HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-05-05, Page 3ERE• ' Pt1J41614 THE CRIME Its superior strength makes Purity go farther than ordinary flours, It is perfect for all your balking- cakes, pies, Loins and bread so the one flour sack only, is necessary. Try Purity Flour to -day itis certain to please you. RITY{ Send 30c in stamps for our loo -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 202 Wastern Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. One Minute Churn 9. As demonstrated su•oeessfully at Toronto X, Ottawa, London, Kingston, and twelve other fall fairs. Sold on free trial basis, with absolute guarantee to make good butter in from one to three minutes.;rota sour . or sweet cream. Write for .complete cata- logue. Agents wanted. One Minute Churn & Freezer Co., Ltd. 1271/2 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont. The 1927` Twirl 74J.D Model '!'he greatest Harley-Davidson of all— at new and' love prices—improved-- refined ricers—improved—refined in many details --batt no, radical departures from the time -tried Harley- Davidson design. Old timers and be- ginners alike will recogzlize in these '0.927 Twins the last word in engineer= ng achievement. Powerful—sireedy— uilt to hug the road the most depend- ble and satisfactory mount that ever isplit the wind. Walter Andrews, Limited 346 Yonge St. - Toronto Without Medical Examination Select Male Risks, ages 15 to 45, may obtain iftsur- --ance up to $2.500 without Ivladical Examination. Specimen Rates for $2500 Aye Rate 20 $.'38.75 25 ._ 44.90 30 53;25' 35 65.40 40 83.75 tllaif,flrit cancan h,4 EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO., Ex crslot Lile Building, Toronto Blouse gond me particulars of your IDEAL Policy Name Ate Address G ID/PIPING Builds Extra Miles a OWLI-LAFFS Or W. L. (Oe Witb Laughter) The Dearest One on Earth. By Pete P. Duffy. (Dedicated to Mother's Day— Sunday, May 8th.) Boy, did you ever put your arms .Around your .dear old mother? The one who cherished you through life Far more than. t1.ny other, And tell' her that you love her And are grateful for the tears She shed for you and prayers she breathed For you through childhood years? 'Tis well sthe know.e you love her, Yet assu`re her that you do; It will cost you little effort; Does she keep her love from you? She has been your loving vigil From the dawning light of birth,. Where will you find her equal? —She the dearest one on earth. Consider, boy, the troubles That have brought her silver hair; Note the mother -light a -shining In the eyes now dimmed by care. Each look from your dear mother Bears the tidings to you, boy, Of a loving heart's pulsations, - Now of tears, and now of joy, She implants a kiss upon you,. And her blessings with you go As you face the daily battle Of, your life—your row to hoe, Yon may search the wide world over, boy, And you will find a dearth Of love such as your mother's —She's the dearest one on earth. Mother—"Where shall we hide Wil- lies present until his birthday?" Father — "I think the bathroom would be the safest plaoe." At most society functions you will find the women out in force—and `the men by force. Dick—"But why are you going to - THE ' Firestone process of Gum -Dipping is one of the most important of the many Firestone contributions to more economical highway trans.'Pa ort tion. By this process, every fiber of every cord is thoroughly' saturated and insulated with rubber, minimizing friction and heat so destructive to tire life: On the cars of hundreds of thousands ,of motorists, in the day -in and day -out service of the largest truck, bus and taxi- cab fleets, in the battle of tires on race track*, Firestone Gum. Dipped Tires, because of their greater stamina, are delivering longer mileage with added safety and comfort. The Firestone dealer in your locality Belle and services these extra quality tires. Let him tell you of the trouble free service that the Gumr Dipping process insures and bow he fan serve you better and save you money. See him to -clay. PIM/STONE TIRE & RUBBER COs Ors" CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton, Ont. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR i restone Builds the OnlyGum-Tripped Tice* lb® LAST. Here's a washboard so strong that a big, 165 pound man can ` stated on it without damaging it in the slightest way. That tough SMP Pearl Enameled rubbing surface is mighty near ever- lasting, and the rest of the board is built In the same way. The remark- able wearing qualities of this sturdy washboard demonstrate the lifelong wear you get from all SMP 1P Enamel- ed Ware utensils. Made by that old established Canadian company. ERE SHEET METAL PRODUCTS CO. Or.eANADA• Haunts MONTREAL TORONTO-1911/NIPEO' EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY .5 . aBo Enameled WARE i These strangely hatted men are Komu-so priests, photographed at Kyoto, Japan, by pess•engers on the Canadian Pacific flagship Empress of Scotland, now completing a cruise of the world. These men have been dispossessed of their estate for political offenses and, to hide their shame, wear these bas- kets over.thei'r heads. Judging by the beautiful silk garments, lavishly.orna- rented, which they are wearing, they don't make a bad living of travelling from house to house as begging minstrels, playing flutes and asking for alms. that polity old place for year vacs- A ^ VERY RELIABLE ti;On ?" Jack—"Well, I have only a week and I want it to seem like a month." "Well, how is your son getting -on with his medical studies?" "Very well, thank you," replied the proud. mother; "he can already cure very small ohitldren." Fairy Story -Once upon a time there was a young plan who said, "When I get a hundred dollars a week I'1•l be satisfied." And when he did he was,. Recipe foe sucoeee:—Begin at the bottom- ant wake up. - - She—"If wishes came true what would be your first?" He—"I would wish -ah, if only I dared tell you." - Sthe--Go on, gon on. What do you think I brought up wishing for?" The chances that we take 171 this life are not to be compared with the chances some take with the next. The more a man knows the less he's sure about. Gossip is like yeast—a little goes a long way. - ea The Plowman. The delicate green trees stand up There by the fenced ways One or two are crimson -tipped And soon will start to blaze. The plowman follows, as of yore, Along the furrows cold, Homeric shape against the boughs; Sharp is the air with.mold. , . . Oh, new days, old! Lo, as we look about, This immemorial act of faith, That takes the heart from doubt! yet long known HOME TREATMENT How Weak, Run -Down People Can Obtain Relief. .Among the many remedies offered for the maintenance or restoration of health andstrength, there is none can compare with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Moet ailments are due to poor, thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a specific action on the blood, making it i rich, red and Pure. Through this ;richer blood the tissues of the body"are bettee nourished, and the functions of the body better performed. Anaemic • sufferers, weak, languid and nervous '1 s good ted! los You must try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Now. packed in Aluminum. KEEN ENTEREST SHOWN IN ESSAY CONTEST Pupils from•••Many Schools Send in Entries—Examiners Hard • at Work. That the pupils of our public schools take a real interest in their country is evident from the number of essays re- oedved in this contest. Promptly alter the closing date the examiners began their work and will be busy for some days reading and ;narking the contri- butions sent to them. It is impossible to say, as this is written, when the final results will be ready for publica- tion, but a real effort Is being made to announce the prize winners next week. Who Ultimately Pays the Taxes? Prizes amounting in all to $1500.00 are being offered again this year by Alvan T. Simonds, President of the Simonds Saw & Steel Company, for the best essay on "Who Ultimately Pays the Taxes•?" This is the sixth of a series of An- nual Contents inaugurated by Mr. Al- van T. Simonds with the idea of arousing a more general interest in the subject of economics, as related to individual and general welfare, and to increase general economic intelligence and a knowledge of who pays in the end for governmental protection and control. $1,000.00 will be awarded to the beet essay and $500 to the second. This contest, which is open to every- body, everywhere, closes on December 31, 1927, and full particulars can be secured by addfessing Contest Editor, Simonds Saw & Steel Co., 470 Main Street, Fitchburg, Mass. In connection with this competition it is stated that the essays are to be brief and written for the purpose of reaching the average man rather than professors and advanced students of economics—and this in conjunction with the liberal prizes offered, make people speedily find new health and' the competition one in which many strength through the use of this medi- will want to take part. cine. This was the experience of Mrs. 0 John Armour, South Monoghan, Ont., Brotherhood and the Nation. 