HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 8,S. P 1. 11.0e . P [1r Mr'iYSllir it,431 O` . goleum ThigS Sizes from 73:x9 to 9z15. Our stock toe large, so will give you an op twt:tla . o ' y these at a ;kg' all Con - c o e 3..'ly ng m c l, ,Ia v 'd. wide Linoleunas in a voiriety of p uterus IPSO INLAID LINS,, CONOOLEUMS, FLOOR OILCLOTH, LET KIS SHOW YOU Olin BANE OF FLOOR COVERINGS AT A RIGHT PRICES. 0 ds! Seeds! NEW GOVERN3fi:Nr TES l SEED CORN NOW ON UAN,p, ALSO SlEy.GEL AND i'l'isN S E!. AN.D A FULL LINE OF GARDEN a: i3 SEEDS, CHICK FEEDS OF EVERY KIND. TRY OUR GRANU- LATED OATMEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKS. .- d r, tilde) Reprs TS `.\ i :':a.•. ;: = a R=EN'i` OF DOMINION VIRES AND TUBES E ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 771 ril F.fAt7 ...,� 2) ei IF IN NEED Ole A BATl.E.RY, WE SOLICIT "YOUR, PATRONAGE. i °E CI Tr. " .' i I n OT,'' PRICES O EReELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO AND oa rilmIt CHEAP BATTERIES, AND .BL` -$k fi3 wk.' GIVE i4 It Vi WE IWE MAKE SA IISFACTOR2 ALLOWANCE ON T O't E OLD BATT- ERY. 13A1TERY REPAIRING' AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER HER ELECTRICAL OR M.P.C.°HA.NIcAL, ALSO AC- TYLE i_`•;'i"'?,PTNG, &a; n ( :i:-.795 LEADING GARAGE 42-9 t ar_.JEb:vt::tom al WOMEN'S BLACK MERSERISED DIOSE, REGULAR 35c.. AT :.., ...27c WOMEN'S WIIITE COTTON NIGHT GOWNS ,.AT :.:. . '\'OMEN'S BROADCLOTH DRAWERS, REG. $1.,00 AT T. ,.I 75c ;75c A FEW PIECES VOIL, REG._ G._ 65c AT YD. ... ...,.... ..sass.... 49c. PLAIN 'BROADCLOTH, REG.. 50c. AT Yd, ...39c STRIPED BROADCLOTH,REG. $1.00 AT THERE ARE OTHER SPECIALS WHICH' WE DO 3.,;()T MENTION. HERE COME AND SEE. ITEMS C% " L• ` " 5?zrkx Children should b2 warned. the danger of playing ball on the stre ,t, It's pruo.y hard on the youngsters who hav3 not apark or a "vacant lot near by, . but playing on the 'street is taking a l big chancel, You mustn't slap a preacher, even if you do not like what he saysl. A girl over in Kentucky was recently sent to jail for slap- ping a inanster who preached a- gainst bobbed hair. 'Doctors advise listening to th radio with clo ed eyes, roniet`Iiae t lr'calxlCl be a bit' of relief' if on fax siA L 'r Butter lb.-_ of. Eggs 40 i en could also close thn Ears. - e ttv na• a i r Mutual to Ii z::ti self' ms. will open k 7 �` 4 31,6 L „„r r '1: on 'r on Juno11 and will� hr<rCc�tlt�stt conclude on Tues 1 ay, July '5, .ac -• Dried apples ]n, -26-24-20 Wheat Oates .., 7y.25 Barley -, Buckwheat Piourr..... Shortie per ton Bran per ton._ Live Hogs emt._.. _ t-� _60 - i _.j 4.75 3.75 - —_ -.34.00 32.00 10;.25 W- ednesday) cllo and Lpip,fr self fits 'vests .will aae eupy the tiltza, period. Dewing the hist throe or fou years than ha' Ii ca a marked re-: ival in ince .est in apple grow ing in the County of Huron.. Far more ori 1 ealieing that in orde lo have e roar ketabl, fruit, the orchard sllo ld rec-.ive at least the ''same care and tnn',as any -otliE farm crop. As ^ �•nsult one not- ice:, a.]i through th , county a large number of orchard's fromfromwhich the c°?oad wood, sulpha.:sulpha.:branches and sucl-erg rowth are being throro- ugltly pruned, , li OF 'WOO'DSTOCK TEE L.r 1 GEST BUSINESS OF 1 0; ANN' OA.NA l)IAN C011 aN F DO - d WO BUSINESS .11.61 ONTARIO. cording to :announceinJnt. Hig school t'ntaa ,c Laudidates will �t rlt4 thi.' a 4 . ; S �,:a Tuesday;. Wei na:ala a.iJ inu.s, Jun.' 28, 29, 3 Lose• Self a. ;,a1 :, r.? scheJu'e to.