HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-05, Page 4LUaICH.IfBitAlip ThOrisitay, Aprli 28th, 19 10IG CANADIAN 1DIAN RADIO PIONEER A lorprise• awaited the radio Gln u3try the other day when it "ppeearree. 1.x,own that MAJOR J. E. HAHN, D. S.0 c pioneer radio manufacturer, and Ids briilliant group of associates land taken over the antral Corp- a9rat•o_a o; Med?ord, H So r- BoSton,. Masa. Few romances hold the intens' interest of Mejer• Hahn _xtraorait;ary radio career. ` ,or d- ing -the DeForest Reale Corporat- ion ion of Canada in 1923 in less thee lour years he has brought this co- se pang from comparative i'stur- t holds ity to the leading position. today. The DeForest Radio Co. s said to be the largest manufact- ever pine, owithradio the?ts in the acpuisitio British tie Arnrad Corporation, IVIa•o: IZ'hn who was formerly a. New flam- ing, Ontu. boy now I•Lcomes an international figura.' holding the residenc;� of both concerns. i 1lU NTY NEWS. The Square in Goderich will in lut'ure be a one-way Street and et by-law is being prepared ac- cordingly;. Betzv_en 90a and 1,000 men, rep- :a•es_mting o• nine nonpernua,ieut ac - live military units in. Mlitary Dis- trict No, 1, it isiaaannounced will at at- tend the campto be Car- ling's Heights for nine days,com- euencin.g o n.JLn'- 10th. The p :ople of '2 oderich corn- paunity learned with '-sincere re- gret of th, sad tragedy which tookk place at thee harbor on Sun- day last, when Mrs. John McCon- nell nell of town lost her life. body of the deceased was found close to shore near the south pier. It Is not known just how the fat- afity occured, as no person wit- nessed itnessed it. Deceased ,hal been in poor health for some time. The death took place in. Tucker - smith 'on April 18th, of Slrs• Wm. L. McLaren, aged 60 year and 17 days. She was in for some tim e. tier maiden nam being Mary Anne Rogers, and was born near Hen - salt and 35 years ago was married. to her now bereaved husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Etherington of t4 hUsborne, have the symp- athy of the community in the loss of their little son George_ ho died at London Hospital follow- ing the kick from a levee en the. ;Farre, The little lad was tour ye- ars ars old,. A fatalaccident occur'd nn the farm of D. J. McFarlane, McKillop -when his 10-yr-ild soon, (efer'ge, lost his life aid a six -yr. -old son John was seriously' injured. The two little Wallows were in the act -eti driving a team of hotels in the roller, when they became un- .;anag Tbie and t ran ngho] a thesl roller Striking a p through theg ate, with the above wesulte, John R, Butchart passed away at his home, 2nd con. Stanlely on ,April 19th. after a brill illnesst 'The funeral was held on A.pr'il 21st, by Rev„ A. McTP arlane of the Pres lbyt'erian church, Clinton, assisted by Rev. Lovell of Gueii,h. De- veabMd was a member of a well- known family of •the Stanley com- aennity, having moved here from ?IWLiddle'see county with hie parents icia 1851„ at the age! of ten years. EXETER Mr, and 1VIra. Will. Rennie of 'Zurich, Were Sunday visitors with the latter's, mother, Mrs. Broder- etc. G, W. 3)a -elle, who recently un- derwent an operation at London &tonpital, is improving. 1'sa..