HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-02, Page 5smosser " 131+saa.T' 'Tune 2nd, 1.911' tVIlCR U1 AI,D SUSIMIESS CARDS p.,-. -i DxiDLEY• E.Uo"L11!1LEs tEnallittiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC', ens Hamilton Street. Just off •'quare, GOD3ERIOR, Ont, penal attention) to Uoni al and Court Work. , Holmes may be conenited at Mieder-keh by phone rand phone chargee revere/ad, PVT YOUR Wants, For Sae, Lost, Found, Notice, Ltd. Ads IN THISCOLUMN UMN Are You u Coughing Me tyoux Tonsii's and throat Insure and nothing helps? we gnae antes Mrs, Sybilla Spahrs Tonsil- yWs;used . right will get you better +soon, or money back, Wagners ,.....-.. _ tracery, Zurich. Dr.H. IL COWEN I. 13, L D. Da B. DENTAL SURGEON ;At DILITZ BLO' , ZURICH ev- Thursday, Friday_ and Bator - SIM Mains Office BTLBIys'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Andrew F. Hess, Towns IP Clerk 'wryer of marriage licensee. Notary b y Commissioner, 1 ire and Aut- Immobile In!auerance Representing )Ron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- ien., The Canada Truat Co. ZURICH ONTARIO -- ;A -U -C -T -I -0 -N -E -E -R OVICARIKLOPP E r'at%te Carey M. Jonee Nat - Tal School of Auctioneering. Try :ice tor Registered Live Stock Breede). Terms in keeping 6ellth prevailing prices. Choice ?Urals for sale. Will sell 'anything 'lg,Where. Zurich ?flume 18-93 or writ !Licensed Auctioneer ;FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX M IN A ;POSITION TO CON- •M,nce any auction sale, regardless iesi to size or articles to sell. I otictt your business, and if not Statitsfied will make no charges for ; Aces. Arthur :Weber, - Dashwood, ;rpt 13-57. i•r•r•••••••••e•!•o•••••••• 2 Zurich Mee 'MARKET • • • • • Fresh and Salt . Meatst Bologna Sausages, s iii,gisentt Cash Price for We •. • ASH FOR SKINS Ss H1D}.:8 i ITgb1t &' s DeichC t • •x•••••11••••••••••• i11�IM ZURICH LIVERY 11M in a pesition to ai eomo- Mate all requirements in the Livery ?lnl+iinees, have Auto for hire. Any mag done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 5D Znuich,Ont. 001111.1. L I VE POULTRY 4i.LIIWANTED Waken every day till 3 O'clock,P.m: Do ,not feed ,lowl (same morning 'when brought in. :twist Cask Prices �` ,Clea 1r`OR Cream ai,f1 Eggs W. O'Brien, Pone 94 Enrich • V� ✓,T.t.Itinir�L.... Ile a dqu•arters rM FOR TIRES TUBES- rijy'. Storage tierces • ' S., WIN, ,..Prop,' ,'D:a' 1 iWOOU MOT'O r ; ER "l'PI- NOTICE COURT • OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY The CCourt of Revision to con- sider appeals against the 1927 Assessment Roll, Hay Township, will beheld in the Town lora)), Zur- ich on Saturday, June 4th, at 2 o'clock, p. A. F. HESS, • j' !rowaahip Clerk. FOR SALE Baby Chicks, good and healthy. Will also take in. eggs for incubate ion at 5c. per egg for June hatch- ing. Garnet Deters, Hensall P.O. WANTED A limited quantity of choice pot- atoes, must be absolutely free from rot. Apply. to George Deichert, Phone 20-94, Zurich, LOCAL NEWS M'. and Mre. T. L. Wurn ripen Sunday at Goderieb. Miss Beatrice Kropp, of Detrol 'spent a few day's with her parents M'1', and Ms. Oscar Klapp. Mr, Harry Yungblut, Mi'ss� Ines Ivan; rn •Bari Yr girl 'r'u l lutand in � nal !spent the week -end at Kitchener Mn. and Mr`:i, Herb Axt. of De tl:•oit are visitiing at the home o Mr,. and M. Ed. ',Axt. { .' Mr,. Dan Truenaner of Credito visited with hie brother, Mr. Hy Truernner, a few dayis last tweelc t t f n 1VIeidsrs. Chas an dWaid Fritz were on a h tainetss trip to Lon- don on Virednets,dayt Messrs. Frank and Bill Siebert, and Miss Nora Siebert of Detroit, 'spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Maas, W. Li. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs, siferner Silber and Sons, Charles and Douglas, of De- troit, 'spent t'lo week -end with Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Mrs. Eilber and sons are staying over for a few week's visit. Mrs, M. Ayres and children Eve e1in and.. Milton; Mr. and ettes.John T.r•uomrrer of Detroit, were week- end visitors wtih Mrs. Er: True- Eerier. Friday, of 'thi's week, June 3rd is recognized as the King's Birth- day and a public holiday, and as i. consequence all plaoes of bus- iness as well as the Ea.nk will ob- serve this National holiday. re - FOR SALEharried and Mrs. W. Y.Dreier re ttarned from Mildmay on !Sunday. A