HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 5Thursday, May ;�titIiy 1.92'1. 1181 "P STEB, SOLICITOR, NOT- ART PUBLIC, STC WOO, ,, 1HaaQic+i7toxa Sire +'t. Jesit off fat, *pm*, GODEETClFI, Ont: arid yi attention strtsar+ to # se1 ��i1 r#tt Court Work. Sir. Holme May be t.-o.oa tilted at Y ich 'by phone said phone cChar.geao eeveirsedl. Dr. . ... C O E 14. lJ.etto D. Do B. DEtstfAL 'SURGEON At 'plug; BLOCK, ZURICHev very Tlhr,xeday, Friday and ',Satrr'1'- 24 • • Mein leittiete,... 311NR.1CL3&'YE'tt BLOCK, DASHWOOD #thein Il', He'ss,. Township Clerk ;finer of r aineriag'e lieenses• Notary clic, Corrni'baineer, $e and A.,ut- igPobile Irtstter^arrce . ISepre+eentialg. i;igmrom & Erie Mortgage Corpor- iiitiOn, The -Canaiia Trust ti ZURICH — ;Pi' t„ YOUR ti Wants, For Sole, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN Test this first Try Mae. Sybilla Spars Tonsrly itirs for Sore Throats, Head colds, Brorl•- chi is, QUirey, Cough, C'at,arra, 'and I o::ta l Ai meutsl. `Good r.istit t3 or money back,.. Wagner's (reeery, Zurich. og 311 t GOIPP lraduate Carey M. Jones, Nat- teefeal School of el n ung. Tr Try ;g for Registered ock Breeds). Terms in keeping With prevailing prices. Choice Manse tor sale. Will esti anything. ilasessehere, Zurich. •y{chcn® a8-93 or write„ Nance COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HAY The CCoi r~t of Revision to con - bider appeals against 'the 1927 A+sseseinont Roll, Hay Township, will be .held in the Town Hall, Zur- ich on Saturday, June 4th, eat 2 o:clock, p:. nk. A. F.. HESS, 1 i ownahip ClerX. Licensed Auctioneer MOR HURON & MIDDLESEX ,;AM INA POSITION TO CON- of any auction •,sale, regardless to size or articles to sell. I $Dil!eit your business-. and it not :tp;>ftilefied will make no 'charges 3or Vertices. 'Arthur Weber, a Daeh'Wood. ep>ret 13-57. $111110011106000000 0Q00,5840000411100 00 Zurich 1 Fresh .and Salt Meats at Bologna Sausages, etc it� Ugliest Cash Price for Wool HASH FOR SKINS I. EW)I'.s :2 Tungblut ei1L.1 rte x t ddt IFR' SALE There will be 'sold to the high- est bidder on Saturday, May 21st, at 3 `o'clock ' pui: the old Fite . En- gine and" hose cart. The Zurich Police .Truldtees VVtrtsamea:90414s0411 talest+lliaat>��.�u+eese ZURICH LIVERY Mr+ d�Toalr Sanara'a spent . elle holiday at hila home liereW Mr. and Mee, Wrnu. F, Breala and family of Forest were Sunday itors with relatives here. - Mee ee Jean Lamont who wad taken ill ',1a'at week with an attack of appea1dreit'e, 'y.s improving :nicely Mr. LaWrence Rats :of ed with his parents, Nlr. Detroit, vi3rt and Mrs. 3. ,1', Rau, FOR SALE Baby Chicks,good and healthy. Will also take in eggs for incubat- ion at 5c. per, egg for June hatch- isng, ..Garnet Deters', Hensall P.O. amain a position to acconao- Mahe sill requirement's in the Livery " sasses, Nave Auto for hire. - Any it ing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 1llalione 59 ' Zurich,Ont. LIVE IP0U LT RY `!141 ...„t111WANTED Taken every aay trifid 3 O'clock,p.m. .11)0 net feed WWI Mamie Morning *Ton brought ice. ighest Cash Prices —CAM SU FOR--- C1"Gm and Eggs O►''. O'Brienj t. WANTED Mr. mid Mies. E. E. Ruby and family of Kitchener, were week- end enc' i'isitors with his • parents here. Mrs, Stelck of London„ wa'a a, weekl;-end visitor at the home of Mr. J. goy, Jr. Mr. Hamilton of Chatharn was a weak -end. visitor with Mrs; Ham- ilton ofthe village. Rett,. and Mrs Dreier and Mrs. Josiah Geiger ' attended the fun-' eral ot the late J