HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-19, Page 3NO MEDICINE LIKE
How the Myth Originated.
As it bats well been said of popular
OTABLETS j E tTS Proverbs, that they ere the wied�an) of
L OWN i many and the wit of .one, se eheoloe;cel
1and moral myths grew up in the polln-
lair.itnalginiltion, an'd were 11Lu'sed til.e.e
For Either the Newborn Babe or ' ta�i,i in itapiiy season they reit eived a
Growing shape from sorn one repre,
the Growing Child. sentetive man, whose inspiration led
There is no otbee medicine to equal • flim to expreasls in a striking form whet
Baby's,Own Tablets for little ones— all felt to be true and an were willing
whether ii, be for the newborn babe I to b ttleve. The first framers of the
or the growing child tbe Zablete til- i myth were, no doubt, Perfectly aware
ways do good. Tbey are absolutely , or the , , , algtriilaanee of these
free from opiates or othee harmful; imaginative picture's; but they were.
drugs and the mother .can always feel aware as poets, not as analysts. It is
safe in using them. not, therefore, necessary to suppose
Concerning the Tablets, Mrs, John that in framing their legends they pro -
Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Deeded with the furl consciousness
Surnames w liar rigin
Varl aThackerion an,Io Tharr. Tb ckurayr Racial Origin—Lowland Scottish.
Racial Origln.--English.
Source—An occupation..
Though the origin of this fanollY
name, which is the name of one of the
In the Government and religious re- Highland clans Of Scotland, is not
cords, tax Usti and tbe like of medley- Gae11e at all, most of those who bear
al England such names as "Roger le the name aro d+eseendants of Gaele,
'Metter" and "laebbe le Thechere" are with blood that originally came front
to ,be found, ; Ireland.
At that time, of course, the append- The exact racial elassiflcation of the.
ages to the given names for the most Lowland Scottish has never been set -
part were purely desoriptive, signify- tied with finality. That they were or-
ing the trade which their bearers fol- lginally a Teutonic, rather than a CO -
lowed. The trade was that of roofing, tic, race is certain, but they have nevem
which belongs to the framers of fab,7es. for with rare exception the ordinary been definitely placed as belonging to
Ont., says:—"We have three line,.. house of the M:ialdie Ages bad a the Germanic (like the Anglo-Saxons)
healthy children, to whom, when a allegories, and parables, thatched roof.
medicine is needed, we have given i Airinga certain early stage of na-ler the Scandinavian (like the Norse)
only Baby's Own Tablets, The Tab- tiena,' life, which cannot be necurately: Later the there me namesestheare mss, w- branch of that great riloia division:
lets are -the bent medicine you can defined, but wbi'ch always precedes here thatad minus le, show- There is very good philologicalh 1 h,.
keep in any home whale .then'* are • • . a regular written Literature, the ing in some creel at beast they Incidentally,
that the Scottish dialect (which,
young children." Popular myth, like 'a true or plant, be- were being used. as real. and not mere- incidentally, i�a not the language of
comes sub ly deset'iptive namee. Still later such the Highlanders, but of the Lowland -
Own Tablets are a mild but sect to a process of growth
thorough laxative which regulate tbe and expansion, in the course of winch combinations Cordwatner," as "Walterd Tthe -n , le Isco is not a corruption ed, but English, leel as
stomach and bowels; banish constipa- it not on'1y recelv�es a ri.ob embeillish• had ecomeproved that the name m commonly dent of Il•, from
tion and indigestion; break uhad become a family one, and that the meat independent of It, from a tonglze
p colds menu, but may be so transformed by said Walter was nota thatcher at ala l dissimilar neither to the ancient Saxon
and si;nple fever and make teething the vivid action of a fertile imagine -
easy. They are sold by medicine tion, and by the ingrrfting of new ele-
dealers or direct by mall at 25 cents meats, that Its original intention may
a box from The Dr. Willianiis'• Medi -r be altogether obscured and forgotten.
eine Co., Brockville, Ont. How far this first significance may in
after times be rightly apprehended de -
pends partly on the degree of its oi•ig-.
