Zurich Herald, 1927-05-19, Page 4WHEN BANK OF MONTRAL TOIQENS Wu USED Fox. SMALL CHANGE UOUNDED before Canada had any currency of its own, the Bank of Montreal in the early part of the Nineteenth Century obtained authori- zation from the British Government to issue copper tokens for small change. Reproduced herewith are the two sides of the one -penny token of 1838 and of a "habitant" token of 1837. The obverse of the iformer shows a picture of the building used by the Bank of Montreal at that time, the obverse of the latter a typical farmer of Lower Canada, now Quebec. The reverse of both coins is the same, showing the arrns of the city of Montreal. Throughout its long history, the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving the financial needs of the people of Canada, steadily extending its service as the need and opportunity for it arose. • BANK OF MONTREAL' Established 181T • TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $ 780,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. SURTO DLOP TIRES SAT splendid ap- 11 pearance of Dl3nlop Balloons is rio guess- work. That rugged. road resistance is not there by chance. That adequate resiliency was no blind selection. You receive the benefit of thirty- three years of honest thinking, careful planning, judicious experi- mentation when you buy DUNLOP TIRES to -day. Thirty -Three Years' Merit „, J DUNLOP OFFICIAL SERVICE DEPOTS Herb. Mousseau, Zurich. ' L. A. Prang, Zurich. Geo. H. Beatty, Varna. !.••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Autos and Auto Supplies It WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, It AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEYON THESE 2 • - • _.. ... $8.50 s _.... $1.40 • VAR1OLTS LINES . CORD TIRES 3013% AT ONLY TUBES 30.0% AT ONLY .,y GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $15.00 4 • 1 SECOND HAND 13 II. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. o 2 2 FORD TOURING CARS IP FORD ROADSTER CAR. i :1OOD TRAILER, . ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN 000D RUNNING ORDER. • .Wit DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK{ ON REPAIRING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. • IFARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND • ,CARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINECRY THAT WILL GIVE 2 YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICel FOR. YOUR MONEY i PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL' OUR • • •• • a • • • PUMPS, w • Tires, Tues, Gas, Oils and Greases -• • 1 .) Prang Zurich.. one of the pioneer idents d•+9A++',1`..",W o 2 ,thecommun y, aged 67 and ?++++•w® day. The cvtel;e1 ::x.1 att Na- � MI' R NOTICE Is hereby, given that I will make my annual rounds as Health In- spector beginning on May 25th, and, xe.lust that all ot.tiao„:ses, and back yards as well as front 'Cards bei. put in a sanitary con- dition. C. Eilber, Zurich . Inspector Boaxci of Health. Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. A. M,orenz are visiting in Detrot. Rev. E. Bru r is attending Con- ference at Kurtzville this week. Mr. Ira, Tiernan of Lucknow, sp- ent the week -end with his parents. Mrs. Durstein Left on Tuesday for her hone in Saginaw, after spend- ing several weeks with herr sister. Mr. ,Charlie Snell is on thesick list. , Miss Ada Goetz of CChicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. K. Goetz. The Dashwood Brass Band int tend Bolding their annual Band Concert in the near future. More particulars later on. BLAKE Messrs. Harold and Jim Johnston spent a few days last week with friends in Kitchener. Miss Mary' Gingerich spent last weekk with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Manson and family spent Thursday wiith friends in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and son Grant, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. �'digheffer in the village Mr. Gordon Manson . of Blyth •spentt he week-end`•at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. M;anlson.. Mr. and' Mrs. Jas. 'Carnie and du- ghter 1llarybel, spent Monday at the home of -Mr,. and Mrs. Jas. Allan, near Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Gingerich attended the funeral of a relative near Baden. . Miss Alice Meyers .(eft last weekk for Hensel!, where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson and daughter Sarah, spent Sunday with friends in Hensel'. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparling of Listowel, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr's. Wni. Schroeder of the 2nd Con. has been confined to her bed with pleurisy.. Her Mother., Mrs. W . Anderson of town is waiting on her,. Lizzie Brown and friend of Lbn- don, were visitors with her father 13. Brown, Sr. Sorry to learn they Mrs. Her- man Oestreicher is under the cloet- or":s care at London hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Healtherl'ey and Fred Huddleston of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Mots. Robt" Teatreau of Detroit ited with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Franc, Flynn. The delath took place aat Fier re- sidence on the 1.2th Con., Stephen. on May 3rd, of Mrs. Wm. Wit.zel, c Jen well for 'ciente time, having be- cn'confined to her bed for the past threw menthe, goiter trouble being the causa of her de'th. She was born in the Tp., of Stephen and all her life had beck spent in this ;oo?nmunit3" Her 'maiden nape being May Ftnkbeiirer, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mich. hinkbeiner. In. 1879 she. was married to her now bereaved hlisband.To this union 9 child- ren wore born, of which eight are left to mourn the lolls of a kind and loving mother,' HENSALL George • Thompsonin andseriJohn, are both lying ise*.