HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 6ni,. Fresh T�a Go�i
Settled air -tight Fresh and delicious.
The oath, taken as he held in his
arms the body of his dearest friend,
Philippe De Vilrnorin, sent
Andre -Louis Moreau, young lawyer
of Gavrillac, to Rennes and thence to
Nantes where his fervish speeches
roused. to action the citizens who
were chafing under the oppression of
toe nobility. Phillipe has been trick-
ed into a duel and brutally murdered
because the great
Marquis de La Tour D'Azyr feared
the "dangerous gift of eloquence"
which the idealistic divinity student
possessed. Andre -Louis swore to'
carry on the cause of his friend and
revenge himself on the Marquis for
Philippe's death and because the
profligate noble had sued for the hand
of the beautiful
Aline De Kercadiou, niece of the
Lord of Gavrillac, who was popu-
larly believed to be the father of
Andre -Louis.
Returning from Nantes, Andre -
Louis is met on the outskirts of Gav-
rillac by Aline, who warns him that
soldiers are waiting in the town to
arrest him for sedition. He flees and
takes refuge in a barn where he is
awakened by the voices of taro lovers,
Climene and Leandre, who are panic-
stricken at the impending discovery
by the girl's father.
"Now, my friend," said M. Binet,
"will you be M. Parvissimus and play
Seararnouche to -morrow, or will you
be Andre -Louis Moreau of Gavrillae
and go to Rennes to satisfy the King's
"I yield to your most eloquent and
seductive .persuasions, M. Binet,"
said Andre -Louis sweetly.
Dressed in the close -fitting suit of
a bygone age, all black, from flat
velvet cap to rosetted shoes, his face
whitened and a slight up -curled mus
ache glued to his upper Hp, a small
sword at his side and a guitar slung
behind him, Scaramouche surveyed
himself in a mirror, and was disposed
to be sardonic—which was the proper
mood for the part.
He bowed to his reflection in the
"Buffoon!" he apostrophised it. "At
last you have found yourself."
Ten minutes later the three knocks,
sounded, and the curtains were drawn
Andre -Louis was assailed with nau-
sea in that dread moment. He at-
tempted to take a lightning mental
review of the first act of this scenario
of which he was himself the author -
in -chief; but found his mind a° com-
plete blank. His arm was clutched,
and he was pulled violently toward
the wings. He had a glimpse of Pan-
taloon's grotesque face, its eyes blaz-
ing, and he caught a raucous growl:
"Climere has spoken your cue
three times already."
Before he realized it, he had been
bundled on to the stage, and stood
there foolishly, blinking in the glare
of the footlights, with their tin re -
esters. So utterly foolish and be-
wildered did he look that volley upon
volley of laughter welcomed him from
the audience, which this evening
packed the hall from end to end.
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"Name of a name," M. Binet groan-
ed, "what will happen when they dis-
cover that he isn't acting?"
But they never did discover it.
Scaramouche's bewildered paralysis
lasted but a few seconds. He realized
that he was being laughed at, and
remembered that his Scararnouche was
a creature to be laughed with, and
not at.
A ripple of laughter from the audi-
ence had been steadily enheartening
him. It was clear they found him
When at last the curtain fell for
the last time, it was Scaramouche who
shared with Climene the honors of
the evening, his' name that was coup-.
ap'rracal, Our chance meeting VMS' a
fortunate thing for both of us."
"And now for the remainder of my
"Ah? And the proposal?"
is that you constitute me your
partner, with an. equal . share in the
profits of your company."
The decision to which M. Binet fin-
ally came Was, naturally, the only one
possible in the face of so firm a re -
(solve as that of Andre -Louis, who
held the trumps.
In the end the matter was settled,
and the announcement duly made to
the assembled company. There were,
of course, jealousies and resentments.
But these were readily swallowed
when it was 'discovered that the lot
of the entire company was to be ma-
terially improved from the point of
view of salaries.
The one exception was Climene.
Her failure to bring to heel this in-
teresting young 'stranger had begot-
ten in her a malice which his per
sisient ignoring of her had been
steadily inflaming. She had remon-
strated with her father when the new
partnership was first formed. She.
had lost her temper with him, and
called him a fool, whereupon M. Bin=
et—in Pantaloon's best manner—had
lost his temper in his turn and boxed
her ears. She p e up o e a -
count of Scaramouche.
One day she threw herself in his
way as he was leaving the theatre.
"Will you tell me what I have done
to you?" she asked him, point-blank.
"Done to me, mademoiselle?" He
did not understand.
She made a gesture of impatience
1 "Why do you • hate me?"
- "Hate you, mademoiselle? I con-
sider you adorable. I envy Leandre
every day of my life. I have seriously
thought of setting him to play Scara-
mouche, and playing lovers myself."
"I don't think you would be a suc-
cess," said she.
"Given the inspiration that is given
led with her in the calls that sum-
moned them before the curtains.
It seemed to Andre -Louis in those
clays that he had found his real car-
eer, and not only was he beginning to
like it, but actually to look forward
to a career as actor -author that might
indeed lead him in the end to that
Mecca of all comedians, the Comedie
Francaise. And there were other
possibilities. From the writing of
skeleton scenarios for improvisers, he
might presently pass to writing plays
of dialogue, plays in the proper sense
of the word, after the manner of
Chenler, Eglantine, and Beaumar-
Now, dream though it was, he did
not neglect the peactical side of it.
"You realize," he told M. Binet,
"that I have it in my power to make
your fortune for you."
He and Binet were sitting alone to-
gether in the parlor of the inn at
Pipriac, drinking a very excellent
bottle of Volnay. It was the night
after the last performance there of
"Les Fourberies."
"I will concede it, my dear Scara-
mouche, so that I may hear the se-
And Scaramouche proceeded to un -1
fold a scheme that filled Binet with
a paralyzing terror.
"After Redon, Nantes," he said.I
"Nantes and the Theatre Fewdau."
M. Binet choked in the act of drink-
ing. The Thetre Fewdau was a sort
of provincial Comedie Francaise.
"But why not Paris and the Come -
die Francaise?" wondered M. Binet,
with saroaerie when at last he had
got his breath.
"That may come later," says im-
"Eh? You've been da-lmking, my
But Andre -Louis detailed the plan
that had been forming in his mind.
"We'll talk of Paris after Nantes,"
he finished, supremely inatter-of-fact,
"just as We will definitely deolde on
Nantes after 1edon."
The persuasiveness that could sway
a mob ended by sweeping M. Binet off
his feet. The prospect which Scara-
s-nouche unfolded, if terrifying, was
also intoxicating.
"The thing remains possible," said
he then, holding his glass to the light,
and speaking catitunlly, "as long as I
a,111 With ori,,"
4#4. -my dear Scaramoucho,
Leandre, it is possible that I might
be convincing,"
"Why, what inspiration do you
"The inspiration of playing to so
adorable ur Climene."
Her lazy eyes were now alert to
search that lean face of his.
"You are laughing at me" said she,
and swept past him into the theatre
on her pretended quest. There was
nothing to be done with such a fel-
low. He was utterly without feeling.
He was not a man at all.
Yet when she came forth again at
the end of some five minutes, she
found him still lingering at the door.
"Not gone yet?" she asked him,
"I was waiting for you, mademoi-
selle. You will be walking to the inn.
If I might escort you , ."
"But what gallantry! What con-
"It arouses you to be cruel," said
Scaramouche. "No matter. Shall we
They set out together, stepping
briskly to waren their blood against
the wintry evening air. Awhile they
went In silence, yet each furtively ob-
serving the other.
(To be continued.)
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Wilson Publishing Company
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Monday Morning's. Trial for
the City Bachelor.
There's laundry. On Monday
morning when the alarm clock sounds
its busy matin and wakes me to find
the sun or the rain streaming through
my windows my thoughts turn auto-
matically to laundry.
1315 Ii'' � w I assemble it with care. The dress
shirt from behind the bureau and the
one hanging in the closet. Yesterday's
socks from in front of the fireplace
Sandbox days are here, and little in the living -room. I go through all
flk hhave been playing indoors my pockets for handkerchiefs. The
all winter will be having glorious procedure forms a catalogue of the
times in bandboxes and gardens. The week's events. The dress shirt con -
small person pictured here looks most jures up ihemories of an evening with
attractive in her cunning little frock,! a young person who had theories on
trimmed with cross-stitch in bright- every subject within range of my des -
colored silk or wool. The diagram perately versatile' conversation. They
shows that it is the simplest, easiest also whisk . into my mind another
sort of frock for mothers to make, 'evening and I find that it is less clear.
each side of the front and back being I look at the shirt closely. Sure
gathered to a shaped section, forming � enough, there are spots on the bosom.
a yoke and sleeves. The straight, Champagne, possibly. In that man -
bloomers are gathered into bands at ner each garment affords a clue to the -
the waist and knees. No. 1315 is in history of personal trivia:"'
sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 years Then the boy arrives. I spread 'n
requires 21/2 yards 32 -inch material. sheet in the centre of the floor, shame
Price 20 cents.
Home sewing brings nice clothes
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the mode is delightful when it can be
done so easily and economically, by
following the styles pictured in our
new Faslrion Book A chart accom-
panying each pattern shows the ma
terial as it appears when cut wit.
Every detail is explained so that the
inexperienced sewer can make with-
out difficulty an attractive dress.
Price of the book 10 cents the copy.
Write your name and address plain.
ly, giving number and size of such
,patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., '73 West Ada
laide St., Tororto, Patterns sent by
return mail
Treat corns with Minard's Liniment.
Grubs for the Butterfly.
"I wouldnt marry that butterfly' if
I were you."
"Why not?"
"You'll have to grup all the rest et
your life if you do."
lessly divest mystelf of pyjamas,
bundle the whole beneath a thick knot,
mutter a little prayer, and the ad-
venture is inaugurated. • It may take
almost any form, from a loss of the
entire quota of haberdashery and lin-
ens to the return of more than was
sent away.
Often it results in damage. Wong
'Lee, I recall, was the undoing of four
shirts in a single washing. I put on
my best in raiment and manner and
called upon Mr. Lee. "You have,"
I said sternly, "ruined four shirts.
-You must reimburse me for them."
I hesitated. "Pay me money for torn
shirts." Mr. Lee did not understand.
By and by, however, I mentioned the
word "Policeman," and the reimburse-
ment was forthcoming. It is the one
word I have found that makes an in-
stant impression on foreigners. Tell
them what you desire. Wait. They
will shrug. -Then say "Policeman"
and the world is yours.
Again, you may get somebody else's
laundry. And somebody else's laun-
dry constitutes one of the best indoor
sports with which I ani familiar. You
untie the package. First there are
wash ties. You giggle. Then there
are silk shirts. You chortle. Striped
night gowns. You guffaw. Red wool-
len underwear gives you game and
Or you may find transplantations
in your own laundry. Many a reput-
able concern follows the•doctrine of a
sock for a• sock. For your checkered
tan wool sport socks you may be given
green (isle. The permutations and
combinations of this exchange of cour-
tesy are unbounded. And there is no
redemption at the laundry itself. A '
gentleman in shirt sleeves points
mutely to the mark on the foreign
garment. It is your mark. You know i
perfectly that it was put on imme-
diately before a wholesale washing •
and immediately after a general mix-
up. But there is no reprieve.
There is no reprieve, I mean, ex -1
intents a chemise; and a very nice'
one, too. But that is another addi
Every man feel( instinctively that
all the beautiful sentiments in the
world weigh less than a single lovely;
action.—.T. B.. Lowell.
Not by lamentations and mournful
chants ought we to celebrate the fun -I
eral of a good man, but by hymns,
for in ceasing to be numbered with
mortals he enters .upon the heritage
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For perfect tinting of dainty under-,
wear, dresses, etc., the easiest way—
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Real dyes will get such smooth and
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parations for the purpose! Diamond
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you'll have an effect that's beautiful.
And if you want the tint permanent,
just use boiling water!
Diamond dyes do a perfect, "profess
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hies sample shades and simple direc-
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'lons, in full color, request a free copy
of Color Craft of DIAMOND DYES,
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