HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-02, Page 3TE BEST MEDICINE 1�. SHE EVER USED OWLLArF' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly' Praised by a Quebec Lady. Mrs. David Logan, Thetford Mires Went., Que„ gives unstinted praiw.e to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for the good they have done in her family. Mrs. Logan stays:—"I have been a user of DT, Williams' Pink Pills for many' years, as occasdon required, and have always found them a most reliable medicine. My husband, whowas re- covering from an attack of typhoid fever, and was in a very weak condi- tion, took the pills, and through them gained health and strength. My daugh- ter was in a run-down condition, and was forced to discontinue work. Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were 'resorted to and she was soon restored to excellent health. Then my eldest boy had an operation performed for adenoids, which left him in a weak- ened condition. Once more Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were tried, and he was soon in excellent health. So I can truly say that more than satisfac- tion has, been obtained by the use of this medicine. The pills have done more good in my home than hundreds of dollars- worth of more expensive medicines," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist diger• tion, correct the lassitude, the palpi- tation of the heart, shaky nerves and the pallor of the face and lips that are the results of thin, impure blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by marl at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • CANADIAN BANKS IN GOOD POSITION Sign of Improved Conditions and Prosperity is Noted. Ottawa. — According to reports which come to the banking division of the finance department, Canadian wanks were never in a more liquid posi- tion. Since the failure of the Home Bank there have been no banking dis- asters and in fact the Bank Act pro- vides such safeguards as make this impossible without the conditions be - Ing well known in advance and ar= rangements made to cope with it. In recent years, however, the period of depression caused some of the banks to be tied up to assets upon Which their advances could not read- fly eadfly be liquidated. It is considered a hopeful sign of improved conditions and returning prosperity that in almost every case this situation has been wholly over- come and the liquid position of the banks re-established to the level of very prosperous days. see something this summer lin the IF Co West cal ornia Colorado New Mexico Arizona Gd Canyon Int detour Seashore Mounts Dude Ranches dai4 Fe ons this summer 392 1!A!i1 t'ltiS CID liP '1 Tanta Pc Service Bureau, 404 Transportsti nn 1 Bldg., Rhone Randolph 874 8,Detroit Mich. 1 IPlease Mail free picture folders': Grand Can: 1 II Von Outings," "04,1i1orola Picture Book,'' "Indian -detour," "Colorado Summer." 1 Name ... ,...,...YY...Y 1 1 1 j Address ..... ........ 1 r L,wrnx..raw..w..r..:.*WI . ill.-.:w..........ft•--- (On With Laughter) A widow is a woman who has lost her husband, a grass widow is one Nebo h'as just lost her taste for hers. "Why are the chickens making such a noise, mamma?" "They want their breakfast:" "Well, if they're s•o hungry, why don't they lay themselves an egg?" Zebediah McHash is so dumb he thinks a dry dock is a physicianwho believes in prohibition. How Careless. He thought his little gift would please, It only made her sore— He hadn't taken off the tag, "From the five and ten-oent store." We sometimes wonder who origin- ated the idea that a face smeared with red paint was beautiful. An angry denial is often a confes- sion of guilt. Speaking bf parental discipline, I heard a girl remark recently that she had been spanked as far back as she could remember. Report of a tragedy—"A man kicked' his wife on the back porch and she shot him in the .pantry. A hare -lip or a club -foot is a misfor- tune, but hard luck is largely a super- stition when it isn't an excuse. All dumb Doras aren't named Dora, or dumb Isaacs, Isaac. Edgar—"Do you know the difference between trying to kiss you and trying to kiss Mary Jones?" r Katharine—"I'll bite." Edgar-:-"Exactly--and she won't' Man in elevator—"Fourth floor, please" Operator—"Here you are, son." "How dare you ca11 me son?" You're not my father." "Well, I brought you up, didn't I?" Dentist ---"Yes, I sometimes make mistakes, too. What donkeys we are!" Patient—Kindly speak in the singu- lar." Dentist — "Well, what an ass you are!" It takes time to grow anything— even a business. Some men