Geiser, atCred- iton on Friday last. Barrister 3, G. Stanbury •of Ex- eter, was in the village on Mon- day,- oan=day,- attending the.. local Divi'son: Court. A lin.i` ed quantity of choice pot- atoes, must be absolnfely free from rot. .Apply to George Deichert. Phone 20-94, Zurich. • eh lee heavy work ing horses, all well broken in and ready for work. 73alance of hor saes not sold , at the auction sale, at Zurich on May 5th Can be'seen on farm of Thomas Kyle, ` Parr' Line, Hay. For particulars apply to ,Partl,wr Weber, Ana o eer, Dash wood, Ont. • FOR SALE A num of .M'er'e. D. Melsaac. of Crediton,` .and.Jacob iSseith of 'Detroit; called on friund'a in the villa'ge.one day last week, „ TO MOTORISTS Following are rate's for Automobile Insurance for six n,'onths — Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Essex, Overland, Star ; Public, Liability __ __. $4.90 Property Damage-,_._ ._. $3.50 Fire and Tranaportation 2,50 Othoi, Rrtte:s in propoionrt. A. F. HESS, Agent, — Zurich Mrs, F:' M. Hess returned from Elmira last week, where she had been visiting with her`:daughter, Mrs L. K2lbflei:sch, Tow a. few Mr. Melon Re'steme.yer, who, with his •wife, have been visiting • ciartives leeeve for some St eeksa left cin 7 u'''sady; ofr their home in Cavalier, N.D. WANTED A1 belled number of cattle for posture for the coming .season. Apply to David Gingerich, Zurich FARM 'FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Farn:• for rent or will take in cattle this ,sun^rmer t 16 Con. 7 Ha Write or phone, W. , C. Pearce, Exeter;, Ont. Lo , , y :$ FOR SALE A' kitchen cabinet, good aanew half price. Apply to A. F. Hess. 4-4 AUCTION SALE t strange , Who is 1.`'1:"• is the best'.:'; •`+'t Ger ince ::.+.fe=d, that Lil.ied • come stands io,tlr the symbol of tion :of the (i . i .rty" which. Lintel t 3, 1914 nssscs No i " irrltLariat c r( fto5esin the gri ,nd t'ttpublt.,+t Still, it is u • t exagger:r cion to say goy :Ss. 'luau Hiss'' ft Et would be inoto cia.ssif. t . solo? of the rich to you( 1vethe tni ...t. n. It work. • OA Mich God for- t : L, Conimnn• ist, Bolshevik o •::r a mere Inde- pendent Social - follower of Hasse, then, int -;'oft hate Noske. Ls the devil 11.:, ce i L dark ass t a masa mn and things to that effect. Then tie ()pinion of him can be summed .p to the exciania- den,' "To — will NU'ke!" On the other h oil, if your favorite ioior is white—ti'-Lt Is, if you happen to °be a Democrat, a Liberal, a Re- ;iublican, a supporter of Ebert—then +;osk.e is your chief hope in these lays, when hope is about.. the scare !fit Of all eommottititis between tie lihine and the Vistula Then you cal" Noeke the 'strong man," the mai. rho "saved the republic," the back. l',one of Eber't's Government, the Gen ,non Ganibetta, if you please. Then v, ii •will adopt for yourr slogan tin, ,nod ern German , equivalent of "Le. seorge clo it," and will clamor en- ' hnniastically, "Let Nock' do it!" But if you—still as 'muting, morel; ?or argument's sake a'aI 'without fh, slightest intention to offend, th•: you are a German — if you are s Slack, a Royalist, a pan -Germs . • tanker, an Imperialist, then yo' - 'ie apt to dispose. n- Noslre wee • ..(est r !nptuo.us ,,upward and imn r, of y=ur h n1, aceornp it: 3- 1; "Ach ja, der I•;oske!" Now, this behooves an exelar:•- ioa, First of all, you have to k 1.u, at Gustav No.