Three-quarters of the land area of final obviousness, partly on the amount
the Dominion is incapable of agricul of kindred culture possessed by the
tural production, and of this fully one- .persons to whom it is addressed.
half can be made to produce timber As of essentially popular origin and
crops, if permanently dedicated, pro- growth the myth cannot, in the proper
tested and managed for that purpose. sense, be said to have been the Brea -
tion of any poet, however distinguished.
Much less could a popular minstrel
Like Homer, using a highly polished
language, and who manifestly had
many predecessors, be said to have
either created the characters or invent-
ed the legends about the Greek gods,
which form the prides of the last
Select Male Risks, ages 15
to 45, may obtain insur-
nsureance up to $2500 without '
Medical Examination.
Specimen Rates
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Age - Rate
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Pieane send me particulars
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Leaders Of
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though his name might indicate it.- I nor Norse. It has, however, been com-
The harsher pronunciation general , plicated by the influence of the neigh-
ly developed in the. northern parts ofboming English through all period's.
England and the softer in the south, I towever, the name of Chisholm
just as the same words became (note the: Saxon ending, which means
"church in the south and "kirk" in -meadow land) was the name of the
the north., or "fisk" in the north and t home of the Lowland family which
"fish" in the south, or again "dike" in 'founded the Highland clan, gathering
the, north and "ditch" in the south. its followers from among the Gaels,
The flourishing ending "ay," later The name, as first recorded, was
developing in some cases to a plain spelled "Chlahelme." This was in the
"y," were simply whimsical or vain fourteenth century, in about the mile
endings added in much the same spirit dle of which the acquisition of High -
that some names were Latinized to land territory and the formation of the
show the learning of their bearers. J elan is placed.
Mortality Among the Classes.
Sir Arbuthnot Lane, in a review of
Mr. k3111s Barker's work on "Health"
century used to Gall the "mac7t very" The ConditionP. E. T. Lady tublished in the English Grraotntnr,
speaks as follows:—
of his poems. In regard to theological
myths, which are most deeply rooted
in the popular faith, such a poet as
Homer could only turn to the best
account the materials existing, with
here and there a Little embellisbmeut
or expa;naion, where theme was no dan-
ger of contradicting any article of the
reoeived imaginative creed. — John
Stuart Blackie, in "On Interpretation
of Popular Myths."
The mistake oomtiaonly made is to
view an obstacle as "an immovable ob-
struction," whereas it is only a diffi-
culty of some kind, which can be over-
come with a little perseverance and
intelligence. Regarded in this light,
obstacles are to be welcomed, for they
develop our strength of character. If
everything is smooth and plain -sailing,
calling for no special effort on our
part, we cannot expect to make the
mast of ourselves and develop our ea-
pacities to the full. It is opposition
that brings out our reserve forces, car-
rying us on to greater achievement.
Those who rise superior to their dif-
ficulties are `bound to make progress,
if they consistently triumph over every
obstacle as 11 is met. It is a common
but very unfortunate •thing for young
people to get discouraged when they
come up against an impediment of any
kind. They should really regard all
such trials as tests of cha,raeter. Force-
ful personalities are formed in just
that way—by measuring wits with
contrary pircumstances. Let all those
• who aspire to win to high .place take
heart at what Mr. Bok tells them, out
of his practical experience: "I looked
at the top, and instead of finding it
overcrowded, I was surprid'ed at the
few who had reached theme'; the top
fairly begged for more to climb its
heights." Hamilton Spectator.
Forethought in Plants.
The apparent forethought in Pre.
paring .materials and storing them for
a time of need is not manifested by
the trees aione, but in a greater or leas
degree it is exercised by every plant
that grows—more manifest is it in
those that live more than a single year.
What wonders are performed beneath
our very feet! If we could look be-
neath the thick woven award of the
meadows, or roll back the decaying
leaves of the forest, or pluck ep the
thickened root -stocks of .the water lily
and kindred forms from their oozy.
beds beneath the' shallow lakes, we
should final in every pla'c'e evidence of
instinct -like forethought among the
plants and proviadon for their future
wants. . . . A11 the wealth of beauty
in ,eaz•ly spring—the green blade of
grass—the fragrant Arbutus of the him.
side and the golden Galtha by the
brook --=these all are the products of
plant labor of the former year. These
slow, secret processes are hid from
the eye of the meet •oareful ogserver,
and they would never be known were
it not -torr the audiden display of leaf
and flower in speingthet that reveals
the secret of Ude hoarded wealth,—
Paul A:eel Chadbourne, in "Iuetinct In
Animals and. Men."
Time for the back-seat driver to
take a back seat.
The highest expression of Fire-
stone quality and value is the
Full -Size, Gum -Dipped Bal-
loon. This pioneer among
Balloon tires—and the leader
proved by performance—was
made possible by Gum -Dip. '
ping, Firestone's extra -process
for strengthening the walls to
endure the extra • flexing strain.
Learn from your Firestone
dealer the many advantages of
Gum - Dipping --- the added
comfort, - dependability and
greater economy.
01+' CANADA anneaD
Hamilton, Ontario
Firestone Builds the OnlyOutn-Dipped Tires-
Deafness—Head Noises
"Rub Back of Earl"
At All Druggists. Price $1A6
Folder about "DSAFNBSS" oa reed.
A. 0. 4EONA110, Inge 70 Fifth Ma, Nlw Yak
Mar -Mill Chick Starter
gringe Health, vigor and calla ta Qrawt
Continuous growth the irlrot Eight
Weeks of a rlttck's, ere to a big footer
In High Winter Egg-Proddotion. IfAU-
3tILL tiiClT-QT1ATi1TY OBBDS bring
the desired nisults.
wr1l-Lzlanor,1 Mash, rich in vegetable
and animal nroteln, aontaitlim: easel,.
MI fonds for profitable growth snot
Write to-dayfor
our 1r1Li25 nook
entitled "Profit-
able Poultry
Reding." Ad-
MlL.S to. N,
should glee be need. It rs composed of
,t ilia eI e
w s eat d ht It•
d Y g *rade [•rnokorl
wheat, out corn•, and steel -mut oats.
Ideal Growth In Chicks,
end early maturity 1n Pullets 1s the re.
ault of attenuate amounts ot Protein,
earbohydrdtes, fate, mineral, malts, vita -
eta. min -Mit NIu14D8 pro-
tido those middies.
Do not overlook the tart that
ra puri, and of extra lith uuatity. When
be sure to get
Skim Mt,Moat fo.st n 2i l melee: I.
P fg ProPaid upta 25e per huldrod, 1bs, or more.
dnfarle Dlgtrlbu,ors for Pnstorfat Pith Meal' (11 par Setif. to 75 per oenf, protein).
Who Again Rejoices in Good
"I can most heartily recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to all weak peel-
;are the healthiest classes of the cern-
says Mrs. Augustin Arsenault,' munity, :doubtless because 'bath lead
Wellington Station, P.E.I. "Before I .
simple lives, with much exercise in the
Bogan their use I was very weak and open air. Butchers and merchant sea -
nervous, I had always worked hard,
men are among the most short-lived
with no thought of my health, until people. The mortality among butch-
suddent'ly my strength left me. 1 ers is twice as great, while that of
began to feel tired and depressed, and merchant seamen is three and one-half
did not sleep well at night, feeling just times as great as that of clergymen
as tired in the morning as whew I went and agricultural laborers. Butchers
to bed at night. I began to feel die -and seamen live largely on meat, pre-
couraged when I would think of the served meat, preserved vegtables and
work necessary for me to do. 1 got other stale food which is only eaten
some medicine from the doctor whom sparingly or not at all by the clergy I
I consulted, but it did not appear to and rural workers.; hence the high
meet my case as I showed no im- mortality of the sailors not with.'
provement while taking it, Then a standing the bracing air of the sea.
neighbor advised me to try Dr. Wil- Many think cancer is an old -age lis1
Mame' Pink 'Pills and I got, a supply ease, If there were a cancer age, can-'
cer med
of this medicine. I very soon found .Ielity would be higher among
they were helping me, and I continued farm workers and clergymen, among
their use until I was well again,' and I
awns is greatest; but as
have been strong and well twee since." cording to Mr. Barker, the cancer
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills do one mortality is twice as high among the
thing—and do it well. They Lund .up, short-lived butehel�s and seamen.
purify and enrich the blood, •and. as 1 "Sold for a Farthing."
the blood supplies the whole body,
new life is given to the entire system. Always we hear his cheery cheep and
Better sleep, steady nerves, improved twitter;
appetite, increased vigor all these The . ever-changing s'eas•ous much
can be yours by taking Dr. Williams' the same
Pink Pills. Begin to -day. Sold by all To him 'and his, foregathered on the
medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, litter
Of street or dooryard, — fearless,
without shame.
The author gives convincing proofs
of the advantage of plain living on na-
tural food, combined with outdoor ex-
ercise. Farm workers and clergymen
at 50 cents a box from The Dr- Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tough Luck.
"He was so adorable! We got ant
about live miles and the car broke
"Gee! You were lucky."
"No, he turned out to be an auto
m,echa•nie and the eetupi•d boy fixed the
thing right up."
Those old enemies, gas, acidity, pain and dis.
comfort are soon knocked for a fare -thee -well
by Seigel's Syrup. Any drugstore.
The busy, happy, unselfconscious bird,
(Midst city noises, raucous, loud and
shriill, )
In cheerful twittering is ever heard;
Abuse him not and bid him not be
In city square, or grassy, graveled
He shares the pigeon's or the squir-
rel's feast,
And, envying not the skyward singing
Accepts his lot, content to be the
Aa he the debris of (he gutter rifles,
A bold, glad twittering, --the song
he sings;
A picker up of ill-considered trifles,
To whom God grants the skyward
gift of wings.
--Donald Bain in fhe Monitor.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
"Let me see some of your black kid
gloves," said the lady to shopman,
"These are not the latest style, are
they?" she asked, when they we're pro -
auto, madam," replied the shopman;
r,► "we have had them i11 stock only two
"I don't think they are, because the
"An an official baying a good deal fashion paper says, black kids have
to do with the Chitld Life of tido conn- tan stitches, and vice vensa, I see the
try, it le my duty' to warn parents tan .stitches, but not the vice versa."
everywhere of the terrible eeAriousness 1 The sdbopman explained that "vice
of leaving young children alone it the versa" was French for seven buttons,
house," said J. J. Kelso to it press re- so she bought three pales.
presentative "One cannot reach this'
evil by law—Si Mute be through air ap- The forest has been eo ravaged by
peal to the eons* of right and reepon- fire that the growth rate is seriouslly.
sibIiity renting upon toll peewits. These affected; at the present time annual
horrible burniugs are all too frequent growth will not meet annual use, and
and the recent tragedy eh.ould teach a all lessee through tire, insects, and de -
lasting lesson. It is not a good exouse ca.y 'cause further net depletion ot foe -
to say tibabt children were left sound est capital. •
asleep, or that there was apparently nil
danger. Children do net stay a81•eep. 3.000 Netway tfantes anti Amorfran Elrna, 8' to 1g'
eg tto 914.00. Boston ivy -400 to roc. en00
They walao up ands rush about search- doses 40o. -
ing tor parentis and even- in the day tree Experts, Landscape Arch:tools, lardenors' .nd
Contreeters• Write. far Catalogue.
timeively chat -leen lett to tli�ems�ely'es t
rare rl.lwaye hi danger, The only safe ({� Forestry trtble is e not roost F /Co.
to talc's• -a chance where pre- �+
clone little lives are eoncet'ned," Established 1000. 1r;o,D. Nurseries, Taranto
•,le 1403 Sethnrat .St. Phone NHL 1003
For all pain--Mlnard ,s s 4Sltlment. AMA NO. 20--t27.
Don't Leave Children Alone.
Grown in the best gardens in
the Orient.
Blended by men trained in , the
World's greatest `reatest tea market.
good teY
Packed in the best packet yet
found for tea—Aluminum.
The Test.
The big man was telling the inter -
Viewer how he got started in his pro-
"When I was an infant, my good folks
were undecided what I'd become when
1 grew up, and they struck on a plan.
