HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-26, Page 2- • ,,: . ,•.-••=---=.---•---'�"•'" n c>sant people stepped on the deck of
T tie Galley, the I+ing'llah flag was iii th
CAPTAIN KIDD n �• 7 1 ed< . < . Tt was a I•ubu>s�ua Prize -the
i� _ let Moguls resurelu&otl
LATESTSO *A11[/A TLaUship,
Treasure Hunters of a Century
Looking for Loot That
Wasn't There.
Condemned to death for piracy by
a London court in 1701, Capt. William
in hisd of u ar Scotch accent "It ew York said to the judge
in ipee .
a very hard sentence. I have been
sworn against by perjured witnesses."
Nobody paid much attention to Ms
words: He was led down the worn
stone steps at Execution Dock, and
according to the custom with pirates,
hanged on a gallows between the
marks of high and! low tides. Then
his body was covered with tar, bound
about lith cha(insl, and suspended
from a gibbet' farther down the
Thames as a warning to seamen,
until the crows should pick the bones
For 200 years the name :of Captain
Kidd was a synonym for piracy and
buried treasure. Then one day Ralph
p. Paine, an American, rummaging
In the dusty files of the .Public Record
Office in London, discovered two
French passes which had belonged to
Captain Kidd, and which, if produc-
ed in court at his trial, would have
cleared him of the charge of piracy..
He had taken these passes from the
two ships which he had captured in
the Indian Ocean, and they were his
proof that the ships were sailing
under an enemy's flag, and were legi-
timate prey fora privateer. Who hid
these papers when they meant life or Seat The Adventure Gatley had fallen to tain had taken from thane vessels. is to do the work during the season of
death to Kidd? What was the motive gen to are up 'a rew.-whendRsbert hese It tour him five months le that Kidd' d tug Later, af- ' of the
districts by aeroplane, to make a re -
for doing this man to death on a
charge of which he was innocent? pinnate mstructrons out-of-the-way P 1 1 i hinP in New arrangement h taxi`
ing lamge
Had Private Means. t tf 1 to in wrrtung nipped and enough men to man her , of ore seat
of gold and bars oi silver Begs of
diamonds, rubies, emeralds. Bales of
among Kidd's grew, This was to be silk, deraask, and such prodacts of In -
the only wages the seamen would re- dia• The value can never bo told, but
ceive. The rremaining three-fourths au inventory of the leftovers which
of the trophies would be split among Captain Kidd managed to bring to 1
Bellomont, Somers, Romney, Russel, Aineriea •assumes the sweeping dizneu-
Shrewsbury, Livingston and Kidd-- stone of a m'aharajah's dream,
r share going to Livinget'en
the Large Turns Home.
and Kidd. Captain Kidd turned his helm and,
-rhe King a partner. stood for hamo, i but that was 12,0001
That is what . the written agree- miles away, and"the Adventure Galley
meat .1ud, except for a secret clause would never make it. She was leaking
stipulating that the King was to re-' so badly that the eight -man shifts at
ceive a 1,0 per cent. cut of .all shares. the pumps were changed., every two
If the booty should total £100,{100, hours. Her hull -was bound round with
Kidd was to receive as a bonus the cable for fear the bottom would drop I
ship he sailed ire If the venture were out. With his two prize vessels in I An air attack on the cotton pasts of northwest of Timmins, in which an I and •the intenttY of the cuzment can
unsuccessful, Bellomont was to be Te-
- company, Kidd put in at St, Mary's
the Soudan ns the Plan of Sir Sefton aPPzu a ly valuable dis'ooverY of cop- ; be measured and a good idea o! a pox
funded what he had contributed to Madagascar, to relit for the hoine trip. ; graucicer, iationir-marshal and ddi actor. ,p0r-got was made last pear, and of ' sable ore body obtained. Electrical
the initial outlay. The others took, The Galley reached St, Marys of civil aviation. which a large group of claims have prospecting has not yet been develops
their chances. But the noble earl was} Apri'I 1, 1698. At anchor in the''harbor . been taken over by the company men- ed to the point where it can de'termin'e
in all things a shining disciple of ; was the frigate Mecca, Capt, Robert whether the indicated ore body le of
Filet. Culliford. The 1414oea was a pirate Church. Iu Juno of 1699 the St. An boned: value, it emu determine the 4oc f
Safety the danger of failure,, ship,and G'ullifoid was a pirate cap- thony slipped into'Long Island Sound This particular area is heavily over- tion ,of but remued termi whish can
To minimize g and Mr. Dnimot went out in a boat burdened with sand and muskeg, and
Captain Kidd was provided with a taint and met his client at Oyster Pond rock outcrops are few 1n number. It be peeved by diamond drilling or by
second commission --which was his' Mutiny. Bay not to be confused with the better- is the oom!pany'e intention to lnvestl- trenching and test -pitting.