>ke, es the Geri e!: "Who's Who" for 1914 (the lat available) testifies, was not: only 'born at 13ranclenburg on -the -Have, on July 9, 1868. but was born tle son of a common weaver; that 11• has only a public school ed a tion• that he started out on his career f t '? cabinetmaker's apprentic : the: later he drifted into journal ',rn r worked on different Socialist e' gens till he bec=ame ec_itar c•f 11, Chemnitz Volkstimme, one of t', most. important Socialist ruble. tions in that Saxon stronghold of F-' eial Democracy. 'And this wetuvertl son, this "Sozi," this scribbler, ilii- upstart, this nobody, presumes ncv to occupy the office: of a Se1iarrbore' and a Room and calls himself: Minis- ter of War of Germany. • From the Prussian junker pointet view the tragedy of it all is over= vrhehning • And yet you Have to be a German, of to know the German len ,cr :Ixrus'sln !tosay l?• !lie pros n1'; i rttnv f' ian i at i.. 1- h ypocr it •til resigt;r tasmoelat, to the It ,r,e on Awe we x he G.r)n T 'hat junk, .,,rh to k Doxnoerti.°s,. opinion aecoral Ner:tnan natio" ear ticular color fortune of bein tike this: If yet: !fid!) a Red, a • Mr. and Ales. W. K. Fink being +rel daug1nce', !Luis 1.ia o' :of Strat- ford, 'wer: Sunday visitor's 'at the home of 'Mr:' and Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man.. t Judge Lewis of God'erich, pre- sided at 'the local Divison Court on Mondays. A number of calsus were called, but were moistly pos- poned till next Court 'day;. A quiet wedding took placeSat ,"rda.y afternoon, May 7, at the Calvary Evangelical p ars,onage, Winnipeg, Man.., whn 'Lulu M.,. elcl'st daughter of Rey, and Mrs. S. M. Hanch was onr el'in marri- age to William Foster Jolanston, of Brandon,. Man. Next Wednesday afternoon- in the first a t 'rnoon in Jun" and as has been advid'ad heforee it is also the first half holiday fol' the sri;ro mer month's, so please -bear in mind that all paces, of buisivasa at,. sup- posed• to b closed every `tie {nes- tiro and German people ther3ugis- day afternoon, (after this week. `,c., in fuardornniness of to apnthe recinaale e ,lieNnskese.^ 1?rem(. . it is t' a kyr-t'bole of Pltlistinism. at low r. ste. of soci::l non-existent:'. Of Carpenter Tool's, ' Harness, tools, and Car. on SATURDAY MAY 28th, at DASHWOOD, at 1..30 o'clock. Ford Touring ear, 191.7 model; 'sausageg rinder and half -gal. press 50 -gal. cider barrel, grindstone, 2 burner Newt Perfection . coal oil stove, a quar$iity of tsealers,some carpenter tools, ;well ropes, flower chest, harness toalas sugar kettle and stand, 2 CCollie dogs nearly grown !spinning wheel, clock, a quantity of harness, step Ieadder, andn umerous other articles. TERMS Ca!sli. Arthur. Weber, Auctioneer. S. W. Greybeil, Clerk. j'frs. Alice Brenner, Proprietoress '�'Otoe 9tl 24nrich t1 d vim FOR • dip;: r_.•- teas'' °li; EIN, w 'atop :11,,tory ? ..,P SI'R'y'?w! iTtrtvIrt COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Til.! GENUINE! • Next -Monday evening at • 5.30 o'clock, will ,be the first game of baseball on 1:h1', 1o3:3a1 Wall] 071.1 10„ this season when the hu;tc" Cal- iton boys will be over and play our boys tis game. past .t ;1lr grame advertised for the ds ov'eeing_was not played on account of wet ,w^_ether, so let everybody (01110 out and 's.'^ this, the opener game of the eason.. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en''s. Institut will"hold the on- thly meeting on Tuesday, May 31, at' the home of•' Mrs. C. L. Smith, There will be en election of officers for the coning year, All mem- here, era requested to be pr": sent and bring others along. Also the paying of fees will be taken up. We are just experiencing one of the evetets spels that we think we can remember of, rain almost day and night regardleiss what dip ection the wind comes from,. It i'ag otting rather alarming "wither goodly number of ;rafm^ra in this vicinity who have planned to put out a large acreage of bean's, which ''should be sowu at this time of the year: Tee'sday, May 2'4ih passed off s cry quietly with no attraction's in the, .veaago,,''uand very few people !stirring around. A lar„ number of eitesene were at Grand Bend, where they attended the laying of the cornet' 's.tones for tlmc� „rc'w United Charah at that .Preset, Scranton Coal. ALSO '4ARliY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Col ttooD SUPPLY ON ILIUM TELEPRONE YO'kVR ORDERS EARLY TO_ Case $u Son ONE 311 " E.ENSALE 4l J. 5000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA: Canada's jubilee year, celebrating •a e;1. the. sixty years of Confederation, fedtion> is fittingly emphasized in the 1121 1lasuo of "5000 Facts about Canada"" the fa/noise tabloid cyclopoadia of the Dominion compiled by Frame Yeigh, the well-knoWn Canadian. publicist, lecturer and author. It 1.a, a tonic to road of bar r emell- able, national .progress • as tt'resyl Set forth in thio unique uooklet, tinder fifty chapters, front "Ag- riettltute" to 'tYukoti' , The con- tente aro more varied than ever, ,and will prove a. revelation to the reader, No better way of rn ak- u'ig ki'lo"t'Wrl oris i:eSetteet:e, Wealth and prosl)eete seeists thanthis pub- lication, and it ahorticl have a Wide circulation this .year. The Goy- et'miient could .we:l afford to aide it widely in this and other aottntries :'Copies may 'b'' had from leading b000lii'stores, or Iii sending 85 rents • CC.`ariaclian ?nets i ulr'i 11. 1 iii C'cr m;:,. n ,:so 'tIu;o1 Toronto 2, Canada. Lear er s Us.'tl to, Lapterr'e Flotilla. The l.latero of Soutar Americo Ives on he: 1'Ie trades, buy':. ?.n1 .el's on horseback, and in the wer with Spin with Llaneros eon - tribute(' 'm.u»li toward achieving the independence of Venezuela and New Granada, says the D'l reit News. There is related a story of an oc- casion when it was .necessary for Bolivar's army to cross the Apure to engage Morillo. But Bolivar had no boats and the •Apure at this point was' Wide and deep. The Spanish flotilla was guarding the river opposite the patriot forces. :Bolivar was hi despair. Turning to • Pa,ez, he said: "I would give she world tohave the Spanish ilot.rita, Without it I can never cross the. river." "R shall be yours in an hour," replied Pees. Selecting 300 of his Llanero lan- cers, all_ distinguished for strength and bravery, he said, pointing to the gunboat's: "We must have these - flecheras or die. Let those follow who please." Spurring his horse he dashed into the river and swam toward the flo- tilla. The Llaneros followed with their lances in their hands, know en- couraging'their horses by swimming beside therm and patting their necks, now shouting to scare away croco- diles, of which there were hundreds. At last they reached the other side and sprang from their horses' backs on board the boats, headed by their of every- one leader. To the astonishmenty one they actually captured the entire flotilla, The.Forgetfut Payson. ii'ield-Marshal Sir Hen* Wilson tells an amusing story of an old west country parson who had to hold Iwo services, one in his own chuu'clr and one in the church over the moor. On arriving at tho latter church ho got into,the pulpit