HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-05, Page 8EXTRA SPECIAL ,"'fie were fortunate in securing a num ,her• of fine Bavarian Dinner Setts at4. a real saving in price. They are 97 -piece setts with China Cups and Saucers and sell at $18.50 and p2O. each. Cole Early for Best Choice P P •SET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW s3'EW SAMPLE BOOKS OF THE NEWEST LINES OP WALLPAP- ERS. 'RICES FROM sc TO 60c. PER RO LL Gamlen Seeds ' A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS NOW ON HAND, ALSO IANGEL AND TURNIP SEEDS AND CHICK FEEDS. TRY OUR -GRANULATED OATMEAL FOR ;YOUNG CHICKS AT 5c. LB. SCI -10 ProcILL,Waited So much depends on the Wall Paper THE difference between com- monplace .rooms and those possessing beauty and charm depends greatly on your choice of wall paper. From our extensive stock of famous MAXIMMI. and other Wall. Papers you will find your idea of the right paper to properly decorate each room of the house. Our experience in horse decoration is always at your disposal. ONS Piiione 5.3 Zuriuis's Garage Zasi kb4, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs WNUINE FORD PARTS ciUsi r.1lia_'I 1V'EL A SHI2itENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES E .ARF .AGAIN HANDLING TB E FAMOUS • re ha an FB Etri40 :EF IN VELI) OP A BATTERY, WE SOLIOIT 'YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF 'P. EATON .CO ..AN D OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES,. AND BESIDES WE GIVE `IOU SERVICE, WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTItIC.AL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC- EITYLEN!' WFI.PTNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Ha iV..o ^.Ass'eaa Zuriah 1 • • S! NOW IS THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANK- ING WHAT BINDS OF CLVER SEEDS THEY :REUIRQE FOR SPRING S,EDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Whita and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. Wire Fencing JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF FROST WOVEN WIRE FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES CTE'EPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC, envolemaeravroaenterzvcravesenoossitomemonsamossetsainestsbentneOnsersesoesarrossereemo PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE+" SHiPM+NT OB SHERWIN WLILIAMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS, STAINS, ENAM- ELS, ETC. 00000004000000430000000 FULL LINE OP HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS ON HAND, • TADS &WE.IDOJ ZURICH ONT. i A £vEtCU G niversary Sale Beginning Saturday May 7th Ending Saturday i a 21st See Bills for more partied „;. rs ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Just before going to press one of our good citizens. called us up asking us to warn the people of the village to ,keep their hens shut in, as most of the gardens are, being planted out now, and the neighbor's chickens in a fresh pl- anted garden is a very deplorable thing, So Mr. Citizen,, please be fair and observe this by-law or the offenders will be prosecuted a- ccording to Law CREDITON Mr. and Mrs.. Will Damm, of Charley; spent a few days with the latter'ss parents, Mr. and Mrs G. K.. Brown. + f Mr, and Mrs, W T, Lewis of Aigongiun Park are visiting atthe hone of Mr and Mrs. F. Clarke. Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer ,`and family of London, visited with her father, Mich Finkbeiner Mr. and Mrs. Daferne.r of Lans- ing,' ana-ing,' Mich,, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Beryl Hill, who spent holidays with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 1Hl1 returned to 'London. Rev.. and 1VIra. Hiseocks visited with friends at Sebringville and Stratilord. Mrs. Hei±b, Young, and daughter returned after visiting at Pavia - tock. Gertrude Haist has accepted a position at Goderich -as stenogra- pher. The May rrxet.ing of the Wonu- en's Inskitu.ta was held on Tuesday May 3rd. This lbe ing the annual meeting, Mrs; Hny, district presi- dent, was present and addressed' the, m sting. John Smith, Laving and Eldon we're visitors at Walkerton, Rev, W. Y. Dr 2ier and J. H. Holtzmznn have rc'turned from: the Evangelical conference at Sebring.- itle. Mr. Dr::ierm who has been pastor of Zion Evangelical ch- urch; ors to Zurich and Rev. M. W. Si 1 .lie? of Fenwick- comes to Crediton. HENSALL Annie E, Ramis, Secy. of 1Chil , dren's Religouis Education work in Nova S of a, Pince Edward Island and New Brunswick, visited with her friends, M rand Ivies F ' W Hesss, John Coulter was in Woodstock ,, attending the funeral of his bro ther-in -la w, Chas. Riley. Albert, :Bell is (moving to the >ilFerrils Cantclan left for Ono= faun he recently purchased on the saga Where he is teac;iiog school 3rd, Cor, Stephen, formerly own- Mr,. and Mrs.. A. T. Sweitzer of ed by t Exeter Canningh Co , Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrss. Shortt, of Windsor, who Robt. Higgins. Flora Higgins ac- who viiited with her sisters, Mary companied them to Detroit. and