^i.. Pearce, 1nnie Srrllrcrl<and of Stratford, werne week -end vis- :,tour, with .Mr„ and. Mrs. W. C. :'t'care% w , a .r , Hoek which The. Op House w.ri Isom:rrj ee/ ae a frrr frit ora qt- ,eh i.I I; eel purchased by `r Jones Iso be teeed in connection with. his :'Lyxn, r; in Isi+ reent bUthl ons Green vIrteall, Melia ha. t order to celebrate ur first year in h me on all our Day are t i Oe' .yrs «..Mt? ra . ;: •. 4 r t ing t ST RTS Ithyh7r.p a i. Ends May 21st, 1927 Men's and Boy's Wear MEN'S GREY STRIPE AND BLACK OVERALLS, THE BEST WEIGHT ON THE Ar' 4TKET 1 79 AT 1e7 Men's Stripe Pants at Men's Kahki Pants _- --, --_ 1.79 Boy's Khaki Longs at ...... 1.39 1.69 .Men's Broadcloth Shirts, Value at $1.775, Going now at_.._.._. . . MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Reg. $'6')at-- Reg.. ,s1_=5 at - Reg. $1..:19 at -- MEN'S ---M r S WOOL SILK AND CC TTOti SOCKS Reg. $1.2.3 noa� Reg 431.00 nos,' _ _. ... S?c Reg c.nr:ew .,----...... 6,5c Reg. Zia. now _.., -. _ -. MEN'S ..AND BOYS' CAPS Reg. $1.75 at __ ____ ..,.. $1,33 Reg $1.25 at _.. ._ . 93c Reg $.1,9s at _ 79c Reg. 75e. at ___ 60c MEN'S MERINO i:NDERirEAR Reg., $1.00 per garment at __ 19c Specie: _1.30 reduce t e 2n ess.,in Zu'.. Y oods t En It is the time of year when you be able to uy at ;,: big saving on your sum A _:ser dress materials, .dies9 an Chid ren'- . osi ry, Underwear,Men's and }goys' Over- alls, shirts, socks, etc. Only a few of the prices are listed below: dililss` zrE{.'rs LADIES CORSETS AND COR'eEL- ETTES r' Reg $1.50 at -___ ...1..15 Reg. $1.25 at 98c 79c Reg. $1.00 at ALL LADIES'' VESTS, DRWy., SILK UNDERWEAR AND HOS- IERY AT REDUCED PRICES. PLAIN BLACK, BLUE & KHAKI DENIM, HI+'AVY WEIGHT At Per Yard ,., 39c Grey Stripe at yd.. ... _,_ 39c Lighter weight at .,, 32e Best Blue and Black Stripe Shirting at '.__ ... ...30c 1K.ahki at• 30c Yard wide Dutchprintat ___,_31c Print, at per yard ___ _ ___ 20c S2: -in. width Ging-hare et - 17c Bit weight Gingham, yd. _._ 20c peen, and Flowered 'Crinkle Cloth at yd. 20c 23 -in. Flannelette at yd _ ,•• 12; ALL STRIPED FLANNELETTE AT REDUCED PRICES TABLE LINEN Reg. $1.65 pure Linen at ,.. 1.20 Reg. $1.25 Danzasle •98c PURE LINEN TOWELING Q Good Weight, Reg 23e at ___18c Lighter weight at ..., L.....,..14c TABLE OIL CLOTH 1% yd. wide, Damask back at 490 1% yd, wide at ...... ... 39c 1% yd. wide, white at .... _.;..• 45e- 1% yd. 'squares, each at _. ___ __.79c PURE LINEN TABLECLOTHS Size 70x88 in. Reg. 54.75 at 3.95 Napkins to match dozen .._.3.65 Drapery Chintz, Cur- tain Nets, Pannels all will be reduced. • A2 and 41 inch Circular Pillow 42c• Cotton, Reg. 55e. at yd. L BLEEC•R'FD SHEETING Reg 55c. • at _..... .. 42c Reg.. 75c. at ___c- ... e•••67c UNBLEECHED SHEETING Pine quality at yd. ...:_ 40c FANCY CREPES, VOILES AND DIMITY DRESS MATERIALS Reg. $1.25 at ... ... ... .......„ 90c Reg. fisc at ... ......._ .... 55e Reg. 50c. at ..... ain Ends May 21st, 1927 micetereaeremaiziessm FANCY PRINTED CLOTHS FOR. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES A Reg. 35c. at _.w .., 27(. FANCY PRINTED COTITON CREPE Reg. 35c. at S.• 27c. BLACK TAFFATA SILK GUAR- ANTEED EXTRA Quality, at per yard BLACK SATIN e A Bargain at $1.75, going at ..1.49 LADIES' HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR NIGHT GOWNS, DEWS AND SLIPS Ladies Hose, all Coors. Reg ..$1.00 Silk at 89e Reg. 75c. at 50e Reg. 50c, at __:. .. 