number of choice: heavy work afternoon where they attended the ing horses, all well broken in .and 'funeral of Mrs. Dreier's father, the ready for work. Balance of hor- late Mr. Fei'singer, who was in his 'aes not sold at the auction ale, 8t4h year,. The funeral .taking at Zurich on May 5th Can beseen an farm of Thomas Kyle, Parr Line, Hay. For particulars apply to Artlra_ Weber, AdcTo.;eer, Dalai wood, Ont. FOR SALE A 'choice roan Wimple Bull, one year old.. Is from good milking stock. Elgin McKinley. Stanley. WANTED WORK ON FARM. Experienc ed married ,man, German, diplomed dairyman, wants work on a farm,. Apply to Willie Muller, Hensel!, R. R. I FOR SALE Rubber ,,Case Heavy Plate Bat- terse for $13.00. Also one nearly nese R 'nfrew .crearn Separator, very ch.4apl. L. A. Prang, NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Town - Ship of Stephen on the 2nd day of May 1927, providing for the issue of Debentures ,to the amount of $772.00, for the purpose of pro- viding Fire Protection in the Police Village of Da'shwood,'and thatsuch By -Law was registered in the Registry Office in the County of Huron, on the 16th day. of May, A,. D,., 1927, at 1.48 p.m, in Book II, Township of Stephen as number 491. , t Any motion to quash or sat aside the same; or any part -there- of must be inade within three mo'nth's after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. ' Dated the 25th day of May 1927 Henry Eilber, Clerk tor Stephen Towo'ship. . • Allmms FARM FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Earner for rent or will take in cattle this summer Lot i6, Con. 7, Hay. Write or phone, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE. A kitchen cabinet, good alenew hall price, elf. tQ A, F" Hesls. 4-4 1 T• Nha x.927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POR TH1 GENUINE Scranton: Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON 1D TELEPHONE Yt3II'R ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son HENS A.L I. place on Saturday afternoon Workmen are engaged in the basement of the town hall, there will be a new cement floor putt in and a •nice sized room partitioned off and fixed up tor `a Council Chamber,. whicht will also be used by the Women's Institute for var- ious purposes. Owing to a little mishap ewe omitted the -following interesting items in last week's issue; Mr. Leon and Prang attend -'d the Annual W. 0. S.S.A. Track Meet held for pub- lic and Secondary Schools of Western Ontario on Western Un-! iveesity Grounds, on Saturday,1VF.ay 20th.—Mr. aril Mts. R. F. Stade and Mr. end Mra,. C. Stacie, motored to! ,.s New Hamburg, on Sunday. • Also • announcing the Monthly meeting of th eBlrke Mission Band on . Satur day, May 28th for election of of- ficers, etc . • Miss Vera Kalbfleisch _ iy visit- ing at the Lutheran Parsonag a inl EImiri, for a few weeks. Charles A. Lindb'r•gh, a yo ung American aviator, has thr lied the, world with hie feat of f ying,a'oae. from Ne* York to Paris, making the trip of about 2,650 miles thirty-three hrours.and a half. A few days previous to . li.i; flei Tht he was known only to a limited number in hie circle of his country- today ountrytoday his name is .on eveiy lip on both sides of the ocean, and is be- ing entertained by the Royalty of Europe, where great celebrations are being tendered this rather a quiet unasuming young roan, and his pluck and daring have given him much prominence in the temp's of 'fame. His plane averaged the speed of 113 miles per hour during the long flight,. Every motorist in Ontario will, after July let of this year, be re- quired to carry a driver's licence It fixes {a fee of $1.00 for the lic- ense and provides that it should be valid ,until the end of 1;928. The proposal for a driver's license for motor car operator's has been her aided by. Hon. Henry. The license will be granted automatically up- on payment of the $1 fee to exp- erienced drivers, into which class all persons who have driven 500 miles of for six months will be admitted, inexperienced driver's will will be required to pass the scrut- iny of inspectors, who will be ap- pointed by the dept. and which Will cost $1 extra, The GOvernm- ent is Iestim.ating: that two drriv= t ers permits will b� issued to every car which will be an income of ov- er . $1600,0011 00, Mond May ay Both, Was celeib- rated by our 