�tou'slyy ill at'their honi;e on Richmond St. ... Rei•. Naylor •and G. C. Petty ivene in London, 'a few days 1 ast 'weekk, attending the church. Syn - d 'reda Link of Detroit, spent a few day's at the home of Mid, and Mrs. Fred Brown. The Star 'softball girls team mo- tored to Exeter last week and pl- ayed a game losing 7-5. ',Marie Foster visited in Seaforth over the week -end. A lecture was given in the town ltall on "How to Beautify Home Surronndings", the Night Hawk er- ehrstra was in attendance. ',Robe. Higgins and John ele- stene, Hy.. Horton, were in Lon- don, attending the Western Ont- arie Conservative Association. The Young P'ople of Chiselhur t put ont heir- 'play "The Village Doctor, in the town hall,. Rena Hudson -was taken to Sea - forth Hospital the other Sunday evening and operated on for ap- pendicitis, and is recovering. John Steacy and Jo;s. Dowell, of ...Detroit, visited with Mr's;. Sam Stacey. There passed away at his home in Hemsall on May 101.h, John C. Thompson, in his 50th year,. Ho had bean an invalid for a number of years, and hi's death was .notun expected, besides his aged par- ent's he is survived, by one brother and one 'sister. Arrangement's are being made to hold a great ,24th of May cel- ebration under the vuapices 'of the, Firemen, which ,ineldue a calithumpian march, as well as many other entertaining events. a- mong many attractions that will be provided for the occasion the ceiebrated Galt Brass Band, said to to be/ one of the best, has been secured and -in the evening a street dance and parade has be- en arranged. COUNTY NEWS. . ; record crowd is expected to be prG'shnt at the laying of the coiner 'stone of the new church on May 24th at Grand Bend. John Roger, `O.L.S., of Mit- chell, is recuperating from a ser- ious illness with pneumonia. M, H. Moore, for the past four years -license inspector for Perth Co. an .:1 a former rc'sident of Brus- sel's, has been apppin ted to the Provincila police as p?rmanent officer. The contract for the new Un- itecl church, at Grand Bend bas been let to Beaver Bros., of Cred- iton.. The. engineers who have been surveying the ditches for 'drain- age on the London Rd. from Elg- infield to Clinton,; have compelted their work and left for Mitchell, where they will 'survey the road from Mitchell to Harristoni. A number of 'steamers discharg ed cargoes at the Goderich harbor are; Bayton, 53,000 bush oats and 180,000 bush of 'wheat; Quedoc, 63,- 000 bush scrern;ngs and 80,000 bush wheat; Maplecoust 8,000 of wheat and 51,000 of eats; Saskatchewan 100,000 of wheat; Alex B. Uhrig, 223;000 bush oats. .- Monday last "The Eclipse" sail - c dnite .the harbor of Bayfield, .which is now to be her home. The Eclipse is the' fine piractically new <raft which Torras Bros. bought in the •sparing t Pt. Dover and it was 1.salled. up the lakes and . del- ivered, it is forty eetf in length and, equipped with two motors, and all other modern equipment. The 'annual reward given by the Medical Historic! So'oicety of the Medical School of Wie'stern Ontario for the bit papers given this year by 'altu'dents in Ir,,etlical history have just been announced 'by Dr. ?. • W. Crane, Miss Margaret ,St- rang. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. ktrarg, of 7'Jaborne, wins the first award of $15. OOforh er paper on the late Dr. Hyndrnan of Exeter, Ont. ' Baseball appears to be on its way back ito Piuron CO. if present prolspects may be counted for anything, A rrreeting for the putpolse of organizing a hard ball aalgue was held in Clinton on May 4th andfrom that coneiaVC there emerged the Huron C. Base- ball Leagije. It Was thought that a tour -team league would be had, Wingham,. Mitchell, Seaforth and Goderich having expressed a, willingness to ,enter such a league but'since'the meeting .Mitchell hal, decided that they have not enough riyaer& to Zorn, .a., team, and this place is likely being filled by tlrc Exeter -turn., who have with- drawn ..from Om South Iluroi Bas'. -I ball Lea 'u;;. The ay, May 19th, 1927 (M.H) MIH) Put your machines in good shape nth. genuine Massey Harris Parts. Made from same materials and same patterns as the origins. Genuine IviassepHarris Parts are guaranteed to fit. PRICES OPEN TO INSPECTION Germine 0/141> Parts Are Seidl By GEO. K. IFIAMITELL .�,..�..... -- —Hamm._ Change Your Attic into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will mule your attic fire-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. Write for free booklet --"My Home." Itwill tell you how Gyproc.Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathingand Insu(exreduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO.„ LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA Fireproof Wallboard For Sale By Fred C. Kallbfleisch - Zurich, Ont. 1 1 b I MO 041611034.01111.11100.0000 00000••0••000••00080•••011 sj-i:i-nst Yes! Spring with its Sowing and planting time will soon be here l • 1 • ••• 1 Louis Schilbe • 001110OMOON•000x00000N••000000•000000••N•0••••••1 AND WE again WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE .ARE, PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THR VERY CHOICEST OF SEEDS, WHETHER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRAS SEEDS,OF THE (FIELDS OR FOR PLANTING THE HOUSE- HOLDGARDEN. COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE ASSORT- MENT OF THE VERY BESIT IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65c. BUSHEL TRY OUR STOCK FOODS GREENFIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGUS THE YEAR RO- UND. AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- KNOWN HOIWERY PEED. TRY A PACKAGE. �ffln. L., I. u Zurich The New and Finer 4 - Pontiac Six 4- New Beauty, : New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader- 9 ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstration PA1c E • 4 WITH 2D CHARMING BODY TYPES' AND COLOR COM,BIIR7;,.. ATIONS — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS GIVES YOU- THE. WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN -THE BET. TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS., You mist laee and drive these new Paige cars before .'gore, you cam fully, realize the wonderful performance and the amazing values they ,really are. Let ua demonstrate, • AUTO REPAIRING AN D GENERAL GARAuE WORK .A,' SPECIALTY 14• RNGEL, Pron. „Gas Oils Greases ' 'ires Accessories. } �i ++++++ 4••++ 44.44}+34• 4++++3'+++,4k45aF.1k 1 .k ead Your Home Paper alng by se.ticling and help it An