HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-02, Page 8For This eek Opiy Reduced, Prices on all Con- goleum Rugs Sizes from 7 14x9 to 9z15. Our Stock is too large, so will give you an op 'portunity to buy these at a big saving in price. We carry 4 -yd. wide Linoleums in a variety of patterns 'ALSO INLAID LINS., CONGOLEUMS, FLOOR OILCLOTH, lEYS SHOW YOU OUR RANGE OF FLOOR COVERINGS AT RIGHT PRICES. LET A 0 Seeds! Seeds! /TRW GOVERNMENT TEST SEED CORN NOW ON HAND,ALSO MENGEL AND TURNIP SEED AND A FULL LINE OF GARDEN sem, SEEDS, CHICK FEEDS OF EVERY KIND. TRY OUR GRANU- LATED OATMEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKS. J. Gfi.CHO Produ.. Wanted SINS Pl-nne 59 teh's Gara Gas, Oils, Greases e Ti▪ res, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS. VUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS I BATT 117 EY IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTER OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- eTYLENF WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE lou3seau Zurich efigss9t990909990999009999044*0991M-. taaaaseeace00+00 9 NOW IS EDS! SEE THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN- 0 0 0 9 0 • ING WHAT KINDS or. =VIII SEEDS THEY REUIRQE FOR 3 SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS Alfalfa, Aisike, Rd Clover, Timothy, Whit aa 0 • • Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover 1 a LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO;W PRICES RIGHT. a 2 wen. 0 a WIRE GATES 3 a a 0 0 Fencing JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OP FROST WOVEN FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. nanamrawsnalialitsuessatmarnatmeminsammuluz • PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OP SHERViTIN WLILIAMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS, STAIN'S, 'EXAM:: ELS, ETC. • 0 ' • (4 0 O FULL LINE 01? HEAVY AND SHELF •HARDWARE ALWAYS a 0 , a soON HAND. . 0 * * 1 117.;,:: TA 'PEE & VEIDO f . . . ZURICH _ ONT. 0 g .goggegeggeoggooggsgsgogo me togeo++++0....+++++; sOesagladtesaaa000400+000 Fail Friday and Only aturday Curtain •Panneis at ... ... 75c Regular $1,75 auneI at ... $L25 Regular $3.75 Silk 11Panne1s $2.75 Bath Towels, Reg. $1;.00 at ... 750 Krinkle bed spreads at --- $1•1?.5 Green awning stripe at yd. ....39e THERE ARE OTHER SPECIALS WHICH WE DO NOT MENTION HERB COME AND SEE. : • • J. W. ME NER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. 3. J. Merner, o Seaforth was a visitor in town last week. Mrs. Maurice Weber, and irirs. Sturdy and children of Goderieh !spent Sunday at Zurich. • - Mn and. Mrs. Theo Foster and children of Detroit, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber, • Hay Council meets on Saturday oft his week for its monthly Meet ing when it will aslo act las a Court of Revision. .The exceptionally fine weather the past few days (has .put the farmers on the jump to hustle in their bean crop. A coasiderable large acreage of bean's is again going out this spring. Mrs. A. Johnston, Zurich, wishes to announce the engagement of her daughte^,Parl Catherine, to Mr. Albert 3'. Kalbfleisch, son of Mr. 'and Mrs, L. Xalbfleiseh, Zurich,the marriage to talc place quietly in Jure. -London Ad erti'ser. MEETING OF ,HURON COUNTY -COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the ICounty of Huron will raeet in the Council Chamber, Goclerich, at 2 ,o'clock, in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th da yof .June, 1927 All accounts-lagainst the County must be lin the hands of the Clerk not .later than Mnoday preceeding the meeting \of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk The Midland Free Press says (that water level's in the great alkes have touched the lowest yoint re- corded in 25 years. How serious a condition the theft of water sby Chicago has brought about can be ealised from the actf at one of the summer resorts on Lake Erie, famous. for its bathing beach, cot tages which were on the lake shore are no nearly two miles from the Water. Prom: 18 stores in the province Govern/iv-mt. 'sale oC liquor will con), tnence on 'Wednesday of this week. Definite announcement. '• ,)f - effect was made by D. 13 Hanna, chairman of the Ontario liquor commission. Six of the stores 'will be located in Toronto, London, in addition to one store for the time being will have a mail order store from which •residents of other po- ints may be supplied by mail,' 01 - Hamilton two, Ottawa two, and. rt. William, Brockville, Kitchener and Kingston one each,. 317 NEROD AND GUN Similiar to the Dominion To- urist issue ,of last month but sp-' deially broadcasting the attrac- tions of the province of Ontario the Nun': number of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox NeWs ie published in the shape of a spec- ial Ontario Tonrist issue. A sp, ecial feature is s tinted, ilulstrated seCtion which describes some oE the speltidid summer resorts that Ontario offers the tourist,. In ad- ditional -a personal message of weleonl2 to tourists by the Hon. n:owaraG. .Ferguson is published in the place of the editorial. The regular contents (are made up in in this ,issue of stories and artic- les d".a'ing for the most part espec illy with Ontario. An important cbmige is made in the appoint- ment of 0, G. Hopton, internation- ally famous bre,nler and 'judge, to bec,ditor of the :Kennel cpatt ment, assoriated with Dr L. . L. Taylor, Be corninalieVa his dut- ies in thn June issue, :Rod and. Gun end Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W.., 3. Taylor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont. IVIARXETS- Butter 40 Eggs ... ...26▪ -24-20 Dried apples 9 What _. a ....... _ 1(.25 Salley. Buckwhe7a_ Shorts per — Bran Per to Live Hine cwt.