'Anie!rteat neighbors as a National. ITolidy naamely Dec-. oration :Day, and as a eonnequence there was a great invasion of yr s- itors from the U.S.A. in Canada ov- er the week -end We actually do lot realise 'how, many of our peo- ple hive. aetua'1y left this country and made their homes in the Un- ited States, until a big holiday takes place and the people want an outing by !Visiting their good Can Didion people, We .aro told that the Lake Road on Monday `ceeven- .. . even- ing as and just a �colitiriuous poase- aioiY, !with all speeds from. 25 un to ,76 miles ,an hour. We intrst wonder how our gravel' road's are going to withstand such wear and telr`el the roads, there is norother alternative but have these 3nain trAffir roads 'pave' or• son r' kinrl t5�11 a rci auvra„o roa.l that. i,.:. . t• and ouch abnormal absusma,' GETTING RIO OF litikEOS Results of , Co.operative Experf. intents on Ontario Farms. Oiter 'Eighty Farmers have Expert, tented- ,.Rape 1'or Perennial Sow Thistle tarsi Twitch Grass,--_ Eradication of Madder. Cau piorr aril Vow -Bell. (contributed by Qntarlo Oepa;rtrrtent o Ftgrleulture, Toronto.) In 1911 experiments were negul.. with the object of gathering data from which definite state,nents high) be made regarding the best methods of controlling the various bad weeds of the Province. In this connection. over eighty farmers have carried .ou successful experiments on their ..own Yarns under instructions sent from the Director at the O. A. C., Guelph. 1'he weeds experimented with were Perennial $ow Thistle, Tlyitch Grass, Bladder Campion or Cow Bell, Wild Mustard, Ox -Eye Daisy, Field Bind- weed, Wild Oats and Chess. In nearly every instance they cleaned the field experimented with, and de- monstrated to their own satisfaction the effectiveness of the method tried. As a result of the data gathered ,:rom these experiments it is now pos- .;ible to recommend with confidence ctinite methods for the eradiction o; jucIb weeds as Perennial Sow Thistle, switch Grass, 73ladder• Campion and Wild Mustard. • "'he Plaice Method for the Control of Perennial Sow Thistle and 'Twitch Grass, Cultivate the field until about the Siddle of June, running over it fre- ;jnently with a cultivator so as t.. eep the tops clown and thus weaken the "roots." A cultivator with hrc::.c: ,roi??A'S should be used, which will c:,• aff the Slow Thistle or Twitch Gras )elow the 'iirface of the ground t:;: lot break :lip the rootstocks tr:. zatteh. About the middle of Jul:, .wily manure ai the rate 01 aij ,:• weuty tons per acre (twelve goce, .Dads,) Cultivate the manure . 1.1 aorough1y and with a double ntoul aoard plough slightly ridge up th. :and, making the ridges about twen. ry-six inches apart On the r tdgt. -3 OW pasture rape (Dwart Essr c v rr .sty) at the rate oaf about one and ,calf pounds per acre. It is import ant ,that the right amount of rap; oe sown for if too little !s sown ts: stand will not be thick enough smother the weeds; and if, on tit ether hand, too much is sown rape plants will be too crowded ant now grow vigorously enough to k e• _ahead of the twitch grass u" tie. Sow the rape when the land i. sufficiently moist to secure qui°, germination of the seed. If the rm. is slow in starting the twitch gran: ur'sow thistle may get a hold in the rows and thus necessitate hand car tivation. •Cultivate the rape es eii, week or ten days until it occupies ai, the ground and makes further cult vation impossible. If, when the rape is cut or pastured, any of the weeds remain, the field should be ridged up .u..st thing in the fall and put in with ..nother hoed crop the following year. This has not been Yount ne- cessary when a good stand of rape ;.s been secured. ..racliction of Bladder Campion or Cow Bell, Badly infested fields should be i.,,igned deeply in the fall and then saluvated and cross -cultivated with a .,road -shared cultivator in order to break up and weaken the unoer- ground rootstocks. In the spring this cultivation should be repeated frequently enough to prevent the plant making any growth above ground until it is time to put in a uoed crop, which must be kept thor- oughly clean le order to be effective. A well cared for corn. crop planted in hills so that it can be cultivated both ways has been found to give excellent results. Special attention must be given to hoeing out any ,bladder