undoing through no fault of his— Ninetyseven of Kidd's men rebelled. Oyster Bay) at the eastern end gate the entire area covered, by their
authorizing him to seize any p' I This• was nearly all he had. They
Approves of New the fact that ardinaxy ro'c1 a barren
Government of ore, offer high reslstauce ,tho'
o the
paeeage of an electrical current,' and
that if two pole ere eeet In the ground
soave distance apart and. a current peas.
PLANS ALREADY MADE.I sed between •titin the cunre'nt 1114
1 flow in <rtraight 11•n�se.
Electrical, ar "geophysical" nietlioda 1 Most sore bodies, however, where
of searelring out are bodies as s.aieuti-
metallic minerals. are pre!sont'in any
uantity, are g'oo'd eonduet'ors', so that
Ac aids to mining are to be put to the if theme is an ore body in the vinlnity
test_ this year by the Ontario
Govern- • of the current pas•sdng between, the
ulcera• poles the current will be diverted to
With the approval of the Minlatry, fallow the Line 'of least resdebance
the Ho4linger Consolidated Gold Mines through the ore body, and instead of
Company win oondwct an electroal sur- flowing in straight hies th.e current
Y the whale Kamiskotla area, will follow curved lines. The direction
Scientific Method of Invest). -
gating Northern Areas,
of Land island. The lawyer heard claims, but, feeling that digging pits
whether pirate or not, which flew the i stole the Houparele, ransacked and Kidd's story and said he would see in sand or muskeg won more oR a claims Maker than any -
flag or sailed under the protection of sunk her, then joined by some of Cu14r• the Governor and arrange to have the expense, they recently approaohe5l the thing ase, and the Sell gradually
France. Thi was by way of remind- ford's followers • they raided the des• olrarges against Iiidcl quashed. Department of Mines' with the reciu het ging usurped by the young, active
trig France that England was at war alvl'ed Galley and the Quedah Merchant,' Ij the they be permitted to Perform the; and intelligent pros'peotor and by the
with her, though it was a=queer sort Governor Double Crosses Kidd. !assessment well by nza ng an electri-
of war. The narrative proceeds: in Kiddwma Kidd to hold
thetgo.s, but.
managed to hold ships, but • The Governor was my Lard of ischio cal survey. gro 1d
The "Adventure Galley." t$e mutineers carried off nearly every- •
mount. At this moment the King was Diamond Drilling After
It cost $6,000 to buy the new ship thing portable, including all the tree-! preoccupied with his antipiracy cru- The department believed it to be In .tion companies are now sending this
Adventure Galley and fit her out. sure they could find, and the cannon, sale. The Governor did not have to the public interest, and especially in type of mien unto the new fields, not
Kidd was obliged to put in some of They marched inland to where Kidd ;think twice to surmise that it would the interest of the mining Industry, to only to do the prosrpeoting, but also to
his own money to do this.The Ad- had stored some of the treasury at a i be a feather in his cap 'to bag the "ob- „have a thorough and practical test d,o the staking.' Universities see the
venture Galley was of 287 tons bur planter's house and took that. On the noxious" Kidd. In substantiation of made of these eleectric or "g'eophY modern trend of affairs, and will train
den, which was a fairly large ship;: fifteenth of June, Crrllifard sailed away, the legality of the two seizures for ei ,, methods, and an Order -in -Conn young engineers especially for this
She carried thirty guns. leaving Kidd utterly stranded. His ! which Kidd had been outlawed, Mr. class of work.
With all these documents signed,I I,;mrnot placed i cit accordingly has bort unity tc pply
gn four hundred;ton ship had been picked 1 n chits Govea noc s hands the company the opportunity to supply The day is not far distant when corn-
ed and delivered, William Kidd be- clean, and he had only thirteen men, ;..the two French passes which the Cap- the test on a large scale. The company ponies will send parties into remote
ld be a useless
Day of Engineer Prospectors
The old time in'ospeotor is becoming
soiedtifically trained men. There is
a wling fie for the engineer and
the geologist, and a number of explore -
Since Paine's discovery, books have
been written to answer these ques-
tions and to clear the name of Cap-
tain Kidd. Only last year Robert W.