make good and others. make good excuses, Drunk (bumping into lamp post)— "Excuse me, sir." (Bumping into fire hydrant)—"Excuse me, little boy," Engineered to Insure ependability The faith of thousands of tire users in Firestone Gum- Dipped Balloons is founded on exacting service—long mileage and dependability. Known as the pioneer of the Balloon—Firestone has con- sistently led in its develop- ment—using only the best materials and engineering to bring it to the highest point of reliability. It is only natural, with such a high, quality product, that Fire- stone has attracted the bean tire dealers in the country., Call your nearest one to -day. FIRESTONE TIRE, as RUBBER CO. OF CANADA I,IIVfrrED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MiLF.c PER DOLLAR tone Firestone 9ullda the 4510 Ourn4 1pped'rire@ BRITISH''LEGIOIN SETTLERS ARRIVE O e,of the finest single parties to swell Canadian population this year, arrived in Canada recently at Quebec eboard the. Canadian Pcific steamer Montrose. The party of five families numbering about 100 persons in all came to Canada under the auspices of the British Empire Serviee League, being the first to be sent to Canada through this immigration scheme. The men are all ex -service veterans and are highly deserabl•e types of settler on account of the fact that all have been trained in farm work at the Ministry of Labor's Training Farm at Brandon, Suffock, England. They have been instructed in various branchere of agriculture to enable them to meet conditions in this country as they find them. The above photograph was taken at the C.P.R. station in Winnipeg and shows a number of this party waiting for the train that will carry them farther west to their new homes in Saskatchewan. (Bumping into second lamp post and WHY TORTURE fabling down)—"Well, I'll just sit down �r here until the crowd passes." Customer—"Do you serve lobsters here?" Waiter — "We serve anybody. - Sit down. He who boasts of his ancestors con- feeses that he has no virtues of his own. Laugh and the world laughs with you, but it will laugh at you with' no provocation at all, UNIVERSITY GETS VALUABLE SITE THE LITTLE ONES Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your little ones by forcing them to take ill -tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the child's dread of these medi- cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Own Tablets are the modern substitute for these nauseous• doses. They are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take that they are as easy to administer as a glass of water. They are the per- fect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolutely guar- anteed from injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad -tasting FOREXTENSION remedies can do. In fact they aocom- Big Land Purchase in London Was Made Possible by the Rockefeller Foundation. London. — London University has acquired a Bloonisbury site of 11'/2 acres in the heart of the metropolis. This means that 10,000 British and for- eign students will have the long -need- ed permanent headquarters in touch with all that is best in British educa- tional life. This satisfactory solution of a prob- lem which has troubled generations of British educators was brought about by American generosity an In announc- ing it, Lord Eustace Percy, president of the Board of Education, referred to the "munificent contribution of the Rockefeller Foundation," which had made with the purchase from the Duke of Bedford possible. The prioe is understood to have been £500,000, the Rockefeller Foundation contributing half, besides a substantial amount, to the building fund. The scheme does not involve interference with. King's College, which has been the snag whereon previous proposals of acquiring the site have been ship- wrecked. It is thus welcomed by all parties to the big controversy. The Times, referring ,to the Rocke- feller Foundation, says that such an act of generosity and imagination could have come .only from the United States, "a land where old men not only •see dreams but are rich enough to turn them into realities." Unusual Mix-up. Caused by Twins. London.