HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-09, Page 1Vol..XXVII N0 49 ZURICH THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9 1927. { 'Merger 61.50 7.11 ARRk;ARS, $2 ,MAX B [': o$aitek[It Celebrate this Spring Season by cleaning up and plantitigi flowers HAT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Co-. Innen of the Township of Hay Was. :91e1d in the Town Half,- Zurich, on Saturday, June 4tlt. All the -mem: leers were .present. The minutes eof the previous meeting were ad- eop,ted als. read. 1 The Council became • organized as a .Court of Revision if the 'WV Assesan'•!ent Roll. The fol- Hca wing appheali. were heard and -disposed of; Arthur Anderson, as Messed too high, dismissed; John ' rd, *reseed too high, dismissed';" 'Canada Truhat Co., ti -sewed too high drsiiased;, Ir., Kernaiek and W. J,' Renick, assessed toot high, adjo- urned; E, Beav'.:r assessed .as own- er, K.S. part D.,. Zurich, M, G, Doitz, assessed as ° tenant, K.S. 86 Zurich; John • .Miller assessed' as 'owner part Mill Res, .Dashwood, instead` of Eduard Beaver. Court was adjourned to Zuly: 4th. By1-law No. 8,49.277, re issue . of debentures for .fire prtoection of Police Village of Dashwood was reed three games and finallyp:s ed By-law No. 9-1927 providing;for. the designation of Zurich Gravel Road situated within the limas of the Corpooeafiioon of the Police Vil get4++, fa++ ++++•i+++++++4*+++++t+ , •++++++ ^A+++++++++4 The Earning Power Series 2 ita• For Young Mei A YOUNG mane age 28, may ',secure $10,000 protection Tor an annual deposit of $121.00. His policy lean be carried on this ± basis until age 60 to cover hia productive, • period, or at the ... end of +five years he may change it to a Whole Life Policy at a premium, of $189.80 •P This extremely law premium' is subject to reduction by an- ; + nual dividend's in either case 'aa the Earning Power Series .g. participates an; profit . + The triumph of • 1927 in low` coat .insurance -protection. + Rates at other Ages -Age for •$10,000, .$1,04.50.; age 25, $116.50; age 35,.$137.54; Age 45, $177:50 • + LONDON LIFE INSURrc,N:CE COMPANY, of London, Can;. - •1• l +++ [»7^ k• •: let � •Z» •ter °L F d..u1�•+•�•II� rP F•d ++ r i 2••i"�•3••§•�i••F�•�•�•3��II $ • ••.••00060•611+F atos>8+18sorsClDgates6rdtetos eeceav@'li @®teeossoo 1• o m5? 3 1 NEWS Fashion Thou ts In Sri Footwear •. •'. - - e - - •- A Brown's Boot Shop Windows • ! FORETELL AN INTERESTING STORY OP NEW SPRING FOOTWEARftA W0NS. THEY ARE AFJTHORATI TE AS ,THE ,F LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. o - THEY WThL' LMPRESS YOU WITS AN ALTOGETHER NEW a STANDARD OP VALUE OP THE MODERATE PRfCFS. • •• 0 • • • - • AND YOU ARE ASSURED OSP •SATISFACTIGN WIRE GOOD SHOES COST LES& SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY y F EF'l1.i SING Br A1@� NEATLY DONE 1•M••/refialNiakezk•ih... 084, a9$0 624114 411414 A6431t10e4m••C.9a1.0a i 8® s,- 0004044 2p2.44- 4.444004+C44i•4+4 •44 i 4 - Ai 4 .4 AND E N Gi LADIES_ COATS P1t• LADIES DRESSES 11* MEN'S SUITS ITS 44,• 1V/en's Overcoats, Hats and -Car s - i.. � GO OM WILL 7i E SHIPPED `9�'E+ DNESr eA' .dS,L)6. es SAME TO. BE HER" FOR 'SATURDAY" SATISFACTION 'ION GUARAN` 1ED. GASCHOTo • 44,4' ,.IIs 1 'TAND WEO b s4 w 4a044, i lage' of Zurich as a "Through High- ways" and placing, "Stop' sign. at all intersections was read two braes and copiels to be forwarded to the Departnemtal of Pubic Highways of Ontario for approval. The public Liability and Pro- perty Damage irisueence . Policy covering the liibility of the Town- ship of Hay on Township Roads Ivas, renewed with the employer's Liability ,,Assurance Corporation for one year„ l The Treasurer was authorized to take proc=eedings, to collect all •un- p.iidt excel in accordanee with' '.: the Assessment Act. The following accounts were palsise1 - Amusemient Tax Branch, hall liceeee 3.00;. Metallic roofing' Co. .culvert 42,77 Burlington Stoat Co. '93.60; C.N.R. freight 14.95, Zurich. Hydro Sy hall lights 8.51; Mltnic- ipal World, sappliee 31.493. Po3tage excise, e:c 18.62; A 1Biis1on, iepairs to fence, Overholt 4 acres 4,00`i Tp, Clerk, pt. 