• Jrt.;e, :4. 37,'3 .2 and 30ih,;;Mid- " - CAS \.ND BOii.r'. ;I ON HAND r' i129t454.14a .Being an increase of pIn rance of 85,365,485 over 1925. • '• � . " l` 9:Liaaiifk¢ li — Zurich id w:f+ °I AI SRA .i.1Au,,f r IN LIGH- i'N11.4ri RODE, AND ALL KINDS z'1‘1.17 L+IRE II.v 3IiIt.NC1a FOR .fL .A c hale: man in \i"iniple Bull, one year old. Is troll good milking stock. Elgin ialcKi•itey. Stanl.5 NOTICE TO CREDkTORS NOTICE in, hereby given under ' the.. statutes, in that behalf that all persons having any claims a- : g,.inat Joseph Poster, Sr., late of i the Village of. Zurich, Huron Co - WANTED unty, . Retired Farmer, who died on -.4"fie-f.,A4.40,04rbe • the 27th day of March, 1621, are WORK ON FARM Exporirnc required to send to the undersign fed mals•..cl 1, C:tieilan chp,omecl eu Txecutora, fa211 particular; in 1uIl17-�'•mtn, wants raoric,on a farm. .'•t'1'lcing and verified by affidavit, to Apply to Willie Illul101, , i• of their dein-+ and the nature of ,r H',s•alt, R. R. T ...:,:` " TIME ME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN- ING WHAT BINDS OF CLIME S"l;D,S TiIE4 REUI RQE POR SPRING SEEDING, WE 1TAVE ON 11._!,ND CHOICE LOTS OF rim- pR1 R,E tiT .GRADES SUCH AS r 4 �avt4a'atia�y 'MAO and • LLWE YOUR ORDER.' NO,W PRICES RIGHT. • .9 4! Pniri _ e� JUST nJ C!H�l w E'O A C- ILLOAD O1 rROST WOVEN FENCING, , L ' i u B CTIRBRACE ANDCOILED WIRE, GATES 1/`, STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ,"TC. .see.::"-iailTa m ===.11marea Ftp 5a tut PAINTS! '.a_NTS! fit 5V3a ALSO OL'IflvTa:E) A I:. a'lIw all- ta SHIPMENT OP 1 HER IN ° eeta t WLILIAMS PAhal SA f YTSTIES, OILS, STAINS, IIINA.I'0 40 ELS, et 00 flo FULL LINE OF II:f AVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS .S Civ HAND.. t 40 tot 'ZURICH -- iNT. i II FOR.SALE ^uai.3a.a; if any, held by diem :Ion or before the 4th cl y of June, 11927, after which date the 'said ex - 4i' nra ruin proic^e,d to distribute , the' assists of the said deceased hart :RubberCll.', H ;;y Plate'Eat-1 tori for $13 na . • Also one nearly new firnfrew cream. Separators I L z,. L. A. Prang, i. STRAYED AYED Unto my p erala�^.a 14th con., 11 ay, 1 r et ali' aud 3 2-year+-ol ca4ttlt, owner can have sainn b paying all expt:tresee,. 1.serll. Brisson, Zurich. CTCF OP REGI;7TRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE is. Ii0reby given that a 1 y -Law was p4,,;ed by the Town- iship of Stephon. on the 2nd day., of May 1027, providing forthe issue of `Dc.bintnia ,a to the amount of $772.00, fns the purpose of . pre- vidinn -•ire Ftolute4.1on in the Police Village of Dashwood, and that such :i'•iw r'a:Y a1g11..r3d in tbo Registry Office in the County of :Hurn, nn 'tho Intl day of May, A. D,, 1027, at 'I .18 pan. in Book IT., Township of Stephen as number 491. Any (notion to quash ,orsc!,t aside thv soma, or any part there- of ImIst ho made 'within three months after the first publication of tfai i otice, and cannot be tii'ac1. the7eafte4 gattaa Tai nd, th•' 25th, slay of May 1927 Henry Eilber, Clerk for Stephen Township,i regard only to the claims of which he' then shall have lead notice DATED at Zurich, Ont, this 16, az, of May, 1927. NICHOLAS FOSTER, JOSEPH FOSTER, Jr., • Executors, Zurich, Ont, WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY June 1, to Oct. 1, 1027 We, the undersigned business men' of the Village of Zurich,' ag • tee to close our respective places of business