HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 3Xr >t• ve re ti- . • of ne th- try :an the , rat, aye 'op.. not else t1 j.AFI O.W.L. With Langhter) MISTPiKES MQJN'FNL• MI K ' IN OH [f LIiTI.E RES Many rn )there give their children solid foods at too early an age and say Proudly thattheir babies "eat every thing that grown-up pooxile do," Stich a Bourse. ii+ uIMILI 't, certain to bring 'On indigestion and lay the foundation or ' much 111 -health for the little one. Other mother administer harsh, nauseating purgatives wllkcih in reality irritate anti•injuve the delicate etsmn- ach and bowels and at the same tlnie cause the anthem to dread all meal - cine. Absolutely no meat should be given to a child until it reaches the age of 18 months, .and then onl.y if approved by the doctor. For medicine, all strong, disagreeable oils and powders should be abandoned and Baby's Own Tablets .given inattat d. Baby's, Own Tablets. are especially Mother: "Daughter, I believe You made for little ones, They .are plea - would have been happier if you mar- sant to take and can be given with rued a man with less money." absolute safety to even the new-born Daughter: "Dont's worry, 'mother, babe.. They quickly ,banish constipar be will soon have dere." tion and indigestioib, break up colds and simple fevers and make the cut - The life insurance companies can ing of teeth easy. They are sold by tell just what you are worth at the age medieine dealers or by mail at 25 of 30, but they don't seen to tell the cents a box from The Dr. Williams' boss. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The man looking for trouble never CANADA'S NEW needs the aid of glasses, I INDUSTRY "When I came to town, twenty years ago," said a prosperous man of ample waistcoat, "all my earthly pos°essions were wrapped up in a bandanna hand- kerchief." "And now you own 300 acres of land and that factory on the edge of town?" '.May I ask what you carried in the bandanna handkerchief?" "Six thousand dollars, in cash and bonds." The more powerful the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it. The Ruling Passion "He is a wooden -headed guy!" Ex- claimed xclaimed old Mr. Staple. .. • The antique dealer shouted, "My! mahogany or maple?" What a man stands for isn't the whole thing. What he Palls for also counts. — The value of a dollar depends some- what on who has the spending of it. Last Chance There's always room at the top As the Sages oft remark. When other expedients flop, • There's where we'll have to park. Girl (to druggist) : "Could you fix me Rayon, the Popular Artificial Silk, Now Made in Quebec. Of 'interest in connection with the Canadian pulp and paper industry is the progress which is being made in the manufacture of rayon and other fabrics utilizing artificialsilk, one 'of Canada's newest, but Bast developing industries. According to report Can - adieu Celanese Limited, a large enter- prise which was attracted to the East- ern Townships of Quebec in 1926 is just on the point of production. This company, registered in Canada last year, acquiired the sole rights for the Dominion of Canada and its depend- encies of the Dreyfus patents and pro- cess for the manufacture of cellulose acetate, artificial silks, etc. The fac- tory has been in process of erection on a site of 170 acres at Drummond- ville, about sixty miles from Mon- treatl. Great interest has been exhibited in these fabrics in Canada. Artificial silk imports into Canada have been steadily rising. Total imports of this nature in the first nine months of the present fiscal year had a value of $4,075,436, as compared with $3,734,- 267 inn the year before, and $2,542,562 in the year before that. A market for yarns has been opened, principally with the cotton trade, with the result that already cotton mills in Canada a dose of castor oil so the oil don't are putting out large quantities of taste?" , mixed cotton "celanese" fabrics. The Druggist- "Certainly! Won't you Canadian knitting industry is like - have a glass of soda while waiting?" wise adopting "celanese." In the (She drinks the soda.) I course of the past year the new coin - Druggist: "Something else, Miss?" 1 pang sold over $1,000,000 worth of Girl: "No, just the oil." I fabrics and yarns in Canada, and the Druggist: "But you have just drunk future is considered bright for the in It.