39c NIGHT GOWNS QQ Reg. $1.00 at •:•89 Slips, Reg. 90e. at' r_,_ .. ...79c. Deere. reg. 75c. at ...... ... ..., Reg, 50c.: at ...... . , 39c 2.39 CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE Reg. 45c' at Reg. 25c. at 39c, 19c Remember This! Goods is all Fresh Stock, just in this season, and we guarantee everything we sell. We will take eggs in exchange for goods as cash,. at the highest market price. Come often and make your purchases at this Big Sale Tell Your Neighbors and Friends of this Big MONEY SAVING EVENT General- ., r Zurich, J. erne Merchant have been viting Mr. and Mrs. James Green, 0 An additional room has been added to the public !school as a class of 23 new •scholars have err - rolled at Easter. Mies Mildred Rowe has charge of this room: After a 'succ .sofu1 business car- eer in Exeter, extending over 313 years, J. A. Stewart has last we- ekk disposed of his general dry goods business to Southeott Bros, who have taken poasesaion. Mr_ Stewart has been one of Exeter's foremost business men and has al- ways in interest deepint . raJ s taken a everything pertaining to the wet- f;rre of the town. , Col. \t%, J Heitman hart received r ,- d '5 word fro,.. Military hesuartr , q that the Huron Ragirnent will go into training . at Carling's Heights London, between June leth and 18, inclusive, for the 'past four ,years local units have trained during the evening$ ie V axioms places. The new fire truck had its first Gail the other evening to the borne of R, E. Prcktard and three, minutess a it after the 1.rlarm 'sounded ,thy rim -6 men were on the 'scene, MIAMI tuu •. & OU is z o , ."tely th•;ir serVieeei YVerr" rice Pe- a paired, •Ni•0••••$$•a••1,+e,00•••••►OS*•000000O0NN000111N1. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••................." ; I : Autos and Auto Supplies• WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, r • SEEDS! o,- Yes! Spring with its Sowing and 1 AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON TEMP, Z a • d► planting time will soon be here • again . •• AND WE WISH TO ADVISE '.CSE PUBLIC THATT W> ARE • PREPARED TO SUPPLY' YOU 'G4ITH T`RF VERY CB,OICEST 2 •OP SEEDS, WHETHER TT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS SEEDS,OF THE FIELDS OR FOR .PLANTING THE HOUSE- 1 • HOLD GARDEN. COME IN AND SEE ,OUR FINE ASSOILT- • • •• 1 • :!CENT OP THE VEItY BEST • IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65c. BUSHEL 'TTY OUR STOCK. FOOD GREEENFIELD'S CiJAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS :A THEM HEALTHY ND' PRODUCING EGUS THE YEAR RO- UND. AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- KNOWN H0MMERY FEED, TRY A '?ACI AGE, 1 +Y6' •ri*+IW# r4### 44,4ria40#4?v� 4044;.21$'3' 44s$c .4! u Z rich • • • • • • • • • • •• s • • • • • • • • • VARIOUS LINES - CORD TIRES 30x3% AT ONLY $2114 ••', TUBES 30x33¢ AT ONLY ' .. '... ... ...... ... Ste 4Z', GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT $15.0>i1. (•A 1 SECOND. HAND 1% H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP.. • 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER.. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BAI"TERIES. FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS ANA CARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE' y YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICIv FOR 'VOUR' MON%'Ta" PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL WE PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L A Frang - Zurich