Chambers covered the subject in "The
Nan They Hanged." More recently
the latest knowledge upon it has been
Livingston reappearedpi •
which it wouldort to get his ship
have been un ac u put, eq
even in secret clauses. He told Kidd for the homeward voyage.
not to worry about failure, and rather q Fatal Delay.
than let a handsome prize slip through
his hands, not to scruple over legal This delay, says Mr. James,
niceties, but to "act without regard
to my Commission."
Was to "Produce the Goods."
was fatal;
went to trial.
toaKidd. Unsettling rumors had be-
gun to sift back to civilization, The An Unfair Trial.
That was s undoing. " 1927 and 1928. One stipulation cozvnaleance geological survey cove'r-
ter being illegally transported to Lon_ is that where indication. emcee. The more favorable
don for trial, andlanguishing are located byte survey ions will be delimited and then in-
caseJail for more than a year, his_ 1 company will proceed to develop the tens'ively prospected. In 'this' work
case was' called, an, we read on: ' same by diamond drilling. 1 electrical peospecting will probably
Kidd was as good as dead waren he Electrical Prospecting Devices Used play an important part, as, the men and
The electrical prospecting devices apparatus can eas!iy be transported by
have also peeved their worth under aeroplane. Prospectors also s,e•e this
powerful East India Company was out
I four judgesPresided Four lawyers certain cond'iti'ons, and are now corn- new development, ani a number of
them ahead arranging to go into
for the scalp of this man who had been •,enre,sezrted the prosecution. Kidd ing into more general use. The are Y
d' triet next s r•n'g secure zn
,Summarized in an article by Marquis, In other words, Kidd was not to sailing in_ waters where they had a asked for a IawYer, but the petition scientific definition of electrical pins- remo zs s
James in The American Legion ! come back empty-handed. Hewas but monopoly. Because of Iliad's influeu- was denied. In open court lie request pecting would probably be "the ap- the knowledge that distance is no
Ptiol backers, the company had to be ed the return of his papers which he plication of electricity to known geo- longer the hadi�cap .it once was, and
Monthly under the title, "The Sailor i expected to capture p ships,careful, but the seizure of the two
Who Sailed Once Too Often." For i if no pirate hips sufficiently
u aicientl he was French passes gave it the had surrendered before his arrest is physical laws," but this conveys little that if drscaveries of sufficient im•
William Kidd lead retired from the with treasureships underAmerica. He was insolently asked to the average nranl Briefly, the theory partamce are made transportation will
sea when he married Sarah Dort, the i to return with something. This is desired opportunity. ' Loudon had re ,what he anted with-fisiezir Iiidd said of electrical prospecting based upon be provided.
• York in 1691, Kidd's own statement of the converse- cently launched •a grand crusade" --
;the French passes wo'n-la
inid hisi widow standing
New 'against buccaneers. This crusade was the charge of piracy. Whereupon the PLAN ®� MEMORIAL
nd nodal etanding was indicate1 bion, made when his life was at stake, not going. well, we are told, and Kidd prisoner was informed that he was not
the tcia "Gent." •after his name inl but there is more reason for believing was a convenient victim for a Govern - to be tried for piracy, but for murder,
tit§ official record of his marriage• it than there is for disbelieving it. ! meat anxious of she So Govern -
The official morality of the time con -1
He was -the son of a Scottish coun
parson, had been well educated for a
country boy, and had many friends
among the high officials both of col-
onial New York and of England under
King William III. Mr. James says
further: and
William Kidd laid by his pay,
his share of prizes and ,awards, and
Invested in New York real estate.
Whilehe was courting Sarah Oort
w results. to • upon which the passes had no bearing.
cloned such things. It was a.
common ward the close 'of 1698 aDtier was The death of a mutrn
t obnoxians ' had struck with a bucket, to• restore
' ons sailor he
practice for pirate hunters to go out I sent out to- arrest- "the
for pirates and come back with some- pirate Kidd:' When the ill -feted cap discipline, was dragged up against him:
tluing, split with a few officials and I tain set out on his' long voyage back We are told that the jury was practi-
go their way. to New York.; he. knew nothing of the' cae instructed to bring in a verdict of
With a short-handed crew' Kidd coil that was tightening around him. Imurder, and Kidd wase sentence
President of U.S. Expresses
Appreciation of Canada's -
d to
sailed from London in April of 1(i96. I By the time he reached the Leeward death.Then— Ottawa. — President Coolidge,
On the voyage to New York he cape -j Islands, southeast of Cuba, his ship i The next day he was tiled for piracy.