1 • who says:—"I am one of the many From the mesages broadcast by Mr. Sidney Walton, C.B.E., on "Brother- hood." "Beneath every estranging barrier saying a word in praise of this splen- dwells the truth of our common did medicine. Before beginning the' brotherhood and human kinship. With use of this medicine I was pale and God there is neither first nor last. To - badly run down. I found it difficult to day our sense of oneness with all the do my housework and was tired and sons of even is quickened and made vivid within us, We are all citizens of the Eternal. "As brethren, whatever tennporal difference may divide, we seek to solve the problems• which mate for strife and uniovelinees in our own land. We ask men everywhere, whe- ther they employ or are employed, to be conscious of the essential bro- therhood which binds us all together. And we desire that Brotherhood shall be no mere phrase upon our lips., but fulfilled in what John Bunyan calls `the practical part.' "The• whole world, though nations may as yet but dimly see the dawning truth, is .one Brotherhood. Even the laws of economics bind nation to nae tion so that all suffer from hurt done- thousands one thousands who have regained health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I take this opportunity of breathless at the least exertion. I had tried several medicines. without bene- fit, enefit, and finally decided to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, Soon I began to feel better, sleep better and eat better, and found my weight increasing. In.`s a word I felt like a new person. I have since recommended the pills to others who have taken them with equally good re- sults." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- and vonsness. Take them as a tonic if you , are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistanoe that will I keep you well and strong. Get a box from the ;palest drug store and begin this treatment now. The pills are sold by all medicine Kingdoms decay and creeds are not, Yet still the plowman goes Down the spring fields, so he may dealers or will be sent by avail at 50c unto the least of then. make a box by writing The Dr. Williams' "As a community prayer, if so we Ready for him that sows. `Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. may call It ,to the Father of us all, —Lizette Woodworth Reese, in "The f Wayside Lute." - The Busy Earth. --.;. let us take up the poet's words: THAT BABY OF YOUR And do you think the birds that sing Their Merry melodies Fly here and there on futile wing ' And live in feathered ease? Keep Him Well With the Aid of They build their nests, they find their food, Baby's Own Tablets. They do their work, they raise their brood— Their little tasks their hours em- ploy, And yet they find the world a joy. No matter how strong and rosy your child inay be he requires a laxative sometimes so that the stomach may be kept sweet and the system clean. Formerly the laxative medicines given to children were disagreeable ones- castor oil, senna tee:, powders and so on. But now Baby's Own Tab- lets, easily administered and pleasant to take,'have superseded these. • The children like'Baby's Own Tablets. Not only az a laxative but in many other ways these Tablets are an Ideal. Awakened by a bullied nest. The earth is not an idle earth, But busy all the day, The only happiness of worth, The joy that seems to stay, Comes not from seeping very far, Is found where all our labors are,— The song that fills the robin's breast remedy for little ones. They quickly reduce feverishness, relieve indiges- tion, colic and vomiting, prevent con- atipatioh, cheek diarrhoea, allay teeth- ing pains and promote healthful, na- tural sleep. You can get Baby's Own Tablets at any dealer in medicine or at 25 Cents —Douglas . Malloch, in "The Heart Content." Kill warts with Minard's Liniment. The Glory. It box frofn The Dr. Williams' Medi- High and holy are the gifts cine. Go., Brockville, Ont. He has lavished on the race,-- H that quickens, prayer that lifts, Straighten Out Bumpers. I Honor'snleed, and beauty's grace., . If the bumper receive a blow which causes it to bend, have it straighten- For the glory that we saw ed at once. The next blow may bring , in the battle -flag unfurled, about a crack. Let us read Christ's better. law: --� . Fellowship for all the world! For dIstomper—Minard's Liniment. .