? W f AP, MAPWARM P,s� �4,w ; t�51r1[� V +++++++++++++++++++++++++44 -+++!•++++++4.34+4•+++++4 ,• • ARE YOU.. ROOFInG? I THINK. OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WFJEN PROPERLY LAID WITEI ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH=- • OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW JPILL BLOW + UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND [I: EI E -BEST. + We still have a large quantity of Gyproc + Fireproof Wallboard,. Use it. for walls and the old plaster before you spring decorate. • or, hand,. The - ceilings to repair F. C. KALBFIEISC PHONE 69 - •• ZURICH 43. t.k:.++++++4t++++++++++++++++•+F+++4.+++.>4.+++++++++•t«F 4 antinennivatill Getthat Rubber Tire Buggy be fore prices advance. They work on all four„Ensor,miss !fir Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing,, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZURICII • ••••••••••••••••••••••• es ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Autos and Auto Supphes j _• .: • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, u* AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE ,il; • VARIOUS LINES • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 41. CORD TIRES 30x3; AT ONLY : ,., $5.50 :.. $1.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ..,... .:.... $1.5.00 2 1 SECOND HAND 1s3, H. P. GAS ENGINE"VERY CHEAP. 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. ' ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER.i WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE-BUILDING BATERIES•, IFARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUART]6RS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS ANDCARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT `WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICrl FOR YOUR MONEY TUBES 30x3] AT ONLY • PUMPS, PIPINGS ANI) FITTINGSUMP , ALSO INSTALL. OUE > Tires, Tubes, Gas, tills and Greases L. A. Prang - Zurich