The same prejudiced judges, unscrupu- through his Secretary of State, has
tured a little French fishing vessel and crew were in a desperate condi- :United Stabes, speaking in San Fran -
and brought it into port, a lawful i H. relates Mr. James. He appealed . . forwaa led here an expression of ap-
loos prosecutors, perjuring witnesses' cisco recent4y, saidi that it was difficult
I pmecilation aL the plan recently an -
Sir Esme Howard Favors Eng-
lish -American Entente to
Insure Peace.
San Francisco, Calif. — Sir Esme
Howard, British Ambassador to the
gup i to the authorities for relief only to
the New York Legislature voted him prize. Then he started fillip teand abrew-beaten fury were on hand. proved by parliament far the erection not to feed that the first step toward
£160 for chasing pirates fmm the ship's company for the grand cruise.,learn that he was a Fugitive from jus- I With the rope already about his neck, in Arlington cemetery Ae'ry at Washington
A Bad Crew. I tics, and,•finally: world peace must be a real entente be -
English -speaking nations, When he married! Sarah,1 Kidd made a valiant fight to clear his of 'a
memorial to Amerficains who nein- i tween English-speaking nations and
he :seemed fixed far life financially. It was hard' to 'get the right sort of Dodging the Law. name. He asked for his papers that 1 ed with the Canadian force: I that the .acceptance of the axiom that
• So at thirty-seven the, thrifty Scotch Yuen on a no -prize no -pay basis, to Giving a British war -ship the slip, i he might exhibit the French passes. For this organ's $100,000 was voted conflict between the nations that form
captain retired from the sea as a whish he was bound by instructions. he purchased a sloop called the St. He was told they could not be Sound. sad the expenditure has now been the British Empire and the United
regular thing, and devoted most of He around up by taking any men he Anthony, and left the Quedah Mer The Prosecutor who addrecessed the Lemmally authorized by the Govea-n-
his property in New York,States is an incredible absurdity of would
his time to p P could get, and when the bars werchant concealed in a cove near the '.jury admitted that 1Y Kidd could show
meets. The Imperial War Graves Com- do more to establish a reign of peace
and that which he had acquired by down, there were plenty of applicants.�. coast of Hispaniola, now. San Domin- `French passes he should not be con- mission lure also given its consent to' on earth than any that could be
marriage. "Many flockt to him from all parts, goy under guard of a trusted friend and ' victed. But, he exclaimed, Kidd had a memorial, which will take the Yarm proposed,
The Kidds lived in a three-storey wrote Benjamin Fletcher, the current the remnant of the•crew. The big ship no passes. He scoffed
ett the Captain's of across of sacrificeachi . "Everyone does lip service to the
brick house at the corner of Pearl and Governor of New York, "men of des -had £30,000 to £100,000 of tree
H nevem streets The Turkey carpet perste fortune and necessitous, in the: aboard, which the guards lost Y th th tis The y
on the parlor floor was , expectation o gettingKidd A t a
sure 'pretension that e a possessed s !reign of peace—but I fear there are
little passes until he had trustingly surren- The Law -and Cupid. Tref
a l
many who make mental reservations;'
the first Ori f vast treasure."
i time in appropriating when Kidd was dered them to the ori •e.: London.— summons against
motorist was adjourned at Lambeth Sir Esme said' "As. between the
ental rug in New York, they say. The On ,September 6, 1696, Captain out of •sight. Taking £16,00, in the jury brought in a verdict of guilty,) United States and the British Empire,
elite of the colony attended the social' sailed away with a crew of 164---' as I sloop, Kidd sailed northward, hoping and William Kidd was again sentenced as not to int erupt his honey
of Captain Kidd s house, t finished a collection of cutthroats as ;his troubles were over. 1 to death,—Literary Digest.
walked the coast of —James
Court so however, there should be no reeerva-
gatherings moon.
on the Turkey carpet, and' • e9er tramped
tions. However much we may differ,
en and I don't doubt we may have fairly
g serioutis differences in the future as
the past, our mental attitude should
be always that they must be settled
•peaceably either by diplomatic negotia-
tion or by arbitration. No other solu-
tion would' be worthy of us.
"We at any rate, Americans and Bri
tish'ems, should let the world, kuow
that we are too proud to fight with
each other. It would •be ,altogether bee
"teeth us. -I feed deeply that once we
have established a real sense of con-
fidenoe In each other half the battle
for the outlawing .of war will have
been: won.,"
While defending the right of com-
munities to local patriotism Sir Esme
said: "the sort fo patriotism that can-
not look beyond its own frontiers will
end by n,o•t hieing able to look beyond
its, own house door.