—When the twin brothers, Fred and Cecil Harris, met in final of the billiards championship at the Shep- perton ex -Service Men's' Club, the marker got confused, and once made a mistake ,in crediting a, score to the wrong player, . Congl'atulations were tendered to the loser. The president, at the conclusion, asked one of the players to remove his coat, so that no mistake should be Made in the destination of the trophy. The brothers are so alike that even friends often mistake one for the other. Their sporting activities in- clude running and boxing. Added to the greater value built into the 1927 Twins— Added to the improvements that every rider will welcolne---Prices are lower Wart ever before. Harley-Davidson Motorcycle stands without a rival pea formates, One ride in our' 1927 side - cat outfit and you will declare you never dreamed such a comfortable rid - leg combination could be built. Fully guaranteed, plash more as they do not leave the child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They relieve teething pains, banish indigestion and constipation, break un colds and sim- ple fevers and promote healthful, re- freshing sleep. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents. a box from The 'Dr. Williams,' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Hard Worker. "He never works, but borrows money." "Wrong—he works harder borrow- ing it than any man I know.:' When you get that tired, lay.me•down-and.die feeling take 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup in a glass of water. Does the trick and safely. You'll feel like new. Ln11i't111 d/i1 11iLURJ TO HAVE JUBILEE Kitchener Inviting Representa- tives of All Municipalities Using Hydro Power. Kitchener, Ont. — Announcement was made at the meeting of the Pub- lic Utilities Commission Friday after- noon by A. R. Lang, chairman of the commission, that a meeting which will be attended by executives of the On tal•io Municipal Electric Association. will be held on Tuesday, May 17, for the purpose of making arrangements for the celebration of the silver jub- ilee of the birth of the idea for the distribution of Niagara power throughout Western Ontario, which occurred en June '2, 1902, and which has since developed in the gigantic Ontario. Hydro Electric system. It is suggested by Mr. Lang, that j the celebration take form of a mon- ster banquet to which `the mayors and Hydro officials of the 383 municipal- ities using Hydro will be invited; The Celebration has been endorsed and will be financially supported by the O.M.F.A. New laird Ltr'fe Record. A pintail duck banded by a member of the United States Biological Survey Mart at the mouth of Bear River, 'Utah, on September 16, 1914, was captured near Brawley, Cal., on October 16, 1926. The longest previous record of a banded bird's ldfe was that (rf a whit,) stork that carried a band of the Ros- Bitten Bird Observatory in Gemany for eleven .yea's. WALTER ANDREWS, Ltd, i ar: 346 VtSNGE STREET TORONTO Keep Minard's Linimen ri the house. Pure .. tea of finest quality, free of dust 1 and packed aux Aluminum. i "is good tC( Big RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE extra «'d. NEW ELEVATOR FOR PORT ARTHUR Great Structure to be Erected by United Grain Growers. Port Arthur Ont.—Announcements from the Winnipeg offices of three elevator companies regarding immedi- ate elevator construction at Port Ar- thur establish this port as the head- quarters of Canada's great industry, the ever-growing grain trade. The United Grain Growers announce a new elevator with a total capacity of 6,500,000 bushels and the Bawif and Stewart Companies announce con- tracts for additions to their prevent plants totalling 1,000,000 bushels. The work represented in the deci- sion of the United Grain Growers to build a 5,500,000 bushel plant at Port Arthur represents the largest single contract for elevator capacity that has ewe been awarded in Canada or else- where. lsewhere. A significant feature of the situation is that the Grain Growers, having had the construction of such a plant in mind for some time, after watching the development of the grain trade as related to the Pacific coast route and also the Hudson's Bay, decided to lo- cate at Port Arthur on the route via Eastern Canada. The new plant, in addition to being a large elevator, has been planned to provide the greatest possible efficiency in handling grain and will incorporate new features in design, especially worked out for this elevator. Modern demands on terminal elevat- ors are different from those prevailing a number of years ago. Cleaning is of ever-increasing importance and, con- sequently, the elevator which can. house 5,500,000 bushels will have ex- ceptionally large cleaning capacity. Numerous grades of grain make a large number of different bins import- ant, and the new elevator is conse- quently designed to provide more than 500 bins, with capacities ranging from 4,000 to 30,000 bushels. Rapid handling is assured by the