HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-28, Page 8BITE SPECIAL SVe„were fortunate in ..secining berof flue Bavarima Dinner Setts at a real saving in price. They are '97-i)iece .s.eti.,4 with China (Jops and Saucers and sell at $18.30 and O. each. pale Early for Best Choice rs LET IJS SHOW YOU OUR NEW INTEW SAMPLE BOOKS OF THE :NEWEST LINES OF WALLPAP- ERS. PRICES FROM 8c TO 60c. PEI< ROLL Garden Seeds A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS NOW ON HAND, ALSO -ANGEL AND TURNIP SEEDS °AND CHICK FEEDS. TRY OUR 'GRANULATED OATMEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKS AT 5c. LB. J. GASCHO Produ., Wirt ted •W-Alerggra:-.•• • So muck depends on the Wall Paper THE difference between com- monplace rocms and those possessing beauty and charm depends greatly on your choice of wall paper. From our extensive stock of famous MAXIMUR. and other Wall Papers you will find your idea of the right paper to properly decorate each room of the house. Our experience in laor.te decoration is always at your r.lisposal. SONS 1OI5 ) U2A:r "141 117S Gas, Creases -arage :fires, Tubs, Repairs • GENUINE FORD PARTS erusi kihti ilIPMENT OP DOMINwr.• 117tES IND TUT:. WE ARE ..'LGAIN HANDLI.NG TEE FAMOUS IEF IN NEED. A J3AT1ERY, WE SOLI(2.1.'t OUR PATRON...;„,...`-. VE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OP T. EATC,7, O, AND, 0 l'HER CHEAP BATTERIES, AN".”, PWSTTYRS WI O 47.1 7OU SERV ch; 5V33 MAKE 9.e1T1•SP'AOTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR 9LP ERY. 13AT! ERN? REP AIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING., EXPERT Ai REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR ItIBUFRNIPAL. ALSO AC. MTV!, EN F ' vPLDTNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE EL [0111 1irioh pt. NA •‘.4 44,40 g,ggggagagmggagaggaggggga%ggggagaggga: ...• 5E1E••••••QUW... Spri Stock: Of Sbirtings, Denim, Cottonade Ginghaiii, Print, Etc. ALL NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL, BROADCLOTH, FANCY MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS SPRING. AND WE ARE SELLING AT OUR USUAL LOW , PRICE, GIvE US A CALL AND SEE. FOR YOURSELF J. W. MERNER itEMS LOLA INTUESI Canada's total trade in the 12 month's ended Oct. 30 last, in $223, 00,00 greater than the preceding 12 re.onths. Both iniports and ex- port: figures show marked advan- ces over the betels for the past two years. Canadian imports in the year ended in Oct., were val- ued at$991,000,000.'from which' dut- ies of more than $152,000,000. Can4 adas exports during the same per iod wercr $1,308,000,000. Thus the .commJrcial transactions for the 12 months leave a favorable trade lbaiance of $317,000,000. er..,cv,otl. -..,q.olts****44!0004S*41100.0**,,o.ussatts*******seen,q1,1 i . SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No. 11 for month of March Sr. IV -Marie Charrette. Sr. IV -Marie Charrette 4.70! Jr. IV -Gordon Smith 584, Ruth Hendrick 531, Anthony Masse 507 Irene Charrette 420, 'Raymond Kadng 194. • Sr. III -Clarence' Lafrombose381„ Jr. 1II-Norman Sararas 519, ,Ar-- nel Dsjardine. 514, 'Dennis Charrett 487, Lucille Jaffrey 444, Avila Du - charm& 324, Laird Hendrick 31'2, Regis Ducharme 265, *Maxilla Jef- frey 24Z. Sr. II -Richard Masse 210, Marie Siemon 203, Marie La.romboise 188. Jr. II -Therese Masse 220, Tray Desjard n 217, Marie Masse 211, Ducharme 206, Leona Lafr omboise 180. First CL-Cherrie Jeffrey 288, Eva Masse 275, Maxim Ducharme 21,2, Alphonse Masse 173. Pr. -Cyrille Ducharme 175, Norman Beierling 168, Joan Masse 143. Leo Ch. Lafromboi'se 10,, Har- old Siemon 102. Those marked * missed. exams. Miss M. Flowald, Teacher.. DRYSDALE The teachers and pupils of'the 4) various schools are back to work 'after their Well P111101 re'st. • The Miass Mario and Geraldine Laporte spent: Easter Holidays with their sisters.. and brothers in Detroit. The girls rc_ .1s„,•.;x1 time. S 17 ED S sE Ds, 3 I' 3 0 Ji • NOW IS THE TIME WHEN FARMERS SPLOULD BE PLANN- ING WHAT KINDS OF CLVER 8EEDS THEY REVIRQE FOR 2 SPRING SEEDING, WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS • 2 Alfalfa, Mae, Red Clover, Timothy, Mita and ft 1 Yellovv Blossom Sweet Clover i 1 : Wire Fencing 3 JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF FROST WOVEN WIRE FENCING, BARB WIRE, .BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES $11` EEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. j 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wesley • and family of Detroit, 'spent Sunday i with friends here. Ifrs. Serphine Corriveau, who lived in Mr. Chas, Laporte's house filliSS 6, for some time, has moved to the . ,. 'louse recently occupied by Law-, , rence Denomme. M.AR4ITTCh Butter lb, _ 40 Eggs - -26-24--20 ried appies Bo. WI-LeaL ......- 14,25 Barrie') Buckwheat ....__ -.--65 Flour.....-... —. 4.75 175 Shoe:, per fon__ -34,00 Bran per ton . ... 32.00 Live Hogs cwt.. 10.25 '.ted every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK 'Iti.i.RNESS OF 'N ,1".ls4 Ps N Y DO - LiON1 ' $129,454.14. Being an increaseof Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman -- Zurich L/GR- &INDS SPRING IViiiiirtery WITH THESE NICE, WARM AND BALMY DAYS ONE CANNOT HELP BUT THINK OF THE AT- TRACTIVE AND SEASONABLE SPRING BONNETS AT Zurich Hat Shoppe LET US SHOW YOU OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OP SILKS, STRAWS AND FELTS, AT POPU- LAR ,FRICES THAT WILL SUIT EEVRY130D Y LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. 0 • PULL LINE OF 1113Alv Y AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS ON HAND, gamma Age.ta..=,....r.ageameggagaragemssmaganamagagamagmarammannaggemsgangweggermagmairsznag PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SHERWIN WEILIAMS PAINTS. VA it NISH ES, OILS, STAINS, ENAM- ELS, ETC, 0.440geeetse**** kirittAttiMegell Stalt01100600411111100 0 a 0 19 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maren- ette, Mr. and M. Denis Laporte of Detroit, spent the week -end with. le Stanley, ..on April 18th, to Mr.. their parents here. and Mrs. John Armstrong, anon Mr. B,ernie Denomtne had Ids Motsseau - At 2nd con. Hay Tp. right hand badly crushed at Mr. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mousseau Masse's barn raising. The Dr.' a son, finding it necessary to take one finger off It is healing as well , SCHOOL REPORT as can be expected. Mr and Mrs,. Sovelign Ducharme NO. 8, Hay . Those that missed were Sunday visitors at , Grand 'One or more exams. are marked Bond, 11‘liss Myril. Gorillas of London, Jr. V-Anitonette Ziler 72. aecompanied by her sister, Miss Jr., 1V -Norman Walp m. 68. Phoebe of the Goshen Line spent Sr. III--1?atelia Rader 65, Pearl u diy w:th Niel:, aunts, the M'sles 'Wiegand 62, Arnold Gagstetter*. Gel s, - Ill -Otto Becker 64, Ervin A trainber of young, folks, at- Rader 52, Melton Wainer *45, tended the concert in Zurich given Sr:II-Edward Gagstetter 60, by tho Urn people's society of rfarold Bader 55,"Dorothy Rader *54 tayrIcia and had a pe'al•sant ev- Jean Weber *50, Elmore Gagstet ening, k ter promoted.. 