„ dustry. Girl: "Oh! It was for my mother." The Bible promises no loaves to the loafer. FREIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted where fog are not r'ejresented. SO Swedish Separator Company, limited 36a Notre Dame St. West Montreal Dropped and Cracked. She—"Jim Jones is certainly crack - He — "Probably—his girl dropped him." An artist is a person who can en- tertain and please you in doing some- less apply for his signature. Please thing that is in itself not particularly attach same by Yokohama Moe mak- interesting. You have to put words ing forge, but no cause to fear of pri- or musical sounds or pigments or son happening, ae this is often oper- dance steps together in a very spe- ated by other merchants of highest integrity. "It le highest unfortunate I,Ir. B. so godlike and excessive awkward for business purpose. I think much better add little serpent -like wisdom to -up- right manhood and thus found a good business edifice," A man at a restaurant ordered some sausages. After a delay of a con- siderable time he asked the waiter how long they would be. . "About four inches," the waiter replied. DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY L A;TICN Its file qualities . • areser ed in the modern Aluminum package. Algonquin Park, in Ontario, is one of the Dominion's charming holiday spots, particularly for the lover of fishing, canoeing and other aquatic shorts. Here a 'canoeist is shown making his way through the passage which beads into St. Andrew's Lake, one of the beauty spots of this delight- ful holiday resort. --Canadian National Railways photograph. THIS GREAT TONIC CARRYING IT TOO FAR. RENEWSTRENGTH Ito painful for a` live and suddenly S a plil ing lobster to be immersed suddenly in boiling water. So decided the mem- • hers of the. Royal Society for the Pre- Simply Because. it Enriches vention of Cruelty to Animals, after and Builds Up the Blood I careful consideration, in. London a fortnight ago. They protested to res - In no trouble is delay or neglect taurateurs against this barbaric more dangerous than in anaemia, treatment of the inarticulate lobster; which means poverty of the blood. It sought to discover a more h'nmane Is very common in young girls and !n' method of killing. persons who are overworked or con- Last week champions of the oyster The art of glass -making was grac fined within doors. It makes its ap- arose with claims of even greater tined as long ago as 2,500 B.C. by In. proach in so stealthy a manner that atrocities. Consider the oyster, said habitants of the Euphrates Valley, it is often well developed before its they. First, he (or she) is ripped presence is recognized. But taken in unkindly from the shell, stuck through time there is a tonic that so enriches the flesh with a fork, dipper in a and purifies the blood that good health smarting pepper cocktail, partly and strength elon comes to the for- mangled by human teeth, squeezed mer weak, anaemic sufferer. T•hiv down 'a narrow canal, smothered to tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which death in the gastric juices of the hu- for years have been the most success- man stomach. How can civilized sen- ful blood -builder known, and have sibilities stand for this, asked the oys- oredit for restoring to good health ter's friends. Could a man swallow thousands and thousands of people a slimy, wiggling baby toad and not who have suffered' from some of the feel any reaction in his stomach? many ailments that come through ? Edward G. Boulenger, Director of weak, watery blood. the Aquarium at the London Zoo, a The correction of anaemic condi- stalwart oyster champion, called at- er was a pious woman, or their father tions by Dr. William& Pink Pills is as tention to the following evolutionary' certain as anything can be. As proof axiom: "The higher the form of life a pious man.—Norman Macleod. of this Miss Margaret A. Smith, Bur- an animal as, e more teen y goyne, Ont., says:—"After having a suffers." severe attack of jaundice I was left in a very weak and run-down condi- tion. I was pale and my nerves on edge. I could not sleep at night and would toss and turn for hours at a time I finally decided to try* Dr. Wil- ing .terriers have been very effeotive. feel better, and aftef taking a few more enemies among which snakes, are most boxes of the pills I left as strong as' active. These, with the exception of ever, and could thoroughly enjoy my the one poisonous variety in Canada, rest at night. Now, I always recon- the rattlesnake., should be protected. mend these pills to any fiends who ' Owls and hawks are valuable as de - may be ailing." strayers of noxious rodents and the Better sleep, steady nerves, improved I services of the owl particularly should appetite, increased vigor—all these can I be recongized. The continued destruc- be yours by taking Dr. Wilddans' Pink I tion of the natural enemies of rats, Pills. Begin them to -day. Sold by all `mice, and gophers is held to have been medicine dealers, or by mall post paid ; largely responsible for the increase in numbers of these food-des•troyiug li s0 