__ -. mze -- • 4.75.75 ...34.00 — 32.00 ... 10,25 (Curt:wart.: vary Wednesday) Wester u Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARLIESi BUSINESS OF ANY CANADiAiN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS LN ONTARIO. GASH AND SOD 8 ON HAND $129,454.14. Being an .inerealae of Insurance (:).f $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman — Zurich AGEN 1, Du.a.LER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, A_ND ALL KINDS OF MB IN SURANCB. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1111•••••••••••••• NOTICE is hereby given under the' 'statutes in that behalf that all persons having any claims a- gainstJoseph Poster, Sr., late of the Village of Zurich, .Huron Co- unty, Retired Farther, who died on the 27th day of March, 1927, are required to send to the undersign ed Executors, full particulars in writing and verified by affida-vit, of their elaimis and the nature of !the %enmities, if any, held by them on or before the 4th day of June, 11927, after which date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased hav ring regard only to the claimlsof which he then 'shall have' ha,d notice DATED at Zurich, Ont., this 16, day- of May, 1927.. NICHOLAS FOSTER, JOSEPH FOSTER, Jr., Executer's, Zurich, Ont WEDNESDAY HALF HOLDJAY - • June 1, to Oat- 1, 1927 We, the undersigned business men or the. 'Village of Zurich, ag- ree to close our respective places of business every Wednesday aft- ernoon, beginning with June tat and ending on Sept, 28th, 1927 L. Schilbe. A. P. Hess, J. W. Merner Brawn's Boot Shop. Stade & Weide. 3. Gascho & Son' L. W. Hoffman. C. Fritz & Som E. °each. T. L. Virtu/Y.4 Johnston 8r: Xalbfleisch W. G, Hess & Sons, t " Wm. O'Brein-i George Xi.e Willie/Vs trod. Vera V. Siebert John Kipper Dr. It Xt. Cowet.; allgiraaa)?*Dci,1917' Seionable wart Spring is here anal we can supply the Public with Seasonable Hard- ware at moderAte prices A GOOD suppriy OF BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDING- couNenr, STANDARD ROOpii AND CEMENT% -""Igall A NUMBER OP GOOD SECOND1TAND HAM; STOVES AT VERY CHEAP., FENCING A CARLOAD OP LUNDYS LUCKY TIE WIRE, JUST A.RR -1V-p POSTS. TIRES AND TUIJES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA 'TIRES, NONE Ennui PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR Inex PURE PAIN AND A FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO ENAMELS. ALSO FULL LINE OP MURESCO, ErriNCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BAR BRACE AND STEEL FURNITURE Pull Line of Furniture in Living 1100131 Slats, Dining Room giggi ..Suits, Bed Room Suite, Kitchen Cabinet& Reed Rockers and Chair, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER. ,GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONS BEDS SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. BEWAIE OF SDBSTITUTES RUGS RUGS 1ES LT1tISNRA% TAPESTRY RtTG Johnston de Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 iliffli603021011110111MMINIMI 1111111111111a11111111111111811111mommillft 4.41.311.1111111111111MMEUINIM Automobile Accident Policy .1.101111110111.11f The policy covers you inthe-event of an accident while you arew op -rating, driving, riding in, demonstrating, adjustinc or cranking any automobile. It covers you if you arestruck, ran down or rim over by an automobile whale walking on or across any public high-, way, or if your injury is due to the burning or explosion of an automobile. It also covers you if death is due to carbon monixed poisoning, froni an automobile exhaust, hp PAYS FOR-Loff of life -$1500; Loss of both feet $1500; Loss of both. hands $1500; both ever $1500; hand and foot $1500.; hand and eye Wool foot and eye $1500; one arm$900; one leg $900; one hand $750; one foo t$750; one. eye, $500;- one thumb and index finger, $15D. For Weekly IIndemnity: loss of •time, etc.. For Ttoal disability $25.00 per week for^ 25 weeks; For - partial Disabilty $12,50 per week for 4 weeksi Hospital Indemnity, $15.00 per week additional, limit 4. wkic Nurse's Fces; $15.00 per week Additional, limit 4 weeks;Doc- tor's Bits $5 00 it not disabfled; Emergency iExpences, $100:Qf1i limit, if injured away from home, . ANNUAL PREMIUM $5.00 Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SEllt VIC t• AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? AsmillfaffillONWASIMPANVINICT INIIMMG211.711.1.1./ E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth ..k.i14.7. - Agent's - -Tr p T Mutual Lilo of Canada EXETER - ONTARIO 4 MEM Drugless eer and EXETER . AT WALPER Every Tuesday, oworanernIfIVEIRse}leIr11271411V A113) Praction-, Optician, rh••• DOUSE, ZURIGINIt 10 a.m. to i psic 4-4 TAILOR MADE BY TEIOSE WHO KNOW NOT THROWN BUT TI - t TrcEZER Wit -THOSE WHO ItNOW BOW Tie Haw. Spring Suitings t ARB IRIGHT UP TO trini, MINUTE T PATTERN, STYLE AND QtriLITY,: TALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED + DONT be misled by burying I,cheaper and inferior gooda. I BUY from ll those you know will Stand behind everything they 1,10114 I ulk I . Iry le ,••• • MERCHANT TAILOR,. W. 11.11rOPPlifAN AND PIIINERAL DIREM011181 Day and 4t Son, BBIBALBAERS' Night Phone I7r, Oh