emery Wednesday aft- ernoon, beginning with June Int and encling on Sept, 28th, .1927 L. Sehilbo. A. F. Hess: J, W. Monier Brown's, moot Shop. Stade & Weider J.. Gyscho & Sons L, W. Fiolfman. C, •1+ritr & Son'4 Os's^h. T. L. Wurn4L Johnston & Ti'alb$leisch W. G. Itein & Sons• Gi?n O'I`3reip, Ed. Y�\ Gana. George gess \ illiari;s Bros, Vers, V. Sicbort• Solan Nipper Dr. II. H, Cowen*, • .J. 4 :Thursday h7tay beas riabJe 11 ... `aVware e .S p ng. is here and S e can supply he Pubjie with Seasonable n e : ware at;moderate pllees w A GOOD SUPPLY OP BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDING COUNCIIL STANDARD ROOFING AND CEMENT.' A NUMBEE, OP GOOD SECOND HAND HA,N44 Svita A' VERY CHEAP. FEING- A .CARLOAD OF LUN•DYS LUCKS TIE WIRD, r ED NCLUDF.NG WOVEN, COIL, B.RB0 BRACE A.ND STEE �iR . L' POSTS, TIRES AND TUBE A PULL LINE OP GUTTA. PRRCHA• TIRES,NONE BETTER PAINTS AND V...' IS A GOOD SUPPLY OF ANDA I`ULL. LINE O, MARTIN SENOUR 1.00% PURE PAINT, NAMELS, CHI NAIVMEL VARNISHES ALSO PULL LINE OP' MURESCO,, ETC AUTO, FURIVITLI Full Line of F'w.rnitux in Lilting Room. Suitte, Dining Suits, Eed Rao s 51; Suite, Kitchen Cabinet*, g Room Chairs, A NUMBER OF' �' %�� Rocker's and haiROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED! PRICES. GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMON'S. BEDS - SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, BEWARE O]i SUBSTITUTES 1 !-=•i 'RUC RUGS a( -ALL SIZES IN WILTONS, AZ•-, TVIINISTER AND TA PESTR YRI7Gft Jht� KibfFI sc „.Hardwaree. & 1� u r r.a. R Phone an= nxtata+9Tz crsntwrasmxrlrert:, ftemerr K,T,rala,evasce > r s e••-••.,,.,.,y9•MMASut ':sesesusel c¢rramaes clanlnaxcin:,rrNuemete +r..inmtente7Onevnialetwae•iti Wira:11iliEM,.cvmence xmintiimattaapmet _...:..,,,.,seralMIreereg i-...k;2NcwttMs r_"remeneu•-a.am+mAmraesse=nv"'castsm,rix+a19amw`noaapreMe nac 'sans IIIMenaserekezrer.Wemeu 15.1ters¢w.anmatee THE HURON & ERI,F MORTGAGE COR?QEATJ[ON WAS A. TRUSTED INSTITUTION WITH CANADIAN PEOPLE. TOTAL ASSETS $39$558,363.00 ARRANGE FOR A H. & E. DEBENTURE NOW, AT THE GOOD RATE OFF 4.% INTEREST PER ANNUM PAYABLE RALF YEARLY,' AS n •lt2. e `i, 4e 'i.. C9E ',i rp,IglY �'Cpk!k MOTTO i -SERVICE A.I:.'D S.4 'i TY. Hama You MADST -YOUR WILL? .Artutx Y.r(FT•. T 17.,G el,m,41anSMRr :,M(YeaMITapC=5/1/12M m'a'tt, MIL .'C :'Aryl Lvu.,a....caa••RU=474.-mar '1 "mme.-._i'. 1.ntinne1:L2• ]RYFA•t•nne-,4 PPS .tees=9T+Tl.SF.M`d:...L'ti4.Nc6t. N7SaAs..^.C.d ... • E obc. Harvey cif L. Y. Hogarth Etaife of gents —+ Canada. EXETER .--: ONTARIO 11. a7•e'cra,04aUDi:CGi 5t7.nt'SM Ittenlart7., 9' z1 s+Adaa4af11,4 T �au y,,4��. esu „, -action-, eeri EXETER Wilfdam9 it T WAI.PE , HO SR, 1117117.,s.a' a2 • [ Every Tuesday, 10 a.im. to, , 1 . 1 r t1�i'.'-»,roe.. °t ,-4,.....R-,6r....R1,r-,14..,.4....o ,..,4 .--44. 11/4 ,--4, .. 42v ,lir a enc,. TMLORz • f t . (`'f T THROWN • `.I t O -C F'I`IAEE BY T H V S. WHO '• r'11 r'7 I1WNN BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW; 1 The New Sp c lg Minis ARB RIGHT UP TO tJ MINUTE ` ON . 4 F. ¶PATTERN, TERN, STYLE AND QUALIR... TALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED 1i + 'DONT be mixled by buying f,cheaper and inferior goods. `,' BUY from these you know will I,'sell d' behind everything theyH t1YIERCHAN T TAILOR, W, 11, BiiL PIZA.i Son, ,u k`t,:..A ```AND 1?t7NERAL I naDot Otto, Day and' Ifrig I+ha ule Nva 4. : —•4'--•►> •-., ..-,E_..t:- +..-- ...W.;, ;,.,..,4'.,,,. r+..•.. .47