111n, I?mgth•411 of Hens:all paid A Jr. II -Lon Rader, Emil , Be- isit ;to her phi horne now owned elccr*.< Ti. Ed, Denomtne, Jr. • Sr. I-EIgin 'Rader, Herbert 1 De Test ot symnathy exten- Harold Schwartzentrube (•1 bY the community to Mr. and Hildagard Millon Vernon Becker, Mrs, Oliver Baclour for the lessof Vernon SchWartzerstrober their only ehild, PN-Prieda Becker, Donald OM- Pac.yhol :DenoinThe aria !son treA0r, lieu Waiparo Deiton Lee of St. Joseph, were Sneday:wartze,ntrubet. V. Siebet BORN 1 Thuraday, April 'Obi .....,..Season,. ble rdw, re ...0.,..kNopetioemeopmempoimenmemepoutoirmw#09,777 Spring is here and we can supply the Public with Seasonable Rant - 1,14a:e at xrioderate prices A GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING awrriRrAts INCLUDING COUNCIIL STANDARD ROOFING AND CEMEN'T. A NUMBER OP GOOD SECOND HAND IfANci STOVEd A,T VERY CHEAP. FENCING i A CARLOAD OP LUNDYS ,LUCKy TIE WIRE, JUST ARRIV-= RtrINCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, BARB° BRACE AND STEM, POSTS. TIRES AND TUBES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCH& TIRES. NONE EIMER PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OP MARTIN SENOUR PURE PAIN1r, AND .A FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES, AUTO BMA MELS. ALSO FULL LINE OF MURESCO, ET emagemer.....mamegmeamgmagag ............ameggamagagagmegemagememeammemeamemeggemmigl„ FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Suits, Dining ROCHO Suitt, Bed ROOM Suite, Kitchen Cabinets/. Reed Rockers staset Chairs, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCEMI PRICES. GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONS BED' SPRINGS AND MATTRESS* L BEWARE OF SLESTITUTES RUGS RUGS ALL SIZES IN WILTONS, £2.4 MINISTER AND TAPESTR RUM% Johnston do Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ati.SHMININVISIONSIMailltdirsamommicalnisaK~••••• mmammitamangaggamemg .411111' gmommaganow gam, "vormaxamass maufesaanuanamanamonsommaimaamasemeamaarovaammaimast tonsammounimmlainiaiNNUIP EVEN BEFORE CONFEDERATION falaiaaltaanalmilladanalainalalaunallialerinarteal THE HURON & ERI,E MORTGAGE CORPORATION WAS A TRUSTED INSTITUTION WITH CANADIAN PEOPLE. TOTAL ASSET g $39P58,36-3.09 ARRANGE FOR A II. E. DEBENTURE NOW, AT THE' GOOD RATE OFF 4N% INTEREST PER ANNUM PAYA.BLE. HAL? YEARLY. .a Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Y MOTTO i ---SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? • 4:.,`1", 01..traavanaa E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth r- Agents Mutual Life of Canada agggiglia33111.11111111.11•1111111111.111MMINBIIIIMMIIII JOHN WARD Drugless Praction— eer and Optician 1 EXETER FWD& 111 EXETER oNTARIO ALPER ROUSR, MUM - • • TiAesday, lb a.m. PA.116? * 4 -÷- TAILOR MADE 7- * BY :JOSE WEI° KNOW I NO t THROWN ,TO-GETITER BUT TgEmili,„, Theilawaprini Sni▪ tinp ARB • RIGHT W' TO ITHE MINUTE': ON TPATTERN, STYLE AND QtArl'-rtlipi, '.ALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED II 4, DONT be misled by buying ,cheaper and inferior goods. BUY frOrr. those you, know will stand trehind, everything they 4 SOIL HOFFMAN. !• STA'• EIDO KORCHANT TAILOR, W. PLECOFFMANi if So* MIRA ZURICH ONT. AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day tod Night Mutat at, 100000000004••••••••••600,000•••••••_1000000001000001144 visitorS in the village.. IL W. lirokenititim, TeatIteri • • • • 14 i1 VV) 140 • .04 ,4 • 4110 • ,4,10 4,11, '44. 44 44 4 4 '11 tco 4 .4 5 '4 "4