"Just as family, patriotism gave way
to tribal' patriotism and tribal patriot-
ism to na'ti.onal patrlobism, I believe
that we shall, 4f this world's affairs
are to be carried on in peace, ulti-
mately develop a world patriotism."
Then and Now
Kingston Whig -Standard (Lib.):
The death -like ,silence and stupor of
the Sabbath of the past is gone and
probably gone forever. But the death.
ly clamor of our, twentieth century.
Sabbath is equally tmpossible.
A Skin Game
Vancouver Province (Ind.): A man
over in Yakima Is engaged In the
hazardous occupation of catching rat-
tie snakes for their skins. In two days
he bagged 170' of the °anemone rep.,
tiles. It is a great Life if you do not
get rattled4
It is a lot more satisfying' to make
a, success in a email way than it is tc
make a failure in a big way.
a deck." Out past the j
rare articles he had Madeira Islands anddown i A friend in
admimd the the Good luck is a lazy d H th 1
brought home on his voyages,
Visited London.
York, he sent = -
Before reaching New
ahead and engaged a lavt yea lea fellow who will list
bet of eco on- +z man's •estimate to your troubles instead of tellin
about his own.
Africa to the Cape of Goo ape Emmet, a leading mem
pirate hunter sailed, stopping every 1 lal bar and a vestryman of Trinity of a worker's success.
,Occasionally the captain spiced the ship en the way, searching its papers,
tranquillity of his retirement with but finding them always regular. BY
the time the Adventure Galley reached
voyage, we are whiter
1694.Hwas h Lanhe Madagascar, 14'7 days out from New
don in thelvrNew of r,There a York, with no booty whatever, relates
met a fellow had Yorker, Robert Liv-; Mr. James, the.crew were growing
ingaton, who amassed a fortune .
connected somehow mysteriously wijh' restless and mutinous. After they
salt water. Livingston had a scheme crossed the Indian Ocean to the coast
for raking money, which be laid be-' of Hindustan, a small vessel carrying
fore the Captain, and it came out thathe English papers was overhauled, board-
ed and rifled. Apparently this was the
who actingfor men edge in power, : only incident that amounted to piracy
rise for in Captain K:idd.'s career, and he said
were backing the enterprise
their awn profit. Mr, James gives us it was the act of his mutinous men,
their august names. who took matters into their own
There was the Earl of Bellomont, hands. The pickings, at any rate,
who was to be the next Governor of were slim, and what is more important,.
New York there was the king him -
when Kidd was brought to trial "with
self. These gentlemen solicited' the the cards deliberately stacked against.
services of Captain Kidd for a spe him," this offense was not 'mentioned.
on al expedition to capture pirates
Kidd was not born yesterday. He Hunting Poor.
knew that when such gentlemen sol -1 Fifteen months passed and no prize,
icited, they commanded. In the whole and no money for the penniless, growl-
rowlBritish kingdom it 'would have been ing .crew. Kidd's situation became
hard to find a more formidable list critical. His ship was leaking, his pro -
Of names with which to Overwhelm,visions low, his men treacherous and
the demurrers ' of a simple Sea cap - surly, and his own life in .danger.
tain Then luck turned•. In the month of
His Last 'Grip Arranged. Novermber, 1697, the Adventure Galley
fell in with the well -stocked .Indian
The bargain was made. The pirates trader Rouparelle, which was sailing
were to be brought home for trial, under a French pass of safe-conduct,
but his majesty, did not say what his and therefore seized. And on the first
well beloved captain was to do with of 1 ebraury following Captain Kidd
the merchandises, money, ete. That made the haul which seemed to reg
point, however, was covered in other deem the voyage.
articles in which, for certain reasons, Real Haul.
the Kings name did not appear. One IM The Galley A wee nosing about in the
might expect that this loot would be
returned to its rightful owners, but', Indian Ocean under p'reneh colors
that was not the plan. "Serve God; when Kidd rsell an etc rr 01 ng toad a flew,as
in theLbest manner you can, . wsup- de-1ys, tile big ship made no effort to
ray Lord of Bellomont, in Kvdd's sup-
plementary instructions, and "sail di- get away, but announced heiis�elf as
redly to Easton, In N'ew 'England;, the Quedah Merchant from Surat, pro -
there to deliver unto me the whole of porty of that fabled oriental potentate,
what Prizes, Treasure, & Merohan- the Great Mogul. Kidd invited her
dine you shall have take." Then one- master to tome on board and submit
fourth of the cargo Weald be divided his papers, When the Quedah Vier.