HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-09, Page 4MASSEYHARRIS (144*) PARTS <»H> Put your 'machines in good shape with genuine Massey4iarris Parts. Made from same materials ' and same patterns as the originals. Genuine Massey -Harris Parts are guaranteed to fit. PRICES OPEN TO INSPECTION Genuine <M -H) Parts Are Sold By GE o. K. FARWELL UH apo mot. SCHOOL REPORT `allowing is the report of pulp- ?+ •staud'i.ng ill S. S. No.4, Hay for Vim month of May IV-=Total Marks. 859; Rena 559; Eldon Gabel 433, absent; rf)wrothy Zirk 334. ' 4r. flV—T.oti1 Marks 270; Ver- 'r.y, Thiel 155, Ray Ortwein 129; Sr III—Total Marls 710; Claire i t.•esu'su ill; Napoeleon Gerom- Mete 83. Jr III—Total Marks 210; Em.- :,rmersofi Erb 99, Hon; . Milton Mc- `.p,+lttl:amls 86; Olevia Masse 55, II Tola1 Marks 2 0; De la Smith `F3 Hon.; Laura Masse 225, Hon t►rman Geromette 132, absent. It—Total Marks 170— Alice Erb. *PI lion., Veola Kropp 243 0rothy Ga:scho 141 Hon; Gert- 3+e Thiel 101, E1zer, Masse 91, Den - Morse 79:. fair, Pr. -Gerald Masse. jr. Pr.—Reta Masse Claire Gei- ;wr, Grace Ortwein. Total Nov on Roll •23. � w ,Average attendance 1S.5. Meda Surerus, Teacher. At the regent exani(s,. in eonneet-' ion with the Uni els tyl of Western Ontario, lotnier students of Ex- eter High School carried off f'a nutn . icer of 'scholarships and prize's... Mr: Carl G. Morloclt won the scholar ship for Gen. Science in the second year. harry M. Grob for Mathem- atics and Physics in the• first yr; Lorne S. Tiernan for English.' in the first year, and Walter Il, Johnsfor public !speaking in the first year,. EXETER . -. Stnauybr was engaged' in .:,wart at •Goderich and Seaforth the !Vita week. An auto accident occured on the =sat St. `the other evening, when aigitree cars were parked by the curb 'When another car ran into the rear .alar bringing the four togrther,wlth 'result of a colilsion. IR is with deep regret of the atewell of Capt. and Mrs. White- ' -. The Cap` ha' been in poor CREDITON A 'strawberry social will be held in the United church, Crediton, on Thursday, June 9th.. Lester McIsaac and Elgin Wood- all have returned to Detroit after spending the weer; -end with their parents, Hary Young has returned after visiting with relatives at London for a tilde: Rev. and Mrs. Hoscocks are a - w ay at London, attending \tbe Conference. Elgin and Russell Eilber, Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber and family, re- turned to Detroit, after visiting �4ith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mloir, Jean and Roy 'Wolfe of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. and WS. Geo. Eilber. 1 • Mrs Geo. Wright of Windsorm, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. • ' Mrs.. Wilson Andreson and Mrs Wm.. Schroeder a.nd Mr. and Mrs Prank Taylor of Exeter, 'spent the week end with 'M._ and Mrs. l61 Br•okenshira, at Fergus. Richard (England was born on 1 August 10th, 1834, in Lincolnshire, :11u2rath for 'some and upon the England. In his early manhood i:oll-ise of the doctor, has been o- with his parents, they came to :. ged to rein u''sh his command of Canada, 'settling in Ontario ' Tp,. 1.1local work of the Salvtion near Toronto. (At the age of 22 .Aitmy. During ,their 'stay in Ex he married Anna Allcock. One'son Atil}ez',. they Vjhave made a tiost of was born to them, Walter England Ili ndn, who will be sorry to have who is 70 years old and was pies-, sAiia..rt leave ent at the funeral. His second The Red Cross appeals to YOU for support SINGE the War, the Red Cross has disbursed over Seven Million Dollars for the Soldiers, Women, Children and Frontier Families of Canada. About half of this has been spent for disabled soldiers —half in the other services of the Society about which you have been told. The Treasury is almost empty. $1,000,000 Needed Now for Red Goss Work lice Red Cross brings cheer to our disabled warriors and their families. It stimulates the children of Canada to healthy living and good citizenship. It relieves suffering, and brings skilled attention to Canada's frontier districts remote from other aid. Its work is indispensable. It now appeals to YOU, as a patriotic and humane Canadian citizen, to contribute generously to its need for funds. Nation -Wide Appeal 2 Canadian Red Cross Society Send Contributions toe' Ontario Division, Canadian Red Grow Society, 410 Sherbourno Street, Toronto 5, Ontario 'Thursday, .Tune 9th 19*7 Head ' Office, Moatreal 01119Iiii 11I;1 1.�� 1'1111;11111'11111i ., BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 ASSETS. and 'LIABILITIES 30th April, 1927 ASSETS Cash on hand . . . . . . o Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Call and Short loans en Bonds, Deben- tures and Stocks . . . Dominion and Provincial Government Securities . . . .. . . . . . Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks . . . . . • $ 87,464,766.'3o 49,280, 374.28 19,000,000.00 149,696,272.31 90,007,661.84 28,605,880.60 3,935,421.19 Quick. Assets - $427,990,376.52 Loans and Discounts and other; Assets 33%496,996.71 Bank Premises- . . . . . . . . 11,800,009.00 Liabilities of customers under letters of credit (as per contra) . Total Assets . . . . 11,825,400.79 $784,112,774.02 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Notes in circulation Deposits . . • . Letters of credit outstanding `• .•. . Other liabilities Total Liabilities to Public 4 43,266,298.5o, 656,578,714-64 12,825,400.79 10,398,133.87 $722,068,547.80 Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public . . . . . . $ 62,044,226.22 marriage was to Matilda Albright a decendant of Jacob Albright,the originator of the present Evangei- iral church which 'for a brief .per- led in the early days was called "Alb 1b ight Bie h r.7'' Four sons • nd three daughters were born to then. The mother and two dau- ghters have passed on before. Mr. England for the last year stayed at the home. of his son and family Matt. England at which place he died in his 93rd year. He leaves four 'sons and' one daughter, 18 grand children and 31 great -grand children, HENSALL. Mrs. Lou Simpson,Wm. Simp- son and Mae Simpson, of Detroit tiisited with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Mlillar of De= troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Bonthron. Eliza Newell, who has been in Dunlop Tires • are "Serviced" by Official DUNLOP DEPOTS conveniently located to you. D1J.'rLOx' OFFICIAL SERVICE DEPOTS Herb. Mou:sseau, Zurich. L. A. Prang, Zurich. Geo. It Beatty, Varna. • - 44///, For Interior Construction • AKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings and partitions in your home. Gyproc can be put up in half the time required, for lath and plaster— saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any ' decoration. Let us show'you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. Writefor free booklet—"My Home." • It will tell you bow Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulexwdl reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. 131E ONTARIO 'GYPSUM CO., LIMITED; PARIS, CANADA 151. Firigproof 4 llbodrel For .Sale By „ Fred. C.. hfleisch .. Zurich, Ont. poor health for some time, was taken to Victoria hospital last we-, ek for treatment. ; Clarence Munn • of Bay City,vis ited for a feby day's with his par- ents Mr. /and Mrs. Alex. lllunn. - The local hydro clzctr com'miss ion are removing 'some of the heavier transformers which they have sold to the Exeter commis - shin, and are replacing them with smaller ones. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm,. TNI Kay at- tended the graduation classes at Western University; London, on Friday last, when their son Rus- sel G. graduated with honors in medicine Dn.. McKay's manyfri- ends wish him every susecess. i John Mou'sseau has about compl eted his Roller -Coaster and has, already given :several demonstr- ations: We understand he intends to move it to Grand Bend short- ly for the slimmer niontiha. The death oceured of an old re- sident of Hensall, in the person of Mrs. Hy. Reynolds; in her , 83rd year. Her maiden name was Ann Role, was a native of4Clifton, Eng. After her marriage to ,the late Hy,. Reynolds they came to Canada in 1874 and has re's d:d in Hensall ever 1'since. She is survived by two Isons and four daughters. The funeral of the late Mrs ▪ Bobt. Stewart, took piece from her home here, interment in the Hen- ,,aall Union cemetery, the floral tr- ibutesd were many, which sows the high esteem was held. She raves to mourn her loss three sons Dun- can of Hay Tp.; John of Usborne and Rout. of Seaforth, also four' dughatersi. The funeral service was conducted by, -Rev. Mellroy of Carmel Presbyterian church who gave a very impressive address. John., McAllister, alged 66, for- merly of ,Hiy Township, living re- tired in (Mensal' for some titne,t1lCd 'suddenly on 'Monday last. • His body was found lying near a wire fence which lite had set out in the morning to ,mend and it is thought he was dead sone hours before the discovery, about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, having left his house a- round 'morning and did. not return iat the noon hour, it was thought he was away calling on frie.nd'sl. Iln the •afternoon Nathan Peet t otieing Mi'. All istet:''s • bees to hc' sirgr•mbre, nr int to the house iVith the rinfor motion, and an hour later 'tne Inouty, WU, tutieCovereci, seesses•ssoss••w•eseedes O•egesseeeeassooes•••e il SEEDS!. I 1 Yes! SpTitig with its Sowing and I 1 planting time will soon be here I again f AND WE WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE ARE IPREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICEST II OF SEEDS, WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS iSOF THE WIELDS OR FOR PLANTING THE HOUSE- HOLD GARDEN. COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE ASSORT- I MENT OF THE VERY BEST t IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65e. BUSHEL t TRY OUR STOCK FOODSSA • • GREENFIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS • THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGOS THE YEAR RO- ▪ UND. AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- • KNOWN EMERY FEED. TRY A PACKAGE. • Loi n Sch i l be Zurich ieN ••••••••s•s•se•••s•••s•••esos•sa a •or M°k#'Jr* ti***+i•+++*+•i~++++++i•+ 1I'+'t'd•'Ii"1+'i"1"F•N+•Mi'43''' '• 4• i- 4' 4 4 4^ 4. 4• 4. 4- The New and Finer Pontiac Six New Beauty, New Features, New Low Price:, The monied you see the new and finer Pontiac, Six you will realize that it is big value and leader- ship in the field of low-priced Sixes.. Let us prove this by a demonstration/ PAIGE WITM a :CHARMING _BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBINe ATIONS - IN SIXES AND EIGHTS -- GIVES YOU THE` WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS. 'rad midst Ieee and rb ve these new Paige ears before you you scam hilly realize the wonderful ,performance and the azieg Tablas they, really are;. Let ula demonstrate.. AUTO REPAIRING AN D GENERAL GARAAUE WORK A SPECIALTY f 1 I- . PINGEL, Pro». SGas Oils Greases Tires Accessories 4.4 4.404 4•4360rl4 4 4.444.4 4 4 4.4++4 0+ 4.4.4•+4.4.4•+ Reach, Your Home Paper and help -i; along by sendirg in your New