HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-06-02, Page 1Vol. XXV I.. I No48 ZURICH, THURSDAY MVCORNINQl, JUNE 2, 1927 I 1Ciiester ]!I, gmiti4 P10 ,.wM.. *11.25 X Tea* EIS 'A.4if'.R $1.50 TNAJ1R).'AR$,$2MAY BS. MARCU 2 Celebrate this Spring Season by cleaning up and planting flowers The Ontario Millar Control Com mission announced' the other day 'that the• houral of safe m fr they Iiq- aeor +stores throdughoutt he province would be ,fronn Efb ani to 9 p.m: n week days and from 9 .ann. to 3. p.m;. on Saturday Li Toronto and, if it la found advisable in. •.other large 'centre„ one store will be kept .open later in the 'evening 'to look ,fates the late comers and "presumably to cott< off the, last e%our, ce from whilie the bootlegger might draw bossinesse Motorist% who own newer ears vement% have been so imprea+sed with the oil 'performance* of their purch- ases that some of them are falling into the error of believing that consumption oP lubrication is " neg- ligible at all speeds. : This is not the case. Despite the improved lubrication 'systems, 'high speeds still mean greater oil consumption. +--+A NOTICE Is hereby given that parties being in the habit of 'taking eartl:i from my field, are warned not to do so in future, or a proiseeetiozi will take place,. On the long tri when there lathe John Galster, Zurich. g p opportunity. tot ravel at a good i.-.>• rate, it is welt to look to the oil supply ale `it Was before the daieWOMENS' 'INSTITUTE of the pressure system, the oil The Zurich Branch of the Wow filter and other crankcase impro-meals institute held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening,May 31st, at the home of Nina. C. L.Smith ":tti +•.4. 4.4• + F�"i' `.4.4 ,4,4,44ot"k't"="tat',2..4.4,4,„t'q"'"p''y"j,1,44' The .meeting opened in the usual manner, little Mae Ingold Smith .F rendered a piano ins'.ru.lnental.Elis• iness was then transacted. The annual report was read by Mrs. A. ,T. MacKinnon as follows; :Dur- •� ing year we had eight meet- ings; \'en very . instructive ,papers s,• were g'iven 'ley different member 4. oft he Seciety. A very interest-- ing address "On thiPeare of Teeth' was given by Dr. '.Cowen. Mrs. The Earning Power Series For Young Men A. YOUNG na.an, age 28, may ?secure $10,000 protection for an .• annual deposit of $121.00. His policy lean be carried on this basis until age 00 to cover his productive period,, or at the end of aive yeah he n?aaY change it to a Whole Life Policy at a premium of $189:80 '4This extremely low premium, is subject to reduction by an-' nual divide/lila in either case ala. the Earning Power Series e+ participates in ,profits. . The triumph "off 1927 in low coat .insurance protection. .el'l, Rates at other Ages -Age ' for $10,000, 4$104.ff ; age 25, ' $118.50; 4. age 35, $137.50; Age 45, $177.50 -'t LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, Can. Smith, our worthy President; gave a line report of the Convention• at + London; had also some very int1• .g. E. krcits m Zurich 4. $c•++++4+1r^3t++°b++:e+++++£+ :++k +bl+l++I++i +&++A++€ + +i +++i°+F,.:.1 ++++++ as • ••ssesesssol s 000000©000•0•000400•00•0006000eessese0 0 A a • • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 3 3 NEWEST Fashion Thoughts In Spring Footwear Brown's Boot Shop Windows FORETELL ANT INTERESTING STORY OP NEW SPRING FOOTWEAH. tiiAleiLiONS. THEY ARE AUTHORA.TIVE AS THE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. THEY WILL IIIPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDARD, OF VALUE OF THE MODERATE PRICES,. AND YOU ARE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION W :LRE GOOD SHOES COST LESS, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY?' • 0 it 0 0 a • TRACTIVE AND •SEASONABLE •0 • Zurich ilat Shy e cresting contests for which prizes were given; to the winners; also gave a number of prises to the school Pair; +sent a ba of rfuit and , other :dainties, to .the C.hild- dren's Shelter at Goderich; a few boxes: of choclates were presented to the Prick at Christmas; donated frz5 Oat ,ward's Horticultural work;; Sunday visitors at the home of Mr One dollar was sent for booth at and Mrs. John Hey, Jr. London Pair; is also donating for improvements to the local Town Hall. The 'election of officers re• Mr. and Mips. Thomas Johnson aro visiting fieends in Kitchener. Mr. Jones of Exeter, visited wtili Mr. S. Jacobe, one day last week. The Misses Hayter of Detroit were week -end vi:itois at the home of Mr., and lVlz?s. J, Hey Jr. Mr;. Calvin Williams of Buffalo, was a week -end visitor with. ,his brothers and sisters here. Miss Iden,, Howalo of Waterloo, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Air. and Mrs. Henry Howald. Mr, George Volland of Detroit waa a week. end visitor with rel- ate es here. • 'Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel of New Hamburg were visitors at the home of Mrs. S. Beanie tllepa'.t week. Mrs. Johnston and Miss ter;arg- aret Johnston of Hensel' were vis- itors the past week with Mrs,Mary Stelck. . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey and son Frederick, of London, were Mr. Milton Hey and Earl Rus- sel of Detroit, spent Sunday at the: home. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, suited as .io.lows-President, Mrs. C. Jr, L. Smith; let Vice-pres., Mrs, I. HO; 2nd Vive_ Pres., Mr4 C Fritz, Messrs Gordon and Garnet Wal - Secy, Mrs. MeeKiu.non 'a'reas-e. per of Detroit, are. Lis t'eg their area Miss Jane Lamont; Pianist, .parents, Mr. and Mips. Ca per Wal- ?per:: r t Miss + P. Pfile. SP ING Miilinery Mr.. and 'Mrs. John Weiland autil and Miss May Schwalm sp- lit Sunday at the home of Mr. Alf. Reichert, Mr. and Mrs. John Dingel, Mr. Herod Dings', 141s. H. Sattler and Minas Ma.rgue'ite Prang, all. of De- troit ' isitecl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang.-- Miss Ethel Hos returned from WITH THESE NICE, WARM AND Detroit on Saturdays BALMY DAYS ONE CANNOT Mr. and Mrs. Oscar :stiller of Kit- chener, spent the ;-eel;.-end at the HELP BUT THINK OF THE AT-' home of Mr. and Mils. Jacob How- [ aid. • The Fourty* Hour Devotion Ser- SE'RING BONNETS AT vices were being observed in the local R. C. Church hers the begin- ing of •the week, and were well at- tended. • • • eta Tholb • 81?AIEt�T(I • • LodATE tiTLSt i17014TE • {{����•/�qq��,��qq��,���,.,,gqrtR��qq CJ�ee1111:��.�}}r.,,p�1+�,�,�.,��y.w p.,ry �y �./� .T �qp,,},��p .I� . Sy,+i+•••, 'lM 1C+'l:...W.+,1 �1Y` .1J•ID"WK+3'J'fcosse+a WV�Y 6/246 660seec• -.4 4+b .4 - kler - W • 400.t 410 +(t arc+W4,4),44.44P41+•4,4kit ig�•.ts. ++,.,,4,.,t,.x+•444 04, .ttib h� LA 4 3 Mens: AND Y. 1 f� ES COATS • LADIES . 4DI1 SSKS: WEN'S! STJITS. ' 7 vercoats .at•AI "'1+ ALL ,wnc DS, WILL BE SHIPPED WEDNIeSt lLY .1, UM! TO BE II ERE. FOR SATURDAY. :ea SATL ACTION GUAi'rA wT"R.EEl 104 435'di/ Y 1%143) 143) Caps 'MORN Ile G, relONR reV .•4 LET US SHOW YOU OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, 5 STRAWS AND FELTS, AT POPU- LAR PRICES THAT WILL SUIT ^EVRYBOD Y Miss Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Colosky, Mr, Albert Ehley and bats .Low:: and children all of Detroit, were visiting With the form. 'r's parents Mr. and Mrs, C. Colosky, Some real good catches of fish have recently been made at St. -Joseph, by the local fishermen at i that place, we' would refer to the e e r fine haul on Monday- morning when around a ton of fish were lifted. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT, Much sympathy is extended to Mr. an ellehis. Robert Mou se au, ConceYsi0n 5, Hay Town'shil) in the less ;of their infant son Laird Robert, aged one month arnd'seven Thursday 7.30 pan,. Prayer and days the funeral was conducted by. Praise the Ilen,sell Presbyterian church. Get the real spiritual blessing by The bereft parents have. the syr, - enjoying this all itilportant serpat:hy at. a large circle of friends vice. Friday Friday, Friday C. L, Smith, ClassLeader 4.10 p•m.--Jr: E.L..CE 71.30 j)irla..--Sr. ELC.B 8.30 p.m. -Choir Practice Sinnday 10.00 a.m+ t'Vor:ship .Subject; "Quenching ` the ;Spirit." 11 at.m,--Bible School, Holy The f:rat -game. of baseball in Zurich: for the reason was played on Monday evening when Cred-i iton was, over. and played our boys. a 6-0 tie game.. The play ing was ilot as snappy as it might h v e en, ie tee one o'les. only Le- ,ur1 And the weather has been . toncold to do effective practicing it takes real warn't ;weather for good baseball, The imperial oil Company of J: E. C- tsoho, Superintendent. Canada have announced another droll oft wo ce-lits- a gallon on .,30 p.n>.-1\'orasllip 1 ;•;,!tees which v, -ill bring the re- Subject; "The I3urning Bush," tall Peieo down two c::nts reo t' ur 2', cent:i for ordinary gas, and 30 1:nnecchexe, -cone' o'W, ° 0.1 e."r11' rents ' )r+ the higher • teat gases. Wii:h these" prices prevailing . one should, not: Mind running the car at the present prieoa of gas and th cnburidanee there is being of•-{ fered fo ,ale The rea•voar ;orfleeI E1 etybody is Cordially Invited. redfirct+on is mei to b • an nt ,1Prn_; onetlon of carbo ail `,hr,of Rev, W+ 3�. Dro er,, Pastor rn t )I o'l, however, v, i 1 rens, n the i 4e y'.I;11E` as tor1.'o.1y i each day, 111 turn aside and 'stop +and ;pray That God may make our clench the way, .f righteousness to men, , $10.00 Buys a Waltham °lhll 16 Size Fancy Engrave. ed Case, Only a few left FULLY GUARANTEED BY US Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1927 Spring Delivery YES WE HAVE Dropped the Price of Coat ANTHRACITE VIE BEST GRADES PRODTt3C IN THE UNITED STATES. DIRECT PROM THE MINES GENUINE DNL1V & W. SCRANTa * The Standard Anthracites THE D. & H. LACKAWAN, The Free Burning Anthracite. FILL UP YOUR BINS MEOW; THE PRICES ADVANCE .m.. ... Cs ante o HENSALL Phones --Office low. H011iSta •••••••9•9e0 0.* 4 lt-pou 94• •90. 0-+. b*96040+ 4,040! .4boQio$9!400tgl? 0. • • • FRED ■ T HIEL - ZURICH LEATHER GOODS, E1'O. Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BRAGS, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON RAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BL•�- ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see Our fine display of Usefull Goods+ . HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEi.+ 4. Sprin ot i ¢ ear ... 4. NOW is the time to secure your 4. New 'Spring Footwear for Style 4. while our Stock is complete WE HAVE MANY NEW LI NES TO SHOW YOU IN MEN'S +tt+ • WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR. A COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS WORKSO'OTS. Where Quality, Style and Prices Coma +t+We'�i1Ct! +i» 0. FR TZ & SON - SHOE MERCHANTS Repairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized on Rubler Bobts, Etc, - +F+ 4++I++II++++ ++ ++4++#++[+ ++ ++t+ + +4. ++ +.£.t'p+.i.,i++l++e• ++3++ +i++000+00+ + r4r•+114 a We Invite You To call and. see Our new Rayon, Silks, Broadcloths, G i n g h a s, Prints, Galateas, Shirtiugs, Denems is; Et o. ALSO DRESS LENGTHS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, MISSES .,8N2 LADIES, ALL OTHER LINES OF OUR STOCK WELL ASS+, ,' ,. TED 'UP, AT. REASONABLE PRICES. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ar DOL/GLAS GENEi'a-AL " ,G:6 ` N.iNti". PH. I E l` - 97 SLAKE'