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Zurich Herald, 1927-06-02, Page 2
• t' SCOTS HOME RUL ONTARIO TO BAN ADAM A"�i1�..11''UB-�-► �f?. Jaecason. I' OSI"i� )NPIAIN 11010.BILI, "TALKED OUT" I I i • A _ 1. IIF A�ijaurcminenik Bads Rebate Be - EXPLOITATION fore Division is Taken, w `. Lo don --The Mamie Rube b'il fOr ; 1 CHINESE L" I.. n ,. . Soatltand has lresn "tall^ed out" in an il• intarlude in the labor debate, in the ' ' oY sig Office States That ! House o2 Commons, adjournment tsr- ` • ! i .i l J 1 a, Amount Of British Capital xninating the disettwsion before the sec- is + + I ► I oad reading division could be taken. u3 China is Small. hex a James Barr, introducing the mess r ► w t 1 I f ' I y I i ' ii" `;(�',. London Refutation of 'the c g . urs explained briefly, that it would otlarJle that British 'capitalists Ora ex", stittute a single chamber Parl'ia'ment,' plotting the Chin'ee wrorkex has been + + ' {' •,t +, J;' ', �+t ,�%( i plc ,comprising 148 m beixs dealing with c, made in a' memorandum on "Labor Scottish local affalm Thomas- John I . ► , � �1,,''' sl +. !► I'+ + , Condition's in China" issued by the,sto+n, seconding, said the present en^ - ' !t . , i I'l'��'1!i' .• i('i . British Foreign Office. In this docu- rangexn+ent, by which one Secretary for : hav- Scotland filled 16 offices, w'ae an "in- mewt it Is pointed out that "China ng barely begun to emerge train the suit to aproud nation," stage of domestic industry, the total. The debate was afterwards o0n BOOTI.AX4� .%,XA .4 ' . • Government. Starts Drive to, El . inate Ilia it Seller, Windstar, Ont, As alae old Oatatrlo Teml)erance Act 0111010117 passes out of gxistt'en(>e Government officials have fauneh'ed a drive to eliminate the boot-. legger as a cornpetitor to its ldquar stores, which are tentatively oched4. tiled to Open• that Just of the month,, A scare of p.overnment operativeai began, serving eiosin.g notices on. known bao+tleggi+ng estebld+sllments and reported ge'nemal acceptance of the uItt- matum: Wced of the •ban had been eirouia,ted in advance sad many closed their doors, several days ago: A few, Catertng to xegular customers were re-' Ported to have operated up^to Sunday; amount of all capital imvegtred in ac tinned by Fiedexick liacqu•1sGen axed night when eit I -S were disposed ofj tortes is 'insignificant, Nearly the SIT Patrick Ford, and other Scottish and employees li u c pamoates oil t f chs a prole of liquor permits• to• res'iden:ta, 'i• whole of this capital is Chinese, y da lig a smeal percentage being British, The mem,berswho no avor a . - �;► - Interests of the Brtdsh people fn China those of A STORE OF HONEY are therefore overwhelmiu-Sly the trader and only at . t very inSis natant those of the capitalist HUNDRED YEARS 01Dnifl.t:ant or emplayer, of labor. "The evil conditions of 'labor in Chinese tactorles+," the memorandum "are due primarily to the low Weight Breaking Ceiling— declares, standards of living that prevail gen Bees` Horne Under House erally in China and to the total absence Roof. of effective legislation. The map- pearanes of the concessions Land of For more than a hundred years bees have made their home in the roof " extra -territoriality will probaltly mild- of a 15th -century farmhouse at Goma- tete against improvement nlabor con- in hall, near Dorking, Surrey, England, , gr ditions; on the other handowth but no one, it is said, has ever tried #1?b power and i ce the Nationon . to secure their stores of honey. Party, which ( paper at alis -t ch has ( Mr. T. H. English, owner Cole . Jeast) adopted a labor poi -toy, may .of Kitchen Farm, Cole Kitchen -lane, promote such improvement «i foreign factories Gomshall, who occupies the house; told an+d touristhas hasp begun, although the; Goverament liquor dlspensa>rdes are not expeoted to be operated 'antic May., 84, The dispensaries wild be Pslab idohed+,a�t'the, more Polyu'lous centers 09 the 'province and a m+aill ardor systemi dle+visedam!so rural residents can have Liquor delivered, s,ocorddug to teaouta-� tine! pis• Prices' to be charged fotr beer and; the various grades of liquor sale ex" petted to be decided within a few, days. The beer, It was kiddcatted; w110 be sold, at 10 cents a pint battle, with a rate