canrpion plants which may appear in the coin crop and which are not destroyed uy cultivation. One fail and one spring's thorough cul- tivation followed by a well cared for hoed crop has been found to destroy practically all the bladder tampion in a field except inexceptionally wet seasons. Preventing Mustard Seeding In Cereal Crops. Iron sulphate or Copperas can be successfully used to destroy mustard in standing grain without injury to the crop. A 20 per cent, solution should be applied. This can be pre- pared by dissolving 80 pounds of iron sulphate in forty gallons of 'eater. Iron sulphate is dissolved quite read - Hy in cold water. The solution shhrild be strained through a cheese cloth, as it is put into the spray pump tank. This will remove dirt and mall p rticles that are apt to clog tie iio2z1es. Apply on a calm clear clay just as the first few plants in the fields `show flowers. It is very important to spray early. If the plants are left too long the treatment is net 'lead°', so ease tine. If a heat' rain comes 'within twenty-four hours after the solution is applied it will be necessary to sl)ray again. lid{ow to Apply the Solution. An ordinary hand pump barrel sprayer, such as is employed to spray lee may be fruit trees, or potato Y used, 1? to + sprayer can be rigged ;up to do this work. Many of the up-to-date spray- ars have a special broadcast attach- + wont for spraying weeds. 'These are + excellent for large areas, as they cover a wide strip at each round. 46 Care must be taken to see that every Mustard plant covered with the sauna' DS Te flit of a fine spray, —Y. ;Irl; IlOwitt,, O.A.C., Guelph, • parr. PI raiVANAWWWiliViA4WAhhiii\WWWWWWWW/ Zurich Drub Store We sr)cializ In Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams such as YARDLEY'S, A SivfANDS, COT Y 'S, POMPEIAN THREE ELOWI}R'S,, WOODBURYS AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have' Forhans, Ipana, _ Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICKS tO, PS AND POWDERS, ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRUSHES', eAFETY RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADES , MAGAZINES FOR SALE IDr. .A-, J. I1acK111non, ZUIIIOli ,'MM &WV �i .° !f' , i `�i v8U .i P WIN !MN- PAW !i'F3�F��3�FF�l3���3�����II^•�•4+.3„1.r,)•.S.,l,^i,��3'1'��'i.!i!,Q..l,.l��k�°�F : -,,• t , ARE YOU ROOFING? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WDEN WITH LAID WIT + ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH- + OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILLBL O UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH it THE CHEAPEST AND fIHE.BEST, t + 4 + 1 We 'stili have a large quantity of Gyproc on hand. The ,add Fireproof Wallboard; Use it, for walls and ceilings to repair the old plaster before you decorate.spring 4. tiCZs.w- Ce 11BFIA ISCH * PHOE 69 - - ZURICH t ++++++.1•++++++++++++++4.+++4 +++ .++.1.4.01-++a.+,++,r +++++ yi I'flCT' J Get that Rubber Tire Buggy be fore prices advance. They; work on all four, bit or miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS ZURICH 44+i•4•--1••e•-l••A++o4+-Fo'•++• o4++•ls x444 rrM•t-r-r"-r-er ir•t-r•rv9efe^s4 The sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold; therefore-' shall he beg in harvest and have nothing. -Prov,. ^. b ua. li'arinnYg20 1s4a rlieris, , ,r;cri w: a who blends these two is the man to W]ioli3 the tuturil A or uacss 4 y...-. d IIBRALDOFFIOR Do You Know? - THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERV/CE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES,,AND ��.1. A:TEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR OR TWO LEADING kIANU.PAtIT, URERS OF COUN'T`ER CHECK BOONS, AND CAN SUP. PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING EA?EBS, ENVEIi�- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Oit TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM RT- ATXONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOONS INTWO: r r_ SIZES, POO,I,SCAP, E 1Td. ETCH • TEAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK MOTTLE WITJT GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INE' FOR 5e, S.ARG, GER O,UANTITIES AT 13IGGER RBDUOTIO1�1.S TEAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AU(r'ION SALE PO- + X'EtRS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GF.uxurat, T. PRINTING OUR S 'IKT A.LT'f' d