Mceeds l box from kvil Dr. Wil- i rodents. In cities and towns control liars' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. of rats and mice is largely effected by SD ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. The Natign'a Birthday Ring out the joy bells! Once again, With waving flags and raking drums, We greet the Nation's birthday, when, In glorious 'majesty, It comes. Ali, day of days! Alone it stands, While, Like a halo round it cast, The radiant work of patriot hands, Shines the bright record of the past. Among the nations of the earth, What land bath story like our own? No thought of conquest marked her birth; No greed of power was ever shown By those who crossed the ocean wild, That they might plant upon her sod A home for Peace and Virtue mild, And altars rear to Freedom's God. ' —Mary E. Vandyne. Are there going to be any regrets tomorrow about that good meal you're all set to stow away tonight, fetter take Selgel's Syrup. Any rug store. Glass -Making in 2600 B.C. who sold their product, mainly beads and weights made from glas paste, in Egypt. So well pleased were the Egyptians that they soon imparted the glass-makers themselves. • Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. There is not a man or woman, however poor they may be, but have it in their power, by the grace of God, to leave behind them the grand- est thing on earth, character; and their children might rise up after them and thank God that their moth - War on Rats The war on rats and mice is gen- erally carried on with traps and poisons. Ferrets and small rat-ca.tch- Items' Pink Pills, and soon began to NattLe•has also provided some natural • Business -Like Letter received by a London busi- ness firm from a correspondent in Japan: -- "Regarding tiie matter of escaping penalty for non-delivery of the Bar Machine, there is a way to creep around same by digiamat and we must make a statement of strike occur our factory (of course big untrue). Please address my firm on enclosed form of letter and believe this will avoid pen- alty of case. As Mr. B. Is most religious and competent man and also heavily upright and godly it fears me that use- cial way to make then worth listen- ing to or looking at. Ability to write poetry is a gift, and to the budding poet it seems that editors think so is the poetry, - "Worth' its weight in gold" Says Ottawa Matron Mme. Beatrice Charlebois could not hold pen to write. Nerves completely shattered, health ruined. Now alert,, vigorous and strong, she gives praise to Tanlac The two-year ordeal which she passed through before Tanlacoame to her permanent relief, was recently de- scribed by Mmo. Beatrice Charlebois, of 22 Rose St. Ottawa. "What I endured in that time could of be told," she said. "I was so weak could hardly walk. My appetite was poor and my stomach gave no end .of trouble. Gas and pains would brio' on fainting spells. "My nerves Were so complete .r. ?lettered that I jumped in f'- every time the doorbell rang. .f hand trembled so that it could t hold the pen to write myname.1 t after night I've gone without too nervous to lie still for even a rt.vr moments. ]Sven my housework be- came too much for me. "1 tried all kinds of remedies in those two years, but can honestly sal Tanlac gave me myfirst real relief. It burl t meup so that I've gained 111bs,, art and sleep fine and have nerves as calm and steady as ever Tanlae is worth its weight in gold." Build up your health on Pardee, c mad Coni nature's own e from roots, herbs'and barks. 'Your druggist has it Over 52 million bottles sold, 3,000 Norway Maples and American Elms, 8' to is. —51.80 to $14.00. Boston i1y--40o to :.,o. UN noses -40o. Tree Exports, Landscape Arohlteets, Gardeners and Contractors. Write for Catalogue. roost Forestry Co. Established 1900. F.O.R. leurearles, Toronto 1409 Bathurst St. - - Phone H11I. 1000 is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional Dyers use the y , Same Kindof FREE BOOK SEIVTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to de for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad- dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital P Indiana ..olis Ind. ISSIUt No. t1---'27. denying them food and shelter, through the medium of concrete and other rodent -proof foundations, and by sanitary handling of garbage. Beauty and the Spring Clean -Up. "Oh, let's go round by Aylmer: I wouldn't miss• those flowering shrubs for anything!"