of approximately $'8 .a quart for' ap the cheer • grades- o2 whiskey and. brandy. France and, England. v..,.w{,-_,Lmmnrl•aT,t ra ailt,.a ai.rw �xnenC» Condit ons 2n a London Mail reporter that the - - - - particularly British and Japanese,' are weight of the accumulated honey was ^--- - - - ed from the visit of President Dou• better than in Chinese factories. A so great that the ceiling of a roam WIDE TERRITORY example, the aircmtt bums off its . HOPI INDIAN WINS m�ergue and Aristide Briand to Britadn, high proportion of the few British lac- immediately under that part of the l I Diplomatic problems of the gravest torics challenge comparison with any f course ' to ,pfl i a thmaers, Cher i dth , character demand the attention of Sir roof where the bees have hived is SURVEYED BY AIR t THE N.Y. MARATHON in lira world. bamtd of iced light appears, the width • giving way beneath it. He added: FOR THE EMPIRE indicating the rate of turn. The..lamp Austen • Ghamberluiro and M. Briand. ,,The movement for securing better The reason why nobody has ever Chief Quanowahu heads' But apart from particular agreements conditions for labor was initiated, and ! caai be varied for brightness and as been led by foreigners, both mis- tried to get the honey is that it would Report of British Progress in it iia• In a spring iliountdng its correct Michelsen by 150 Yards. on ds specific e two the meeting of lire h be necessary to take the roof offY function can be Instantly tested by i heads of the trvo nations a regarded sianaries and captalists. The Chinese, � In the swarming season the place Air for 196 IaC1U�es Bi New York. -- Ratting through an Big ' on both sides of the Channel as re•ea� with a few brilliant exceptions,- have p'ressdng to one sidle. alien land of city streets and 'ma- ' been generally apathetic and Chine is smothered with bees, 'and it hope- Survey; Contracts. r tabiishing the entente cardial© in the less to attempt to prevent their tak- sada . roads, a Hopi 'Indian from the poptLlaT imagInartion. labor organizations, so far as they, +- Landon—Much important survey SAYS CANADIAN desert country of Arizona Outstripped It Is petrhaps slightly strainizug the have not been led astray into politics, ing, possession of the roof. work was performed by the Imperial OUTLOOK BRIGHTER a geld of 136 of the country's foremost -. Airways os behaifi of the Empire dur- G _ 1 dist anoe men, white and red in the s re is events to describe this year have been interested only in the queff- « » Ing 1926, according to a recent survey ' as regis,te�ng a silver wedding, Yet tion of wages." So-called Irish Bulls. Op 1927 New York to Long Mara- it was virtually 25 years aga that Lard 7:n support of these remarks, the Sir James p.�y, speaking at the made of rile year's activities: What Sir Vincent Meredith tirnIs- ; tion. i Lansdowne entered lire Foreign Of - memorandum pTab'ably the largest oommereial air tic in Morning Post With the stoic courage, of the abort - memorandum quotes statements from luncheon of the Soroptimist Club, re- floe, and his repeated atiterml)ts to can - various British Consuls and a paper contract as entered into at ne the Fiopi, Quanowahu, wound his cantly discussed so-called Irish "bulls" , the end of 1926, for 52,000 squame m'ilea Interview. 1 g1 , stTtict a special friendship between by Tam Shaw, Minister of Labor in j —grotesque blunders in language—;way through the mazer of New York I yranoe and Brltain were, •encouraged. the Labor Government er Ramsay Mac- land gave a number of instances to of a copper -bearing region in Rhode. London•—Sir Vincent" Meredith, in. and Long Island traffic for 26 miles, sic The Iiejang Delta in Borneo was , as •iutervi'ew in the 1Vlarnfng Post, d2-,. I Hopefail negotiations are properly Donald'. In these, attention is drawn prove that they have been known to 385 yards, to finish nearly 150 yards dated from that„year, and were given to the conditions of labor in the canna- break loose even in PaTliameut. Some surveyed for the Sarawak Government, ' brigs that ,chs Canadian outlook is I ahead of Albert R. Michelsen, Stam - the fatal area covered. being one of brighter than it has been los years. an Impulsion by Icing 7bd-waTd, who bar mines of Honan (where "little or of the slips of the tongue attributed ( ford, Conn., plumber, his nearest com- came to Prance the following yearn. no foreign capital is employed') and i great men were as follows: , 2,100 square miles, An immediate re-: IIs points out the enormous indus- I petitor. The year afterward the entente cordii in the silk filatures round Cancan r E. Gladstone: "It is no use for .suit of this was the discovery taken that trial, and especially hydro-electrical "The The sturdy little Indian's time for many native cultivators nod taken up , developments, and concludes: "The i 1 ale was formally proclaimed. (which axe also mainly run by ? the ,honorable member to shake his the regulation Marathon distance, run In spite of difficulties and disagree - (which ee Chinese capital). "Fourteen or fifteen,' much larger areas than had been leas- great need still is a large Meredith - with the white man's rubber -soled head in the teeth of his own words." , menta- it has survived the test of war hours e. day are being worked by some T, P. („may Pay") O'Connor: Her • ed to them, a discovery which. would j Sir' Vincent and Lady Meredith sail shoes on •his feet, in a cold wind from mean increased revenue to the Gov- on Thursday on ;the SS. Mauretania. and the trials of peace making. These workers" in the mines,.. and "s,evea�bxe� of mind was masculine in its. the sea which he never had seen ti be-�is need., says the JouTval, of an oc- ernment. In the Federated Malay fors, through air made heavy at times + days a week of work is quite common. �� j Makin Mischief casiw•nal 'revisio+n. of th+e' Anglo-French pa workers' "averag+e wages are a Jt h Chamberlain: "The honor- States 400 square miles were suaveyedti g with the fumes of automobile ea understanding. Such a revision is now about 14s a month.” In lbs silk fat- including a large scale town; pian of . 1 London Daily .T•elegraph (Cons,) hausds, cuss 2h, 47m., 43 1-5 e.. The able member did not want the truth;' Penang The principal"article-of I. L. P. policy : nevessraay. Thus the presidential coy- tarLecs "`they work, eat and sleep in he asked for facts" „. time compared favorably with Michel age has mush signlflcanCe. The rela- Year's Great Flights to -day is the pressing of the living sen's.m+ark of 2h, 48m., 23 4-5 s, made tions between. the two peoples, were the same quarters.” The average Charles Stewart Parnell: "Gentle- wage for all" demand in such a form in 1923, which has stood in the record working day "is starred to be thirteen mem, it seems unanimous that we can- The great flights of the year includ- as to render rise conduct of industry by never better. But the official relations, hours and the ordinary working week me agree" I'ed that of Sir Sanmuel Hoare, ale- boolis ever sdnea as a remarkable per- though Preserving an outward appear, is seven days. private capitalist enterprise impos, formanee• a.noe of 'cordd-aalty, sTe scarcely satin J, Ramsay 1laeDonaid: "The empty eompanted by Lady Hoare, to India I sible; and to compel assumption of in- The duel betwteern Chief Quanowaliu With regard to child labor, the mem grave where our ruined industries Iie. I and back in a Hercules airplane; Sir dustrial control by the State. The lm- j factory. cranium quoting Mr, Shaw says that Sir Doyle Roche: "All slang the un- t Alan .Cobham s flight to ilI+edbourue%, and Michelsen puled them w+ea out In LIvery time a prabtbem arises it is 'Inleaaly 141/2 per cent. of the labor em- tioddten. path of the future I can see Aiis:, and back. This was aecompli+shed mediate raising of the aa:ges of all sec- front of the geld, which numbered 136 considered from different angles. it played, so far as staiisi3Cs can be bad,, footprints of an unseen hand." in the same D. H. 50 machine which tions of the workers. by 20 per tient. ' at the start but dwindled to 75 finish. is so in China, whli re British would' seems to be under the age of 12 years, I The term "bull" is supposed to have had already been to Rangoon and back was, declared Mr. Marton of his preen- ars as many of the runneiss Pound the dantial address to the Conference on T take an energetic attitude, while early &0 Iyer Dant, of the child labortaaigtnated with a blunder by Obadiah and+ to Cape Town