'salary 200.00; A. Pester, repair Ort\vein culvert 4 00;" S:S. relatives and friends in Zurich Mrs. No.. 8, ae egos e 0 E A. 10 .0 .0 L4'. Koehler and family, m are remaining -Wein, tile rcl. 18 49.91; J. Kipper, for a Eery wcelaa. repab.la to rd. 3n,aehinery 20 00' Her- •. ald printing' account 165.05; tade en Our efficient milkmen C. Schrag & w'e;do, m nt2;103; H. I Neeb & Sons, are enjoying the facia - Road Supt., 68.00; Employer''• Li- les of a new up -to -day milk de - ability Assurance Co , iirsuraic1 livery wagon which is a big ine- 10675; D. Seliwartzentrube w oocl provement to the. former one used for office 8.00; Northern •�Biet; Co. supplies .,11,87 ; Bell,: Tel , Co tepee, Mr. end Mrs, Peter Habererleft Mar.t o Apr: 109.52; W arkn%en's last tiveeI;, on a few ;week's trip Compensation Board, +asse�ssnient to various points in the United St - 30.22. Stromberg-Carlson Told.. Co. ates where they will visit relate- Me.srs J. Kipp :'r and Wm, Erown motored to London last Wednes- da.yc Mr. and Mrs. Join. Dieter attend- ed the funeral of a relative at St. Clemens. recently. Rev. and Mrs, C. Schrag 'spending a few weeks with atives and friends down east. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and daughter Mae and Mr. D. Smith were visitors to New Hamburg on -Friday, ; , Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Koehler and family of. Troonto are visiting With are rel - supplies 6.10; 'Postage and a -cine 7,95; M.G. Deitz, 'salary,and ;ear 90.00; Ada Deitz, five weeks.'' ,aal- ary 110 00• ; J. Kipper acct. . 2.85; Herald printing account 49.60; -.Bell Tel. tolls, Apr. to May 93:39; M. G. Reitz, tel. ofice fixturee-:50.00;• i The Council adjourned to meet e..1 •`]i again on Thursday, Jun G , at seven .o clock in the evening . .. :HESS, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich returned on Monday from amotor tr.p io Vi..e,an.l and N.ag;raPais where they attended the Men- nonite Conference. • They are .coming, 'that !strong baseball lineup of Hensel], to Zur- ich on Monday June .13th, come out. and• see these two teamswho are 'so evenly matched, have it out on the fast Zurich Diamond.. • Rev. .arid Mrs;. F. Millar, .and Li O G NE S ilii \Van•. MYlaneson all of rya ountain 1 View, N. J, are vi siting gat the - • _ homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. :dean MrNs. Fred Rinker of Thedford, Son and Mr;, and Mrs. P. el(anson Mr. • and Mrs, Herb Rinker andaon of. the Goshen Line, Stanley. of Detroit, Were visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. H. Rapp over the week -end. A goodly number of Zurich and Vicinity motored to Godcrich on "Monday evening and took in the ,141:oonlight Trip on the lake on the Greyhound steamer: The exceptionally cool weather for this t.im.e of year, over Sun- day is being followed by much warmer days and things are :g1eowing very rapidly at pro'•. 'nt. The bar growing farmers who .were so uncomfortable situated in regards to hawing their beans 'sown, feel much better now, ae practically all this kind of seed- ing i now com.pleted,. As a re- sult of the heavy rains, some of the farmlra found great difficulty in working up the land. •g s .4 4 •4 4 e A 4 d 4 0 A 4 4. 4 4 • Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH. — ONT. T'hersda' 7.30 pen. Prayer and Praise The Pa:stor, Rev. Dreier will be the leader of this all important gathering. No iess than fifty of an attendance is looped for Friday 4.10 pati.—Jr. E.L.CE Friday, 7(.30 pine --Sr. ELCE Friday 8.30 path—Choir Practice Supdey l.1.l1 a.,mc Worship Slab•e,-e--Can this 'upset world be set up?? 11 ante -Bible, School, +7. E. Ga'seho, Superintendent. 7.110 , p.m.—Worship.' Subject "'Walking with God, Don't stay from, church because it is +i'ot perfect. How ]onely you, would feel in a perfect cbuic'le Do your duty bravely. Thy church is rrot' a gallery for the exhibition on"f0Ct elariatians, but a.school for the education :of imperfect ones, Coine and we will do thee good, lie erybody its Cordially Invited, Rev, W. - Y. Dreier,' learnt' Buys. a i�Valham COAL 1924 16 Size Fancy Engrav- ed Case, Only a few left FULLY GUARANTEED BY US Hess, The Jeweller Spring Delivery YES WE HAS Dropped the Price of Coat ANTHRACITE THE BEST GRADES PRO)O•f: !. IN THE UNITED STATES. - DIRECT FROM THE MINES GENUINE DNLN & W.. SCRAVIATAZ The Standard Anthracite THE D. & H. LACKAWANA. The Free Burning Anthracite: FILL UP YOUR BINS REPOR ;: THE PRICES ADVANCE - . carltel.032.I H ENSALL-, Phones—Office 10w. Hones la,. Ne♦®+soe;oe..w•se.