—Julia Ward Howe, "'From the murmur and the subtlety of suspicion with which we vex one another, Give us rest. Make a new beginning, And mingle again the kindred of the nations iu the alchemy of love, And with some finer essence of forgiveness and forbearance, Temper our mind.' " 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup relieves all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by it once you have tried it. Any drug store. Lily. O lovely lily clean, O lily springing green, O lily bursting white, Dear lily of delight, Spring in my heart agen That I may flower to men! —John Mansfield, in Poems. Production of wood -pulp in Canada for the first nitre months Or 1926 shows an increase of almost ten per cent. -732,856 tons for 1926, com- pared with 669,203 tons for 1925, Better Chicks that will payyou. Bred to lay. Barred l•'lymouthRocks S.C. W. Leghorna,Bonnonand WycoR lid Fess meltie..8..11 •City Waite Wyendottee rause-bred, healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched, Sand for cfr,ular od prl-, o "�' 1lll,i:.rR'�.'�11";1i8, 14 eelbot'ate SSE." l ir.eatewIM1, Ontartia at aassified Advertisements. .11„4Aelzs• WANTED TO 1)0 PLAIN d.IV1) LIMIT 'owing at home, whole or *pare time, Good nay; .work sent any dtetenoe; chargee pall. sen *tamp for particulars, National hips 0tecturina •00.i McntreaL RATIS--"LITTLE emewn" TO screen sex; mailed in plain .envelope. Purls BpV amity Co„ Montreal. SUPERIOR BABY.OHIOE8, (� Alt:, STRAIN SEED -TO -LAX n4 • nook", Tom Barran' 1Vbite Leghorn, 'nodality Li O:A,O. °Barred Rooks.. of the MAI typo An Rocks are headed with pedigreed moil blood -tested stook. and have been cuUed fl heavy egg production. It you went Rocks that OS tired for egPgrtpre:dRtatcns a'Ord F"ia8h20ve 0h, ;Mind e81od3 Leghorn". May 518,00, June 518.00 per hundred, express paid, 100 per cent. live arrival guaranteed, Terms, 25 per cent. cash with order, balance 0,0,10. An orders shipped ptomptly, J, n. Johneou, ]sol(. 107, Fergus, Out. BY CHICKS FROM PEDIGREED BLOOD. u tested Stock. o.A.C. Barred Rooks, Tont Barron. white Leghorn. Our atm each year 1s to improve our flecks end thte year our chick* .are the best yet, All Hooka aro headed with pedigreed. cockerels from stock that have bean blood -tested for white diarrhoea and all Rocks have been culled tar' heavy egg production. Prices: Rocks, for MAY $20,00, Tune 018.00; Leghorn, May 018.00; June 510.00 per hundred, express paid, 100 per cent. live arrtral guarlintee4. Terms 25 Der cent. cash with order, balance C.O.D. No dteappoint.tnente. All erica chipped when prornfaed, J. G. :rweddle, Fergus,. Ont. r 1 RE PROFITS YOU WILL MAR" nr.es'1ns on the Quality you buy. Why bother with ordinary chicks when you can buy our "Hl -Quality" Chicks! April and :day, Beaks, 018.00 pec loo; Legharn.9, 810.50 per 100, .4100 wyaedottee and Rede.. Our ten thousand dollar master breeders farm is operated to breed mislay Into our ehlake We pay delivery charges and guarantee 47 per rent, live delivery. Selling Hatchery, 282W, Elmira. Ont. HELP WANTED. W ANTED--BALESBEEN WITH CAR FOR country distribution. Also meohenio for Hamilton factory, capable of taking financial Inter - out in growing enterprise. Expenses raid to Hnm- Eton after arrangements made. Wrlts President, 1271-2 Mary St., Hamilton, Ont. BRAY'S BETTER BRED -TO -LAY BABY CHICKS will bring reoulta, produced from high quality Rocks. Shipped prepaid and "Guarentced•to-flue." Barred Basics, R'hlto Leghorne, V,hike wyandottea and Rhode Island Reds. 25 rhteie 50.00, 50 811.00, 00 021.00. 500 810x400. After Tune 1st reduced Priem. For rhlrke from blood -tested week add So per chick. Catalogue free. Bray Chid( Hatchery. 5 Cleyburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Order from this ad. as it will telly appear once After you seed your garden, heed it and weed it. ''he Charm of A Velvet Skin—and the Pure Blood Under It The effectiveness of that popular touch of "make-up" will be greatly enhanced if the skin has the velvety smooth- ness and clearness that result from the use of TRU-BLOOD. This much -prescribed Blood Tonic corrects the coarsening. tendency of "complexion aids" and makes the skin clear, smooth and colorful. Your Druggist now has TRU- BLOOD. Test its health -and -beauty - giving qualities. Get a bottle today. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time 'Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. it is all the spring •medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetire and makes you feel better right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c. On9miner With Itching Rashes s Use bear Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum tree. Address Ca. !Indian Depot; "Outtoara, P.0 Box 2010,. Montreal." `13E0 FEET Minard's seethes sore and tired feet: Bathe --then rub well with Minard's.