—That's what all the motorists say who travel the roads avid highways within fifty miles of the lit- tle town in Elgin County. All because the town council and the householder's have worked together to make the boulevards something more than a series of grass plots. They have planted eeirea (bridal wreath) be- tween the trees bordering the road- way, and when it blooms, the streets are a thing of beauty. To be beautiful a town must, of course, be clean: And May is the month for the town ciean•up. It is not a difficult task if everyone does leis part, and it can mean big things for the town. A better town means better business and better health; a cleaner town means a better town for tbe children, and a more attractive town for the. young people. ttubbdsb can mostly he burned, and the rest cot- lected and buried in the town dump. Vacant lots can be turned from un- sightly nuisances to garden plots by the "school •ei ildren in competitions pronaobed by business men or the hor- ticultural society, the flowers niade into weekly donations for the sick and siluten at home or in hospitals, sana- toria, &c„ while both flowers and vege- tables can be entered for prizes at the school fair. One objective o$ the clean-up, how- ever, is to do away with a possible breeding -pelade for files. : ie 1y that looks so timid and harmless in May is the diarrhoea 'fly that carrier, death to the baby. in July; it Iv the typhoid fly that spells' serious sickness to bun- dreds during the summer season; so swat the fly In May. "Better kill one fly in May than a million in August." Covered garbage, fly -proof privies, and fly -traps, are the first shots in the cam- paign. Eery man, woman and child can help by killing every fly they see• —.especially ill May and .Tune, p. { d Liniment. _ For Il a n�-�•lNtnar s o a The BEST FLOWERS &c, Thousands of Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Boxwoods, Climbing Vines, etc. Write for Catalogue. D. SPENCE, Importer 82 COLBORNE ST. TORONTO The Charm of A Velvet Skin— and the Pure .blood Under It Its influBloo More than skin-deep lie the causes of disfiguring rashes, eczema and painful boils. The trouble is impure or impover- ished blood. You can eliminate the cause and remove any trace of un-. sightly blemish by taking TRU-BLOOD. The taste is pleasant and the cost is only $1.00 a bottle. TRU-BLOOD is now obtain- able at most Drug Stores. Get yours today. A g3ttei,PRODUCT °5"1000 FF Sa Classified Advertisements, irkON'T Bit A QX. WORKING ALL TOGA jJ ire, Let no ten you how W wake s fo}v or puny dollars double and treble over and overt. TO risk, no obUgation. Beautifully illustrated booklet FREE. AVOCADO PAItn anovEs. "o" Fielder Arcade; Miami, Florida. A GENTS—SEND =1.10 Fon SAMP t BOTT of our new Auto and Olen Cleaner And proposltron to take orders, Exclusive selling rights elven. Satisfaction guaranteed. Geo. White,189 Sandwich -St. West, Window, Ont. DATIVEB$, BEAD NOISES, CATARII,ri;, Simple treatment which gave permanent reitej gladly explained free to any sutreeer writing Plenty Thomas, Andrew's lined, Deal. Kent, England. The invention: of keys is ascribed to Theodore of Samos, 730 B.C. CHICKS • .7hatFai. All that the name implies. From healthy, free range parent flocks. Bred to lay. S. C. VV.Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for circular FREE ONTARIO QUALITY HATCHERY ..1486 RichmondSt.,London,Ontario HIKERS Take Minard's in your firstaid kit. Fine for stiff murales, bruises and, insect bites. AINS ALL OVER BODY' Two More Cases of Feminine III near Relieved by Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound !. Barrington, N. S.—"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. M husband and my father did my wor for me as I have two children an we have quite a big place. I read in the paper s`bout Lydia E. Pinkham'I! Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mail and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle and then we goo from more frothe sere. I arn' feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel so well. "—Mrs. VICTOR RICIHARDSON. 1 Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. — "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and the weakness from which I suffered for five years after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it."—Mrs.I+_JCI3NSON, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. 0 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEA "'T a.. Accept only "Bayer" packa, 6 ,mom wllic contains proven direr ton d 14' y :n y "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Randy Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggistit. aeon, is the trade merit (regteto-sred in Canada) of Bayer 'Manufacture of Monoecetie-; Ani Yf al, "A *Wester at ;taftryileaatti (Acetyl Salicylic) that Aspirin means •1te'er mauufncture, to assist the pA. S. While it is wall kno'ara nblitl against imitations, the .0abisti0 Of Bayer Company will hestamped with their acarol trade ;auk, to .'buyer (*me