• ....else.FOAL/®Ovlb............. _"" • • LEATHER GOODS, ETC. A Harness Trunks Valises Arta Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' RBAGS, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND o GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORS: ]33i ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. a SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVIORt FED THIEL ZURIO •$ a'!'�d�b0�•0d.w, atstN44We•a4;-.0P-IP w•]%'7'43,, 0 0.)404P4...**041,40.414T4.. Come in and ogee our fine display of Usefull Goods ,g.‘•g'•f<••+•i•+.F•r!•.k•ft+944+++44+++++•Itiv+•1•+•k++14•:++44 «:^ 'ki! WMIN The South Huron. District An- A rual meeting of the Women's In-; + stitute will be held at the honkie of 4 Mrs. J. {Rey; Jr., at Zurich on the T. afternoon of June 1•th. Mrs.Crow- ford of .Tara is the .District spe- aker, all ladies arra cordialyl in- tited„ LATE WILLIAM KLOPP S3'iliianl Klopp was born Feb- ru.iry lth, .1852, at Gunter:s1iaus;'n, Germany and passed away at ,his tea lence in Zur:eh on Wednesday evening, June lst, 1927. At the see of 15 yoaes he left his native land and carie to Canada where he has resided since. For aiaum:- ber of years he pursued the trade of harness maker after which he became a farmer locating at the 'rearm where his son Elmer F. Klopp re•sid ' $., Later he moved to ;alarm or the Brontson. Line and continued there many yeas°s. In 1905 the family Went to • Stratford Ontario to provide better educational fac- ]litie�s for' the growing family. In 191:3 They returned to Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Klapp took up their re i lence i 1 the v rage,. On July ,July 25, 1876 he was united in ixiar- rhge to 'Loteise Zeller of Zurich, ',flys union was blessed with seven sons and three daughters all of whom survive thim.. During Feb- ruary of this year, he had a slight paralytic stroke from the effects; of which he never .fully recovered. Death came very suddenly last Wednesday esday evening and was due to apoplexy.. He leaves to mourn his lose, -his wife, Lotti•se .Klapp, his ten chi.dren, Elmer F. Klopp, o.f h,ricb ; • Mrs„ Clara Wagner. of Shakespeare; Horace J. Klopp of Stratford; Oscar P. lelopp of Znr- ich; William H. Klopp of Stratford Mis;, Ella M. Church of Zurich; :sl:rsi Florae lie ker of Nepo iss a I linoia; 1. ofWelland; beetF.K > Dr, Iiu i .oil., Leonard J. Klopp of 'Waterloo•; and .Lambert P. Klopp 91 Phila- delphia, Pe,.. All were present at the fern: r,il and six of the s,nn4 ac- ted as p^.11 bearers, 'Besides thee' ere twenty-eight grandchildren and num woes friwnds andrelatives who will ands. the and friendly man who resided ,so long in their midst, The funer•il wee ono of the largest river i e,c3. i,t Zurich and thee.' tit ,ra r •lare,e onnibor o 0 .1. lie,:town feie,1d•i C4'c10 etne.` ..ii .pa.$ :.hal:• be.t r._v.:T 3 A •i• SpringFoot .:e r NOW is the time to secure your New Spring Footwear for Style while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LINES TO SHOW YOU IN ZEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR.. A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKB00TS. Where Quality, Style and Prices Count We Win! 0. FRITZ SON SHOE MERCHANTS Repairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized on Rubeer , Boots, Etc. y a ••a•3•d• ••F'°i• • ••�kl••F•kk•E••b•>•i^F•E+$•+o"s.4++•:'+•§^3.3•h^fl+•k•1,++l++ +++;04,,0444eee We Innate You To call and see Oar new Rayon Silks, Broadcloths, Gin h a m , Prints, Galateas, Shirtings, Denems Fitc. ALSO DRESS . LENGTHS. FOR LITTLE GIRLS,. MISSES, AND LADIES, ALL OTHER LINES OF OUR STOCK WELL ASSO1 TED UP. AT REASONABLE PRICES. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE R. N. DOUGLA Gel'Ifii "ft'AL MEh'OHAN T PHO' 2",i 1E 11 "v 97 , `, .,A1'