They fetched an apple, a prayer -book
and a d+oilar bili, If I played With the
apple, a farmer I'd be—if I'd play with
the prayer -book, I'd be a parson—if I'd
play with the donee -bill, I'd be a bank-
er. They left me alone for a few min-
utes, and when they entered the room
later I was eating the apple, reading
the prayer -book, and I had put the dol-
lar -bill in my pocket --so that's how
they made me a politician."
Thousands of people suffer with
Dropsy and Brights Disease. If
your limbs are swollen or you have
any symptoms of this disease we
guarantee that Cressy's Indian Herb
Compound will give permanent re-
lief. Money refunded if it faiI's.
Information and testimonials sup-
plied free. Write for particulars.
296 Gladstone Ave., Toronto, 3, Ont.
In the BARN.
No medicine chest is complete
without Minaret's. Fine for collar
boils, chaffed spots and colic,
The Charm bJ
A Velvet Skin
—and the Pure
Blood Under It
s thehod-
the Sitht
At this season, a safe, power-
ful alterative of proven merit is
needed by most everyone. TRU-
BLOOD corrects blood disorders
and rheumatic conditions and
ends Spring lassitude.
It is highly tecommended for the
prompt elimination of all skin affec-
tions, such as pimples, black -heads,
blotches, ulcers, rash, abscesses, ecze-
ma, boils, salt rheum and all troubles
arising from impure or below -par
blood. First known as a Doctor's pre.
ecription — now obtainable at most
Drug Stores,
Classified Advertisements,.
Ci WIVES handy Two in One TooL Best season
lust starting. Big demand, n'rita for terrltox9.
74 Church Street Toronto.
Cash. Terms. N. Burden, 10234 89th Street,
Ai mouton, Alta.
You will secure mare money for your cream by
,hipping to us. We supply cans and pay expr.,r.
Prompt returns daily by money order. Hlaheet ortee,
Paid for eggs, Reference: Bank of Montreal
Writs for Dan, and particular,.
780 Queen St. E. - Toronto
Better Chicks
that will pay you. Bred to lay.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, S.C. W.
Legitorna, Berton and Wycoff and
Finis ernintl. Bell -City White
Wyandottes Pure-bred, healthy,
vigorous, Smith Hatched.
Send for circular and pricey
Soap and
Keep the Scalp
Clean and Healthy
Promote Hair Growth
Spring Time is
Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic.
It is all the spring medicine you need.
It drives out winter's poisons, improves
the appetite and makes you feel better
right away. CELERY KING is good for
the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c.
Suffered So She Could Not
Walk. Restored to Health
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Minesing, Ontario. —"I am aprac-
tical nurse and 1 recommend Lydia
E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound to
suffering women. For three months
I was almost belpless and could not
sit at the table long enough to drink
a cup of tea. Many a time my hus-
band carried me to bed, I would be
so weak. Then he read in the paper
of a woman suffering as I did who
dot better after taking the Vegetable
Compound, so he wentand got.it for
me. When1 had taken three bottles
I was just like a new woman and
have had splendid health ever since.
When I feel any bearing -down pains
I always take it; sometimes a half
bottle or whatever I need. It is my
only medicine and I have told many a
one about it, Any one wanting to
know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, I will gladly
write to her. I do all I can to rec-
ommend it for I feel I owe my life
and strength to it." — Mrs. NEAL
BowsER, R.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario.
Do you feel broken-down, nervous,
and weak sometimes? Do you have
this horrid feeling of fear which some-
times comes to women when they are
not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound is excellent to take
at such a time. It always helps, and
if taken regularly and persistently
will relieve this condition, td
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
ra...a,... mno eeasr ammo.
Accept only 'Sayer" package
which contains proven directions,
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and I00—Druggists.
Aa Irin is too trade more k (rrirlatetrd in Canada) of tarot' Yc rifannfaataro of 1TAnont'etlo-
tiddcster of BalIeylteaeld (Aeetyt etaieeIle Acid, 'A. 0. A,"i. While it to nIeu knowb
that Aspirin meant Bayer tnntnufneturo, 10 aanlat the pubHt, await intibititOo, tura h,'ablatdl
ox 33aYet Compan Vrfii ba stamped loth their general trade wanly ter ' ;Yg7'e>! gross,"