and back, though' ( route from the New York Athltette Prance would observe rigorous ab- girl labor, and 57 per cent. aE fie i Bta'Jy :an Irish lawyer who Practiced in with different engines; Ca101111 Sunday last, the "key centra' of the twlub, over city streets~ stases the at�,tion. At Geneva. the opposition Qatal labor employed seems to be London is 1740.I Minchin e attempt to fly from Landon a new mass attack upon Capitalism; and Queensboro Bridge and out saong the : between the Fran'oh and British views de - female labor over the age of 12." his speech abounded in venomous s." , Long Island roads, too stiff for them. � �,�._.. � kv Cairo in two days only failed by 2� , � an di'sarm�a,naenit is chamacteristi'a In n'unciaask of the ruling classes." The third runner to flnisth, Harvey' � hours; in November two private mens-, the ]4leddtteTranean, Britain •hia+s given ` The Bonne Entente. Why, asked Dir. (Maxton, should Mr. Frisk of the Nillrose A. A. was, mare support to �,�,, while France is ex - bens of the Lancashire Light Aero ' su It must seem very strange to those, Baldwin and his party aspect loins-, than three minuteB'behind Michelisen. ' BRUISPAR prone Club put up a record by flying tram+ y o s via. leaning rather to- t 1 ° w ohco�me .here from a great distance �,m England to Karachi in India in ,trial. Peace? "They had done- nothing ` He wise olos+ely pressed by the Cana- waa•�d Jugas�l+avia. to deserve it" dlan star, Pearcy Wyer of TQrouto, who ' ���y r� flncl this kind of rivalry, antipathy, .two Moth machines. I ., • There is Oral undoubted divergence `► VIP �� �P 1 �� 1 U.S.! 1; almost dislike which at first appears to' During the year 1926 Imperial Alr- -��- . rain a stteaady race all the way. liJI V lest between Ontsrian.s� and Quebec- i ways comp4eted, a.caard3n+g to the Tennis Regains Favor. ----`� - - omcipi+s�i antii--Bolshe ist�i among and terms of their , agreement, a total I Tennis once the popular game in France refusing to. permit proceedings 4 ars, beiwean English-speaking and Exiled Canadians. ► f Trade Carotis to Franchspeakin°g Canaddans. The horsepower mileage, of 549,139,440 and England and, neglected during the fol Ottawa Droit (Ind lib.):- IE the Gor. against Moscow's agents who enjoy ► Officers O P 4 second fact is the more extraardinarq, a mileage of 732,980. An additional lowing the �rorld 7 T, iia being revived ;ernm+ent were to set aside for the re.parliamentary immunity.. These diit f" Stud Norfolk as an Export Study p [ for one knows that once the most 46,400 miles were covered on stp+eciad with greater �enrtihaisiasm than ever b8 � feremces are not serious in 1}ra:oticaJ Trade Centre. bigoted English-speaking Ontarfan has flights apart from the subsidized Bay- tom. it is distta ping golf and dancing amount tion of Canadians they half the t 1 aonsegwcm�, but tlieiT repetition con ► Washington—By the initiative of the !hecto in real oantact with aFrench- vices. In air survey work it is eon- do the race for favor this y x. ,l;vemy ainouant of money which they spend in g y order to bring foreign Immigrants here, ; stitu'tes a warning, ► Vir cola. State Chamber tE Commerce `• Cana.dian for a few weeks or at least sider2id that this branch of flying will muni01padity Jr.making public courts, „Gemetrally, •the recent efforts to sub - Virginia they would be daing a good stroke of ' 20" of the leading business men of i a few .days, theyunduetan•d each other have no difficulty in supporting its' U. and the London Countzr Council have stiittite a policy of 11 -German rap- t Britain, including nessofficersaf the�.p�feetly well, and Have a mutual rer, coiistru�cted hundreds of taped spaces. business as well as a patriotic work. New Grubs Start Some people pretend that repatriation pieehement for the FranoaBritish an - Great Association of the British Chambers sped fcT each other. Behind the bar- llIaaichestter hats mare than. 400 courts te'nte will receive a chock. There to In the Light Aeroplane Clubs. the is !inpossibl'e and that exiled Cama,' of Commerce, Federation of British clay of language which some like to and. Airdarabatt alone has 80. One - membeasttip at the end of the year was dians established in the United States even ~ France for a closer