and said he was awful sorry, but he had forgot- ten to bring a most admirable ser- mon which he had written. "Luckily,"' he t onttnued, "as 1 carne across the moor t remembered a beautiful story, which I will tell you in 'place of the sermon. Er -or• well, dash it, I've forgotten that, tool" eaves Deafness. Hearing has been restored to more; than two-thirds of his act'ideetttlly deafened patients by a French phy- sician, who massages their ears with sound waves. fr u.,:... J)r ,ore e1 F. pecializ In Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties o Face Powder and Face Creams such as YARDLEY'S, ARMA.,4t)ti c01' '.9, .POMi'ETAN TI,L SEL3 FL W F:R'S, W OOD B G,It' 'S AND Al AN Y OTB1 ,V is i•1.� These are Nationally Advertised Goodswhich have a reputation to maintain. • . In Tooth )'astes • we have Forhans, Tpana, Colgates, Pepsodent and .Hutax. All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIEUES Ob' aFTANINli CR- E i1MS, STICKS .OAP.4 AND POWIPl*1S. A1o`i0 A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRUti11Ei, '::1_I+.EI" RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADES . .t4 IviACAZI ES FOR SALE Dr, MIWWW (MacR:nnon, Zuricti W, ; A , ids'„ , ,, , ., >>"; f`: %y'S ug f , " WMA.ilaW 4- eat 4••1.• $•3•+++3 4=4+•E+'l'+tete ++'i'+'l4'i.++4 3.3•' ++ +44-54 lefetelee4.4-1- --r.y To Nacre toeomotivee. In Now Zealand it is proposed that •ileo railway locoinol iv. s Mehl ', ARE YOU ROOFIIG? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ' .1 ZINK CLAD NAILS WII,L LAST 41 TEARS OR MORE WFI'H- i i . T 'WILL- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. ?�O SNOW LL B1.0+4' O �+ or, hand. The ceilings to repair •i± UP AND NO RAIN WILL t,0 THROUGH . s Tes HE CHEAPEST AND TIIi;,i':P-ST. • • a' We 'still have a large quantity of Gyproc 4.• .Fireproof Wallboard, Use it. for walls and • .g. the old plaster before you spring decorate. 17-1 r l f';• PHONE (dit'. UR ICH i 4 .++ -.!-..-•,w.t,.rat,.:.+.33..h.Y+.s,z,,...a:4reeeaseee:,+•°r'l•'5'+1' +++see -ea eaaa0fi a Get that -Rubber Tirre Bugg 7 l ' - fore pipes advance. They -work on ail four, bit or miss' Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. 1, ,., HESS - ZUTUCTI 099113.. mva-a; u'a • 4.1-1 +.1..'i o i -1+o'+v3•'b-'r+4' : +++q+'++ , e°•r r'e r rM' r'r s'.a s ,a �-'w•a+i '� �'•Aftls 4 L 'L ar 4• RA o You K VI . YOUR SERVICE FOR 7SAI WE ARE ALWAYS AT OII S GOOD PRINTING' q: d _+ THAT WE CAN SUPPLY INVITATIONS ONS! ANI) ANNOUNCEMENr9 THAT WE PRINT CALLING , CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH.}t? • AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND :0 STA,TEMENT`.i +' THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING iyl.s.NUFACT 1 UDLRS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY ANI) SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENV �I- OPBS IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAVERS, CARBON TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, .ETC,, BTC, ata 1iAe WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLD '4z WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 50. LARCI G]3!R QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS HAT WE PRINT POSTING 111 .A.S, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS, S 0 'i ERS AND ALL GENERAL TER3, irILIfCANTILPu POSTERS a,. PRI `v`t'Tata OUR SP ars ~.1.:TV eili tuazl.e Solite of the great evonIS OX the T, i ,44. ,1..4. tepid Al's .........r.......w.-,... "41'1.4•'1"1".v+1`1"t4'1' d'$,^lt•''i,'l" i'i.•x