largest receiving and shipping equip- ment at the head of the lakes. The new elevator will be of rain.' forced concrete construction through- out. It will be built from the design, and under the supervision, of C. D. ' Howe & Go., of Port Arthur. General contract for the work has been award- ed to Carter Halls Aldinger Co., Ltd., of Winnipeg. Orders for piles and pile driving work have been placed and work will commence immediately. About 16,000 piles are required. For all pain-Mlnard's Liniment. The Socialist Millenlum London Daily Mail (Ind. Cons.) : (The Independent Labor Party is neither Independent nor Lamor. It is controlled by Moscow and is composed of embittered middle-class people.) 1f they were to succeed in securing a majority, there is no reckless or crazy measures against which the country would be secure. It is not going too far to say that in six months they could wreck British prosperity and re- duce the British people to starvation. Even if your job is soft that is no excuse to lie down on it. The Charm of A Velvet Skin—and the Pare Blood Under 7t Sleep. Slealp is' moat important, kien lav gone sixty-three days without food a week without Waken*, but t or7 Cann Jest more than ten days without siieeap. While some authorities would not g+ so far, others claim that thio food W eat is digested and tranem$ted int new muscle, brain, blood, and nerve cells, while we are asleep, quoting e duranoe racers to prove this. Tbe3 cite those engaged in six-day bicycle races and other witless forms of dive'- , soon, who eat four or five timesf much food aa does the ordinary mads, yet the end of the content finds thee* hollow-eyed and cadaverous from t �. loss of sleep more than from the ph** cal. exertion. Sleep recliarges the exhausted bo d,y batteries and fills the organic furnaell with fresh fuel. 'Sleep is a positive p oessr—not a negative one. It is not merely a stopping of bodily activity. It is the substitution of a constructive process for a destructive one. While we are unconscious we recup- erate. The deeper the sleep, the quicker the recuperation. The lighter and the more disturbed the sleep, the more we need of it, the longer it takes to affect repair. —a. always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be, Custom will soon render it easy and agreeable, Pythagoras. Why are good women like ivy? Be- cause the greater the ruin the close*' they cling. Better Chicks that will payyou. Bred to lay. BarredPiymouthRock. Leghorn,, Barron and Wycoff and Farris str'_ns. & 1I -City White Wyendottes Pure-bred, healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched. Send for circular and prices BELL -CITY HATCHERY 14 Colborne St.. 1Brantford, Ontario CANCERFSENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad- dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indiar.apolis, Ind. Clear The Pores Of Impurities With Ct ticura S, aD Soap, Ointment, Talcum sold everywhere SPLITIINC HEADACHE Minard's Liniment will bring quick relief. Bathe the forehead —also inhale, SICK ABED EIOUT MONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkbant's Vegetable Compound Could Do , All Her Work and Gained in. Weight • Dl'elfort, Saskatchewan. — "I had inward troubles, headaches and severe pains in my back and sides. I was so sick generally that I could not sit up and I was in bed most of the time for eight months. An aunt came to visit and help me as I was unable to attend to my baby and '' could not do my AM,' x . .lam work. She told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and after taking two bottles I could get up and dress my- self. I also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine. When I first took the. medicine I only weighed seventy- eight Bounds. I\ ow I weigh twice as• inueh. If I get out el' sorts or weary' and cant sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. I find it wonderfully good for fe- male troubles, and have recom- mended it to my neighbors. I will be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking about it,' •--Mrs. WILLIAM Rn'c,ItIL, 130 , 486, Melfort, Saskatchewan, . ISSUE. No. 222----'27........ -a If lifou smetics The effectiveness of that popular touch of "make-up" will be greatly enhanced if the skin has the velvety smooth- ness and clearness that result from the use of TRU-BLOOD, This much -prescribed Blood Tonic corrects the coarsening tendency of "complexion aids" and makes the skin clear, smooth and colorful, Your Druggist now Lias TRU- BLOOD. Vat itsheal'th-and.beattty- givving qualities. Get a bottle today. 4