accord bra. h Imduattrie�s, Chamber of Shipping of the I think unsuxmountable, from one cause 1 058 of whom 97 members held pilots' firm is making J40 hams Ducts a yea? will never retnarn to the country. They + tween l�rauce'and Germany, but not at I. Uinit•ed Kingdom, and the Associated or another Prejudice after prejudice ldcexlses•. Apaxt from rho six odgcially j for pnvaite. use, and in nearly every �e wrong. It is evident that thvso•. the expense'of the quarter•centuay-old ► Chambers of Commerce of the Irish has been aecuniula,ted. The result has residential sectitou may be seen the entente cordiale, assisted flubs, six other trioses have a • who succeed across rho' line will not Free Slate, have arrived in the United be mufiva+l distrust, sometimes even teaming tarp of lawns and gaxd•en's to - hats. Throw down this barrier and started iaidependantly, inCludingsl a make way for tennis. The increase in .come back; though most at them auifer' ► States. Private Owners Club. The es-ta+blIsh from nostalgia. But the others; all ► Primarily the party will explore the the dream of the Bonne Entente so the number of private 'courts its affect- Port Alberni Grows Into menit of Unfvexsity Air Squadrons at those who, living here oil, farms, die Fish Centre. possibility of developing Norfolk, Va., often conjured up will not take long to Oxford land Cambridge is•'expected to crag file sale of garden seeds. In Great acted because of bad limas, or b•e- ► as a receiving center, for British goods, I become reality.-Quebe+e Soleil (Lib.) , Britain there acre at leaA+t 2,500,000 p . have a beneficial. effect 6n civil f13 -Ing cause there was no plaice fair thean on Viotoria:,' .B.C.-Canadtlau fishing In but the visit cannot fail to improve the +tr - benni+s •p+layers. i l by spreading knowledge of aet•ohautics 4, — !the. parental estate, who f,,tqp+ped in terestts -on the west coast of Va.noauver general social and business relations 1 among members who w1bI toll w a non rise Amaa3Caxa iat�lus.trial aeI tries and Island •ase -beginning to recapture from ► See Canada First. �. k temperance reformer (who was_ between the -two countries. a live in an ' rallitary profesIon. blessed with an extraordinary rubicund are now 'the victdms of the unempiloy. thio UnIttecl S+tattes the g'oh b sung ` Quebec Soleil (Lib.) W Work on the two airships, R-104 meat cassis which Is raging business which for in -any years has age 'when everybody travels•:. • We nose) was lecturing oii the evils of g ng in the New Floridar California or which is baring built by the Airship dsiwks to a party of workmen. All }tinglaiid Sfiates; would they itot ,be been ionic through Seattle. Part Air Sayings of the Week. go dawn to I`lorida Guarantee Company, anti 8-101 by the well until he s+aitd•: "::. and I ready to return to Canada if they found beirul is btang built up as the Centerof maltte a trip across the ocean to Lon want w Educattion which leaves God out mag, Royal Airshlp Works~ is proceeding have -never tasted a drop of strong 'a_ soled or asiizatiCn to assist tbeon? fresh fish slZ ptnents inste+ad of Seattle. w �rvdnic>e icutElleatua0 giants5 world pn don,, Pan is or Rome. Winnipeg, x3dmon , ,a.nd it Is hoped that both airships will -_. In the past the ltarg'eat part orf the fl Stioians or millionaire captains of lm- ton, Victoria? We hardly ever thluk liquor in my ase." Noticing a work- be ready to undergo their. flying trials I `��. r caught odf the island has, been shipped' ► duotry. it will never produce men who of them. We dream at the Alps, before man looking rather skeptically at luim,1 he Worm i the Bud. ► tri' during 1928.. A comp+l+ete section of . �' to the Aanw,ttcam p+oa•t for reshipment ; we thunk of the Rockies, just as we go' he said: "Well,, do you disbelieve my ase men. If God is left out true man- R-101 was erected in July. 192 and t. I Paris remits As soon rve we have to alll, parts of five United States. ve+a: at-B.is+ho: to the White Mountains before we Statement?' Well,' ansRvered th'e i++aod can never be artri D submitted to stringent testis wsth sat- recognized the coil tendencies of a ria a result of efforts• made by Cana th of utchfleldt have saes the tieanties aR the Lauren workman, '"I don't exactly ter b lf6ve, t isfactory redwlttt. i liusdne+sts man in co-opeisatioii with sr. tiaras, Thue do we acquire an inial+• � '. ~ter, but I dunno which ter believe; p,•opagaavd+a which conceals its pre•, dish i rarnlwa s• fish' is moving in; Laalde'd estates that outwardly look New Form of Beacons Bence under the noble name of hu Canadian y , no firm as the Rook of Gibralbar are national spirit before we get a real your nose or your mouth, for the one ►, „ m•aiylty, of which int .is In fact no more large quantities from fort Alberni to, vtamishiing 'through the sale Taom.