Zurich Herald, 1927-05-12, Page 3MAKE CARE OF BABIES EASIER tiee Stomach fisturb'ances and eonstipa• tion are. reePoesible for much of the peevishness of babies and young ehild- ren, When the baby is cross or irrit- able the mother s1ioudd not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to correct the trouble, for in the maJority of eases .these mixtures simply drug "the Child into an unnatural sleep. What is needed is a gentle laxative that will sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels. Such a 11e111edy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are, easy toIt to a and guaranteed to be entirely free from opiates and narcotics. Con- cerning them, Mrs, Jas. Tousaignant, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes:—"I would like all mothers to know that I feel there is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a box in the house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont. Tho waters in the Canadian na- tional parks in Western Canada offer Splendid inducements to the angler. Five varieties of game trout have their habitat in the waters of the parka, namely, cut-throat, lake, Dolly Varden, bull, and brook. When the lamps were alight, But out on the porch there's no telen. A pessimist remembers that the lily belongs to the onion family; an op- timist that the onion belongs to the lily family. 7 r, s.as RHEUMATIC IIISERY O•WL-LAFFS WL Relief Can Only Come Through TM Better B ood.�- •Liniments of Q.W.L. (On With Laughter) "Do angels have wings, mummy?" "Yes, darling;" "Can the fly?" "Yes, dear," "Then when is nurse 'cause Daddy, called .her an angel last night?" "To -morrow, drawling." going to fly, A charming young girl was dear Helen, In her home town she was quite the bellm— She was proper, all right, California Colo ado Mico Arizona Grand Canyon Indianidetour Seashore Mountains e Ranches §ataFe ra this summer 392 f 51 a i l this coat moa Santo Fe Service Bureau, 404 TramportaUon j Bldg., Phone Randolph 8748, Detroit, Mich. Please mail free picturelolders"Grand Can- yon Outings," "California Picture Book," "Indian -detour," "Colorado Summer." Name Addreee, .... Love provides the first husband and life insurance the second. Lot's wife was too inquisitive, It proved a fatal fault, If she hadn't turned to rubber She'd not have turned to salt. Too many men in burying the hat- chet dig up the hammer. The 1927 Twin 74J.D. Model The greatest Harley-Davidson of ail— at new and lowe prices—improved— refined in many details—but ne radical departures from the, time -tried Harley- Davidson design. Old timers and be- ginners alike willrecognize in these 1927 Twins the last word' in engineer- ing achievement. Powerful—speedy— built to hug the road—the most depend- able and satisfactory mount that, ever split the wind. ' Walter Andrews, Limited 346 Yonge St. - Toronto FREIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted ti'Iwre we are not represented. 30 Swedish Separator Company, Limited 36a Notre Dame St, West Montreal Canadian Farmer Tells His Experience "Les" Booth, widely renown Ontario farmer, and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive. Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found health to Tanlac Though popularly known as "Les," Mr. Booth's correct first came is George. Isis home is at 271 Perth St., Brockville. For the past three years he has enjoyed vigorous health but what he endured before then is best told in his own words, "For twenty years my arms shoulders, back and hips, ached with'rlrettmatisml" said Mr. Booth. "often I had to glint work entirely and I remember one bad spell that kept me in bed for six months. "My case got to be so chronic that the help ran the farm. I was prac- tically bel less. Even my wrists and hands would swell up so that I couldn't write my name. I dreaded bedtime, for 1 got no rest, but lay there in agony, waiting for morning. Nervous spells would seize me and 1 would tremble all over like a deaf. I couldn't get', any benefit from my food and had to force myself to eat. My weight wits far below normal, "Three years ago I decided to give Tonle() #t. -good trial, for nothing else. had helped me. 1 could scarcely be- lieve such results were possible as those Tanta soon. showed, The aching sto ed, my appetite came back and 1 couldeat heartily. My nights be- rake ;more restful, too, ail4 I slept soundly.. 1 gained 16 pounds which I still retain, and 1 row work hard out- doors from 8 to 10 hours a clay. I never have an ache. It's hardlybctieveablel If folkS'want to know what Tanlao can do, tell thein to write to leg Booth, or to come and see me. I'll tell 'era." If your health is broken from over- work or neglect, profit from Mr. I3ooth's experience. Try Tanlac, lie- lure's own body builder, made from roots, herbs and baths, Your druggist has it, Over 52 million bottles soil. No Use. In no other disease doss the blood become thin so rapidly as in rheums - Wan. Mot only does it become thin. but it is loaded with impurities---rheu,- matte polsoos. Wit;lout the proper treatment these poisons increase, the inflamed joints swell and the patient becomes a cripple. Most treatments s'Ju ply atm to keep down the pain, hence with every unfavorable eondd- tiou a renewed attack follows. To cast out rheumatism the blood must be enriched and the rheuu vatic poisons driven out with the natural secretions of the body. T'liis can best be done through a course of Dr. Wil- iiams' Pink Pills, which have a speci- fic action on the blood, giving It new richness and redness. Thousands have tried this .treatment with bene- ficial results. That every sufferer from rheumatism who does not try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is neglecting the most hopeful means of recovery is shown by the statement of. Mr. David Carroll, Pictou, N.S., who says; --"For •years I was troubled with rheumatism. The pains were not continuous, -but they always returned, and kept getting worse. I tried so -Balled electric belts and many medicines, but did not get more than temporary relief. Only those who have suffered from this trou- ble ewil] realize what I suffered at times. I had begun to dis'pair of get- ting better when a friend urged m try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In a short time I could feel this medicine helping me so I gladly continued tak- ing the pills and soon found that every trace of the trouble had disappeared and there was a great improvement in my general health. It is now two years since I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I have not had the least twinge of the trouble in that time. That is why I confidently recommend the pills to other sufferers." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. London Exhibits Nine -Inch e to l gard to mouth conditions is the dentist, but how con he bring the advantages of modern dentistry to the public un- -less he is himself informed. The chief agency used by the den- tists for the purpose of keeping abreast of tb,e times is the dental convention. These meetings held once a year in the province enable the member's of the dental profession to secure through essay and clinic the very latest in both knowledge and methods. The Dental Convention to be held in Toronto dur- ing this month promisee to be of un- usual importance because it wi1l be the Diamond Jubilee of the Ontario Dental Association and will be a joint conven- tion with the Canadian Dental Associa- tion. Outstanding dentists and • physicians from all parts of America will be present to give essays and ciliates and the meetings will be so in- structive and inspiring that the vast majority of the dentists of the Pro- vince will be in attendance. the finest thing in the world to keep your ,tomach in tip-top shape is 15 to 30 drops of ieigel s Syrup in a glass of wafer. Any drug ,tore. • Khaki has been officially adopted for future use in the French Army, displacing the horizon blue so famous during the Great War. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. THE TEETH AND THEIR CARE Progress Made in the ?revea- 1 tion of Dental Disease. Merited pxainrese has been made Jug regent yeah In working out a pr gramme for the prevention of dent disease. Outertanding research wor era have spent their time and ever in an effort to aeoeetain the r oaull�es of, decoy and pyorrhea and find out how the public can success 'fully combat or correct these cond tions, Such inveatigettion is absolut ly essential because so many peopl 1 are not only suffering from tooth ach Reid the loss of valuable teeth but number of sy�stema'tic diseases are result of bad mouth cond�itious. It has been discovered that dent. diseases are largely due to mod habits of living and that people highly civilized countries have mo tooth decay than those lees high. favored It is always difficult to p suede the public to live in accordant with natural laws and coneequienrtl some extra 'protection must be p vided.. r . research departments o the Dental Faculties of the Univers! ties and other investigators are con viewed of the necessity for and t'b •value of this study and the large num bei engaged in the work gives promise of many worth -while developments. Knowledge of any kind is of little value unless applied and a programme far the prevention of dental diseases will not be of much servioe to human- ity unless brought to them, The logi- cal person to educate the people In re- ux- o- a1 8y ea'1; to e e the al Burn in rd 1y eT- C8 y, re- f e Hyacinth. What is said to be the largest hyacinth in the_ world, "Myosotis," was the cynosure of all eyes at the show of the .Royal Horticultural Society in Vincent Square, London, Eng. • The bloom, a mass of Cambridge blue- bells, was nine inches tall. • The hyacinth was sometimes known to the English trade as "the chimney - sweep's brusb." He continued: "The development of hyacinths in England. has been .wonderful during recent years. Blomins• measuring eight inches in height are quite common now. start not generally known that the hya- cinth, centuries ago," was a tiny wild slower. As you see, we have. now hyacinths in practically every color. Perhaps brilliant orange and scarlet are the only two colors we have not yet perfected in these blooms, although we have them in shaded orange and cerise. 'Ding Meuielik,' a deep indigo blue, is among the hyacinths being shown this year, and this is about the nearest we have got to a black hya- cinth." 33°acinths are still used largely for window-boxes—a method of decora- tion popular in the British Isles. In addition to hyacinths, which formed a greater part of the show, there were some beautiful exhibits of cyclamen, daffodils, narcissi, and orchids. Sir William Lawrence exhibited a rare plant known as Halmonthus nata- lensis. This plant, which possesses an orange -colored flower, is a native of South Africa. Cure for Auto Accidents. Education is the only cure for the ever-increasing number •of automobile accidents, writes Walter P. Chrysler in The Outlook. "The more 1 study this whole prob- lem," he writes, "the more convinced I am that a major part of the problem is an educational one. That this is re- cognized is to be found in the fact that in many ot our large cities police of - fivers' are going into the schools to give blackboard talks to children about crossing streets at crossings, the necessity for observing traffic lights, the dangers of playing in crowded streets, the folly of 'Hooking -on -be- hind' motor cars and trucks and busses and what not. Having police officera In uniform go into classrooms has its effeoct. "Thus practice of having the polies go into the schools should be encour- aged. Many cities would At, well to adopt the plan. But the work of the pollee must be sunppleanelbted by the instruction of the parents in the home." Mr. Chrysler also believes that the motorist needs education. He writes: "The motorist loses nothing who gives to the pedestrian the right of way. It is the courteous thing to do. And then one should remember that a pedestrian cannot exchange bumps with a motor car. I have no patience with the motor- ist who compels the pedestrian to run to escape injury. To be sure, there alae all kinds of motorists•, just as there are all kinds of pedestrians, but the decent thing to do is to permit the pedestrian to walk to the curb or aCr0SJS the street in safety and without hurry." Violets, rose petals, and nastua�- tiunis for flavoring salads are among the novelties of French cooking, For all palii---Minard's Liniment. Beauty culture is a very old art. Even in Ancient' Ronie women dieted to "reduce," wore tight corsets, and used false teeth and false hair. The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.—Epicurus. Y¢ is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional - Dyers use the Same Kind of }k YES OREAM Yon will secure more money for your cream by shippino to us, • Wo supply cans and pay express, Prompt returns daily by money order. Highest prices paid for egos. Reference: Bank of Montreal. Write for cans and partioolars, CITY CREAMERY 780 Queen St. E. Toronto Their teeth are ot a tough-. nese which makesthem hold 'their keen ehtting edge un- , der every usage. SIMONDB CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONYREAL NANCOevcR, ST. JOHN, N.D. TORONTO G, MOIRE WOOL frain Every Sheep Every Tear Clip by machine and get 15% more than With hand blades. Machine leaves no waste- ful ridges—shears evenly all over-all long staple wool, brings better prices. Injures sheep much less than hand blades. Saves shearers' wages --anyone can operate a Stewart No. 49 Shearing Machismo Ball-bearing. Built for work. Lasts years. Shears smooth and fast, At dealers, $28.75. Western Canada 529,75, or send factory $200 and pay baianee on arrival. (Freight prepaid.) Cow and horse clipping attach - meet $10,50, Western Canada $10.75 extra. Satisfaction or Money Back. FLEXIBLE SHAFT CO. LTD. 831 Carlow Ave., Toronto $ Anyone CRU use it, No accord cute ISSUE 1'io. 10—'270 ow: packed in Aluminum. "1 good fe4' Your grocer ]rows when you order SED ROSE ORANGE PEKE yog are a judge of fin tea, A Sussex Daisy, Where the thistle lifts a purple crown Six foot out of the turf, And the harebell shakes on the windy hill - 0 the breath of the distant surf 1— he hills look over on the South, And southward dreams the sea; And, with the sea -breeze hand in hand, Cane innocence and she. Where 'mid the gorse the raspberry Red for the gatherer springs, Two children did we stray and talk Wise, idle, childish things.. , . Oh, there were flowers in Storrington On the turf and on the spray; • But the sweetest flower on Sussex hills Was the Daisy -flower that day! —Francis Thompson, Canada produced in 1925 nearly thirty per cent, of the newsprint paper made in the world. The Charm of A Velvet Skin and the Pure Blood Under 70 �VitTt Health This Spring' Taken according to the simple directions on every bottle, TRU - BLOOD brings the glow of vibrant health to the skin. elect Mood health" within. As a Spring Tonic and Blood Purifier, it corrects the causes of eczema, skin eruptions and kindred symptoms of vitiated or impure blood. Do as so many others are doing —get a dollar bottle at your Drug- gist's and prove its worth. 26 i - Classified Advertiseinnents. BBBBEAsoNRY -800X, TBA WOlax. MOBESId. Ritter, 11T Weneale, Orodcea$. oronto, 0. SUPERIOR BABY CHUCKS AT REDUCES PRICES. ,STRAIN SHED-T(-L&Y BAait - Socks, Tom Barrlm White Leghorn,. spectallty le 0.40. Barred Books ot the hes type. All our flocks are headed with pedlrC g cockerels from blood-testedstook and have been culled for heavy egg production. If you want Burred 1toy3k that are bred for egg production and also hove tb else. order from us and ,enure pure bred 'Malaise 0L high quality at the price ot ordinary grade steoll, Prices per hundred for `Rey, Barred Books 918.0% Legboras 910,00; June, Barred Books. $10,00. Log. horn 914.00: express paid. 100 per omit, live. arrival guarantocd. Terms. 25 per cent ea& with order. balance C.O.D. Prompt shipment guaranteed. J. J), Johnson, Box 107, Fergus, - Ont. 1"(' OW=J'nIUxa iron 111011 on.uarr regal .4 Bred Baby Chicks. 0.4.0. strain bred -to -lay ;trred Rooks and Tom Barron White Leghorn. Our elm each year istoim rovu our Rooke and sell high quant, pure bred chicks et the lowest possible prices. This year our chicks ere bolter than ever and prices lust as low and lomat than eltlelus of inferior quality. All our flocks are headed with Pedigreed cockerels tromblood-tested stock and have also been culled for heavy egg production. 7•o Im- prove your Soak order from us and secure the best. Prices per hundred: Barred :[Socks,. for IHay 01$,00, Tune 910.00; Leghorn,, 3ray 510.00, Tune $14.00; express paid. 100 per cent. live arrival guaranteed, Terms, 25 per cent Cash with order, balance 0.0.0. I orders promptly and carefully Heed. 1. -r, Twaddle, Fergus, Ont. '4t ,;PQM All that the name implies. From healthy, free flocks. Bred to lay. range C..Leghorna and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for circu ar FREE OlOTARIIO QUALITY HATCHERY 4 6 6 .tc'hmond.St., [London, Qbnta.rie A wreath sent by Queen Victoria to a funeral at Bilsthorpe forty years ago is still preserved in the parish church, in a glass and marble case. RESTOREB TO eeon IIEALTK Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham, Quebec.—"I am the mother of eleven living children, and my baby 18 ti five months old, I am only 38 years old and I have taken Lydia E. ?inkhorns Vege- table Compound for weakness and my nerves, I knew of it from my sister, Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuille of Ramsayville. For five years I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 ears old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young girls. '—Dame WILLIAM PAR- ENf Box 41.4, Buckingham, Quebec. Why suffer for yeas with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middle age, when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound w;il give you relief? In a recent country -wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkharn'•s Vegetable Compound, over 250,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100 reported they were bene- cited by its use. c DANDRUFF. Stop it with Minard's. A splen- did tonic for the scalp. Spring Time is CELERY MG Time !Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. 'It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better `right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c, Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheulnatisnli DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept o "Bayer's package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 32 tablet. Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Barer Idanttfatturo of Moeooat'etf'e- teeideater of Saiteylieseltl (Acetyl sulte.yIie Aoki, "A, 5. A,"). 'White it is well [Blown% that Aspirin means Bayer manufaetutc, to assist the public against ItnttationS, the Tabloiai OU`. Heyer °owpaay will be tamped with their +neral trade taatiy tali "as,,so ( 004 d•