Emma Johnston, returned to Mra. Jas. Taylor has returned he' horn'" home after visiting in Toronto with Geo .Hudson is mtproving his her ehildren4 property by building a new veru Irma, 'Rennie and worm friends in andah. Detroit, visited her parents, Mr„ Evelyn Heffernan is visiting i and Mrs(. E, Rennie, i friends on the Goshen line. 1 John 1hrsismore, of the local Hy- Grace manson has returned dro plant, has a staff of men em,� after spending the holidays in ployed trimming than trms that Brant:ford., tare interfering with the electric A most twonderffl cantata" en wires, titled "Joseph's Bonclage,-'' was t Mr:, and Mrs. Arnold M.erner left given in the local town hall on for Detroit, where their will make Friday evening, under the. wasp- their home, after: :spending a Ice; of th''.L�dies Aid of the Unrtfe�r days at the home of tbe bride's ited Church and wa spreented by parents, Mr. and" Mrs. Thos. Kyle the Myth Choral 'i$ociety. Parr Line, Hayl. Thos. Wren Wns been confined There passed away at London to his hoop with. illnesst lutspital on Wednesdaq last, afor Mrs. M. Gilliesleft for Montreal Mer wellirnown resident of here in LOCA MARKETS Butter Ib. ,-. .».40 Eggs _ .26-24-20 Dried apples lb. .,.._.. _ _._ 9 .14.25 Oats __.,.. .. 42 Barley _ .; ..._-.-60 Buckwheat: 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton___,F>'. _34.00 Bran- per ton-.. ._....., _ _ ... 32.00 Live Hogs cwt....-. ........... ... 10,25 tCorr+....ted every Wednesday) Western Farmers g Mutual Weather !mance rance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OP ANY CANADIAN COMPaN Y DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454.14, Being an increase of Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL, KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. �Vii1.la r try WITH THESE NICE, WARM AND BALMY .DAYS ONE CANNOT HELP BUT THINK OF TRE AT- TRACTIVE AND SEASONABLE SPRING' BONNETS AT Zurich Ht Shuive LET 'US SHOW YOU OUR FI.NE ASSORTMENT OP SILLS, STRAWS AND FELTS, AT POPU- LAR FRICES THAT WILL SUIT EEVRYBODY Miss V. Sieber to horn Mr. Gillres, who 15 attend- the pt rson of Frank Marshall,: he ing college there, - a ,was born at Exeter 50 years ago, Rolbt. Higgins, and Geo Petty and was a resident of Bewail for spent a few dams in To'.ronto last 30 years. About four years ago Week} 1 1 i r•'.. , r he moved liM family to London, Ed., Lindenfield is eonfiriecl to where he- was engaged at ' the this bed with a (severe attack (Attu) C,N.R sl,ops, and,ya survived ,by gril)po. i t . t.. i lii4 widoW:.arld t£ .eblldrepio 4100001 11.110.1111011111.14 an May 5th, E027 " f Seasonable - Hardware Spring is .here and we can supply the Public with Seasonable liars - ware at .moderate prices . E A GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS, mamma, COUNcuL STANDARD ROOFING} AND CEMENT. "4 A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HAND ;HrANi, STOVE8 AT VERY CHEAP;. FENCING A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS LUCKY TIE WIRE, JUST ARRIV..a ED INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARBc BRACE AND'STEEL. POSTS. ° TIRE TIRES AND litTBES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE BETTER PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SEN'OUR l00% PURE PAINT„ AND A FULL LINE OF CHI /CAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO; ENAMELS ALSO, FULL LINE OF MURESCO, ETC. FURNITURE Full Lina of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Diningla Room Suite, Bed' Room Suits, Kitchen Cabineth. Reed Rokers and. Chairs, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCEDPRICES, GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS&AXONS BEDS,,, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS,. BEWRE OF SUBSTITUTES • `l RUGS MINISTER ALL SIZES IN WILTONS, A./E4 AND fiAi"ES1°d.`R Y $1dQra RUGS Johnston ez Kalbfiejsch Hardware & Furniture.uxeo Phone 63 THE HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION. WAS A. TRUSTED INSTITUTION WITH CANADIAN PEOPLE, TOTAL .ASSETS( $39;553,363.00 ARRANGE FOR A H. & E. DEBENTURE NOW, AT TER GOOD RATE OFF 4%% INTEREST PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF YEARLY., mirew F Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? E. C. Harvey,�r�& L. V. HIoiga;i th — Agent:a -- Mutual Life of Canada EXETER — ONTARIO JOHN WARD Drugless Praetion,.1 eer and Optician EXETER Phor AT t!', I,PER ROITS.R, Zara Ery .: cu sday, 10 a.mu to 4, p, • TAILOR MADE --9k^-^^�^-:F—dl~-rips-�F--+1?••-�-.. ..: BY THOSE WHO IiNcANT NO TTO-GETHPR V JL O-GiJTHTHROWN' SRWNNR BY THOSE" WHO SNOW Ro a,�s i` ,.........<.. The Haw Spring Siiitinjs �• ARE 1 l i RIGHT UP TO ft'HR MINUTE UNI 1 PATTERN, STYLE AND QUATT I, 1 ALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED, DONT be misled by buying i,eheaper and inferior good 1 BUY from those you, know will l+stand behind everything they TWr FF" ,MERCHANT TAILOR. W. H. SOFFMAN & Soni EMB' A>14lt jAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phone! NO, ilk 71 '1!' 1 ' *— , -10:-4It-'$-4 -.• *