HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-05, Page 5th, 1221 BUSINESS 'InDLEyE.Liousuis 'ti?rS`I1311S, BOL1EO1.'rOt1, NOT - ART PUBLIC, 'STC. fe, Harail'toma Stmt. Just oft ;;qj l Equare, GOD1$„F err, Ont, ,. aped* 1 aeetenti'oxa to C•kwa-044 calci We haze a few tons of ]'eetil r) I Court !omit, .leer on hand, and awe getting a gag flTl198 may be au mite', a t fresh car]o d in for be ns and.d lrieb by phone aan bon hes kwheat 3owin „ elierge'e ~ever 'd+ ( Mader & Joizn'stopr zuaK 034.LD PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost Found, Notice, Eget. Ads f.tiTM COLUMN FOR SALE Dr. IL IL ��pp,y�{ .,x• •b N,. D. ID4 S. ',DENTAL SU . ,0 •.t t 'DMZ nom, v- ;t %%taraaciay, Fridaer undo 'Seth Ma'km °Mee hll'tTLEIlEaS BLO+C-sn , DAS OOD ;Andrew ', Hese, Township Clerk Ilitsser of mmacrtiage hies retie, Notary �mmbl►c, sCo iesioner, Pare ,and Aut- aenanbile Latauerance Representing ;Strom & Erie Mortgage Ooapor- The Canada Trust ,N aA7itg0 fir• ►-U -C-T 1.0. 1=E -E -fit graduate Q.are,y 1 L Imes Nat- 1 School of Auetioneering. Try leao for R+sgiet'Tee Live Stock Breedse Terms in keeping 1Cee. Choice ;lli th pre �' 'ailing iceas11 anything torOWN cal®. Will Whose ,where: or ,p rim, Zurich.. 15-93 icensed Auctioneer ;FOR iiURON & MIDDLESEX. AM IN A POSITIONregaarti�lN- I',act any auction sale, 1 ess ' to size or articles to sell, arousal your business, and A not Watts led will make no charges for it. Dash -wood, Weber, 1 13—M m•••••••••seems,•••••••• Zurich Meat • • • • Fresh aSalt Meats >nd etc • Bologna $aaasages, • Highest Cssdia PneeC for Wool GASH FOR SHINS Ru1)P8 a,i,gblat &, • Deiclort Ni• .49 ••••!i►w '••••••••• ZURICH LIVERY 1 anco in a po►eitiof to aecomo- Atte all requirements in Ole Livery mem' els, have Auto for ;Erre. Any thing dowse in the teaming line. GORGE 3. TtitEh moons' 89 Zu ricb,Ont. LIVE POU LT RY IIWANTED Makes every day till 3 O 'elock,p.ta. Hto r*ot teed lo's't name morning brought in. highest Cask Prices —elms 1 'O.R— ;1 Cream and Eggs 1 1 W. O'Brien Alone 04 FOR TO MOTORISTS Following are sates`. for Automobile 3n aurance for six months -� Chevrolet, Lord, Chrysler, Essex, Overland, Star ; Public Liability ... $4,90 ' Property Damage ... $3,50 • Piro and Transportation 2.80 Other Rate's . in propoionrt, A, F. 1I'.ESS, Agent, Zurich, FOR SALE A good net. of trailer • wheel; and axle for ;sale very cheap, al- so iised FT''ord parts. L. Prang. WANTED Al incited number of cattle for pasture for the coming (season;. Apply to David G ingerich, Zurich FARM FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Farmer for rent or will take in cattle this smarmier Lot 16, Con; 7, Ray_ Write or phone, We Com. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SA LE A kitchen cabinet, good as Here half price, Apply" to A. F. Heys. 4-4 FOUND A rum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at herald Office. . NOTICE. A limited number of cattle will be taken for pasture for the com- ing season. Apply to Garnet Deters, Hermalf,' P.O. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR TBF GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas n i d Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son P,BONE 95 RRNSALL -17 WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY June 1, to Oct. 1, 1927 'We, the undersigned business nen of the Village of Zurich, ag- ree to c1osa owl respective places of business every,Wednesday aft- ernoon, beginning with June 1st and ending on Sept. 28th, 1927 L. Schilbe, A, P. Hess, J. W. Merrier Brown's Boot Shop. Stade & Weide. J. Gascho & Seas L. W. Hoffmre n. C. Fritz & Son. E. Oesch. T. L. Wurn: Johnston & Krilbfleisch W. G. Hess 5:.. Sona: , Wire, O'Brein, Ed. Weltiu. George Hn'Sri �Viliiam;a Bros. Vera V, Siebert John Kipper Dr.. H. 11. Cowen. T0134KIGQ MEETING WELL )' ',TT 7NDED On `4 ednesday Evening, April 27th, a number of the proaprect ive growers of tobacco of the H 1[ District ensa rs rMeadquarc attended a ineet - iag i i lithe (council Chambers in Her e Sall. ' Thi meeting was, h 'ranged by Agrieultuahip Tee t ative Paterson of Clinton and was addreeaad by Mr. Thomas White of the Rid getown Experimental Pant, Mr. White gave the grower era many valuable hints on the proper culture of this highly spec- ialiaed and comparatively " " new crop in Huron County, Thissyear the Ontario Department of Agrie turd has place practical field , H, TL Cowen apd Wand Feltz, were at London on Thur day, pleases,. Chas, I Tar tleib and Mich, Ohiei* of Godtirigh ere' eenet,'ing ac- quaintanees on ��Tedne�sciay,• Mrs, 'Tulles, Bloch, who has been visiting at Marl -thane fol a . e few weeks, returned to her hope here, , blu Mr, and •�1FIrs. Harry Yung b and: family Spent Sunday at Aeb-' urn, Messrs. harry Angel •. and Albe tart Siebert, have retured after a short visit at Detroit.. Mr, and Mrs. Christ,'• Haist of Crediton,' 'sp, nt Sunday. at the hobs of Mr. and Mee; John Gaseho The nice and warm, Weather 'the past few days has made tbinga lookl: .somewhat different, and soon everything will look green again Mr. Oeville Smith, • of the Parr 1Liue, hasrrettrnud home from Sea-; forth kloapitral where he ,underwent an operation for appendicitis: Mr. and albs,. Ecl.Brandt of Lop - don, else Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Heist of Crediton were. •Sunday visitors, •a Mrs. G•ertrn e 'Hess OCJAL kW8 High xm a Co , t. b nal le s Whitusmd. Was � e a in town on Monday, Ray Council met in the TO O Hall on. Monday for the Monthly u.ecating. Mr, and, Mrla, Herb Kraft of .etrpit, were week -end visitors at the liorxe oft he former's parents, Mar, and Mrs. Loum:s Draft, Me, and Mrs Wellington John- Ston were at' Landoll on bush -seas on Teesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bender and farr.ily. of Blyth,, viaited at • the horns of ldr'& Lydia 1 11O on 'Tees - day eight. ' Mrs, Henry Smith, who has helm Visiting relatives here the pact few months, left on Tuesday morning for her home in Howell, Seek. Mr. and Mrs. W. L,. Siebert are attending a Silver �Vedd:ng Seathielle this week, GI.T DE TO •Nl•OTOIi1STS Any person over 18 may pro,. a 1iceiree to awn or operate motor car, Between the ages 16 and 18 a peaeson xray ,sec n permit to drive on passing at the hon,e of d TI eean ination and obtain a cliauf- Mr. Orville Ehiieis and fir. Ern 1 fet:r's license otherwise; they are Reil of Detroit, were week -end vis- itors wi'•h the form'er's mother, Mrs, Sarah Elanes. Meas Marguerite . Schilbe hae3JIe en engaged' to be one of .the op- erators at the Zurich Telephone Central.. :Rev. and M. A. 13. Gingerieh, Mr: and Mra, Schumacher of El- n Ira ,ver.. week -end visitors \,•iLh Rev. J, Durrant and Mr. John friends, The former conducting 'McAsh of Varna attended the . ser, ices in the Mennonite church Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., District Presi- dent of th' South Huron Tomena' Institute, was at Exeter last Tu eeday, addr s ing a -id re-organ- leing the local branch there, and on Tueac1 iy of this week,- at .Cred- iron, doign the ,sem., kind of work don, where they were visiting fri Ameng the new autos purchased end's we notice the following Dr. A. G. MacKinnon, Special Six Buic coach Milne" Rader, 14th con, new Pont- iac Six sedan; WM. Der_her, new Essex Six Coach;. David Ginger- ieh and T. L. 'Kerne new L�asexSix !sedans. The, young people of the Luth- eran church are busily engaged re- heareimag the play, getting acqu- ainted with Madge, which they wiijl present at Broadhagen in the near .future. Mr. Louis Schilbe, our local dour, feed, •seeds and coal dealer wishes to advise the public that he is in a. position to solicit your orders for coal for the. =coming season's supply. , This is ton- trary to a runor that iag •oing a- round, that he h.a's discontinued handling coal, which rancor is false. 1. Babel to a fine;, . No one under 18 year's, 'of age is permitted to drive under the Highway's Act. Vio latora are open to a fine. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Presbytery in Gociorich last Thurs- day,. Next Sunday, Mother's Day will be observed in our churches, when the program. and the addri: ss be .suitable for the occasion. Messrs. Willie. and F�Frank Clinchey 'spent Sunday at Lon- Mothei'e Day will be obsN'ved in the Lutheran church next .S rrm- day •es'ening. The Pastor :speak on Moth; r, Titin and Motherhood. Core' early if you -want a good seat, and bring you mother& Rev,. S. M. Tiauch of Winnipeg had charge of the Sunday evenin:; services in the Evangelical church Mr. Rauch is a -former Zurich boy having taught school here while leis father tai; lat. Rev. Rauch was pas tor •of the Eeangeiicai church. ,Mr, Hanch has a very responsible charge in Winnipeg, and is. a very capable pulpit orator. Dr. W. Schellog of Detroit, -calms lead in the village on Friday. The Doctor has treated himself to a fine new .Master 'Six Buie sedan, which is the ;kind of vehicle any man has a perfect right tee be proud of. When we take aloolc. at a car like :Dr. Schellog'a and then jog our memory back only fifteen years ago what the motor cats afforded us at that time, we mrtst edmit that we ere living 'in a remarkable age at present. The April /meeting of the Zur- ich Branch of the Wemraen�a' Inst- itute was held at the home of Mrs J. Rey Jr.,, wheal the scripture reading was given by , Little Margaret Hey namely the 23rd Ps. A 'splendid paper was given by Mrs. Hey entitled "Looking on the Bright side of Life" AIsoo a pa- per 'on Horticulture • wits read by Miss Pearl Ffile. Airs. 13. Camp- bell of Toronto gave an interesting >Ct?k to the ladies, Election of officera Will be 11eiel et the Mmr,a.y meeting,. here iss somewhat a danger- _ous place in the road on the :Bron son Line, a few miles noorth of Dashwood, as two of OUT prom ir,ent citixena have recently had much the sante experience by have ing a "spill" in the ditch with the ey '' l result of the machines getting dent `" ed up somewhat, while the oc- cupants. & cupants cane off even betterthaii their auto's. We think it would be ads*usable for our' road system ul d comr.lnissioit to put tip signs at mem at the .sorvie of the tobacco �anc1 i Ire- era growers of Bengal Western Ontario cau CCTe � �e r�WO The growers should not be back- greatly admire the1; hat '"1�ES TUBES AND m dangerous places 'o tion the public of danger road signs, t wand in asking for the services of .have ben erected at the jog be - these men sew the'resuIN of Liar fir.it teem here elude St Joseph Sara *Ifo, VV S •• eroa o' to !some extent trivet !haat futere these 1idns welt Mr. and Mies .Oscar Wright and family of Kennelworth, sprat the weak -end with Mrs. 'Weight's par_ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Dowson. Mr. Geo. Dowson haa not been enjoying good health and has be- en under the Doctor's etre, but we hopo that with the coming of waren weather he niay regain hie asual health again. DRYSDALE. Mrs. Ed. Wesley •of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with het mother, Mrs, Mousseau, who is very 'aerta:al:ly ill. • Mr. and Mrs. Maxims Denommle of Windsor, were week -end vis- itors with the former's parents hers: Mzl. and Mrs. Geoffrey, also Mr and" Mrs. Bushey of Grand larks N. Dale,. pard a 'short visit to fri- ends and relatives in our berg. Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Laporte,a1- •so Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte mot - 'tired to Stratford. on Sunday heat Mr. Noel Laporte .land Mr. Claude Rau and !sister Masa Blanche visite:a to Goderich recently.. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mousseau and family of near Hensel], were Sauday , i'sitors at their brother's hLt, Moulssetu. Many farmers are planting potatoes. The Messrs. Denomine and Aubin have bought a fine bunch of cat- tle from Mr. Watson he near Bay- f%eId, t% r. Gerard of Windsor, is at present visiting with his brother the Reverend FFather'J. E,Gerard pastor of St. Peter's R. C. Church Mr. Ar.hur Sreenan of Biake",nnd Mr. John P. Rau of Zurich, spent Sunday evening with th' i"atter's brother, Mr. Joseph Rau. now busy BLAKE Mr, and Mrs. FFFred Turner and son Grant, of Drysdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weide and daughter of Zurich, 'spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mra. Rads John - Wen. Miss Marybel Carnie spent the weeli-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas, Mn. red Mea. Mose Gerber and loudly of Baden 'avant the week- end with friends in this vicnity. . ~Mese Nancy Gingerich spent a few days with friends on the Go - ellen Line„ Mr, John Thirsk spent Sunday with frieends at Egnomtdvitle and Seaf orth. Mr, and R,obt. McBride,, ac- corrmpanied by Mr's. Sam McBride, 'dent Sunday with friends at Auburn, M>. and Mr's., Lang FFosterr and family, accompanied by 'Mr, Wm, Clirke, spent the weak -end with friends in Kitchener. Mr, Company -spent the week- end at the home of i riesc, E. Clarke Mrs. Smith, who spent the last few months in this vicinity•, left on Tuesday 'for her home in the west. Mester Chas. Meyersspent a few days at his hone in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mr's. Lindenfield and da- ughter Eleanor, of Londom, spent Sunday at the home of Mrt, and Mr e, Thos. Johnston. Azr, and. Mrs. Ed, Erb spent the wer;k-entl, with friends at 'Baden, (bete a entehat atter led the ,D6+r, dtat+''1* in"t 11,1 ';Tdant:ahilit't' of h * has the Cellar" of nrev`nfi• an ;i1Y ', i�S'OOC1'ty mtvting wliielh "MIS 'JtCn1/a4���il.�t7,'.w�.��`..t'1�''�ltU�'''vk�`,'.�;�ir a 'Lr. . ofx lir Pigs Inv* .e Zurich Drug Store e Speciajjz In Fere Toilet preparations and handle all the Well k own and re- liable liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams toch as YAfDLT1"S, ARM:a.NDS, ('(1 l P0Mr'],TA7 TI Riad 1,e0W ;R'S, WOODet.'Ri'S AND MANY OTHERS. These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WR HAVE SEVERAL VAR'SrIii OI` SHAVIN( +CR- EAMS, STICK. OA_PS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD SrocK OF SHAVIN!x BR(TSHEi, .tAFETY RAZORS .AND RA ;0:., BLADES' , MAGAZINES FOR SALE ]fir, A, J. MacKirinon,�Zurich .� •mwti1 w WA ` Mf t t ,n PA„ it elle" M t` t i i } aiD+++m'+T'4'+'Q'.j..p.+.¢ t+.{.,f4' f.+ ..y a-'+"+++++++++4++.,+. ARE YOTj' BOOFING9 THINK OF KEYSTONE. 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 SEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLO'k UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH ¢ THE CHEAPEST AND r.CIlE,BpST, i We (stili have a large quantity of Gyproc + ▪ Fireproof Wallboard; Use. it. for walls and the old plaster before you spring decorate. F C PHONE • IALBJ2 • 69 mw . ---a-a-e+++++÷÷,e+a-3-a+++.aelafesiea or, hand, ceilings to The impair ZURICH Get that Rubber Tire Buggy be-_ ,fore prices advance. They work on all four, hit or miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZIJRJCH t t t 3e t tNew Beauty, New Features, New Low Prices The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader.. ship in the field of low-priced Sixes. Let us prove this by a demonstration 4. 1. 4 4. IL. pron ANGE_ Greases Tire a Accessories t k5rl"''71'a�,.y,c►•'i`..'"yr+,►• a i',r<'. ......x. ,L,�,+, �..!•.,;.+1+.4,11iy1''�'.'�''. ++++++++++++++++÷÷+-S++++++ ++++++.÷1-1-1.++++++++.3.4+4 .; The New and Finer Pontiac Six PAIGE WITH 20 CHARI,XING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMBIN- ATIONS — IN SIXES AND EIGHTS --- GIVES YOU THE WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BET- TER AND ntaaER PRICED AUTOS. You must see and drive these new Paige care before you you can fully realize the wonderful pierfortuance and the amazing v+aluea they really are. Let its. •demonstrate. AUTO REPAIRING AN D GENERAL GARAk.,E WOR$ .A SPECIA.L'r'Y Gas Oils raistriet as tela eco groiymlig .ereril1urthei* accidents at these :points. heldin ° a',' Church Mouctay iimght,+ *44+ 14 alaP �r