--. Canadian sentiment; We do not toy In goumd organization prelluiinary, , Contradicts, t othetr. than the hidieaus+ +carica:tuire, which _eastern may over Canadian lines. enou h to know our own country. ,experiments with a: Neon tube sunk in --= Davdd Lloyd George. g I Gime `at substituting -Class hatred fotr To male this posslblte extensdve Cola land is a ]load, of Infinite Strangers flock to It and go into the Croydon" Ain:drame graUnd a� in ;;. 2b , Eng tra h lean i. i. o� Jte •that the democracy and at marking a savage storage, fac l'itias have been insb:illed. acstacies over its charms and at. G the d and t s p sib variety, loveliness and charm.—Am- ; , n - s if , �;� � � land of a •civil�z�ed core, We, a,re YoahCad on the Canadda,n ooa><st. , 4iassadar Houghton. tions; we know nothing about them Dg3 pt India route may bre thus, g itedc F +' o cal 0 h Iaoes which are ° 7Ilte osis of radia -tele .hon and wire -6 ,,� ( to a deguite oonelusdon. The ,rpeogni° .---.- «— art! A good snatto Sar cricketers is "keep except to Eiequent this p t> J1, lJ r' tion of the foots tleinsnds,'action. And Good maps.play an important p r, a otralght bat and a inodeet mind)." T in kbe Pashion, This should not be in less direction finding axe being choreas c • r neither 10- ped. .Aircraft t>a: able of currying a - � aotion demanttls co-aiieration• Cotta- itt assiatin+f; tourists and :other to enever yet mita .great ttiiicketer ora any country. If Irl wee a It p , p1 "� y muufsm is the violeit brother o1 joy the 14e uty and grandeur of th d cricketer w was Caaoetttd,— tureegve nor varied we aluould never- total of fi�am five to ntnt> persons. tas9 `�� )J ^� sCener:" in aur national arks. Recv iso b±9 gocialfsau. , The one wdglues, to destroy y p' V. Warner. thele" .Jpat to know our own country telepbotny, and, those oai•rying 10 or. iy po. • ,j I'lte good unclerstawding that extdttd grert �� cMllized socfe+ty in 6.11 th+e h+o+rior tof nNin+ this fact the "10 graphics �i• � " Det of this interior, li ' •r operator and use •telte+grapliy, wiretl�ese! � _ ., civil war. The othan• wishes to destroy i Survey, Dept. ,a iia. of I{ootena betivaen Mnggwd and America treats .— "` • �- Z( _... .. ___ ,� _.. It by Ingenious pa oeess+es and ldi the recently published p not upon alliance but upon, f:aYnda• The training of Indian children in spare moments, of legality. Commune' ark in British Columbia tlii su An itre�trttuueni.t svhdch should prove _ _ ... to verities a ,& on tlhose veritios I Canada is one of the important activi- valuable for night or fog flying Is the o Heavenly oy y h krd a. Soclallsaii a P c ark the Barri Windexm m+exl, 1 R, 1" of. Indian Affairs, S•chlllovssky-Cooke, turn indicatotr Whldx "Well, how'd you cisco~ your flshin$ ism � the .., f rte fth 1 wit h p lfeltiays ,tea future, of civilization de- ties of the Dept 'tri' V, s:naret. Bath are murderers, In their autofnbbils road passes. A+new`eili acids:-- r1 J3allfour. There are nearly 15,000 Indian boys Is un�lusrgoing extended tr►�Ys, Woigh- le hence is no, difreretteA cloth afro tion d Waterton Lakes Park Writ} ha , Indian Ing undeor 3 pounder it only occupies Ilad a heavenly time-- caught sun acid t !'here is t more (he histor g etour and. is ue der t eel in the 344 rad n h and atarfish every day att the samo target which I* th6 vary alio been printed as the first issu time -- 4o read tbadi theft at •fife hisitory of our schools tinder the direction 'of the De- ifive squaa�tr inches' of dashJ7oai�d spa Ce fish, moonfis vivo for try:- S1r A,7freel Codrisa>;tou. �ltartiiiert. `and its .oleetrically o;;retrated. If, for I was out." l lieaat of our socioty. had becomes exhausteat: