HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 404 four. What the Red Cross is doing for the Good of Canada Tor the Veteran Befriends 3,500 soldiers still in hospital . , . relieves sickness and need in their families ... cares for the soldier settler . < • provides sheltered' employment for the ,disabled in three Veterans' Workshops. For the Children 'Through Junior Red Cross, has aided 5,000 crippled children and has pledged over 137,000 school children to practice health habits and to serve others. For the Pioneer Brings nursing service to those in frontier districts through 39 Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations. Tor the New Canadian Welcomes and gives needed attention to immigrant mothers is.nd children at three Seaport Nurseries. Tor the Mothers and Daughters In Home Nursing Classes, has taught principles of nursing, diet and home hygiene to over 13,000 women and girls. Tor the Disaster Victim Is organized to afford prompt relief to sufferers from fire, flood and epidemic. Nation -Wide Appeal Canadian Red Cross Society Send Contributions tot Ontario Division, Canadian Red Cross Society, 410 Sherbourne Street, Toronto 5, Ontario ZURICH }MAIM DRYSD.AA ;E,. The 'Forty flours Devotion in tho Roman Catho eh.urch, opened last Sunday morning with thigh Mays at. ten o'clock, :with ;a, large attoiiClan c Sunday evenizig Fa- ther . Cad eosin of Mount Carrel,; gave a. very ulte•reeting, eei•anon on the Sacrament of Penance. Ori. Monday .e eeleg Father A, M, Stroe 1t r of Zurich . occupied the pulpit, his sermon bein; on' the Holy Euchariah. and Sanclifing Grace, which ,was enjoyedby a large congregation. .On 'Tue'sday evening th''e closing 'service took place with a large attendaanceE Although the weather Was very: disagreeable, _ each and every one of the :paiishio a;rs del their beat to prove their love, and respect to their savior in the Sasrament of the Alter„ Mrs. Matilda. Rindeaw of Detroit is visiting friends 'and relatives here at present. Mr. Lawrence I.egier aspent Sun- day with Mr:, and Mie. John Duch,- arree and famal r.. ' The many friends of Mr. Henry Rau ti rJib be pleased to hear that' hes is on the way .to reco :eery.. e Mi•. and M. Triffle .Laporte of Detroit, have moved their house hold effects in . Mr. Charlie Lap or.te''s vacant. house for the sum- mer. DUNLOP OFFICIAL SERVICE DEPOTS Herb. Mousseau, Zurich. L. A. Prang, Zurich. Geo. H. Beatty, Varna. Owing ;to the heavy rains of, tie' last few days it will be ,some time before the farmers can work the land, though it is bean (seed- ing„' time, t Mi. Fetor Etue of :Detroit, vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Alex FWD, oyez -Victoria Day. • Rev. Fattier Brisson of. St. Pet- er s Seminary, London, paid , is short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brisson, recently. • DASHWOOD. James Watson of Seeeorth, has disposed of one half interest in Ws office brill din g,'°'insurance 'bes- these sed 'sewing Inaeliine• agency t,o M. A. Reideel Holstein, Oet., and in future the lettkinees will ,be co:e- d:1We" under the' naive of 'Watson ee Reid, Ineui'ance Ag'ency1 1Ir. Vievesoe ,will.; retain an acti r tereat in this business, which was established over 50 years ago by hit father, ',tile late. W. N,, Watson. It is given to few 'people in tis c:eetury to round out one hund- red years of lief, but this was what was accorded, to David Beacom, who paiseed away at the home of his son, W. A., Beacom of kiullett, the other. day at the age of 100 Year's, orie';niont.h and eleven clays, The late Mr.;Beaeorn way a native of Ireland,` being born in. Ferman- agh on April '4th, 7 821. ide was a lad of fifteen when his parents carne teem. Ennealrillen, Ireland to Americo They eaiime'to Huron Co- unty, 'settling first in Goderich tp, Bear Bayfield where he farmed for re-lay year's before, moving toHul- lett Tp., About 24 years ago he retired froth, the farm:: and came to Clinton to reside. Don't forget the Band Concert to be given on Thursday night May 26th, in the Evangelical ch- urch shed. A good program will beg iven by the Canadian Male Entertainers of London. Come one come all and enjoy a good laugh and help the boys along. - Mrs. J. Kellerman and son Czar are 'spending a few da.yie in To al¢®►ObOA G+a/�l�i i4+�4��®®eaAO'0'+0O'®<►+f•�D4••�r••04$i►4p4 4. Autos and Auto Supplies . COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES,AND , WE' CARRY SUPPLIES, ._r 4µ n . vn YOU as n kr . v ON THESE 4 i $8.50 4 4 4• 4 4 4 4 °� VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY +i► TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY ............ ...... GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES �-A{T ......- ...•.. CHEAP. 2 1 SECOND . HAND 1, H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY C P. 4 2 FORD TOURING CADS 1 FORD ROADSTER GAIL._ 1 GOOD TRAILER. meeq! ABOVE CARS APB ALL IN 000D :E; UNNING ORDER. 4 BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND 4, � ;�I7 DO EXPERT� 2BATTERIES. • t +1 . RE -BUILDING B.A.1 1 ZlI IES, FARM IMPLEMENTS { 1iy. 'FO, FARM 1 T AND J JIV lJ 1! AND Z t I'A:EIiLi I11fiPL1` i N' S UA }'.,IlS _ �I E ARE FT.EAD I"l ;tom '� :� CARRY JUST 'tills KIND O iii MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE I'I FOR YOUR MONEY YaI7 THE BEST. AND LONOT+`.SI! SE.1tY Ct I" .i �. ii PIPINGS1? FITT PITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR •�UIVIPS, AN �' , v�►► rig ;� PUMPS. ... ea, a $140 ;£ENSA.LL. Airs. C. R. Hoggarth i'st;here Iris iling her parents, Mr. andi Mrsl. 'Thomas Murdock, coining here from Norwich. • gi'igs, 3. Sew. Bonthron recently' returned from visiting relative el in Waterloo and and Kitchener. ML+s,.' Peter Munn let in London visiting her, daughter, Mrs'. Milt - tin Ortwei:i, and intends reit aining. in the `city for a time. Our baseball enthusiasts ado fan's are 'wakening up to spring time for 'sportsLand with- our di- amond so :much improved, in fact 'one of Mlle fasters and best to be found. Miss Casernore, who has been engaged with d.'. C. Jojnt, was taken to her home ;at' el inghani; 'suffering from a pervious beat?: downs. Mr.. and Mrs. Jellies 'Patterson, accompanied by_ Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster, motored 'to Kitchener on visiting relatives. Peaaedl (to learn that JIr'st Robt. Stewart, Sr., (who is at present I•e- isidine with her .daughter, Mrs. Wirt Toronto,. is considerably Improved. co Mr. and ; in. Bell Melon Rest mpyer Jtos o Higgins will issue the to their •home -in Cavalier, N. D., on Tuesday, after visiting thew: pe •mi ::, for ' tbe Hensa'l d',s- for !some .time in this vicinity,. • tricts and has them now on sae. l Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Asea are vrsi,Coleman and son of Win tiMr. and Mrs. A Foster visited in el�elea ;Ig at the Evalzg Kitchener.. parsonage Lem Heeltlon left Tujesday for Mr, and Mrs. Clayton .Dille and sort Hur tn. ' Mr. end Mrs. J. Kuntz are visiting; . lies e NLrs. Ja's tiPreist and Mr, a few (lave iu KitcYlsnr, ' :' . '"and. Mr's. A. 1ticEtivan ever? tat Lan- don.. Mrs, Jas. Barnett, . of lToronto, retueziecl horn after attending the funeral of her brother, the 1 ,late John ,Thompson;. , Mary. Clark of Teckersmith is !spending . a few daze with her aunt, Mrs. G. Thompson. Mr Mn wet', who has b -en sp- end.1, the win 0 • mulths 'tv:te his daughters„ Mrs, Pack and Mrs. McArthur, is confined to her bed with illness and has a trained nurse Inc attendance. 7 MTS. Norman Coop and ;young son arrived home from Seaforth Hospital,. Mrs,. Alex. Mcfluetie has been quite poorly for the past week or iso,. FI. - C. Soldan recently took ' a trip out west to vigil his forever hornate, and also to look afterhis interests there.. 2bt1b 1927' SSEYHA (1441) PARTS *4+1 Put your machines in good. shape' with genuine Massey1Larris Parts. Made .from same materials and same patterns as the originals. Genuine Massey -Harris Parts are guaranteed to fit. PRICES OPEN TO INSPECTION Genuine„��pe,�pqq<M•H> Parts Are � Sold Sy GEO. K. FJ & �f�/ XLd4f ZURICH ONT. Miss •14linnie . Rinker and tfriend of Thedford. visited in town on Thursday. Miss Laura Reid of Godevich, visited her parents here on Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. May, 3,iss Tillie Ehlers and Mies Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener, were Sunday viiito3:53.0 the village. Mr. and Mrs, C. Stade visited in New Hamburg on Sunday Jr. Lorne Teniae of 'Western University, London, is ,sp'ndinghis holidays withhi;s parents; Misses Rosa Guenther and Fer- rol II it tleib of Windsor, are i rs'.t- their. parents,. L Mr. and Mrs..Hy . Schroeder of Kitchener, visited in town on Sun- day:: • Miss Ida Goetz who .spent the past weak with her parents, re- turned to Chicago on Monday;. Tires .s.,'os G. s OHS and Greases L. A Prang ' ' urich CREDITON Jbhn Hocking has opened up' a barber 'shop in the Fahner Ho- tel specializing in men's andlnd- iea' haircuts. Pearl Trlotz, Frank Scheidiri;gand Thelma Heatherley and Pred Hud- dleston of 'London, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mr's. Hy. Mots. Mr. and Mrs. C. Balsden, Ibl'r.und. Mrs. C .Dark of London, were vis itors with Mrs. C. Hoff sari. Henry Motz of town received the :news of the death of his 'fa- Cher, Geo, Motz, of Napinka,,Man, itobe, who died on May loth. COUNTY NEWS Te:;awater had e decrease of 50 during the ,pa's't year, in their, pop- ulation,. There tare. at the present time. about 1200 books in tho Kirkton Library, over seventy roluinee of aiiich were added last month. Exeter has been adinitbed to the Huron County Baseball Lea - gate whieh is now coposod of four clubs; Goo€ie.rich, Seaforth, Winghain and Exeter. At .a meeting of the Georgian Bay Fruitgrowei's Association at Shallow Lake, the members decid- ed that the Ben Davis apple is a dtlt'im `nt to the acres 1-11 m,;r.,e,,- leg of orchard fi'uitel. A4 a con - ' all trees of. that spec- ies, will be ternovt;d front' Grey co- unty orchards, Thos Sharpe has b?en appoint- ed lrsuer of permits for' Seaforth aiicl vicinity by the Liquo+. Control trot Board. The pried of the pare aeras. is• $2.00 and they : are sellieg cry blowr and expire en 001.0-har ?`« 31st, ne the end of the 'Pee'eirtcial EXETER • R Your Garage ''/HY endure another winter with a cold garage?. By lining it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked radiator, frozen water pump and numerous repairs caused by zero weather. ' Gyproc keeps out winter's bitter cold. It is also fire - resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Writeforfree booklet='MY Home.” It will tell you how Gyproc. Racboard Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. 3'HF. ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA. 154 Firepr' of s� lbOartl For Sale By Fred C. Kalbfleisch - - Zurich, Ont. Elmore Harnees has taken pos- session of the barber shop recent- ly purchased from P. M. Boyle. Czar Harness arrived from Detroit and is assisting hills;. This is the 50th 4nnivcrsaiy of the erection of Caren churech'apr- esent building and special arran- gements. are being made to :cele'- brate the levent. On Swndayt, June 5th, Rev. Di;. Rochester, of Toronto, will ;be present. i Mrs ,Enoch Penick., of town, ceei ebrated her 90th birthday. on . Fri - on. Friday last and is receiving the congratuletion's of many rfiends. she Is hale and hearty and enjoys all her factetie's;. 3. G. SLanbury was in Belleville ongaged in Court 'work. 1I'Ir. M, P. Giadiaan of Lonmdon taking his place here. • A quiet wedding was solemnized at James St. parsonage when MISS- Marjorie issMarjorie Delina. Clark, eldest da- ughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. C.Clark and Geo. Mc$an Grent, eldest son of Mr. and Mesi. 3. S. Grant,- both of Exeter, were united in marriage. A pulic meeting wa's held' bin the Town Hall, when a lively die, , tv sion took place in referenee to re-org,an'izing a town 'band. The matter of a pa`riot'ic celebratson on the occeision of Canada s Jubilee of Cortfedetation was assn discueseii and decided upon. The meeting had been called by Reeve W. D. Sanders who oecapied . the '&lair, 'Another well-known resident of Exeter pa'ssed away on May 11 in the person's of Welt.^r Westhoff, aged 76 years, 8 months and 7 days Tlio dceeased had been dint sine^ Christmas. He was born in The - born, but for the past seventeen steam ha!D made Ms home with his eisteh,; Mrs, Easterbroott of town. erste Ygoae&}.6I'ii. ±lJ.H'M'➢'Rn•Leoesesce vMrae. 'N/.ro\, a ,1414.4toothse e•YoMlie1. fit? # S T__74-*\ I '4/E/ ..__+ # Yes! Spring with its ` Sowing and planting time *=ill. soon* lie: here aga111 I AND WE WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE ARE 1 ' IPREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICEST 412 OP SEEDS, WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS111. SEEDS,0F TRTI WIELDS OR FOR PLANTING THE ROUSE ', HOLD GARDEN. COME IN AND SEF OUR FINE ASSORT, it MENT OP THE VERY BEST +ted• * IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT ;65e, BUSHEL I TRY OUR STOCK FOODS e GREENFIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR' POUL'T'RY., KEEPS THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGuS 71•Yl7 Y'SA:R RO- D I'JND.' AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL" KNOWN BBOMERY FEED. TRY A PACKAGE, till cline Li Zurich 1 0194901M11r2)0040)009244-090000009 4. 4 4• 4. 4.. 4. 4. 4. .,, •s- 4. 4• 4. 4. 4. + 4• 4. The New and Finer ,y. ontiac • New Beauty, New Features,- New Low Prices; 4. a.. The moment you see the new and finEr Pontiac willrealize that it is value and lead er- At, Six, you ebig •;. ship in the field of low-priced.SiR-es. Leet us prove this by a demonstraLonl P.,1 4• . WITH Se :CHARMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN- A°TION,S — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS -- GIVES YOU, TIII+I_ WIDEST RANGE OP INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE* BET-. TRE AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS. 4tr, You rat at pace and drive these new Paige cans before Tole, „IV y05.t calci fully realize the wonderful p rformance and the " amazing wham they, really are. Let u's demonstrate.. + AUTOREPAIRING AND GENERA], GAIL A.lI7 W OI{I ' 464, FSPECIALTY 4.d .• . ti ' '1 , �f1 .=Y 0 .'til � L9 1 tiaT,� , '4' .. ..;yi ' Cies Ads Gireases Tires Accessories, t !4.44++++++4,4+444+4.4,44+++44411.4444.4.444,441."I„4.44,44+4441444.4, . AIG Read Your Home Paper a„l.,d . help alon, sending 61 yotir News