Zurich Herald, 1927-05-12, Page 5' "Ii•isrstreasi,. May nth,,1L9.2T STN$ A OV Ies.., SAEALD V»14.i'.I' E.HolimEs tABRIE3TER 4G1.IC1TQa-+ N•OI • 'ART PUBL''IC, ETC agitate, Uathilton Street. Jaeat of die $ijnare, GODERICH, •Ont, ` ekes attention to +Oou:agell an, Court Work, o to . Holmes may be t;orrasu! tI at he`ll by phone and phone nlanr ;e+s reversed, .Dr. H. IL COWEN 1Gp. ;r. tees, f:ID, I il. DEKTA'L SURGEON .t 'DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH env- easy Thee -Way. Friday Tand Sater- as Main t8ific+e l q TL191Ill3'S BLOCK, , 13:1tSHW000 Andrew F. He Township 'Clerk llletaaaee ,of irzaranria'g a Il+eenees. Notary ;i?rabllc, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- lk►:rniobile Inaueranee Eepreseri•ting !Buren & Erie Mortgagee Corpor- *atm. The •Canada Treat Co. ZI"YB1CB -- ONTARIO OSCAR 7CLOPP arsrduata Carey M, Imes Nat Ural ;School of A• 'etionoer-ing. Tie neeYour Ilegititered Live Stock Breeds). Terms in keeping Oda prevailing prices. Choice tiassa for sale. Will sell anything 8 J where. lint tura 9.8-93 or write, Zurich Licensed Lictioner IF -OR HURON St 1i11DDLESEK ADI IN A POSITION TO CON- Einct any auction sale, regardies- gal to size or articles to sell. $itilsit your business„ and if no nottlafied will snake no charges 1„ yttervicem. Arthur Weber, Dalahrvood. 4100* 10-57 1 Zurich Mut in AIME T TL ungb 'at & De.chc t Fresh and Salt Meats Bokog'naa Sausages, etc }Highest Cal& Price for Wolti CLASH FOR SKINS &13.13).6 ZURICH LIVERY 0 e .am in a position to accomo =Rite all requirements in the Livery ebinetas, have Auto for hire. Any timing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL ;929loato 59 • Zurich,Ont. LIVE IIPOU LT R Y z..,I1WANTED Waken every day till 3 O'clock,p.m. Do not fed toReI Name morning Ven brought in. Ii hest Cask Prices Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien .tee Zurich Rea , , FOR ders TIRES S A) ,t , Shop ire of IIes r S '';,. Prop. 1 �' e a Y 'U IX"1 , OUR Wants, For Sala, Lest, Found, Notice, Etc. Ada IN THIS COT.,1.MR .Make This...•Test For Head C:o:il's, Quinsy, Catarrh Cough, 13ronchitiel Corup, •Sore Throat's and Tome .Ilia, rlry 1VIrs. Sybilla Spasms Tonsilitis,. Good results or money back at Wagnee' Grocery, Zurich, POP. SALE Baby (Chicks, good and healthy Will also take in eggs for incubat ion at 5c. per egg for.Tune hatch ing. Garnet Deters, Harwell P.O: FOR" SALE At a real bargain, a new Mc Cormick -Deering Manure Spr- eader. Apply Louis 'Prang. . WANTED A limited civantity of choice pot atoea, must be absolutely free frog rot. Apply to George Deiehert Phone 20-94, Zurielt, FOR SALE A number of choice heavy •woe1 ing horses, all well broken in .an ready for work. Balance of hor sea not sold at the auction gale at Zurich on May 5th Can be see on farm of Thomas Kyle, Par Line, Hay. For particular`s appl3 to' Arthus Wetter, Aiut o :eel,'Dc k3• wood, Ont. 5 m d n Pale TO MOTORISTS Following are rates. for Auton>lobile Insurance for six reenths - Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Essex, Overland, Star Public Liability .--. .-- $4.90 Property Damage _-: --: $3.50 Pire and Transportation 2.80 Other Rate in propoionrt. A. F. HESS, Agent, Zurich WANTED Al united number of cattle for pasture ' for the coming +season. Apply to David Gingen-mil; Zurich FARM' FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Farm for rent or will take in cattle this sunnier Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Write pr phone, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE A kitchen cabinet, good anew half price Apply to A. F. Hess. 4-1 NOTICE. A limited number ,of: cattle •m�fl'l be taken for pasture forthe corn- ing 'season. Apply to Garnet Daters, Hensel', P.O. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY CokePocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PRONR 3F SENBALir -17 LOCAL NEWS Mr. and' Mrst. R. F. (Stade were Sunday visitors at Sarnia. Miss Idella Howald left for Wet- e:.t000 where she has obtained a position as stenographer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rey of London, were Thursday visitors at the home of thnfo rover's Mr. Chris Hey, Babylon Line. Mrsi. Warrick Ellison and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Damrou and son of Kinde, Mich., were week -end i visitrars at the hole 01 Nl;, and: ?qrs. Simon+ Orel), Babylon Line. Mrn. S. Grob returned with thein to ewweek visit for a f s{. Saturday, September 3rd its the date 'set for the first floral exhibit - Ron held by the Zurich Horticultural Societyl. The prize list wall ap- pear in this , v ok's issue of the 'Herald, and a more completeli'st is nor in the hands of the printee and wilt be '(lady for distribution" in a, few day's4 NNoW is the tine to lay your plans for the coming 'season's bloom of 'flowers, 'everybody is `urged to take up sea this work ande how 'many prize es you can Win on this .flower exhibition. Everyone !should be a' member of thin organization and help to beautify your home, the town anit)elybyeducate otlecs to fall ill limy, ( t I i -p ' ZVIra. Webister Schulte of Detroit, spent Monday at the. ligan al ivfr. and IViasl v. IIa'ist,� Mr,. and ,Mrs. Wrr IL Bender of Detroit, visaed relatives • .anti elide in to`wn,�• the. pa!at week:MI+. vt,niip Beaver, who spent' a few weeks at Exeter, has returit e. a to ter � ,.� �: 1Revv,, and Mes. W. Y Dreier, bav'e during the peat week leave ed into the kEvangclical parsonage 'and we welcome them ee. eit:izens of Zurich, Me. and •Mrts. W l,, Siebart and ~on Albert, attended a Salver Wel- ding at Stait.hville last Thu:6'clay' and report a nine time;. • Mrs. and t14Ia•.t• Albert Ilciderx.an of Jackson, Mich,. visited rclativ.s in Zurich over Sunday. Mr. lleide mail hale held ;or the past ,eight. years a very responsible posit- ion in the large State Prison , of that place Mr. Ezra Koehler; who formerly conducted -the Ztlri.ch Bakery, hut.. moved to Kitchener some months ago, has purchased a similar. bush iness in Baden, to which tay. n be will move with his family, and we wish him every;sueeass in his new business undertaking. • The carload of h rses offered by auc•tloL s•aio last Thursday at the Dor intoe :1•H'c.use were not SU. sol:l, es the rlen.and was not brisk en- ough, and the remainder of :h,, horses were, left on the heirs of Me Thos. Kyte, Parr Line, where they ean be .seen at any time, and She au.'lione r, Mr. Arthur Weber, baa the -selling of the same.. Dr. A., J. MacKinnon ,last week .recoiv c1 hi's new Buick (Coach for which he had given his order some time age. While this is a m:ir) elou. age of smooth running automobiles, yet we must admit that this Eurck slidee overthero. d, just a little Softer than most of the recent new make's of care. A very uniene birthday , party. was celebrated at the home of Mr.: nncl Mrs. J. W. Horner of the vil_ lige on Saturday, the orea+sion being Mrs. Horner's sixty seventh birihd ty, when a• nice gatheing of friends and rotative„ took place , a- mong whieh were, besides the children, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Reuln- tree of London, Mrs. 'Calling and son of Lambeth. The time was' +'lo-rsantly spent in refreshments and other amniaements. Mr. George Mess, our, noeal car- riage and' auto top repairer nad Painter,, has. reduced the size tof the buildings around this ;shop. The large storehouse at the west end of the lot has been reduced .lto a- bout hall lis formes size, and the leanto at the south end, forni,erly known as the engine and boiler. flow to Keep E tables Prim lsRi:' Ail Bacteria, free ••nal str•oyed - J -Un' 1 s•a)i Sealing, and Pi t its• t^special' Ovan: (contributeO'by (nt c? of Agric:urtti re 'C is a. tutivers,J 1 foods not prop ti spell. They lvi 1) . puirify or hove ch rugs are hrau; the dcvciopiuent of ba ' molds on or in tli, 11 :'icsn. lrluro-or'ganislnfl e:.' + ttl' from growing on or foul i° will nnt. spoil, Therefor question of food preservation r c itself into the problem of prev , lag thea;, bac- teria, yeasts and mit'. ., from growing ormultiplying on or in the foods. This 'is those in various ways accord- ing to the nature of the food to be preserved. Overheating or freezing will usual- ly kill the living tissue of which the roots are composed, after which they will readily decay as a result of the rapid multiplication of bacteria and -,olds in the dead tissue. In the preservation) of such vege- t.:>.bles as green peas, buns, asparagus Ind green corn different measures necessary, These are green and •licy and if storedin the fresh con- .ition they will either wilt or ferment rd rot. This fermentation and rot - leg is due to the development of ths b::et:.ria which are present on the vegetables. There will C , sufficient moisture present in the mess to en- able the bacteria to multiply secs fce:t on the material and thus induce t),c• rot. to in order to preserve sues• vegr•- tai tts in the fresh condition Ole bac- teria ac- te+,t r present have to be all killed and all other bacteria prevented from gets tite on the material until it is to be used. In order to aec,,nrplish this the process 01 canning is r•esortr+:1 to. Tc get satisfactory results hum canning vegetables it is necessary to have: 1st. Good sound healthy vege- tables. '2nd. .Good clean sealers with tight- fitting tops and good rubbers. 3rd. Wesh the vegetables and ill into the sealers. 4th. Cover with water salted to taste. 5th. Put on the tops and leave slightly loose.. •Bt'h. Place sealer, in a steamer or boiler half filled withcold water and heat to the boiling point for half an hour. 7th.. Remove sealers from boileror steamer and tighten down the tops. 8th. After 24 hours loosen the tops and return to the boiler or steamer and give another half hour's boiling. 9th. l'eiseat this Process after an- i•oomand recently used' as `a gar -``-:other "24' Poirrs. Then tighten down age, has been lalso taken away. A thetops and place away. newg =lrage lies ibeen erected I11r.5 treatment should destroy all pot3ite the_road Lar his dwelling Infero-•organisarrs present and if the :hot usq, The beautiful showers of rain, the for part of the week has in - top is hermetically sealedno others can get in until it is opened. Another method of sterilizing is to give one boiling to the filled sealers put: things right in line foie for 3-4 hours. This, however, cannot ag god start for a bu neper crop he depended on to give as satisfactory Some then:: it rained toe mueh hat{ results as the above. we must remwmbe its the May 1 Another method is to heat in steam Tains and warm sainshin: that get- s under 15 lbs, pressure for thirty min - the farm:-sre their Barns full o 11:1} ui.es. 7`hitt is the commercial way as well aa other crops, sr) be satePor c�hich special strong steamers (autoclaves), that can withstand in - belied for w aro about to get r ternal pressure, are necessary. A real good bung: -r crop which will snail vessel of this type suitable for let ws continue on with theg ood household use is now on the market. times most of us are experiencing Another method of preserving right now,. , vegetables is by drying then in spe- cial ovens, This drying process ex - The officers and clireetors of the tracts sufficient moisture from the Zrric•h Agricultural Soeiety met on vegetables to prevent the bacteria Friday evening last and consider- Present from having the power to able business was transacted. The multiply unless the materials should grounds were leased to 3. Decker, get mentoist before is being used. If suf- ficimoinot or Sr,, for the 'season- Messrs. J, i', •should the srtlriedure materials getextracted moist Rau, 0. Surerus and J. Decker Jr, during storage, then decay or rot will were appointed to the Attraction rapidly develop, as -the bacteria are Committee. "E;, Hal':erer. and A. F. not killed in the drying process and Hess' will see after the special pr- only require+ moisture to enable then) izee. The dates of the Fall Fair to develop. were set for Monday and Tues- In the storing of such fruits as day, Sept. 26th and 27th. The apples and pears it is essetnial: horse races at the Fair will be a 1. To have only sound specimens, greenbruising. free-for-all and a race. A 2-. To pack carefully without , 'umber of change's were made in 3. To store in a cool, well-ventilat- tlie prize Mt. ed place where they will neither be y overheated or frozen. MRS. SARAH MOUSsEAU Such fruits as strawberries, rasp- , PASSES berries, plums, peaches, currants. There passed away unto her blueberries, .etc., which are soft, can - eternal resting place on . Thursday not be kept any length of time with - May 5th, Sarah Derosia, relict of out fermenting or molding unless the late Alex, Moesseau, Sauble Line they are canned. Hay Township, near tDrysdale.. De- The canning process is simply fo thu ur ole p of killing 1 A ailn l 1 g mold spores celled was born in the Province of p Quebec, bet came to' Drysdale and yeast coils that are on the fruit and preventing others getting on un - about 61 years ago, where she and til the material is to be used. her husband spant all the time; on Canning fruits is not so difficult as the little farm known as the Mouse musing vegetables because it ie eas- seau home, the husband however ice to skill yeasty and molds which predeceased some years ago. Mrs, altect fruits than it is to kill bacteria lyl4rluveg7Y was of a very n#ee and that affect vegetables; •>' to c ing disposition, and made fri- These fruits Maybe cooked in a cede with everybody she came in fruit kettle, sugar added to taste, and filled hot direct from the kettle 1 into liorltact with, was very true and sterilized sealers removed direct from loyal to her church, namely tin:' =don water. • the Eorrtan Catholic faith, and left Another Way to preserve such this, world at the .h.onorable o11 fruits it; by the cold pack method, In age of 83 (pars, 3 months and 20 this method the fruits are not cooked d t I She vas impared with before putting into the sealer. Sound lefivnvtties the past five years but fruit not overripe should be used. bore her gimes of :suf'eitng and pain ;i'i)is is picked over and tilled directly With great ehri'3tiiin fortitude and into Glean sealers. Stone fruit should- lo'okedd for more happier days aeAps�y u of it>'ar siltswate .veet which she is1now enjoying. The serup .. funeral mass was conducted on Sun erred to taste p then lined into sealer•. I as as to completely cover the fruit. dey afternoon by, ,lacy',. rather J. The tops. rubbers and rings are put E. Gerard, of St. Peters Church at on but not screwed down tightly. The Drysdale, and the body ways 'hitt sealers are then. placed in a boiler to its repose hi the Drysrinlo sontaluing cold water sufficient to celr,etery. Deceased is sur•viveclby ''e�iclr thee -fourths up the scalers, fpIii r, end this' is brou rt ] ,toaboiland kept a airily of rown up a, soiling for half an helm•, The sealers well as many.+ grand end riome, regi: grand Chit Ir•^`) rwlio Yl i11 i , Lt,y t:ax..de ,cayiiil;: rrrutrr+ir. letl�� store away -•-•Prof. b,.:13 1 ,141040 O. A4 Go% 0, Tiiite Ula:4 . Zurich Drug Store eS In Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well hnown and - liable varieties of Face Powder Emd Face Creams EtiCh as "YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, COT%' ;S, POMPEIAN THREE FLOWER'S, WOODi URY'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods -which hive a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent arid-klutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF 51IAVINJ'I .C'R- E AMS, STICKS n O. PS AND POWDERS. AL' 0 A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRUSIIE'3, 'AFETY RAZORS AND RA Art BLADES + I MAGAZINES FOR SALE is Ear *G. IDr, A;, J., MacKfnnon. uric h im l ii iifkzMi WAR' &,; MW - Pv K',,W! 4.++++++44+4-++4-+++++4-4-++++4, ,•r.h• a•3• ••1.4.4 ••4••h•P••i••f•+•1✓•D•fi•fi•i•& ABE YOU ROOFING? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 10 TEARS OR MORE WITH- ; OUT PAINTING OR PA•TCEING. NO SNOW 'WILL - BLO'si' UP AND NO RAIN WILL CO THROUGH ▪ THE CHEAPEST AND T 11 F,I1RST. { We stili have a large quantity of Gyproc on hand, The • Fireproof Wallboard; Use it. for wall's and ceilings to repair + the old plaster before you spring decorate. 1 •1; "1!D • CAKAIBF :. a5's Err✓ C PSE an m U 1.4.++++++4 -m -1.4,.++++++++++4!4-s, s, +++4....F ...y,g ++ ,.i..?..F+4.+4..4»F•D•++4 4+4110 i Get that Dubber Tire Buggy be- fore prices advance. They IN or k on all four, bit or miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZIJRIOH . ,:7. t 41,0 4.44++++++++++++++++++++++44 r�r eK•w•-r t w •► "P r r ¢ °r9 a° s• vs. B.+ Y nef ll:BRALJ OFFICE Do You Kn:'? THAI WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR ShRvICB FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT W AN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING DDIN( INVITATIONS ' AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS: STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS; ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO Lusa/IBM M.rSNU:ELC•T, URrERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARI3ON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TW 1 SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. rnMr WE PILL YOUR O RtxNABIF SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 50 i,AItO•- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REMOTIONS THAT WE 'PRINT POSTING BILLS, rar;,i10 i SALE POS- . • IL L AND A~�, F, GENERAL ,a.t MERCANTILE POSTERS ",I'hlSdp 'PRINTING OUIi SPECIALTY ,,.w + .i.R..t+l..l ,